Ariel's Aria

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The building in front of you seems to have once been a music store, once a part of the thriving city. The encroaching forest has overrun the surrounding buildings, but through some machination of fate, the store still maintains much of its former structure. To the right of the entryway, a large broken display window allows you to see into the store, although it would be foolish to enter through it due to all the glass. Above the doorway is a metal sign with the store's name, although all that remains of the original is the word Aria. Ariel has replaced the first half with her name cobbled together from any letters she could scavenge from the nearby buildings.

Nav Points
Primary Rooms
Grey Abbey LibraryTrevor Labs
Capitol District
Approaching Capital BuildingDisused GarageHymenoptera HotelOffice DenOrc Lair
Central City
Camp BravoGaming DenGreen Apartment BuildingFire Station 86Milking Facility EntranceMini-LabPediatrics LobbyPig PenRabbit DenRed Apartment BuildingTyr’s Club
City Park
Park EntranceEquinoid CampLion's Den
Commercial District
Smith Haven MallBack AlleyFroggy HideoutIsolated StreetK9 VansKristen's HideoutLingerie StoreNew Ewe StorePALOMINO Dance ClubSlut Rat Den
Dry Plains
Dry PlainsEntrance to the Red Rock LairLast Chance Parking LotMcDermott Farm EntranceRocky Outcropping
Fair Grounds
State FairSweet Tooth
High Rise District
Entrance to the High Rise DistrictAgencyAlex's CondoArgos's AntiquesBone-AppetitButterfly GroveCherry’s ApartmentClayton's Front YardFlower GardenRex's PlaceSnapjaw Beach CampZephyr
City HospitalPsych Department
Industrial Sector
Nutso FactoryPlant OverviewPower Lines
Abandoned LotHyena ShackOgre's CampSteven's Home
Foxy HideawayHaunted House EntranceRuined RestaurantQytat PlazaShifting Room
Museum FoyerEgypt Wing Entrance
Red Light District
Entrance to the Red Light DistrictBradford’s CampBright AlleyBurned-Out ChapelCuero LoboDown Under PubGillian's FlatHellfire ClubPolice CarRestrained DesireSanctuary AlleywaySven's PlaceTattoo Parlor
Beach PlazaBouncy CastleIsland PierKai's CampsitePirate IslandViking Ship
Sinking SwampsFlooded MezzaninePocket Universe
The Stables
Stables HotelMaster's Office
Tenvale College
College CampusAstroslide Football FieldCampus GymPaleontology OfficePhi Iota Gamma
Urban Forest
Urban ForestAriel's AriaBunny HouseDeep ForestStaghornHappy Puppy KennelIronscale HollowAvalon-CrossroadsMystical FallsCamp of The SnakeHidden Rock Cavern Entrance
Warehouse District
Warehouse DistrictHyena HideoutMike's HomeSpider's WebWolfman Lair
Zoo EntranceGator DenTiger Den