Author- Gherod
Cherry is a tall fox-like person with overall pink fur, quite fit in appearance and looking very healthy, meaning she takes good care of herself. Carrying a friendly muzzle with sweet pink eyes and an elegant posture, she is wearing a white shirt, black tight slacks and a dark blue longcoat while standing on her bare vulpine feet, looking almost like an executive if she had the full matching set of clothing. Her fuzzy tail slips through a hole in her pants to wave around freely outside, and despite her quite feminine visage, you can spot an undeniable bulge in her front, proof that she is more than a fancy fox lady. She always greets you politely, with a slight smile and a bow with her head.
Cherry can be found in the High Rise District by hunting for event "Pink Furred Scavenger".
If you complete the event without walking away/declining, Cherry will take you to Cherry's Apartment
Note: Walking away/declining removes Cherry from the game.
After having sex with Cherry once, you can discuss her breeding fetish with her. After completing all of her talk options, you can discuss becoming her pet as long as the player is not Dominant. Discussing her wealth also begins her quest to help Clayton.
Gender values for Pink Fox infection:
- # of cocks: 1
- cock length: 9
- ball size (cock width): 3
- # of breasts: 2
- breast size: 8
- # of cunts: 1
- cunt length: 10
- cunt width: 3