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Welcome to the Flexible Survival Wiki.

Flexible Survival MUCK

Flexible Survival Wiki is a supporting Wiki for the text-based Flexible Survival MUCK created by Nuku Valente.

Its storyline is based in a not-too-distant past of 2008, containing science fiction elements about a nanite-based virus outbreak and its mutation-inducing consequences. The game is based on roleplay and classic hack'n'slash combat, supporting both a web interface as well as a standard MU* telnet client.

This wiki is set up to be edited by any registered user, but to be registered, a user must go into the game's MUCK, described below. After creating a character, use the command +wiki/create to start the process toward being a registered user!

Sites of Interest

Getting Started with Flexible Survival Multiplayer

How to connect to Flexible Survival MUCK:

  1. Download a MU* client. A list of clients can be found here
  2. Use your client to connect to port 2000, or use port 2002 for an SSL/TLS connection (some clients may not support this). Alternative ports are available on 2020, 2222, 22222, 20202, and 23 if the main ports are blocked by your service provider.
  3. Type 'create yourcharactername yourpassword' and join the mosh pit of mutates and survivors!
  4. After that is done, if you are interested in watching or taking part in game development, you can connect to port 11111 to access the development server.

Don't want to download a client? Click here for the version on our website.

Know a few nice tricks about MU* clients? Or need a few tips yourself? Check out the UI Guides! Browse useful things others have found, or make one of your own and share you knowledge!

Newbie Help!

The World

Dedications Fairhaven Factions Ferals
Locations NPCs Promethean Nanites Prometheans
RSX Theme, Lore, and Setting Woodfield Zephyr

Game Mechanics

Group Upgrades Guides Items Items, Mako Items, Tokens Merits/Perks Missions
Mutant Powers Organ sizes Professions Crafting Recipes Proficiencies Monster Templates Salvage
Level Costs Help Files Classes Edges String Parsing Badges Quirks


Code Commands Players RP Logs
Fan Art Fan Fiction Updates RP Logs by Date
Writing Bounties Wiki guidelines for the multiplayer game's content

Flexible Survival: Single-Player

Awesome Apocalypse by Aubrin

The single-player version of the game can be found at Nuku's blog and is a text-based game with a 'sandbox' feel. On the surface, it is a timed survival game where players must keep their character fed, watered and sane until rescue by the military shortly after the infection of the city by the transformation nanites. There are an array of creatures, events, NPCs and quests (both mini-quests and major undertakings) to explore and experience. Many of the creatures of the city will attempt to infect the player (often through sexual contact) resulting in body transformations. The game has numerous 'endings' based on how the player is infected at the end of the game, whether they survived or succumbed to the infection, and which NPCs have been encountered and saved.

Players new to the game should read the Overall Gameplay article, which contains no spoilers and explains the core concepts of the game.

Note: Flexible Survival is, ultimately, a game of exploration. It is intended that players discover content on their own, with the idea that they will gain the most enjoyment from the game in this way. The articles listed in the table below generally contain spoilers for the game in one fashion or another. New and less experienced players are warned that viewing these articles may affect your ultimate enjoyment of the game (if even in only a small way). Proceed at your own discretion.

Listed below are a number of articles which contain the details of the game, laid bare for all to see. It is a reference for veteran players and a source newer players may consult to find solutions and answers that are not readily apparent to them through the course of the game.

Inform Version

Below are references to the older version of the single-player game made in Inform[1]. It currently has much more content than the Godot version and is still receiving updates as of 3/7/2023.

Gameplay-Centric Information

Commands Items Feats NPCs Pets/Allies
Locations Hunting Areas Enemies Infections Quests
Maps (SP) Grey Abbey Library Video Camera

Game Mechanics

Heat Save Words "Void" Coding Additions Bound States

Godot Version

Due to limitations with the Inform 7 engine, it was decided to port the single-player game into Godot 4[2]. This version of the game is still under development but is planned to include many quality-of-life features and improvements that were difficult or impossible in Inform 7. Much is the same as what is in the Inform version, but below are listed changes and added features to the Godot version of the game.

Current State

As of 3/7/2023, The Godot's user interface is almost finished. Text to speech has been added, though not fully supported. Many systems and game mechanics have been programmed in, but content utilizing them are not present. Most locations are present, and exploration is possible, but much of the functionality specific to such locations are not added. Despite this, some new features can be seen, such as the new player Camp mechanic and the new inventory system.

New features

Supported Platforms

Thanks to features of the Godot 4 engine, it is possible for the game to support multiple platforms. Current plans as of 3/7/2023 are to support PC, browser, Mac OS, and Android. However, due to limitations of the development process it may take time for Mobile platforms to receive a dedicated UI layout. Also, the Inform 7 version of the game was forced to drop support for web browsers due to size and performance constraints, and it is unclear how well Godot's implementation will handle this issue as the game scales in size. However, continued support is planned until limitations become apparent.

Flexible Infection: Wave of changes

The spiritual ancestor of the single-player version of the game can be found at Nuku's blog and is a text-based game within a map filled with connected rooms.

NOTE: These items still need to be filled. This is just a template to build from. Many also contain spoilers for game content.

List of monsters Actions/commands Map