Vore Predator
This represents a special set of alternate victory abilities allows the player to consume their defeated foe whole through one of several scripted scenes. These abilities are currently broken down into two main varieties, those being Vore (eating) and UB (unbirthing) the oppenent. The Vore version of the ability is granted directly by the Vore Predator ability, which can be obtained as an advance feat or through the Inner Predator event. The UB ability can be obtained by talking to Doctor Medea while having the Vore Predator ability.
The option to enter one of these scenes will appear at random after defeating a monster. It will only trigger outside of an event situation, otherwise there would be a high chance of scene conflict. As well, only foes of equal or lesser scale value to the player are valid. Some foes cannot be vored at all, mainly multi-foe mobs and unique enemies. A list of the excluded foes is given below.
The standard setup is to have the player prompted at victory if they want to go through with vore and/or UB if it successfully triggers. The player can change this setup by using the 'voremenu' command directly or by accessing that menu via Trixie's cheats/settings menu (iwannacheat). The player can then set their option to 'Player Choice', 'Automatic' and 'Never'. Both vore and UB are set separately.
Should the player accept to vore/UB a foe, the scene for that will play out instead of the regular player victory system and scene. Any mechanics that would trigger as a result of player victory (such as counting defeats for a quest) will not run. This is another reason why fights in situations/events block vore/UB.
The Inner Predator event starts with the player finding a locked briefcase. Along with some official documents is a vial of a murky fluid and a candy bar. Consuming the vial's contents results in gaining an out of control hunger. This hunger is then sated by a Female Husky (or other permitted foe) that the player swallows alive and whole. They are then rapidly digested, feeding the player as well as infecting them. This event closes itself if you have both guy and girl content banned. This event has a minimum level (4) requirement.
Vore Notes
- Possessing the Vore Predator feat causes the player's hunger to increase at an accelerated rate ( an additonal +1-5 hunger/turn), driving the player to consume their enemies to sate it.
- The likelihood of a player getting the option to vore a foe is dictated primarily by their hunger. The hungrier you are, the more likely it will trigger. For players using the 'Automatic Survival' cheat, a base chance is assigned. This likelihood is then increased by the number of previous vores, the lower their humanity and the greater the difference in scale between player and meal.
- Consuming a foe in this manner has a chance of the player absorbing some of their power/skill if the infection's stats are higher than the players. The odds of this occurring is increased if the player has the Bestial Power feat.
- Consuming a foe restores anywhere between 12 and 36 hunger, depending on the creatures size and some random adjustment.
- Consuming a foe costs the player 3 humanity.
- Consuming a foe results in infection, even if the player has Researcher protection. This infection can be blocked by the Safe Appetite feat.
- Consuming a foe increases your 'vorecount', making it more likely you'll be prompted to consume another.
Vore Scenes
The vore scenes come in two varieties, general and creature-specific. The creature-specific ones are special scenes for certain enemies and they have a chance of displaying instead of one of the usual vore scenes. The general ones can appear for any foe, though the feet-first ones won't trigger for legless foes (like the Snake and Naga). A full list of the scenes are as follows:
- Basic - head first
- Extended Basic - head first
- Special 1 - first time feet first + voluntary prey
- This scene is a one-time scene that will appear as your 4th victim (delayed for a short list of unsuitable foes). You must get this one before any other feet-first vore scenes will play.
- Feet first - version 1
- Feet first - version 2
- Head first - smaller prey
- This scene has a 60% chance of occurring if you're two sizes or more larger than your victim. Requires a vorecount of 6+.
- Bald Eagle: 60% chance
- Hawkman: 60% chance
- Hermaphrodite Gryphon: 60% chance and player must have a gender
- Leopardman: 60% chance and requires a vorecount of 6+
- Gazelle: 60% chance, having beaten 3+ Gazelles. Feet-first scene, so it requires the above Special 1 scene be done previously.
- Elk: 60% chance. Feet-first - requires Special 1.
- Messy Pig: 60% chance. Feet-first - requires Special 1. Comes in both M(or H) and F versions.
UB Notes
- The UB will not trigger if the player is already pregnant.
- The likelihood of a player getting the option to UB a foe is dictated primarily by their cunt width. The larger the cunt, the more likely it will trigger. This likelihood is then increased by the number of previous UBs, the possession of some pregnancy-related feats, whether the player is in heat, the lower their humanity and the greater the difference in scale between player and meal.
- Unbirthing a foe results in the player becoming pregnant.
- Unbirthing a foe costs the player 3 humanity.
- Unbirthing a foe results in infection, even if the player has Researcher protection. This infection can be blocked by the Safe Appetite feat.
- Unbirthing a foe increases your 'ubcount', making it more likely you'll be prompted to unbirth another.
UB Scenes
The UB scenes currently only come in the generalized variety, though it is certainly possible to construct creature-specific ones. Here's the current breakdown of the scene variations:
- Basic - head first
- Basic 2 - head first
- Special 1 - first time feet first + involuntary prey
- This scene is a one-time scene that will appear as your 5th victim (delayed for a short list of unsuitable foes). You must get this one before any other feet-first UB scenes will play.
- Feet first
Vore Exclusion List
This is a list of the creatures and enemies that the player cannot consume using any of these abilities. Please note, this list may not be fully up to date with the newest creature additions.
- Shemale Smooth Collie
- Raccoon
- Doberman
- Nightmare
- Sphinx
- Hyena matriarch
- Blob
- Skunkbeast Lord
- Blue Chaffinch
- Peacock
- Hippo
- Albino Mouse
- Tiger Cop
- Sea Lion and Orca Toys
- Siamese Cat
- Bear
- sewer gator
- Dragon
- Feral Cheetah
- Badger
- Opossum Sailor
- hermaphrodite latex vixen
- Wrestling Wolf
- Stag
- Football Wolfman
- Reindeer
- Triceratops
- Butterfly
- German Shepherd
- Magic Drake
- Monkey
- Lamia
- Jackal Guard
- Mental Mouse
- Mushroom Men
- Sugar Ferret
- Rabbit Pack
- city sprite
- sea otter
- Yamato Dragon
- Yamato Dragoness
- Giant
- Feral Sea Dragon
- Feral Sea Dragoness
- Wyvern
- Awesome tree
- Tentacle Horror
- Mammoth
- Xeno
- Peculiar Dragon
- Cum Girl
- Flesh Blob
- Jaguar Warrior
- Cowboy Cuntboy
- Plains Lizard
- Thought Eater
- Viking
- Sierrasaur