Dry Plains
From Flexible Survival
Dry Plains
Thomas the centaur herm
East from the Dry Plains leads into the Plains hunting area.
- Bald Eagle
- Behemoth
- Centaur Mare
- Centaur Stallion
- Chinchilla
- Corota
- Fennec
- Fire Elemental
- Impala
- Manticore
- Minotaur
- Mutant Centaur (if released in the Apple Tree event)
- Peculiar dragon
- Prairie Dog
- Sierrasaur
- Snake
- Taurus
- Apple Tree (approaching releases the Mutant Centaur as a monster)
- Centaur Gangbang: Meet Thomas..
- Creeping Grass (background)
- Film: (background)
- For the Future: now Researcher Studio is known
- Hardware Store (find Spiked Club)
- Horse Sense: (background, Perception check; failure results in black equinoid infection and humanity decrease)
- Hunting Party (horseman slavers from the Stables)
- Lady Surrounded by Butterflies: +10 humanity
- Missing Cow: Find Wendy the missing cow getting plowed.
- Paratrooper: Meet Sergeant Vanessa.
- Partial Ruin (prairie dog ambush, food)
- Peace: +10 Humanity
- Pegasus (background)
- Pit Trap (help/abandon human soldier, or fuck him if in prairie dog form)
- Ranch House (background)
- Soaring Eagle (background)
- Tracks: (background)
- Treasure Hunters: (background, unique dialogue for various states in the Hyena questline)
- Watering Hole: (approaching and rejecting causes Bald Eagle battle, water is tainted)
The Mutant Centaurs are locked unless the player releases them via the Apple Tree event.