Hotel Oblivion, also referred to as Point Zero, is a location in Fairhaven. It is north-east of Zephyr. It has ten floors, as well as a roof, with each floor having increasingly dangerous ferals, as well as bosses.
A mysterious figure, cloaked in a black robe, with silver tassle-shaped drawstrings hanging from the sides of the hood pulled low across their face. They stand alone, seemingly uninterested and untouched by the chaos happening all around them.
Quests & Points of Interest:
[Expand]Spoiler: Hotel Oblivion Quest Steps
check: Mysterious Cloaked Figure
- Mysterious Cloaked Figure says, "You seem strong, but I'm not sure you have what it takes to answer the call. Travel to room 303 and bring me the trinket I left in the kitchen."
- - Proceed to Floor 3
- - Locating the Trinket will trigger a short battle. Once complete the trinket is yours.
- Talk: Mysterious Cloaked Figure
- Mysterious Cloaked Figure nods briefly before taking the trinket from you and saying, "You've passed my first test, but I remain unconvinced. Return to me when you're stronger." Your comm beeps and you feel a bit richer.
- - Return at Level 20+
- Talk: Mysterious Cloaked Figure
- Mysterious Cloaked Figure says, "You passed the first test but I need more convincing to be sure you have what it takes to answer the call. Travel to room 602 and bring me the trinket I left in the bathroom there."
- - Proceed to Floor 6
- - Locating Trinket 2 will trigger a short battle.
- Talk: Mysterious Cloaked Figure
- Mysterious Cloaked Figure: "You've passed my second test. Return to me when you're stronger."
- - Return and talk to the Cloaked Figure when you are level 30+
- Talk: Mysterious Cloaked Figure
- Mysterious Cloaked Figure says, "This test will require you to travel to room 805 and bring me the trinket I left in the bedroom."
- - Proceed to Floor 8
- - Locating Trinket 3 will again trigger a short battle. Once complete the trinket is yours.
- Talk: Mysterious Cloaked Figure
- Mysterious Cloaked Figure: "You've passed my second test. Return to me when you're stronger."
- - Return and talk to the Cloaked Figure when you are level 31+
- Talk: Mysterious Cloaked Figure
- Mysterious Cloaked Figure says, "You have done well to pass each of my tests this far. I have one final test for you though, travel to room 908 and bring me the trinket I left in the living room."
- - Proceed to Floor 9
- - Locating Trinket 4 will again trigger a short battle. Once complete the trinket is yours.
- Talk: Mysterious Cloaked Figure
- Mysterious Cloaked Figure nods briefly before taking the trinket from you and saying, "You've passed my final test. However I will need to test your true resolve next time, be prepared to part with something you hold dear. Return to me when you're stronger."
- - Return and talk to the Cloaked Figure when you are level 35+
- Talk: Mysterious Cloaked Figure speaks to you, "I told you last time that your resolve would be tested, and now is that time. You must choose to part with something dear to you in order to proceed further. (One level will be lost and experience will be set to 0. Any accumulated experience between your current level and the next will be lost.)"
- Choose Yes or No?
- Mysterious Cloaked Figure says, "Your resolve has impressed me, and have earned the right to hear why I've been testing you so thoroughly. (Story unfolds for you... and the mysterious figure continues with the next step) "Let me know when you are ready to confront the beast and I'll send you to room 666 where the totem the beast is sealed in lies."
- Talk: Mysterious Cloaked Figure When ready.
- Teleport to Room 666 & interact with the Void Totem.
- Defeat the Unnatural Force to claim & return the Void Totem to the Mysterious Stranger to receive your reward .
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