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Affectionately named Trailblazers by the good folks at RSX, these sturdy and resourceful souls have a singular purpose in life. To go where few have gone before and live to tell the tale. Deadly fast and suited to endure even the harshest of environments, the Trailblazer embodies four simple tenets.

1. Lost are the reckless and unprepared.
2. Intelligence first, intuition after.
3. Ferocity only when cornered.
4. Endurance is best tempered by adaptability.

These warriors often travel light, forsaking the use of heavy armor or bulky weaponry and instead opting to make the most of their restricted arsenal. They are specially trained to understand the lay of the land, survive in hazardous environments, and adapt to any landscape quicker than anyone else. Given enough time, Trailblazers aim to make a home out of even the most hostile of locations.

Soul Powers

Level 10 Readiness
Level 15 Studied Prey
Level 25 Blinkstrike
Level 35 Nose for Trouble
Level 40 Second Chance
Level 45 Divergent Adaptation
Bleeding 2
Damage 2
Fast Loading 2
Health 1
Regenerating 1
Scavenger 1
Speed 1
Warded 1
Trailblazer/Extra Notes

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