Illusionary Equilibrioception Nanomagic

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Illusionary Equilibrioception Nanomagic stats
Type AoE, Debuff, Nanomagic Target AoE Enemy
Description Expanding greatly upon Illusion Nanomagic, Illusionary Equilibrioception Nanomagic allows subtle changes to be made in a single target's sense of equilibrium, or balance and motion. Successfully altering this sense allows you to make a person feel as if they are falling, moving, spinning, or as if things around them were doing the same without affecting their sight, hearing, or any other senses directly. A successful acrobatics roll allows a subject affected by this to still maintain balance and move normally.
As this is an expansion upon Illusion Nanomagic, it follows all of its rules unless otherwise stated, including targeting and resisting. (Roll Perception and must score 5 or higher or spend a hero point to resist; to begin an illusion requires you to have a line of effect to the targets of your illusion. That is you must be able to see or touch those who will be affected.)
Cooldown 25000 Charge time 600
Energy 25 Accuracy 75%
Damage 0 Psychic at level 0
100% chance of Hastedebuff at magnitude 10 for 5 rounds.
100% chance of Delaydebuff at magnitude 5 for 5 rounds.
100% chance of Knockdown at magnitude 4 for 2 rounds.
Training Upgrades
Cooldown by -2500
DelayDebuffMag by 2
HasteDebuffMag by 5
Secondary Effects
Secondary Damage No damage at level 0
Secondary Type None Secondary Target None
Secondary Statuses
No Secondary Statuses

Illusionary Equilibrioception Nanomagic/Extra Notes Edit notes

Mutant powers Based on this power:

  • Pelle ‎(⧼hitcounters-nviews⧽)