Counter NanoMagic

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 00:02, 28 October 2023 by FlexBot (talk | contribs)
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Counter Nanomagic stats
Type Debuff, Nanomagic Target Single Enemy NoAoE
Description Of the same discipline, and requiring, anti nanomagic, this program allows the user to employ greater finesse, specifically affecting out a single person or nanomagic effect. No roll is required unless the victim spends a hero point, which then gives both sides a nano magic +dice of 1d20. Hero points may be spent for +5 to this roll. A failed attempt to counter cannot be repeated for a minute. A successful counter remains for an hour, or at least a minute (if the victim spends a hero point for a new roll). A nanomagic effect is canceled immediately, a person is treated as 'out of bubble' for the duration. Note that it isn't a fire and forget ability. It does require some concentration to maintain the interruption signal, just like Anti Nanomagic. This is an Active nanomagic and cannot be used when another nanomagic is Active and in use except where explicitly stated.
Cooldown 10000 Charge time 500
Energy 15 Accuracy 75%
Damage 0 Electricity at level 0
100% chance of NaniteDebuff at magnitude 3 for 10 rounds.
Training Upgrades
Charge by -250
Cooldown by -1700
Energy by -3.75
NaniteDebuffDuration by 3
NaniteDebuffMag by 2
Secondary Effects
Secondary Damage No damage at level 0
Secondary Type None Secondary Target None
Secondary Statuses
No Secondary Statuses

Counter Nanomagic/Extra Notes Edit notes

Mutant powers Based on this power: