Zephyr Survey II - RPLOG

From Flexible Survival
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Aaron can be found waiting patiently outside Zephyr HQ, leaning against the wall near the entrance. Whenever someone who's supposed to be present for the mission arrives, she seems to smile slightly, as if reassured that people weren't simply going to bail out; this mission is /possible/ with less than six, but noticeably less safe. As time passes and more of the expected people filter in, she nods her head very subtly and silently tracks who she expected that has yet to appear.

Astara exits the lobby, pushing two doors open to get her large arachne body through. She takes a deep breath of fresh-er air, and exhales smiling, looking around; smiles wider as she spots Aaron, skittering over to where she's waiting. "I'm here!"

Angus checks the paper again, checking the message on his comm unit as he slinks in from the outer entrance of the Zepyhr compound, the cherry on his cigarette flaring red for a moment as he steps up. "Hello again Aaron, heard you need some help?" The coyote asks, shifting the weight of the duffle bag hanging off his right shoulder as he takes stock of who is already here.

Nisha circles around above the assembled figures for a couple loops as she bleeds altitude, then comes in for a gentle landing a couple dozen feet away. The panther taur fluffs her wings a bit before settling them on her back again, then walks over to the rest of the assembled figures. She's come loaded for bare, but has some casual clothing over her body as well, to hide as much of the weaponry as she can. She says nothing as she approaches, on the assumption her entrance wasn't exactly subtle, and her presense hasn't been missed so far.

Colette slips in to the Zephyr's safe zone from the west, staring up at the wall as she passes by them. A hand went to her back as she looked around, feeling for something under her clothes, then letting out a sigh as she seemed to find what she was looking for. Quietly, she wandered over to Aaron, and as she got closer a small nod was given with a smile. She stayed quiet, looking around at the others that had gathered as well, inching a bit closer to Nisha as she did.

Cameron came padding in from the outer gate. Her hands fiddling with what looked like a large cannon, though large in the little kitty's hands. She went through her mental check list of needed gear as she slung the weapon over her shoulder next to her pack. Seeing the bunny she gave a small wave as she drew closer to the gathered crowd. She then checked the wrist mounted comm unit to make sure she was on time.

Jojo walks with haste down to the meeting area beside Zephyr, dressed up for the worst in his armor, a few weapons hanging on him as if he expected fights in the near future. Though the rabbit had very little interaction with Zephyr, or even knew much about them, the oppertunity to be of use quickly drew his attention down. He still even had a little flyer folded up in his bag. Giving a wave to the others who might glance his way, settling in closer to Aaron. "Aaron!" he excplaims happily. "I heard there was stuff going on! Any way I... or we can help?"

Aaron seems to be satisfied with the appearance of six agents, even if one of them wasn't who she had chosen; he'd been forced to beg out due to prior obligations. Still, having Angus along could be, uh, interesting. She begins to pace back and forth, drawing in a deep breath. "All right. It's good to see all of you, whether I interviewed with you or not. Let's get right down to business. For those of you who aren't familiar, let me lay down some history. About a month ago, we started on a project wherein Zephyr's "safe zone" would be significantly expanded. Agents were sent in two-person teams in all directions to investigate the area, make sure structural damage was within acceptable limits, ensure that ferals had vacated per our agreement, and so on. Things went pretty smoothly and everyone did their jobs. Until..." She turns to face the six of you. "One of the local packs, a cluster of latex foxes, decided to renege on their agreement and attack the agents investigating the restaurant to the northeast." There seems to be more, but she's giving all of you a moment to digest the information.

Astara sighs towards the end of Aaron's explanation, shaking her head slightly. "Could have gone better, that's for sure... though, it could have gone worse, too. Just glad Vaeri and I didn't get squished, or get showered in shrapnel and debris."

Angus gives Aaron a bit of a smile, he was here looking for fun! Which means anything instead of sitting within a workshop just cranking out weapons of destruction. "So basically the latex foxes started a party and won't leave the place now? Seems like bad neighbors either way." Crossing his arms over his chest he takes stock of the other participants, giving a nod to any of them that he makes eye contact with.

Nisha watches the other agents as they coalesce around Aaron, waiting for the assignment. This group is even more unfamiliar to her than the last... Until she sees Colette. The panther taur smiles and takes a few steps twowards the serval, then leans down and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Hey there. You signed up for this too?" She asks in a whisper. Nisha then nuzzles Colette for a second and looks up to Aaron as the rabbit begins her speech. Nisha nods along, as she remembers quite well how things went last time.

Colette smiles up at Nisha, nodding in response. "It seemed like a good cause. I want to help if I can." As Aaron begins her recap of last mission, her smile turns to a frown, closing her eyes and clasping her hands together, whispering a silent prayer.

Cameron gave a small nod as she found a place to stand. Though she couldn't help but give the other coyote a curious look. She then turned to regard the other agents as Aaron filled in the others about what had happened last time. Remembering the fight she figured it was a good thing she had come prepared this time just in case. Speaking of she pulls out a small sword from her pack and straps in onto her hips, her tiny hands adjusting it a moment to let it sit comfortably.

Jojo raises an eyebrow, glancing back toward the northeast with a huff. "Latex foxes.." he grumbles, closing his eyes for a moment and shaking his head. Stray words here and there about the events prior to now had wandered to his ear over the course of time, though that definitely was a bit of news to him. Just when he thought the bombing was bad enough. "It's really great to hear Zephyr is being expanded but.. I assume you're looking for us to clear out the foxes?" He turns back to the group, looking back and forth between the faces and whatever their reactions might be.

Aaron briefly nods to Jojo, then continues with her story. "The GOOD news is that I'm on good enough terms with a pack of local wolf beasts that they had our backs, and were closing in on the foxes. The BAD news is that one of our agents decided to drop grenades on the whole thing. Foxes, wolves, building, the works." Rubbing her temples, she continues, "That agent will not be joining us. Needless to say, what would have turned into a rout in our favor became a debacle. The building was further damaged and needs re-examining. Now, if that was all that was wrong, this mission would be a cake-walk." Another short sigh escapes. "Matters are further complicated by the fact that the latex foxes interpreted this as a victory and have moved in. They're inside; we need them not to be." Looking from person to person, she instructs, "This is where you come in. Our goal is primarily diplomatic. You are to go to the restaurant, engage the foxes in negotiatons - don't worry, their leader is still somewhat coherent - and convince them to leave." A firm gaze is cast to several present. "Now, here are your mission parameters. Your mission is DIPLOMACY. We want to convince them that being here is not in their best interests. Violence is to be a last resort. That said...Zephyr wanted the foxes 'pacified', and we all know damn good and well that they aren't overly picky. If they leave with their tails between their legs because we smack them around a bit, well. That's a damn shame, but it's a reality we may have to face if our words fail. Now then, any questions so far?"

"Hmm... you answered anything I would've asked, really." Astara says, still thinking it over a little. "Well, I guess whenever the foxes are taken care of - one way or another - I'll volunteer to re-examine the building. Still have enough of a memory of what was there to see what... changes they might've made in the intervening time." She nods in self-affirmation, before snickering a little; "If we need to bind anyone... I also have that covered!", and she wiggles her spider booty a little for emphasis.

Angus puts his hands up in the air, palms out. "Hey, hey I get it. Don't start shooting till they get snarly. I can still make funny faces right?" He teases, his smile fading a moment later as he starts to get serious. "Do you know how many are actually in there?"

Nisha nods and smiles at Colette again. "Yeah, I know what you mean. It'll be nive to make some difference around here." She says as she tries to keep her voice low enough to not interrupt Aaron's speech. The panther taur chuckles wryly when Aaron stresses diplomacy so highly, then tucks the bandolier of spare clips around her waist under her shirt. It'll be inconvienient if they're needed, but... What can you do? She then looks down at Colette and lowers herself so she's lying down, then nudges the serval's cheek with her muzzle. "Climb on my back if you want a ride." She whispers before looking back up at Aaron.

Colette smiles up at Nisha, before she raises her hand slowly to head-level, speaking out shortly after. "Uhm.. do we have any information that we can use against them?" She nods to Angus's question, "Are there times where groups of them leave for anything..? If it turns violent, it may be best to be able to take things bit by bit as much as possible..."

Cameron gave the bunny a small nod in the affirmative at her words. She was glad the mission was of a more diplimatic nature, she wasn't keen on hurting ferals if it could be avoided. "Understood." She hoped the mission was a peaceful, cause making more of a mess then the building already was would be counter productive, hopefully they could avoid putting more holes in the building then there already was.

Jojo nods his head, looking over the plethora of items he had on his person. "Well, that's a breather! I really hope I won't have to bother with any of these! I think we can make some heedway with the foxes, how bad could it really go?" The rabbit waves off the worries with a jovial chuckle. "Any advice you can give us before we head out? Things that could make our conversations go as smoothly as possible?"

Aaron nods briefly to Angus. "We know there's at least a dozen. That's why I'm sending in six agents. You should be more than a match for them if combat becomes an issue, but again, I'm hoping that's not an issue; the big reason for a group this size is because we don't want to show them weakness - we know two people represent a force they're willing to attack - but we don't want to go in with an army and look like we're forcing them out." Colette gets a regretful shake of her head and an "I don't know, sorry.", and Jojo's answer is more along the lines of, "One moment." That said, she draws in a deep breath. "A few more interesting wrinkles exist. Number one, they're going to have an alpha to whom you need to speak. I'm not asking you to choose an 'alpha', of course, but you do need to choose a team leader amongst yourselves. Someone well-spoken who will be leading the discussion, because if all of you talk at once, everything will go to hell. I'll let you choose that person amongst yourselves, but I want you to choose said team leader before you head out. Number two, for whatever reason, the foxes now consider me an enemy. As a result, I won't be able to go with you, as my presence would poison negotiations. I'm counting on this group to make things right. Number three might be a little bit in our favor; I'm told that there have been sounds of argument coming from inside. Possibly a power struggle. Feel free to figure out how to use that to your advantage."

Astara's face scrunches in thought, letting out a low "Hmmm...." as she digests the information. "Do we know what motivations they have, or is that to be figured out on-the-spot? And on a different note, for voting for a leader, how about we at least narrow our choices down to who actually is up for such a job. For me... I'm not going to discinlude myself from it, so you can vote for me if you want." She smiles, showing off her fangs and teeth. "My size might help a little."

Angus clasps his hands together, stretching his arms above his head. "Right, pop into the lions den, shake its paw and see if we can't get it to go away instead of snapping at us. Seems like a walk in the park, want us to pick anything up for you while you're there?" He grins, giving Aaron a wink. "Last time I ran into a pack of squeakers they ran the moment I palmed a grenade, these guys sound just a little more brave but shouldn't be to much of a problem. We'll have your restraunt cleared out for you without incident, even if we have to bash a few skulls. "

Nisha waits a few moments as Aaron continues to speak, then slowly stands herself up again. She looks over the rest of the assembled mutants for a moment. When Astara chimes up with her two cents on the decision to be made, Nisha nods briefly. and stretches herself a little taller. "I'm pretty big as well. And I can keep my cool, regardless of what happens... I don't have much experience with negotiating, though. So there's probably someone better if we want to try a more wordy approach." The panther taur then looks over at Angus and arches an eyebrow slightly. "Um... Too many grenades is /exactly/ what got us in this situation, so can we please, /please/ avoid that, if at all possible?"

Colette looks down, the end of her tail hooking left and right as she ponders things. She looks up at Nisha's words, twiddling her fingers as she nods in agreement. teeth slid over her lower lip a bit, before she spoke up. "Uhm, I'm not sure about leading everyone, but I wouldn't mind speaking to them. You get pretty used to intimidating figures when you're constantly talking down drunken farmers." She gives a small smile at the end of her words.

Cameron nods as she listens to her words. She thought six agents would be more then enough as well to deal with at least a dozen ferals. Hearing about needing a leader made sense, things might go pear shaped if everyone tried talking all at once. Plus of there was a beta trying to become an alpha that could be useful to know as well. She nodded in agreement with Nisha before stepping closer towards the group. "I am not really wordy either. Plus they might see me as a push over due to my size."

Jojo glances about to the others, and gives a shrug of his shoulders. "I'm not against any suggestions as to who will be taking charge of most of this here. In my eyes, you all could be more than able for it!" Jojo gives his shoulders a shrug, and nods to both Angus and Aaron. "I think everything should be fine if we just pick our words carfuly! And we're all cooperate and all that other fun stuff. I've got a pretty decent way with words if i'm of any canidacy! I may not be the biggest or strongest, but hey!" He looks about to the others, arms folded over his chest.

Aaron looks at the six of you and nods slowly. "So, it sounds like Astara and Jojo have put themselves forward. Angus doesn't seem to care, Nisha and Cameron aren't really negotiators based on what they've said, and Colette isn't confident in being a leader...and trust me, they're not gonna want to speak to anyone but the team's leader, or the "alpha" as they're likely to put it. So, let's put this to a vote. Astara or Jojo. Each of you in turn cast your vote. And remember, no sour grapes if you don't win. The important thing here is in getting the job done. Astara, you first."

"I vote..." Astara says, hesitating. "...hm. Jojo."

Angus flicks his ears. "I'm more then willing to step up to lead when the situation merits it, the issue is more. Have you ever met a person who trusted a coyote the first time they've met? And I do have a reputation, which could work for or against depending on if they know me or not." He shrugs his shoulders once more. "I'll happily stay in the background until needed." With that he watches the proceedings. Ears flicking back and forth. "....I really don't know either of them well enough to cast a vote."

Nisha looks between Astara and Jojo for a moment, then brings a hand up and rubs her cheek with it for a moment. "Hmmm. We could rely more on trying to intimidate them, but... Honestly, I think if things go that far, we're probably going to end up fighting, anyway." The panther taur takes a deep breath, then looks at Astara. "We can still be intimidating from in the back. I vote Jojo as well."

Colette tilts her head, looking to Angus. "I see no reason not to trust you. I mean, we're working together, after all." She looked between Jojo and Astara, tilting her head a bit. "well.. I mean, if one of them is going to vote for the other, then I guess I'll vote for them, too." She nods with a smile, "I vote for Jojo."

Cameron rubbed her chin a moment as she regarded the two canidates. Astara seemed like she didn't really want the job of leader, one or the other. Might not be wise to have a leader who couldn't care one way or the other if they were or not. Though Jojo seemed sure of himself and seemed to want to be the leader, could be what they need. "I vote Jojo."

Jojo ears perk up as he hears his name, and gives an affirming nod to everyone. "Well, if that's the vote then I won't let you guys down! I'll do my best." Turning back to Aaron, he says, "Well if that's all the information you have for us, maybe we should start making our way down! Better get there sooner than later. And if you all have any thoughts or ideas on it, it'll be good to hear."

Aaron nods resolutely. "All right, then. Jojo it is." A faint smirk appears upon her muzzle. "If you ask me, you've chosen well. Always vote bunny." With that bit of levity dispensed, she becomes serious once more. "All right. The restaurant is to the northeast. The building isn't catastrophically damaged - we would've seen that from a distance - but there is damage to it. Careful how you approach, and remember that they're used to agents who are eager to beat the...whatever-latex-foxes-have out of them. Just remember that my #1 priority is your safety. I can't imagine them being much of a threat, but if they somehow have help from twenty Solar Dragons or something, bail out as needed. So, if there's nothing else, go for it!"

Astara giggles on-cue with Aaron's joke, snickering a little at the mention of twenty Solar Dragons as well. "Rodger!" She shuffles over towards Jojo, giving him a pat on the shoulder and a friendly smile. "You'll do well, I know it!"

Colette nodded to Aaron, before looking to their new team leader. "I think we should figure out the source of whatever fighting there is. So we can either use it as a negotiating piece, or look out for a second group that may try to use us as a distraction to do something."

Angus gives a nod, rummaging through his duffle bag to find his pack of smokes, lighting up another one as he waits. "So, we all ready to go then? I'd hate to keep the party waiting for us." He murmurs, giving Jojo a smile of encouragment. "You'll have people watching for you, so just do your thing."

Nisha smiles and takes some time to give her equipment a last-minute check. She then takes a couple moments to do some stretches. "Alright, now that that's settled..." The panther taur looks around at the rest of the team, her eyes stopping on each member for a moment. "I'm ready to go, but Jojo, Cameron, Colette, Angus, if any of you want a ride, I will offer one. It may not be that far, but I'm strong enough to carry all of you on my back, if you like."

Cameron nodded as well seeing their choice of leader. "Seems we have our leader." She smiles at the joke about the bunny master race and shook her head a moment. She then did a quick double check of her gear to make sure it was all present before heading towards Jojo to follow him out. Might be wise to let the ferals seem him in the lead so as to cement him as the leader at least to them.

Jojo smiles and strides over to Nisha, giving a slight awkward token of resistance as he climbs up onto the taur's lap, upon her words. "Thanks, I really appreciate it." Already he felt a bit better from his friends and allies words. On that notion, he looks off to the place at hand in the distance. "Seems like that's it. Now let's go get that resteraunt back!"

With the team heading out, Aaron tosses them a quick wave goodbye and waits patiently for a moment before going inside HQ. The voyage to the restaurant is quiet, conspicuously so - there's the usual hubbub around Zephyr, but otherwise, the bunny doe seems to have been true to her word; the vast majority of ferals seem to have done as they promised and vacated the scene. It's not until they reach the restaurant proper that any signs of activity become obvious, and they're entirely inside at the moment, sounds of conversation mixed with animalistic yips and - for those with very good ears - the subtle squeak of latex. 'Squeakers' indeed. There doesn't seem to be a welcoming party waiting.

Astara comes to a halt, looking back at Nisha and the rest of the team. In a subdued voice, she says "Before we get any closer, lets get a battle plan together. Err... figurative battle plan. Maybe a literal one as a contingency." She gazes over back towards the building, looking for any figures squeaking around inside that're visible through the windows.

Angus reaches down at his hip as they continue forward, drawing the lemat revolver and snapping open the cylinder. "So, I'm legitimately curious. Who here has actually been in a scuffle and know how to use those weapons they have at their sides?" He asks just loud enough for the group to hear, pushing a bright orange shotgun shell into place before loading the cylinder of the gun. Snapping it closed he almost cringes at the squeaks, muttering to himself. Now he remembered why he hated dealing with squeakers.

Nisha's ears twitch and she frowns as the sounds from inside the building reach her. She stops walking as Astara speaks up, then turns and looks back at the rest of the group. "I don't have fantastic armor, but... I have good weapons and sharp claws. So I'll probably jump in the back and try to scare off the little ones." She says, then glances over at Angus. Nisha takes the carbine off her back and pops the release for its clip, then re-loads it. "I know what I'm doing, for one."

Colette's ears flick and turn as she gets close enough for her to hear what's going on. She frowned a bit, brows coming together in a slight worry. "..I didn't expect them to be fighting right when we came in..." She noted, mostly to herself. As angus spoke up, she looked over, frowning a bit and lifting the back of her sweater to show the laspistol holstered around her waist. "I was.. forced to learn how to use them, despite not really wanting to. I'm not the best shot, but I'm not hoping that we get to the point where I have to find out if I can hit them or not."

Cameron's ears flattened against her head at the sound of the squeaking, she really found that sound hard on the ears. Looking to Angus she raised her hand for a moment. "I know how to use it. I have been in my share of fights in the bubble and out." Not wanting to provoke the feral pack in the restruant she left her weapon over her shoulder for now, the time for the nanite cannon to be use was not here yet.

Jojo squints his eyes a bit, looking over the structure before them. "I have with some of the ferals out and about," he croons to the coyote. Tapping the polearm slung over his back, he adds, "And i'm pretty handy with this little guy here. Not the best but.." Turning his attentions over to Astara, he say, "We should be alright for the most part.. As long as we don't provoke them, they shouldn't give us that much of a hard time.. right?"

The sun moves slightly in the sky as the group discusses their options. (scenepass)

Astara pulls her laser pistol holster at her side, inspecting it momentarily and flipping the safety off before reholstering it. "I've been pretty good with this 'lil guy here," she says, tapping it lightly and smirking. "But yes, I'm competent without it, as well; Inari has graced me well..." she goes on, a playful glint appearing in one of her human eyes. "So... shall we do this?"

Angus watches Nisha mess with the release on her rifle and put in a new magazine, arching an eyebrow. "You forgot to take the safety off." He answers her, before turning to the rest. "Right eitherway, If things get heated, cover your ears, I've got a surprise loaded in this revolver that will hopefully give us an edge." He taps the barrel of his gun once, holstering it back at his hip before waiting to see how things get started.

Nisha checks the safety on her rifle before stowing it on her back again, then glances at Angus and arches an eyebrow. "Why would I need to take the safety off?" She gives her chainsword a quick check as well, to make sure nothing is obviously out of place. "It points directly at my back in its holster like this, so..." Nisha shakes her head, then looks at the group again. "That's the last thing I want to do yet. I think I'm all set. Everyone ready?"

Colette readjusted her sweater so the weapon was hidden, making herself look about as dangerous as a normal civilian. She positioned herself a bit behind some of the larger members, namely Nisha, nodding her head to the question.

Cameron gave a small nod as she followed along with everyone. "Alright, good to know before hand." She hicked the weapon and her pack on her shoulders to get them into a more comfortable position. Her eyes glancing about the building warily as they loitered outside. "I am as ready as can be."

Jojo nods to everyone, then looks back toward the resteraunt. "Well, looks like we're all good. Let's go ahead and get a move on!" He clambers off the back of the taur, striding toward the front of the group, motioning for them to follow as he approaches the entrance of the place at hand.

Now that the team has begun to approach, the foxes within begin to take note. Seven of them are immediately visible, lounging around or speaking to each other in a strange combination of squeaking barks and half-words, but the reaction to Jojo's approach is uniform: all present lurch to their feet, teeth bared and ears pinned back, hostility immediately evident in their demeanor. It's not hard to tell that they expect to fight anyone who walks through the front door of their new hangout.

Astara keeps a cool demeanor as she follows about a yard or so behind Jojo, looking expressionlessly at the rubbery foxes, looking to find any distinguishing features on them to be able to tell them apart.

Angus sniffs the air, taking in the scent of heat as his ears perk up then fold. Reaching into his duffle bag to pull out a small black box to clip to his belt, pressing a button on it as the Foxes start appearing. "Here comes the welcome committee." He mutters, taking stock of the targets while remaining to look calm, cigarette still in his teeth.

Nisha stays behind Jojo, to the opposite side as Astara and crosses her arms under her chest. She stands a little closer than Astara does and tries to make herself look intimidating, but not agressive. As the foxes ready themselves, Nisha tries to get a feel for what kind of advantage the party can glean from the cover provided by the building and how best to use the space they have available to them, if things go to hell in a handbasket.

Colette frowned some at the immediate hostility. "...Knew I shoulda brought a peace offering.." She murmured, slowing her steps and never going further than a few feet behind Jojo. eyes scanned over the foxes they could see, before looking to corners and walls, keeping an eye out for more to show up. "..Half're missing."

Cameron frowned at the rather unwelcome nature the ferals were showing them. Seemed their little bunny mastermind had forgotten to call ahead of them. With a shrug she looked the ferals over warily before holding out her empty palms to show she meant no harm and was not currently weilding a weapon. "They are likely in hiding."

As the group and he approaches the building, Jojo begins to slow his arrival when he sees the reaction their presence had elicted, holding his hands up in a simple display of placidity. "We're not here for problems.." he sates, eyes flicking from one fox to the other, perhaps for one that seemed like their so called 'alpha'.

The identity of the alpha wasn't easy to discern. Sure, some of them had different markings - this one was a little taller, that one had a bit of an overbite - but it's almost impossible to determine who's in charge without doing more than had been done. "GET OUT!" one of the foxes shrieks, and the seven of them begin to advance on Jojo - not attacking him outright just yet, more trying to scare him off with a show of force and solidarity, tails lashing in agitation behind them as the ever-present squeak of latex underscores their forward motion.

Astara quickly skitters up besides Jojo, shaking her head lightly. She whispers to Jojo, looking at him out of the corner of her eyes, but without turning her head to face him: "We need to call their bluff; don't flinch or hesitate in reaction."

Angus silently takes a step forward, the Heavy leather overcoat and swat grade body armor making him not exactly looking cuddly with his arms crossed over his chest. He'll remain silent, to let Jojo speak, but that doesn't stop his fingers from curling around the spoon of a smoke bomb resting against his ribs.

Nisha stretches herself a little taller and bares the teeth on one side of her mouth as the foxes advance. Her tail flicks in agitation, but she keeps her arms crossed and doesn't move any of her paws. Her eyes flick between the foxes and narrow in a scowl should any of them meet her gaze.

Colette winces a bit at the yelling, ears wilting back some at the noise before she puts on a bave face. She held her ground, though raising her hands up as well, keeping a careful eye on their surroundings, occasionally sparing a look over her shoulder, waiting for more to appear.

Cameron frowned at the rather plain hostility being shown them. Her one hand drifted to the sheathed blade at her hips and getting ready to draw it in case they did attack them. Her body tensing as she readied to moved at the first sign of trouble from the ferals in front of them. She then takes a quick look around to make sure the ones not present were not trying to surround them.

Jojo does not feign back away from the foxes. In fact, he firmly stands his ground, narrowing his eyes as they begin to draw closer. "We just want to talk for a moment, we don't want to fight." The rabbit calmly says, his hands still up despite. "Just gives us a moment is all we're asking for." The rabbit does not flinch, eyes trained on the latex vulpines.

The foxes slow their approach, but they seem no less hostile than before. They do seem marginally calmer, if still on-guard, but the assurance that these interlopers don't want to fight leaves them more suspicious than hostile. "Talk what?" one of them scowls, a different one from the screecher from before. "No want talk! No fight! Leave!" Snarls of assent rise from the small crowd that slightly outnumbers the agents present, and three more foxes emerge from the kitchen to bolster the crowd's numbers. One of them even appears to have somehow scrounged up a frying pan!

"We do not wish to fight, either." Astara says flatly, crossing her arms underneath her chest. She doesn't say anything else in followup, deferring the real talking to who they'd actually all chosen.

Angus taps his claws on his shoulder as he watches, flicking his ears back and forth as he tries not to start humming, a bored expression on his muzzle as he countes the squeakers coming out. He picks up their scents, his nose wrinkling as he takes stock of their gear, before uncrossing his arms and letting his right hand rest on the duffle bag.

Nisha lets her lips close again as the foxes' agression levels simmer down a bit, though she still maintains her imposing posture and carefully watches the figures the group has to deal with. As the three new figures appear, Nisha clicks her tongue and does a quick re-evaluation of their tactical situation, in an attempt to find any more advantages she can for their outnumbered group, though she's still fairly certain they're in no real trouble, yet.

Colette nibbled at her lip, before giving a calm smile as she got through the initial reactions. "Please, hear us out." Was all she said, nodding her head and doing her best to look as friendly as possible, not exatly a difficult feat for the small serval.

Cameron continued to frown at the ferals before them. At this rate it seemed to her like violence was going to be unavoidable. Hopefully they had chosen correctly in their choice of leader. Seeing the new arrivals she looked behind them and up at the roof of the building looking for the last remaining few they had not spied as of yet.

Jojo sighs and shakes his head. They had yet to even utter but a few words and already the foxes were on edge! How avoidable combat would really be, Jojo questioned, but he still kept up his calm demeanor even in the face of their hostility."Then just listen to us. No need to be upset, we're no problem!" He motions over to the rest of the group and continues, "We just want to talk about the place you're all staying in.."

The foxes begin to growl almost in unison. "Our home! Ours!" come snarls from amidst the crowd. "No leave!" "Not talk!" "Tell lies!" The feeling of animosity among the vulpines seems to be growing, and while they don't actually make a move forward just yet, they do seem very much like they're tiring of the group's presence. It would be unfair to say that negotiations have broken down; in truth, they haven't even begun, not with the crowd of foxes blocking off the majority of any possible ingress to the restaurant's main area!

Astara lightly sighs, trying to do it quiet enough that it's inaudible to the squeaky vulpines. "Who lied to you?" she inquires, trying to show her most empathetic face. She whispers more to Jojo: "We might want to see if we can get around evicting them from the place, if at all possible. And if we need to flank them... there's an entry out back through the kitchen."

Angus sighs, putting a hand on Jojo's shoulder as he takes a step forward. "Very plainly, we aren't moving from this spot until your alpha himself comes out and speaks with us." He states clearly, calmly as he starts to bare his own fangs in retort. "Or if you want, I can look for him myself after I tear your arms off and break your jaw force feeding them to you." Clearly the calm negotations aren't going to be working, time for a bit of aggression.

Nisha takes a single step forward and narrows her eyes farther. She takes a deep breath and starts glaring at the foxes in front of them again. After a couple seconds, her wings shuffle a bit on her back and her tail starts flicking back and forth faster. The panther taur's arms finally move from their position crossed under her chest and fall to her sides, fists balled, more ready to move quickly, if the situation keeps deteriorating. As Angus steps forward to make with the threats instead of the talking, the panther taur can't help but snicker a little bit and rolls her shoulders, ready to respond if the foxes decide they're feeling lucky.

Colette casted a glance between Angus and Nisha, her smile wavering slightly. A small sigh was let out, and she tilted her head slightly to the side, one ear raising straight up. "...Maybe they're talking about last time?" She guessed, talking just loud enough for the group around her to hear.

Cameron gave a small sigh at the ferals not being open to talking with them. She glanced at the other coyote and frowned a moment at his vivid threat of violence. She reaches up with her other hand to the strap keeping her cannon on her shoulder and getting ready to bring it to bear if the foxes didn't take kindly to the threats.

Jojo moves aside and lets the coyote take his place, slowly shaking his head and furrowing his brow. Besides a few inaudible grumbles to himself, the rabbit goes silent, letting things take their course. And gauging from the reactions from his side as well, they all seemed best prepared for a struggle. On that notion, Jojo reaches and keeps a hand behind him, fingers brushing over his polearm.

The foxes glance amongst themselves at the mention of their alpha. "Talk Alpha?" "Alpha not talk!" "Not talk for Alpha! Alpha talk!" There's a distinct sensation of withdrawl from the small crowd, and two of them break away from the crowd to enter what looks like it might be a door to a back office of sorts. The others stand guard, waiting for the two that have broken away to return; instead of sufficient aggression to suggest an incoming battle, there's now a certain air of deference. There may still be a battle or there may not, but at least one agent has finally asked for the alpha.

Astara sits tight... or rather, stands tight, unwrapping her arms and putting a hand to her chin. "Hmmm..." She looks at everyone else, shrugging her shoulders, unsure of what to make of this.

Angus gives a nod as the two go to get the Alpha, patting the head of the one he was talking to. "That's a good boy, you get to keep your arms." He states rather flatly, standing back up with his arms crossed. His tail flicks, his eyes darting over the group in front of him as his expression turns back into that bored look he had before.

Nisha arches an eyebrow as suddenly their standoff is about one hundred degrees cooler. Or 55.5 repeating degrees cooler, if you prefer SI measurements... She lets herself relax a little bit and crosses her arms again, then sighs and chews her lower lip as they wait for the messenger foxes to fetch the alpha, musing at that it was really as simple as 'take me to your leader' to cool all this down.

Colette lets out a relieved sigh, smiling again at the relief of getting somewhere. She lowered her arms, finally, clasping her hands together at her stomach. "Well, at least we avoided conflict for a bit longer."

Cameron let out a sigh of relief now that the meeting with the ferals was going in a more peaceful manner. She let her hands fall from her weapons now that the alpha was going to show themself. She took a step back to look about warily just in case the ferals tried anything.

Jojo ears tilt ever slightly downward, though greatful that things were taking a turn for the better. With the situation going in a different direction, Jojo keeps to his silence.

In due time, a somewhat larger latex fox emerges from the back office, with the other two at his tail. Looking around at the agents, he growls low in his chest, examining each of you and taking your measure. He doesn't look like he'd be fit for Prime status, but he's definitely tougher than the other foxes in the room, probably on the higher end of the level scale for the area. Finally, he barks, "Who alpha?!" with his arms folded over his chest (squeaky-squeak), waiting for one of the gathered agents to speak up and announce their position as team leader.

Astara raises her eyebrows as the apparent alpha steps out. She mutters "Certainly not any more well spoken than the others..." under her breath.

Angus flicks his ears, fixing the Alpha with a glowing gold gaze. "Evening princess." He greets, a smile starting to form on his muzzle. "We've come to negotiate with you about this lovely spot you've decided to park your asses on. While I've noticed you've taken up residences here, and...armed yourself as heavily as possible." He waves his hand to the one holding a pot in their hand. "We've come here to persuade you that there is a better place for you and your pack."

Nisha does her best to frown as Angus very quickly potentioally makes the situation worse once again, but... That was just too good. She can't help but snicker under her breath. Though she does quickly harden her stance again in preparation for the foxes possibly not being too happy with such blatant insults.

Colette raises her brow, smiling wider about something that she kept to herself. Whatever it was, it made her seem a bit more confident on the outside, and she adjusted her posture, holding her shoulders high as she looked to Jojo.... then to Angus as he spoke up instead, blinking a bit.

Cameron raises a curious eyebrow as Angus seems to take over the talk with the alpha. She glanced between the coyote and the bunny and figured it wise not to add another voice to the mix. The alpha didn't seem to be the brightest bulb in the box and didn't want to anger him. Well no helping in now with Angus taking over the one to talk.

Even with the way things were going, Jojo still kept to himself amist all of it. Whichever way the situation would move, Jojo would keep his wits about him. He even shifts a little further back, letting Angus take over the lead of things.

The fox sneers at Angus as he speaks so candidly. "Better place. Hmph! Tell place!" His voice fairly drips with derision and disbelief, anger and impatience, as though he had absolutely no faith in any promises being made. That snarl deepens subtly when Nisha begin to snicker, and several of the other foxes utter growls and murmurs of dissent at the sight of mirth at their expense. "They laugh!" "Think joke!" "Fight!" "Bite!" "Bite and fight!" The murmurs invite an over-the-shoulder glare from the larger fox, and are quickly silenced. "Tell!" he demands of Angus.

Astara cocks her head, staring dead on at the Alpha, watching for any sudden movements.

Angus looks over the rest of the ferals, his smile fading quickly as they start to demand a fight. His gaze looks back up to the alpha, giving him a come here gesture with his hand. "It's a secret, I can only whisper it to you. Unless you're to scared." He asks, deliberately challenging the Alpha with that statement as his stance remains loose, nonthreatening.

Nisha clicks her tongue and shuts her mouth as the foxes hear her snickering, then does her best to go back to her imposing guard stance. This confrontation is turning out to be a bit of a rollercoaster, the panther taur muses to herself as she waits to see what Angus can do now that he has the Alpha's attention.

Colette wets her lips a bit, letting her voice ring out like an off comment as she looked over to Angus. "There's also the worry of safety." She nodded, matter-of-factly.

Cameron frowns as Angus seems to be trying to piss off the alpha squeaker with his words. Hearing that he wanted the alpha to lean close, she began to hope he wasn't going to take that moment to blow the poor squeaker's brains out. She shrugged a moment and watched to see where this might go, for better or for worse.

The alpha fox scowls derisively at Angus. "Not have secrets. Tell or go." he says in a firm tone. Apparently, he's not quite /that/ gullible. His tail flicks swiftly behind him while he studies Angus intently, his ultimatum given; he's not willing to play any of the coyote's games. Is it because word of Angus's reputation has gotten around? Is it because the pack is immediately distrustful of strangers? Hell, did Aaron have something to do with this? Whatever the case, the alpha's arms remain folded over his chest as the fox gazes impassively at his equal number among the 'other pack'. A couple of the other foxes move to press past their alpha, but they seem to be doing little more than sniffing at the air around the other agents, curious and suspicious.

Astara speaks up, at last. "How about a question for you: what makes this place so special?" She glances around at the front of the battle-worn restaurant before continuing; "It's damaged, close to falling apart at the seams, and I doubt you have the skills and resources to prevent it from falling in on your heads. You also have to get more trouble than you like being so close to Zephyr, right?"

Angus narrows his gaze on the Alpha as he's given an ultimatum, a sharp glint flashing in his gaze. His voice dropping low as a snarl starts to thread its way through it. They were moving forward for the kill. No more games "My secret. My rules. We came here peacefully to speak with you to offer you a new home, a new life. And all you've done is threaten us, snarl, act as if we are the prey. You may be the Alpha of this little pack of squeaky rats, but in the scheme of things you are nothing compared to the fresh hell outside of the bubble. Accept the terms, listen to the proposal. Or my teeth will be sinking into your throat."

Nisha arches an eyebrow at Angus' new, very much hostile stance in this conflict. She debates for a moment, then decides that she should be making a show to back Angus' words more than to just stand and be intimidating. The panther taur slowly reaches behind her back and avoids any sudden moves as she draws her rifle. She sets it against her shoulder and clicks the safety off, but keeps it pointed at the ground in between the two groups, ready for use if needed, but not intended to be an immediate, direct threat.

Colette let out a small breath as her additionwas gone unnoticed, but didn't spare it any more time than that. She didn't move any more, but didn't offer any more input, either; just taking a close account of the foxes, and how many of them that were visible.

Cameron frowned as things seemed to be going a little down hill in the talks. With a sigh she put her hands close to her weapons, readying to draw them should they attack. She didn't bother trying to look mean and intimidating, she had too much awww power for that.

The fox snarls at Angus. "Rayner not stupid!" he scowls, seeming to adopt a more hostile stance. "You laugh! Take home! We not rats, we not nothing! You threaten! Get out!" The large fox gestures for the remainder of his pack to form up about him, evidently preparing for battle. "No push us around!"

The general reaction of the foxes is filled with menace and anger. It looks very much like violence is going to ensue very shortly if something isn't done!

Astara snaps her elegantly-gloved fingers, her ruby-red eyes flaring up in intensity as a fanged, somewhat-sadistic smile spreads across her face; on command, a blueish, hazy orb of light appears in front of her mid-air, rapidly moving forward and engulfing two of the nearest members of the pack! Sternly, Astara speaks directly to the big brute: "This will end poorly for you and your kin if you do not comply, Rayner. We did not wish for this to end this way; consider this your final warning."

Angus doesn't move, his ears perked at attention. Letting Astara's action be his words for this as he keeps his gaze fixed directly on the Alpha, his hackles still raised as he raises his hand and raises his point finger and middle in the air. "That's two of your boys down it looks like, shall we add more? Or are you willing to listen."

Nisha raises her rifle and points it at the crowd of foxes in front of them. She aims at the disturbance caused by Astara's fire until she realizes what's going on, then waits for Angus to finish his next round of threats. She spends this time perfecting her aim and making sure there won't be any ricochet. Once Angus finishes speaking, the panther taur fires off a short burst at the pan wielded by one of the foxes, with the intent of knocking it out of their hand.

Colette raised her hands up, along wih her voice, a worried look at the two nearest the flame. "We are not pushing! We are pulling away! Look, you see that building around you? You were there to see what happened last time. It was half destroyed! If you spend your time here, there is no guarantee that you won't be crushed, and losing so many lives is pointless to everyone! So please.. let us pull you with words, not.. with more pain." Her voice trails down, taking a hesitant step towards the ones that burst aflame.

Cameron frowned deeply as one of their own made the first attack. She gave a small sigh and shook her head, this was only likely to make the ferals attack them rather then back off. They usually didn't take attacks on their own kindly. She unslung her cannon and flicked it on, the energy weapon charging up with a hushed hum of power.

Jojo lowers his head for a moment, a bit disappointed at how things were going. Though he simply reminds himself that it seemed inevitable from the start of their trip, and on that notion he takes that polearm of his in both of his hands in front of him weather the foxes would calm down or not. At this point, he could see from a mile away that they were going to be in a scuffle, and without much alternative, he readies himself for battle, the two latex foxes are enveloped in fire confirming his worries.

And thus, the battle is joined, with the agents striking first. As one, the foxes (except for the two who have been burned) surge forward to attack, with the one called Rayner focusing his attentions on Angus, attempting to claw and bite and otherwise bring down the interloper. Fully three of the other foxes work to surround Astara and attempt a physical assault, punching and biting and using the limited resources at their disposal to inflict as much damage as possible. Each other agent gets a fox or two, but this group is scarcely any actual threat; the attack is more comical than anything else, with the leader's powerful assaults marginally inconveniencing Angus in a small way.

Astara enters a defensive stance, closing her eyes and chanting something; upon opening her eyes, another wispy manifestation appears. This one is more solid, however, and dances around through the air at and around the assailing foxes, burning them on contact in addition to distracting them. Unlike the other, it looks to be controlling itself rather than simply being controlled by its master, and doesn't disappear after contact. Astara draws her laser pistol, firing a shot out at one of the foxes, and raking her sharp nails across another that's more or less right up against her.

Angus sighs as they attack, ear twitching in annoyance as the big bad Alpha 'assault's him. Grabbing the thing by the Muzzle he forces it to the ground, reaching for the revolver at his hip to point to the sky, and fire from the shotgun. A bright flash of light and a high pitch squeal assaulting everyone's ears within the vacinity as he shouts. "Everyone stand down!" The barrel of his revolver pressed against the alpha's temple. "That includes you you squeaky biters. Now."

Nisha immediately levels her carbine at the foxes threatening her and the other agents and fires off two short bursts at two seperate foxes, with the expectation that each will down one of the ferals. As one of the others lunges in at someone, Nisha makes to draw her chainsword to deal with that one, too - but is stopped as Angus calls a halt to the fight as soon as it starts. Nisha sees the alpha on the ground under Angus and arches an eyebrow, then brings her rifle up again and trains it on the remaining foxes, ready to bring them down as well, if they don't heed Angus.

Colette instantly did just as Angus said, though not by her own will. Hands flattened her ears to the top of her head as the high pitched scream echoed through her skull. She didn't need to hear again, nope.

Cameron sighs as battle breaks out. Raising her nanite cannon to her shoulder she takes aim at the nearest feral trying to bop her on the noggin. She blinks and shakes her head as she tries to regain vision after the bright flash of light. Her ears flattened to her head at the sound of the round even as she turned to the dazed foxes that had tried to attack her.

Jojo cock his weapon back and swings in a wide arc at the foxes approaching him, readying for another strike against them when the ringing of the shot blares out into the air, the sound hitting his sensetive ears hard. He tenses up a bit all over, crumbling to the foor in a vain attempt to block out the sound, weapon clattering to the floor in the process.

The shot is noticeably effective, causing all of the foxes to cry out in pain, including the one held fast by the coyote himself. The pack seem to stare at Angus in confusion, their ears ringing from the sound of the blast and making it impossible for them to hear. On the other hand, they're also too off-balance to mount a proper assault at the moment. Jojo's predicament also doesn't go unnoticed, some of the foxes nudging the others and pointing to him. The general census appears to change from anger to fear, not from the sight of the coyote with a gun positioned at their alpha's temple, but at the sight of Jojo's agony. This alpha is willing to hurt his own people for a momentary - even unnecessary - advantage!

Astara flinched hard at the screeching shot, her eyes slamming shut as she lowered her head, arms reflexively moving to cover her head. She slowly opens her eyes again, ears still ringing as she looks around at the remaining combatants; she bashes any remaining foxes in front of her to the ground that are still standing, her wisp moving to dance around Rayner, though not attacking him outright. Still fully on guard, she holds her pistol at the ready, her attention more focused on the Alpha rather then the grunts at this point.

Angus holsters the revolver, full on sitting on the Alpha's back to hold him in place. Reaching into his pack he pulls out a slip of paper and a pen, writing an address on it before shoving it in the mongrels face. "Here. Take this." He mutters, giving the feral a death glare. "It's clean, empty, and no one goes through that neighborhood as it use to belong to a pack of Collie Herms, the building has about a weeks worth of food stashed away in it to. Take the address and leave before I change my mind." He snaps at them. Thumping the back of their skull with his fist, gently enough to hurt but not cause injury before standing.

Nisha holds her stance, rifle levelled at the remaining foxes, switching between them every time one moves. After a couple seconds, as Angus gets his slip of paper out, the panther taur finally drops the weapon and lets her guard down a little bit. One hand moves up to her temple and holds against it for a moment, then rubs at the ear that was closer to Angus' crowd-control weapon. "What the /fuck/." she mutters under her breath, then levels a glare of her own at Angus for a moment before bringing her weapon up again.

Colette found herself on her knees without any realization of how she got there, the ringing still going strong. She looked up to make sure she wasn't about to be pounced, then looked to Angus saying.. something? What were ears, definitely not something she had. She tried to get ahold of herself, picking herself up slowly to get back on her feet.

Cameron lowered her weapon upon seeing them stop in their assualt. She then looked to the others, her ears flicking about to try and hear what was going on. Seeing their bunny on the ground in pain she frowned and hurried over to him. "Shhhhh, it is alright..." Not that the bunny or herself could hear her words. Pulling out a med pack she began tending to his poor mistreated ears and making sure nothing was too permanently damaged. She was a little glad she had taken up medical skills and nanomagic.

Jojo continues his plantive whining as the sharp sound resonates in his head, much to his distain. He glares over at the coyote, eyes narrowed more so at him now than the hostile foxes before them, taking his weapon back up in a hand, the other still clasped over his ear. Perhaps fighting from the very start would prove more useful. Who needed the dumb feral's help anyway? "Dammit.." he grumbles, pain flaring in his head with each beat of his heart.

Rayner scowls up at Angus, and asks, "Why trust you?" in a tone that speaks volumes of open resentment. The other foxes seem to be getting their thoughts together, but the alpha gestures for them to pause before they attack a second time, and they stand down as a single unit while their alpha peers at the writing as if it were some kind of magic. It'll quickly become apparent that he doesn't actually know how to read what's written on the paper (or probably much of anything else), but he understands food and vacancy...he just doesn't trust Angus or the rest of the agents at all.

Astara walks towards Rayner, looking down at him sighing loudly. "Why would he go through the effort of giving you an address if he wasn't serious? We said it in the beginning; we didn't want to fight. We only engaged because you were about to be an active threat, and also had a past history of attacking agents... /I/ certainly didn't forget that bit." She lowers herself down, putting an open hand near him, a slight smile on her face. "Now, are you going to accept our terms? Remember we have /other/ things we can offer you if you decline."

Angus pulls the ear plugs he had on the entire time out of his ears, his ears no long flicking in irritation at them. "Well. If you want we can keep fighting, it looked like it was going oh so well for you guys." He was counting on his disregard for the rest of the group to push home what would happen if they tried to continue the onslaught. "It was a bolt hole for me and my daughter in case her old family came back, I give my word that it's safe. Long as you don't decide to attack me if I ever show up there." He adds as an after thought, trying hard not to pay attention to the multitude of angry eyes on him, he'll deal with that after the threat is gone.

Nisha lowers her weapon when it looks like Angus has this under control. She rubs at her own head for another moment and grits her teeth at the ringing in her ears, then looks back at the rest of the party, who seem to be faring much worse than she. Nisha takes a quick look at the foxes, then dares to turn her back to them as she lies down with the others and tries to comfort them.

Colette grumbled something incoherent, now finally standing in a position what might possibly be considered upright, if you were asking a drunkard. Golden eyes focused on the foxes that weren't being pinned to the ground, bending her knees enough to dodge away if things went further south.

Cameron frowns as she kneels beside Jojo, her hands gently working about his ears as she tends to them. Her own power coaxing the bunny's nanites to work a little harder to heal him and get his ears back into a health shape. "There there." Lightly patting his shoulder once she did the best she can without any proper equipment or light here in the darkening street.

Jojo sighs and bats Cameron away, shaking his head and getting back to his feet with a grumble and annoyed snort. He turns away from most of the people, eyes wandering off to the side in a simple display of apathy toward the situation. He does not say anything else, though he does not fight them again, but he taps the polearm repeatedly against the floor, along with the impatient tapping of his foot.

The alpha fox snarls in open defiance. "Agent word. Worth nothing." he scowls. "But not fight. Fight, lose. Maybe kill pack." Rayner slowly rises to his feet and motions for the cluster of foxes to join him, attempting to make for the door. "Not follow. Not return." he scowls at Angus, and - if allowed to do so - the pack will retreat, at least for the moment. Whether or not they ever return is another matter, but no one can know their future plans, possibly not even their alpha. One thing is obvious, though: when it came to actual battle, the foxes never really had a prayer, despite their bluster and bravado.

Astara scowls, withdrawing her offered hand and instead kicking one of her spiderlegs lightly against the alpha's side. "Then get, fools. I'm more than happy of binding you all up and carrying you out if I must..." she says, smirking as she draws a little bit of silken thread out of her spinnaret for emphasis. She grasps her head and she grimaces in pain, not being able to ignore it despite her best efforts.

Angus gives a nod, letting them go before he picks back up his duffle bag. With a sigh he walks over to the gathering around Jojo, setting his bag down and kneeling beside it to pull out a Medkit, and a glow stick. "Is everyone alright?" He asks, snapping the glow stick and shaking it to provide light while rummaging through the medkit. "I've got pain killers and a few other things that should help with your ears, ringing should be stopping in a bit, I apologize that it came to this."

Nisha frowns a little bit as Angus walks over next to them and she starts trying to massage the temples of whoever is still having issues with headaches. "It sounds like I've got a banshee screaming in my ear, but other than that I'm alright." Nisha says with a bit of an edge to her tone, but nothing too sharp. "It did the trick, I guess, though... After the trouncing we gave them, I question if it was necessary."

"What." Colette said flatly, shaking her head in an attempt to get the ringing out. She walked a bit closer upon seeing the open medkit, taking a pain pill if offered it.

Cameron looked to Angus a moment and tilted her head. "Huh? What did you say?" Speaking a little too loudly to the coyote. Seeing the things being pulled from the medkit she shook her head a moment. Closing her eyes she laid her hands on her ears and used her own nanomagic power on herself. Opening them up she turned to look at everyone present, seeing how each was doing after the loud noise.

Jojo shakes his head, waving off the coyote. "I'm fine," he huffs. The rabbit folds his arms over his chest, looking away from the others, then back toward the exit. "Let's just get rid of them.. I don't want to deal with any of them longer than needed."

And, with a few growls at Astara to warn her not to take a parting shot, the foxes wander off to the north in search of this promised land suggested by Angus. Will they find it? Will they get lost? Will they run afoul of another pack of ferals? Impossible to say, since no one followed them! And yet, one half of the mission is complete, with the easy part still to come: examining the building and documenting its current state, then reporting back to what is very likely a sleeping bunny doe. Hopefully, she's still in the Zephyr lobby!

"Well, at least that's over with..." Astara mutters, rubbing her head again. She heads over towards Jojo, picking him up to give him a big hug. "Can't hug your head better, but figured it wouldn't hurt! Anyways, time to check out how much they might have screwed this place over from its previous, admittedly not good condition. Still have a copy of my notes from last time!" She puts Jojo down, rummaging through her pack for her notebook and a pen, and skitters off into the main area of the restaurant. She walks around, checking the walls, and scouring the floor and any nooks for any dangerous remnants from the squeakies.