From Flexible Survival
Shifting Quest
In a secure area in the city, someone's been doing research behind some intense security. The defences are daunting, but the reward might be worth the risk... if you dare. While short, this is a major quest due to its high difficulty and special reward: the Shifting ability.
- Steps:
- Locate the 'Secure Area' event in the Outside area.
- Pass several skill checks (Dexterity, then Strength) to get past the outer barriers.
- Face and defeat the two Ash Dragator guards.
- Pass a strength check to open the doors.
- Go to the City Plaza in Qytat a'th Lundrues, accessible via the Floating City of Qytat quest.
- Go north through the new exit to enter the Shifting Room.
- Rewards:
- Gain the Shifting ability. You now have control of your infected form.
Shifting Ability
The shifting ability allows you to change your form into that of other infections. It is used by typing shift <infection>. There seems to be some latitude in providing only a partial creature name. The allowable infection types are those of any random critter in the game and many NPC-specific infections.