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The following is a list of updates made to the game since it entered open beta in 2011.
For planned future updates, see Nuku's six month plan at http://checkvist.com/checklists/97925-six-month-plan.
=Full archive of updates can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=
== February ==
*Damage-over-time effects should now benefit from the 40% cap on resistances.
*Modifiers that increase damage, like [[Extra Lethal]], now increase secondary damage, like on [[Rocket Launcher]].
*Percentage-based modifiers, like [[Cool]], now calculated after numerical ones, like [[Fast]].  Previously it was alphabetical.
*Bugfixes for web battling:
**Web battles will inform you if your inventory is full when you receive an item such as an infection vial.
**Monsters in web battles no longer linger after the fight is over.  For example, friendly NPCs won't invade other battles.
**Web battles should use your buffs before entry more reliably.
*Racing minigame is expanding!
**[[Racer Examination]] allows you to peek at a racer to see what species it will grow into.
**[[Racer Metabolism Spiker]] allows a second try after a failed feeding.
**[[Animal Husband]] merit makes every feeding successful.
**[[Racer Cap]] gives some defense but more importantly raises your racer's obedience.
*Race!  You can now breed and race mutants for fun and profit.  Start with 'help racers'.
*Assistants in web battles now less likely to sneak away and leave.
*There was a bug that made fishing way harder. It's been squashed.
*You can now gift the Survival Pack to other people! Details at http://flexiblesurvival.com/buymako
*[[Scathing Diatribe]] is actually a useful power now! It's all... taunty.
*+pregtime is now a lot more readable.
*Some zones are now marked as "High Danger". This causes you to *always* pull in backup when in web combat, and allows +1 people to show up. This does stack with any perks that bump up your maximum assistants.
*The Survivalist camp now opens its doors to everyone, in the name of better commerce!
**You can still do the questline if you want. Good idea, if you want to experience their unique take on the apocalypse.
**They've also started selling the [[Duct Tape Backpack]]! 20 more slots in your inventory, stacks with other bags, drains 1000 freecred a day.
*The final wave (for now) of recipes for the mini-factions has been released!
**Survivalists can now construct [[Rocket Launcher|Rocket Launchairs]]!
**Mall Rats unlocked the secrets of the [[Automated Response Kit]]!
**Not that they need them, but the Skunks will teach you how to make [[Muscular Enhancers]]!
*Now that things have stabilized, you can read up on all three factions at [[:Category:Crafting Alliances]]
*King's Stable has been located near the Farm, bringing back old favorites [[Centaur Mare]] and [[Centaur Stallion]], along with introducing [[Friesian Stallion]] to the grid!
**Oh, and there's a boss fight. He's got some new toys for you!
*Children and other pets should no longer be crushed to 14% health out of combat randomly.
*Roo pets change: Damaged softly churrs, "Very slight nerf to roo pets. In future, no single stat bonus on them will be able to go over 2x any upgrade for them. So no more, for instance, a priapan orca with +30 damage mag."  Damaged softly churrs, "In that example, it would cap at +22"
*More mods for the ever-growing war between factions!
**Skunks got more [[Potent]].
**Rats have begun dabbling in [[Temporal]] distortion.
**The Survivalists are, for the first time ever, properly [[Directed]].
*Looking forward to beating up Surviving Human Jerks?  Donate to the newest mako pool!
*Now that it works, we can announce salvage missions! In the web interface, look on the right hand side. Kill stuff, win valuable tokens!
*Equipment sets have been created. Type 'eqset/help' to learn how to set up your own gear.
*Repeat attacks now do 60% damage on each tick, up from 50%.
*General Hospital is now a level 44-55 zone.
*Mako pools now vanish from +poollist after completion. The list no longer goes ever on and on.
*Recipe Modifiers with active and passive statuses will allow both halves to be applied to a subject.  For example, a [[Fast]] [[Banner]] and a fast [[Module]] would work together.
*Call HQ button on the web interface allows scavenging missions much like those Robert distributes in direct control.
*The mini factions has once again added to their unique recipes. [[PickMeUps]], [[Throwing Knives]], and [[Smoke Bomb]], were added to The Rats, The Skunks and The Survivalists, respectively.
*New commands: voteidle and notidle.  Allows you to attempt to push someone into IDL status if they are clogging up a combat or AFK when a judge will reward active RP.
*You no longer need to upgrade child/egg objects~! Battle XP is all they need.
*Each of the three mini-factions have slightly expanded their inventory, adding 1 new recipe each!
**The Rats have added [[Cool]]!
**The Survivalists have added [[Amplifying]] to their shelves.
**The Skunks now sell [[Protective]].
*[[Hooked]] deals its stated damage now, instead of three times as much.
*[[Zealously Conserved]] only reduces skill required by 5, but no longer counts as a mod in terms of skill inflation.
*Pregnancy progresses slowly while you are offline.  If it reaches zero, you will give birth when you next log in.
*[[Slurp]] power added to [[Female Husky]].
*Bug fixed that was causing people to be spontaneously pregnant with no baby.
*Repeats got some tweaks, with [[Forced Milking]], [[Jelly Whip]], [[Prism Storm]], and [[Quad Punch]] all uptuned a little.
*Repeatattacks now apply statuses only on the first hit.
*[[Size King]] merit, bundling all the break-size-cap merits into one, now exists!
*[[Ultimate Fishing Rod]], which is so famous people give you a stipend for holding it, coded but not yet placed.
*A bug was fixed that made Hard Boss- and Final Boss-rank monsters much easier.  They were then made to hit harder and apply statuses harder.  Please report on this ongoing fix.
*Two new merits for the new child system: [[Matron]] and [[Instructor]].
*Skunk faction shop now available, making all three mutually exclusive recipe shops in-game.  Contains [[Liquid Bandage]] and [[Attention Deficit Remedy]].
*Six Fingers Inn will now rent their private rooms for 1000 credits a day, down from 10k.
*String parsing updated: [if (item) possessed by (person name) = (number)] and [if (item) equipped by (person name) = (number)] now work! You can also use <, >, and !=, if you feel like it.
*[[Top Tier Crafts]] merit added.
*When gaining salvage, a message is now sent to the receiver, even if they're in a different room.
*You can now 'list forms' to see what forms you have unlocked, even if you're not an adept.
*[[Basic Spread]] now applies spread rating to items.
*New store!  Mall Rats offer some no-trade recipes that will be mutually exclusive with the upcoming Skunk and Survivalist shops.
*The mall rats have started their own mini-faction, granting access to a unique store with a couple of unique recipes. There will be two other factions (Skunks and Survivalists), and all three will be mutually exclusive; each character can only join ONE of the three. Caution is advised until the other two are put in.
*Survivalists mini-faction added, and we've discovered what the two released factions offer for schematics so far.
**The Rats come with [[Superconducting Magnet]] and [[Cybernetic Reflex Booster]]
**The Survivalists offer [[Portable Dialysis]] and [[Uniform]]
*Prometheans no longer elitist jerks: Anyone can go through their gates to visit.  Overworld point now goes to the center of New Dawn.
*[[Mutant Companion]] recipe coded, sold at New Dawn's Crossroads.  Powers and roles reported as follows:
**"Nuku softly churrls, "Back row 2, Bewitched 2, Cure 3, Small Claws 4, Purr, Snap kick 1, and furry hide 1.""
*[[Shield Drone]] recipe coded, to be added to a future web mission.
**Nuku softly churrls, "Front Row:3, Endurance:1, Taunting Strikes:3, Juggernaut:4 (DamageResistMag:1.0, Energy:-0.3), Abrasive Hide:1, Solid Frame:1, Stonewall:2 (PhysicalDamageResistDuration:2), Guarding Stance:3 (CoverChance:50), Strike:1"
*Trashing items via web interface now gives as much freecred as you would get in direct control.
*As part of the ongoing child changes, they (and other minions) no longer lose levels when you have more than one summoned.
*+census can now use the 'form' command to check for mastered forms.
*Children and pets that use NotUser powers (like [[Evening Song]], or [[Delicious Treat]]) can now use them on their parents!
**The magnitude is reduced by 25%, however, when used on you. Full power on other people, though.
*DamageReturn now has soft caps at 50% and 75%, and a hard cap at 100%.
**Presuming this works like other mechanics, after 50% each point is worth half, halved again after 75%. You'd need 200 DamageReturn to return 100% of damage dealt, which would be the hard cap.
*Your 'total' badges (Total Skunk Girl, Total Blue Gryphon, Total Whatever) have vanished! This is not a drill. They're still there, just not clogging your badge list. This post will be updated once there's a good way to view them again.
**Please do not panic.
***No, really. Quit that.
****Sit down and be calm. Please. Don't make us get the hose.
*Children are changing.  This is an ongoing process.
**You can @force your children to do commands starting in :, ; and ".  This means they can act during RP.
**You may have ONE child or kangaroo pet out. Only one.
**Having out a child reduces your base action (that is, how much ATB you get per tick) by 30%
***Having [[Born Leader]] cuts this penalty by half, to a 15% penalty.
***Having [[Backseat Driver]] cuts this penalty by a third, to a 20% penalty.
****Having both means you're only suffering a 10% ATB penalty.
**New Kangaroo pets must be equipped like normal children. Old ones can be converted, but will function as they have for now.
**Children can now be trained! Type 'train' in front of Sandra in Zephyr's basement.
***Fresh outta the womb, children have 1 power: strike. They must use slots for anything else.
***New children only have 1 slot, but as they gain battle XP in combat they will work up to a maximum of 8 at <del>2757.68881863023</del> 2758 XP.
****After combat, all children equipped (not just the active one) gain battle xp, spread out among themselves. This does NOT suck xp away from the player - testing has shown an equipped child gains the same amount (100%) of the XP the player does.
****Resetting their training sets them back to square one; be careful!
***Slots can be used either to master a power they have in their mutations, upgrade one of those powers (one upgrade per power), master a role, just like a player would have, or raise the cap on the distills they can use (with no levels spent in distills, they can only use level 1s; one level lets you use 2, then another for 3, then one more for 4).
****If they have a stronger distill, it acts at the strength they are trained for.
****Kangaroo pets can only have 3 roles, but children can use all 8 slots for roles, if you so desire.
*****Please don't give a child 8 roles.
**Now you can panic.
*Mako pool success stories:
**Tanuki can now buy a cock count leaf at the usual place.
**Quarterback role created! Reactive, Mastermind, Fast Loading.
*[[Liquid Bandage]] coded.
*Web interface tweaks:
**The web shop interface will now let you know if you do or do not have an AI program.
**The web crafting interface should now be much smarter about loadout and upkeep.
**You cannot challenge people more than one level below you in PvP. You can challenge your betters all you want, though.
*Completing web missions from the MUD should stop spitting out a bunch of HTML, and you'll get the proper command to continue.
*There are occasional reminders about commending an infection when shifting. By the way, COMMEND MORE CREATURES.
*The Medicine professional skill now grants +10/20/30% more healing when out of combat.
*Liberated children now do +5% damage and status magnitudes on powers they have locked. It's like they were born to use these attacks!
*[[Targeting]] mod coded.
*[[Siphon]] and [[Soldering Iron]] added to token stores. Robert now stocks all five salvage-boosting schematics!
*You can now vote for polls through the web interface over [[http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?polling here]]!
*[[Portable Dialysis]], [[Superconducting Magnet]] and [[Attention Deficit Remedy]] coded.
*[[Nanite Adaption Assimilator]] for sale with the mall rats. Allows non-liberated mutants to 'fix' a nativized part's power to themselves, gaining that same +5% bonus.
*The [[Abundant Supply]] power has been added to [[Rabid Squirrel]]s, bringing it to the grid!
*[[Nanite Sexual Stabilizer]] and [[Nanite Gender Assigner]] added to elite stores.
*[[Chemical Extractor]] , [[Overclocker]], [[Metal Detector]] and [[Cybernetic Reflex Booster]] recipes coded
**Chemical Extractor and [[Cooler]] both uptuned to make them far better for their own salvage, but provide a small penalty to other types.
**Cooler, Metal Detector, and Chemical Extractor are all on grid, in the token shops.
*[[Flexible]], [[Jagged]], and [[Invisible]] mods coded.
*Flexible, Hooked, and Overclocker added to the elite stores.
*Staff characters can travel without restraint of river or water on the overworld map.
*You can no longer taunt friendly targets. Phew!
*notuser abilities ([[Tears of Life]], [[Delicious Treat]], etc) are now smarter about not firing when there are no valid targets.
*Rooms you have set as your respawn point now say so, instead of asking you to bond there.
*Training no longer shows crafting options until at least level 15.
*[[Energy Snack]]s have been massively buffed.  Also cost more to make.
**Harder to use in combat, too; longer charge and now has an 8-round cooldown.
*A mako pool for the [[Olfactory Sensor]] was created, then finished like an hour later. Hooray!
**[[Nanite Gender Assigner]] and [[Sexual Stabilizer]] followed less than an hour after that!
== January ==
*Items will now track how much xp they earn via combat for MYSTERIOUS future purposes.
*[[Crossbow]] recipe added to Hidden Camp store.
*New pool for Sexual Stabilizer: allows Nanite Adepts to toggle gender-change immunity.
*Proper talk restrictions set on channels you shouldn't talk on, while still allowing you to turn them on and off and pull the history with #last.
*The adjusted length/depths shown in +groin are now much less silly, though their function is unchanged.
*[[Shred the Moon]] rebalanced drastically; it is much cheaper, but far less powerful. The concept of 'temporary toggles' has been buried for good.
*You now get reward tokens randomly when RPing! Check for it on your RP ticks.
*The [[Crossbow]] mako pool is completed. Item is a recipe.
*Flunky's mako pool completed!
*The [[Nanite Control Extender]] can now properly make use of the new size-changing Adept toy.
*The [[Nanite Carnal Equalizer]] can now bypass the 'lesser' size merits, such as [[Maximum Depth]] or [[Tanuki Grade]].
*Size-shifting now actually obeys which badges you have, and accepts partial matches.
*New pool started for Nanite Gender Assigner -- allows you to overwrite Male/Female Preferred with the Carnal Equalizer.
*Smaller-than-normal mutants now get a much stronger benefit/penalty to defense/HP. Fairies are now +/-32 instead of 4.
*[[Nanite Resistor]] added to the elite store. Allows Nanite Adepts to decide not to be infected by anything today.
*Tanuki stores now stocked with the Leaf: Vaginal Control.
*More mako pools! If this keeps up, we're going to have to stop documenting them.
**Flunky role!
***More badges added to mako pools!
*[[Long Burning]] and [[Nanite Cooling]] distillations adjusted.
*[[Electrified Chainsword]] recipe lost a little damage due to budgeting concerns regarding its insane knockback.
*[[Nanite Adaptation Cleanser]] pool completed; the item is now in the elite stores.
*Body size now factors into your actual penis length/vaginal depth. The numbers in +groin now reflect this; the old standard of being within 50% of your target still apply.
**By the way, different mutants are different sizes. +groin reports your relative body size. 5 is 'average'.
*New pool list item: Tanuki vaginal control!
**The Tanuki female leaves poll has completed! That was fast.
*Body size has a mechanical component: Bigger creatures have more HP, but worse defense.
**For every point larger than 5, you gain +1% HP, but -1 Defense. Kaiju, at body size 50, have +45% health, but -45 defense. This goes the opposite way; Fairies have -4% health, but +4 defense.
*[[Tall]] and [[Short]] merits added, adjusting your scale by 20% in one direction or another. [[Human Sized]] added for people who want to skip this scale silliness entirely.
*[[Hotdogger]] mutation added to the elite store.
*[[Nanite Spatial Recalculator]] added to the elite store; allows you to change your size to that of other mutations.
*[[Nanite Adaptation Cleanser]] added to the elite store; allows liberated children to forget a power once and for all.
*The [[Module]] pool has completed! The pool for [[Area Module]] has replaced it.
*The final boss of the pet store has been turned into a resummonable boss fight. It can be summoned once per day, and has a bunch of cool loot on it.
*http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?makopool allows you to view and bid on mako pools from the comfort of your own browser.
*A pile of new recipes and recipe modifiers coded but not yet available.  Like [[Hooked]].
*The first mako pool success story, the [[Heat Blocker]], has been unleashed upon the unsuspecting elite stores!
*Repeat attacks no longer secretly diminished by DebuffResist.
*Some, but not all, recipes added as possible results for +reward.
**Right on its heels, the [[Dogged Reporter]] profession has occurred!
*Recipes and modifiers have been slotted into +reward.
*[[Triage Kit]], [[Ultimate Fishing Rod]], [[Amplifier]], [[Blowhorn]], and [[Uniform]] recipes coded.
**[[Hooked]] and [[Stiffened]] modifiers coded. [[Amplifying]] reworked completely.
*[[Steroid Injecting Unit]] and [[Laser Scope]] added to the reward store and mako store, respectively.
*The +quest command now lists everything from your logbook and any repeatable quests on file.
*PvP fights now start with everyone at full buffs. Why yes, that does mean children start out ready to go.
*Nuku needs people to write advertisements. Inquire at your nearest Nuku.
*Four new badges added for tutors.
*Say and oSay fields added to monster entry. Define how they talk!
*Reward tokens can now be purchased in the elite shops.
*[Public] Busy Body Nuku softly churrls, "[[Adaptive Immunities]] now gives a more... reasonable... penalty."
**Anyone have the new numbers?
*[Public] Power Girl Sati jingle bells, "[[Heavy Beam]], [[Polearm]], [[Automated Weapon]] and [[Light Melee]] have been run through my calculator, enjoy the updates, especially how much heavy beam got buffed."
**Virtually all recipe mods have also been rebalanced. Your gear has probably changed!
*[[Improved Laser Pistol]] and [[Gravity Cannon]] coded.
*[[Fiery Hide]] now actually protects you from environmental heat, as designed.
*[Public] Power Girl Sati jingle bells, "I updated the following recipes to my current balance-line, to see if they scale out of control and make sure my formulas are appropriate.  Go, test, have fun.  ([[Shield]], [[Physical Armor]], [[Light Energy Armor]], [[Heavy Armor]], [[Generic Armor]].)"
*A freak nanite storm has ripped through the city! All currently-equipped gear suddenly found itself brimming with nanites, filling its DV to the max!
**This totally was not a fix after a bug caused a lot of people to lose a lot of nanites in their equipment. Nope.
*Haste status and [[Hesitating]] flaw made to work correctly with negative-charge powers like [[Small Claws]].
*[[Expert Angler]] cost reduced to 3 merit points.
*The germ of PvP has been placed in the petri dish of the "Who's Online" area of the web interface. Click the button to challenge opponents!
*[[Winged]] merit now properly adds a generic note about wings to your description if your species doesn't normally have wings.
*[[Reinforced Fishing Rod]], [[Aggressive Soup]], and [[Ergonomic]] schematics placed into Jack's Hardware, the Hidden Camp, and the Hidden Camp, respectively.
*Referral links enabled! Go to the 'Buy Mako' area of the web interface to get a referral link. Anyone who signs up for the game through this will automatically declare you a tutor, allowing you to reap the benefits!
*HP 50 AI block coded, placed in the token shops.
*[[Scratch]] and [[Pincers]] coded as powers for low-level infections.
*[[Masochistic Fury]] coded as a power for people who hate themselves.
*[[Expert Angler]] merit added.
*[[Stainless]] and [[Nanite Absorbing]] distills actually do what they say on the can now. Sorry about that!
*[[Enhanced Lingering Hurt]] distill coded.
*'poollist' command added, offering mako drives for specific goals.
**Current goal: [[Module]] recipe!  When complete it will allow crafting a tiny thing to put [[Fast]] or [[Crippling]] on.
*Do you like flaws? I like flaws. Have some flaws!
**[[Adapted Metabolism]]: +5 Healing, +5 NaniteUse.
**[[Nanite Fueled]]: +5 DamageBuff, +5 NaniteUse.
**[[Adaptive Immunities]]: +10 DebuffResist, +2 NaniteUse.
**[[Nanite Reinforced]]: +1 PhysicalDamageResist, +1 EnergyDamageResist, +5 NaniteUse.
***All these flaws cause you to slowly munch through your stock of builder nanites. They are still used when in web combat, but NOT when you are assisting another player.
****The benefits go negative if you run out of nanites, by the way.
****They are totally the best flaws ever.
*+pregtime command added! Gives you a general idea of how soon your babby will be formed.
*AI will no longer try to use a power you do not have.
*Fishing bugs fixed.  +fish/info now shows your weight tolerance.
*[[Tactical Retreat]] merit added.  Run awayyyyy!
*You can no longer stack recipe mod statuses, such as Crippling, Fast, Insulating, etcetera. That means that if you have a Heavy Overwhelming Crippling Scuba Gear and a Crippling Generic Armor, you'll only get the Crippling bonus (modded by Heavy and Overwhelming) from the first one. You can stack whatever you want on active equipment (such as knives, polearms, medkits, and so forth), and may still use Overwhelming, Heavy, and others that simply modify existing statuses.
**As a side effect, your effects list is now much clearer about what gear is giving you what.
*You can no longer make italics in the public channel.
*New command: +totalkilled. Usage: "+totalkilled <mob>" gives you a readout of how many kills you've accumulated on that particular mutant.
*Bleeding AI condition added to reward store.  Allows you to specify a power to use when you are suffering from DOT or debuff effects.
*[[Zebra]] infection in the elite stores!
**This infection introduces the [[Escape Manuever]] ability on its legs.
*New fishing spot along the shoreline of the beach.
*Pet Shop of Horrors added to NW Fairhaven, next to the OTHER pet store. Contains [[Female Widow Convert|Black Widow]]s, [[Slinking Ferret]]s, and [[Cuddlefish]]es.
**This brings [[Sharp Bite]] and [[Camouflage]] to the grid! A good day.
**If you're lucky (well, sort of), you might even find the [[Walking Vagina|super secret boss]] down there!
***Oh, and the [[Walking Vagina|super secret boss]] has [[Enveloping Pain]] on it.
*If you collect ten [[Recursive (dedication)|Recursive]] badges, totaling 50 mako, you will get [[Nanite Adept (dedication)|Nanite Adept]] automatically.  Not retroactive; if you have ten or more already, you will need to get one more.
*The awarding of +reward is now account-wide. You cannot have alts just to farm rewards any longer. Sorry! :(
**On the plus side, you can now store up to 5 rewards at once, so you don't have to worry about missing one because you made the mistake of sleeping last night.
*[[Solid Frame]] can now upgrade for knockdown resistance, while [[Conductive]] can upgrade for HealGain.
*Builder nanites are now used for constructing items. More details once we have any idea what we're talking about.
**Oh yeah, and you'll now see 'Nanite mass' listed in the web interface. This is part of it.
***Testing recipes now also lists the amount of builder nanites required to make the item. It is displayed in mg.
*Items made with the [[Insulating]] modifier now slowly drain your builder nanites when worn or used.
*You can now finger people without using the plus sign.
*The healing from Vampiric no longer works while dead. Sorry, but you're not REALLY a vampire.
*New flaw: [[Bad Reputation]]: Fight more Promethean/Infected Agents!
*[[Flash Freeze]] coded, if not yet balanced. You cannot have it!
*AOE accuracy changed.  It should work...as it is supposed to now.  Continued testing on what that actually is.
*[[Normal Physics]] now allows you to go a little over the cap on bodypart-modified powers, encouraging you to struggle with your giant breasts.
*[[Front Row]] and [[Back Row]] combat skills buffed. The former grants an extra 10% cover per point on your allies, while the latter grants you an extra 10% per point on cover effects planted on you.
*More flaws!
**[[Backseat Driver]]: you are more fragile, but your gain an effect identical to [[Born Leader]], with which it can stack.
*Trashing (dropping) items is now counted as combat earnings, and is throttled accordingly.
**[[Anubis Servant (dedication)|Anubis Servants]] now actually get the listed bonus for trashing items.
**Items now have a property listing who found them. Their trash value is diminished for anyone else. Early tests show it to be about -80%.
*[[Adrenaline Boost]], [[Hard as Scale]] and [[Superior Balance]] on linked cooldowns instead of slots.  You can master all of them, but only use one at a time.
*Similarly, [[Pounce]], [[Triage]] and [[Expansiveness]] on linked cooldowns.
*More monster role tweaks:
**Monsters under level 20 half as likely to have a role.
**The first role of monsters above level 30 counts twice.  For example, a level 45 Behemoth Master Decoy now gets Avoidance, Warded and Front Row 2 before additional roles are checked.
**Powers granted by roles now have a chance to catch the random power upgrades monsters get.
*[[Scattershot 2000]] more balanced.
*New flaws added, some removed.  Flaws are now intended to be game-changing choices with more negative than positive.
**[[Compulsive Artist]], -40% salvage and +10% trinket rate.
**[[Hesitating]], all powers gain +100 and then 20% more charge and +5% damage.
**[[Heroic Enemies]] now has mechanical effects.  +5 levels for the chances of having roles, +1 mutant power improvement.
**[[All Natural]] now a flaw.  No change except for Merit Point cost dropping to zero.  Retroactive for previous AN people.
**[[Normal Physics]], Having oversized genitals will impede you. The larger, the worse the penalty.  Magnitude currently unknown.
*In-game mail will now be forwarded to your email account.  Previously the game was trying and failing to do this.
*AI now smarter: if you don't have enough energy to use a power, it will not attempt to.
*Damage modifying distillations applied to items with DoT effects now boost the DoT as well.
*[[Controlled Burst]] 3's effect was apparently never coded and nobody noticed. This has now been rectified.
*Monsters with combat skills should get appropriate powers granted and used automatically.
*Continued improvements in the new combat skills.  [[Vampiric]] drains even more health if a monster is defeated by your DOT effect.
*Equipment upkeep is now rounded down to the next whole number, but [[Readiness]] is now applied to your upkeep as a whole rather than individually to each item.
**Check your equipment, your upkeep total has probably gone up!
*Self-damaging powers bypass cover, HPBuffer and vampiric effects.  If you're bleeding yourself, no one can stop you.  Your damagereturn won't trigger on it either, so at least you won't light yourself on fire.
*[[Warded]] protects you from DOT effects now.
*Roles for EVERYONE!  Now you can fight Skunk Girl Cheerleaders, Math Teacher Determinators, and Behemoth Ninjas.
**Monsters created with Mastermind gain a pet power.
**Monsters created with Healing get a heal.
**Monsters set with pre-existing combat skills won't get any roles.  Mantis with Flurry 3, for example.
*[[Modular]] added to [[Survivalist (dedication)|Survivalist]] shop.
*Rejoice, ye of few levels! Partying with someone of higher level than you will automatically mentor you up to 2 levels below the level of the highest party member!
*Web shop interface now displays whether or not you have the total badge for an infection vial.
*[[Purifying Tablet]] recipe added to the library. Make use of those salmon!
*Subscribers now get access to all roles, as though every role has been learned.
**An option to make a role permanently known across your account has been added to the web interface roles page as well. Cost currently unclear, but expected to be a small amount of mako.
**To celebrate, have some new combat skills. [[Vampiric]], [[Bewitched]], [[Tar Baby]], [[Taunting Strikes]], [[Rage]], [[Sacrificial Fury]], [[Enduring Malice]] all added.
**A *lot* of [[Role]]s were added to make use of these new skills.
*[[Speed]] role now makes your next turns come faster.  50/100/150 out of 1000 baseline.
*[[Fast Loading]] role now decreases the charge time of things like energy snacks and grenades by 300 ATB per point.
*[[:Category:Monsters|Ferals]] now show what combat roles, if any, they possess.
*Inputting a command while on auto combat will no longer get overridden by your AI settings.
*Holidays are over.  No [[Christmas Spirit]], [[Christmas Song]], [[Santa Little Helper]], or [[Spin the Dreidel]] until possibly next year!
*Health bars should now auto-detect how wide your client window is.  To reject change, type 'healthwidth 30'.
*Spread powers have a minimum spread of <del>1.5</del> 1.0 now. This is simply to prevent Spread boosters (such as Controlled Burst at rank 2 or 3) from giving it absurd boosts against single targets. For most things, this will not appear to be a change.
*[[Delaying]] distillation coded.
*[[Totemic Spear]] tweaked to account for spread stat mod.
*[[Poison Bite]] now can stack over multiple attacks for a more powerful DoT effect.
*[[Field of Dread]] Mutant power added.
*[[Tanuki]] just learned [[Bountiful Joy]]! Hooray!
*[[Fenrir]] dedicants can now smell your fear. Also your active dedication.
**Oh, and there is a set of badges for smelling active dedications. Expect to be sniffed a lot over the next few days.
*Bozeman South Park added, containing [[Crested Wyvern]], [[Horned Wyvern]], and bringing both [[Magma Wurm]] and [[Crimson Wyrm]] to the grid!
*NotUser powers on a child or pet should be working as intended now. They no longer affect the summoner under any circumstances.
*+haz can now be targeted on any exit of a room, to look before you leap!
*Salvage purchases have been moved from the auction channel to the market channel.
*The ability to use the Auction channel to host auctions has been fixed.
*Perks can now be bought from from the web site at http://flexiblesurvival.com/merits
*[[Uncanny Scavenger]], [[Vigilant]], and [[Distillery Expert]] [[:Category:Merits|perks]] added.
**The obsolete Custom Work perk removed, as well.
*[cock of target] and [cock size of target] work. This is not news. The news is that all the following work:
**[skin of target]
**[breast size of target]
*You will no longer accidentally cover for more damage that is being done.
*[[Moist Towelette]] added to the mall. Clean up, you filthy mutants!
*Stacked damage introduced! For sake of example, "stacked5energydamage" with a magnitude of 4 and a duration of 5 will allow you to stack up to four copies of the same 5 DoT damage status, all of which are refreshed every time you layer the power on the enemies again. This particular example would stack all the way to a 20-magnitude energy DoT that lasts 5 rounds.
*InstantCooldown (and its associated debuff) coded! Every .1 turns, it tries to apply itself to a random power that is currently on cooldown, trading .1 mag for 100 ATB.
*TiredFriend status reports the ally with the least energy (even if it's yourself).
*Due to an error, '''your AI targeting preferences have been reset'''! Go back to the AI section of the web interface and re-fix those at earliest convenience.
*[[Coffee Hypo]] recipe added to Zephyr Employee Wellness Center.
*[[Enduring Effect]] recipe modifier added to the Hidden Camp in Bozeman, Montana. Head to Fairhaven Park to be flown there, or access it directly via the web interface.
**And if you've missed any recipes, the web store now displays if you know them or not.
*All instances of negative HealResist have been renamed HealGain.
*The elite stores now stock profession skills! While in your inventory, they boost their specified profession skill by 1 point.
*Lumberjack [[Role]] added. Combat skills: Enduring Minions, Tactician, Penetration.
**Someone is claiming that the SWAT Team Leader role has existed for a while, but the jury's still out. The important thing is that it has Mastermind, Controlled Burst, and Penetration.
*[[Enveloping Pain]] coded.
*Web Crafting page now at least three times as useful.  http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?craft
**Displays calculated values on crafted items, such as how deadly your Heavy Improved Poisoned Aerosol really is.
**Expendable items now display quantity created.
*RSX now has a mission giver! Talk to Venice on the second floor, eastern room.
**New instances and new mission areas added as well, for Woodfield only. Woodfield gets love!
*Comm titles adjusted.  No comma after them, so chat appears like this: [Public] SCIENCE! Venator watches Nuku churn through her excessive number of requests.
*String parsing now supports [if (person) is/is not herm] or [if (person) is/is not neuter].
*A new area has been brought to Woodfield, containing the [[Nanite Mage]] infection!
*Freecred throttling is now in effect! A freecred percentage of <30% gives 50% bonus cred, <150% has no bonus or penalty, and >150% divides your earnings by your percentage.
**This applies to trinket values as well.
*Damagereturn changed in good and bad ways:
**No longer triggers on damage auras like [[Slime Toss]] or [[Electric Field]].
**Ignores 66% of damage resistance instead of 50%.
*Healthwidth command: specify how long you want the health bars to be.  Useful for big screens and big clients.
*A mysterious masked essayist is writing help files about detailed combat topics! See http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/advanced%20combat%20tips and be educated!
**Or, more directly, [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/advanced%20combat%20tips/power%20selection this one on power selection] and [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/advanced%20combat%20tips/upgrade%20selection this one on upgrade selection]!
*Happy New Year! There's a badge for sale in the Mako shop! Today only!
*Happy New Year! You just got a lot more options in your AI list on the web client!
**Also in AI: Children now count as 'on cooldown' if they are present. You can safely set the AI to always summon them.
**Autocombat priorities except for -1 removed.  Outdated information: http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?help/Auto
**AI now understands Equipment for free.  Other AI programs added to Rsx's shop.
*A whole lot of recipe mods were modified, including: [[Hair Triggered]], [[Rapid Cooling]], [[Poisoned]], [[Optimized]], [[Extra Lethal]], [[Sticky]], and [[Subtle]]!
**And [[Thunderous]].
*Fairhaven Park has been opened! It contains [[Honey Bear]], [[Honey Bee]], [[Parasitic Plant]], and releases the [[White Unicorn Mare]] to the general public. 6th Street 7500.
*[[Recursor]] added to the elite shops.
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Latest revision as of 12:44, 2 October 2024

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "Fixed an issue where the smell command wouldn't show Ixchel Jaguar's scent when it should."

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "Inflatable Latex Sex Toy and ball filling now work even if the one who got filled has Firing Blanks."

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "Inflatable Latex Sex Toy's mechanic now actually works."

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "note: If you have the ded active ( or the ded + ded item ), any time you get fucked, you'll store said load for that person, up to a max of 10 per person. Only way currently to reduce your storage is by trying to knock someone else up. Newer loads from someone will overwrite older ones, mutation-wise."

Full archive of updates can be found in the Multiplayer Updates Archive