Mechanical Drone

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 00:56, 17 December 2011 by DeMatt (talk | contribs) (Power changes.)
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| Item [Mechanical Drone              ]  Type [                   Recipe]|
|______________________[        Description       ]______________________|
| Oh now this is complicated. Why trust biology when you can make a      |
| battle companion with your own, bare, hands, talons, or what have you? |
|______________________[        Recipe Info       ]______________________|
| Cred Cost           [10000                                        ]    |
| Salvage Amount                                                         |
| *\-Common Mechanical   [16                                        ]    |
| *\-Common Electronic   [16                                        ]    |
| *\-Common Energy       [16                                        ]    |
| *\-Uncommon Electronic [2                                         ]    |
| Salvage Level       [6                                            ]    |
| Skills                                                                 |
| *\-Mechanical          [24                                        ]    |
| *\-Energy              [16                                        ]    |
| *\-Electronic          [48                                        ]    |
| XP Cost             [100                                          ]    |
|______________________[         Item Info        ]______________________|
| Charge              [2000                                         ]    |
| Cooldown            [50000                                        ]    |
| Damage              [0                                            ]    |
| Energy              [20                                           ]    |
| Loadout             [20                                           ]    |
| Status              [SummonMechanicalDrone/100/Minion/28          ]    |
| Target              [Self                                         ]    |
| Type                [Summon                                       ]    |
| Upgrade Cost        [40                                           ]    |
| Upkeep              [10                                           ]    |

Available from Rod, at the Mall.

With default duration of 28, 3 ranks of Enduring Minions will allow it to be constantly active.

Drones are now reported to have Bullet Spray, Electric Surge, Force Shield, Homing Missiles, Metal Hide, and Sharpening. They also have Accuracy level 1, Controlled Burst level 3, and Warded level 2. Nuku has commented that recipe modifiers will affect all their powers - so a Poisoned Mechanical Drone's attacks will all have the DoT effect.