Home of the Brave - RPLOG

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Aaron enters the yard from the inside, looking a little tired but otherwise none the worse for wear. The yard has been slightly modified, with a makeshift stage in front of the entrance to the edifice itself, lined with several simple chairs. Instead of making her way to one of said chairs, she approaches the podium, which seems to have a small gavel resting upon it. Once there, she waits for people to filter in, unsure of what to expect.

Dapper-dressed, as always, a well-groomed gentleman strides along into the open area before the privately-owned venue. A light hum plays from the man's lips, and his pin-striped attire seems tailor-fit with how it hugs his figure. Satan pauses to peruse the environs with his eyes. A political meeting, they say?

Edel was never one for politics, really, but those who don't make history are forgotten by it, and she can't have that, certainly. Dressed in her black and gold regal silks, she shuffles into the aream sleeves linked as she turns away to hide a sleepy yawn. It should be interesting, at least.

Ebreus glides to a landing a short distance away from the grounds of the La Maison d'Etre. After his landing he makes his way in to the meeting, smiling in anticipation of the Town Hall. As he makes his way in he spots Aaron and the vampire as he makes his way to the front row.

Today was the day. The day when things... Well... probably wouldn't change much, but the start of it could happen. Planting seeds... Seeds to change it all. Mokou walked up to the edge of that yard, designated as it had been in the messages circulating through town... Word of mouth, a few flyers that had been distributed, and of course, more than one message from a particularly persistant reporter. La Maison d'Etre. She quietly brushed down her shorts, a few breaths taken in, out, and back again. Remember what this is for. Remember... Slowly slipping in, the little fennec lass moved to the side, making her way towards simple chairs, soon securing one for her own. Here's for making history... Be it for good, for for ill. The speaker, a bunny lass, didn't quite look familiar. But, well... Were this to go through... would effect everyone. She simply offered a slight smile, nodding their way. Let's see how this goes...

Ciana slowly enters the Town Hall grounds, still dressed in her holiday gear, lightly waving to Ebreus as she takes a seat at the back row. While, for the smolfox, politics seemed to be of low priority, she looked intentively at the place the speaker was to be.

Anagram watches from the back, a shirtless kemomimi german shepard with jeans and boots. His criminal reputation will get him a lot of stares at a political meet, but he has interests that need securing for the future. So he looks over the people who gathered, sizing up their influence and the effort it would take to set up his plans.

Near the edge of the stage was a familiar figure to some. The little okami was clad in a new attire, looking like a journalist from the wrong era, and was busy writing things down on her notebook. But once people started filtering in, Miru closed her notebook, grabbed a little sphere on the ground and jumped on stage, staying near the back.

The kemo-canine would then proceed to set the sphere on the ground and take out a little device. A minute of messing about passes before finally the little sphere springs into life and begins rising into the air, eliciting a wide grin from the journalist. "Sweet caramel...so pretty." She whispered to herself as the drone continued on its upward movement to get th best vantage point of the meeting.

The okami would then quickly rush towards the podium and set up a little recording device on it, giving Aaron a quick thumbs up before rushing towards the back again, seemingly finally finishing her burst of activity.

Aaron watches on with a hopeful expression as people of all stripes begin to filter in. Good, good, this is what she was hoping for. People taking an interest in their government is a good first step. Now to give them something to listen to. Okay, deep breath. "Ladies, gentlemen, and everything else." she calls out, to bring the meeting to order. "Thank you for attending this meeting. What we undertake here is the very beginnings of a proper government for this region of California. Zephyr and RSX have kept us alive until now, but we cannot be held to corporate interests for the rest of our lives. We need to seek autonomy for ourselves, and there's no other way to start than to forge some basic tenets. This path will not be easy, but it will be rewarding in the end if we stick with it. Any questions?" This said, she watches to see if anyone runs screaming into the streets.

Lifting his hand, the dapper fellow flags in a motion to try and gain attention for his own question after Aaron's words, Satan showing off a warm smile.

Those wide ears of hers gave Mokou at least a sharp inclination of the rabbit's words. Perhaps would be interesting... but no matter. Spying that daper fellow before raising his hand, she too... did so.

Astara wasn't always one for dressing up, or dressing much at all! Her proportions and tauric structure limited options significantly... and, she just preferred generally to not be squeezed into some tight-fitting clothing like a sausage, being more than okay with being nude.

Today was an exception, though: this was an important day, so the large foxtaur padded in in style. Astara had her upper half clad in a tight-fitting but immaculately clean suit-jacket, her two rows of breasts on her upper half absolutely fighting to break free of their tight confines; yet, for a post-nanite world, she was covered decently there. She even had a taur-skirt of sorts to complement her top, but that could only do so much. It left most of her furry breasts and balls on display, but she was just so absurdly endowed that it almost became that hiding in plain sight! She couldn't have covered it all up unless it went most of the way to the floor, and that would be a recipe for a messy skirt. It was a miracle she kept her top dry given her leakiness.

Astara arrived fashionably late, padding in right as Aaron opened up. She surveyed the attendees first, and seeing Mokou, she quickly trots over beside the familiar fennec, giving a little wave! Yet, besides a little "Hello, long time no see!", the taur draws her attention right to Aaron... and Satan, and Mokou again.

Ebreus smiles as the speaker sets the basics of what they are going to be discussing. He raises his upper right hand above his head and waits to be aknoledged... and hopes the procedings are well structured enough that no disturbances will be necessary to have a say.

Vari walked into the yard, wearing a rather elegant evening dress in white, and a large sunhat in the same color with some fake roses attached to it. In her gloved hands she was carrying a silver suitcase with the K9 emblem on it. looking through the crowd, she was trying to study as many faces as possible, out of interest of course, but also because of her work. She listened to the words that Aaron spoke carefully. Nodding to herself, the kemo vulpine walked towards the stage, and off to the side. It was a better place to look over the crowd. After all, she still was unsure as to what such an event as this could bring.

Aaron nods her head, first pointing to Satan, then to Mokou, then to Ebreus. "The three of you, in order. Each question will be answered before we proceed." She seems rather pleased...good. There *should* be questions, and lots of them. This is the future of the region she's talking about, after all.

Cruz entered the yard alongside Vari, giving her one last encouraging rub to the shoulder before parting ways and letting her take to the stage. She eyeballed the crowd with a detached expression, avoiding eye contact and simply fading into the background. She took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to calm her nerves... crowds were not her thing, but this occasion seemed too important to miss.

Miru already had her notebook and pen out again, apparently setting the floating drone to automated. The okami on the other hand was quite animated, almost jumping in her place as she eyeballed the arrivals, gaze lingering on the more well-known members of the community as if she was going to get answers out of them by just staring.

Giving a genteel incline of his head, the dapper-dressed man says in a clear, carrying baritone-tenor, "Though we come here in good will and in a good cause, what assurances of authority that what we accomplish here today will have a true bearing in the community and be acknowledged by the various factions? Each of us in our own riht have formed into a subfaction or made connections. What will be the glue that binds it together, and who are you to make such claims of it? I will hope what transpires will be lasting." He dips his head in another cordial motion before coupling his hands before him to await the response.

Aaron nods her understanding. "That's a fair question. I claim no dominion over anyone or anything, sir. My hope is that the people of this land will band together of their own free will. There is, undoubtedly, a chance that this effort will falter...but if it does, it will falter because the people of this land *choose* for it to falter. I can offer nothing more than a vision and an opportunity; I am the spark that lights the fire, but without tinder, it will not burn." That said, she gestures to Mokou. "And now, you."

There was a brief moment as Mokou lifted her hand, something brushing by her at the edge of her senses. A scent that was familiar, tingling at the very edges of her mind. It was as a memory pushed back forced its way forward... and as the lass turned for a moment, spying them... it was clear. The little fennec's face nearly lit up, a halfhearted chuckle falling from her lips. "Well fancy seeing you here Astara! Come, come..." Standing for a moment, the lass pushed a few of the seats aside to make way for the massive taur. "Been a great while indeed! Though... Well..." Not the time. Not the time. "She shook her head, a slight smile offered. "... Let's catch up after this, hmm?"

Ah the beauty of those ears of hers. The bunny speaker's words caught in her ears, the fennec turning back towards their speaker, a bit larger a smile on her maw. "Ah, of course! Now then... You state that we are here establishing tenents. Just to clarify, we will be building this system from the ground up then, not taking the ideals and structure of any preceding governmental form, and declaring it our own. Is this correct?" Her eyes darted back to that well dressed gentleman... But said nothing at least for his question.

Aaron considers Mokou's question, and begins to pace on the stage. "Not entirely." she answers. "Our fallen government did a lot of things right. It also did a lot of things wrong, and we suffered for it. My hope is for this attempt to have all the hallmarks of a second try: this time, we learn from our mistakes and do better. For example: my hope is for us to remain democratic in nature. On the other hand, I'd like us to avoid having a figurehead for the corrupt to hide behind. No president or prime minister, more of a council. A Congress, if you will, smaller in scope. (At least for now.)" Her finger is then pointed to Ebreus. "Your turn."

Ebreus smiles as he is quickly aknowledged and lowers his hand. He clears his throat as he rises to his full eight foot seven inch standing hight. As the vampire who raised their hand before him speaks he hums quietly to himself as they pose a question he had not considered. "First if I may pose an aditional response to the first questioner: It appears that the pre-existing sub-factions could prove benefitial. Should we craft a charter that the subfactions can be convinced to accept it is feisable that their... authority for lack of a better term could be used to support the fledgling government." He then redirects his attention to Aaron and smiles, "Thank you. Now my question has been mostly answered between the answers already given but I would ask this: Where would you propose we begin scrutiny of the previous government and construction of a new one?"

"Like I'd miss out on being *here*, when it's Aaron running the thing! Let alone others I recognize, you included." Astara comments quietly to Mokou during a lull of speaking, as to not interrupt the fennec's or other's dialogues with Aaron. "Meeting up sounds like a good idea~" The taur remarks as she pats Mokou on the back, and settles down on the floor. Given she's in the eight to nine foot range in height, she's still REAL tall and able to be seen more than enough.

Astara also gives Miru a wave--recognizing her--before she raises her other hand to indicate she has something to say.

Upon hearing the answer to Mokou's question, the okami quickly raises her hand as well, taking a couple of steps forward to make sure that she is seen.

Anagram keeps a good ear on the proceeding questions and answers, his ear twitching at '...figurehead for the corrupt to hide behind.' He moves around the side of the crowd to get a better look at the stage, now looking right at Aaron. He doesn't add anything to the questions for the moment, but he's paying close attention.

Satan bides until the current series of questions have been answered, listening in turn and nodding in assent to what Ebreus asks, listening intently for the answer.

Aaron nods to Ebreus. "Actually, I'll answer both of those." she offers. "First, it's my goal to invite all the various sub-factions and cities and what-have-you to join in our government, so that they might have their fair say. If there's any way this could possibly go wrong, it would be to form the sort of government that would try to annex or exclude. The fact that our best chance for survival is to stand together hasn't changed, and isn't likely to." A deep breath is drawn, and she continues, "As for where we would begin scrutiny of our previous government and construction of a new one: here. Now. We've had a decade to build up to survivability and review the mistakes of the past. Now is the time to act on that knowledge, to take what we've learned and put it into action." Now that she's getting into the swing of things, she points to Astara, then Miru. "You, then you. I'll answer both of you at once."

The even keel of the quiet gentleman made his way into the area with a warm and simple step. His balance was light, his focus was channeled and unchecked checked as he skimmed over the crowd. Currently he was quietly assenting to the points that were made about the governments of the past. His own eyes catching Anagram's ear twitch, returning his gaze just afterward at the "... Figurehead for the corrupt to hide behind." point himself. Averting his gaze back to the center, listening intently just the same. He'd wait at the fringe, checking for other faces he might recognize before taking a seat. A quick nod was given in Mokou's direction, second guessing where else he could sit, clearly having no desire to hit the stage... Yet.

Ciana meekly raises a paw to indicate that she wants to say something, blushing in embarrassment at the thought of saying something that she would regret.

Miru smiles as Aaron points at her, nodding her head, "Well...first, greetings everyone. My name is Miru, I am sure a good number of you know me from spamming the online news bulletins, among others. First of all, I would like to suggest that it might be better for everyone involved if people who are asking questions introduced themselves, and maybe mention what do they do. I think it will be beneficial for everyone if we know what vested interests are at play."

With that being said, the okami coughs, "As for my question, it appears that you are planning on building the new government to still be partially inspired by the old government...so, what are your suggestions for dealing with The Patriot and the Old World Order, they do not seem to be willing to budge on their idea of a government."

Astara perks up, nods, clearing her throat. She doesn't really *have* to stand up like others might, just continuing to sit where she is. "Thank you, Aaron, lets see, where to begin..." she pauses, taking a breath, closing her eyes momentarily to think. "It's inevitable that taxation and revenue is to be a question: how shall we handle this? Government might represent us, allow us to air our complaints and concerns in the public venue and come to solutions like civilized individuals... but, it provides services, too. Services cost resources, *money*, to run. As someone who's entire professional life has been towards rebuilding, infrastructure, and the like... I'm curious. The fact my organization owns the old hub of transportation in Fairhaven certainly makes such personally relevant to me, too."

Aaron begins to pace. "Two very good questions. First, the Patriot and his Old World Order. I extended an invitation for him to contact me; he has yet to do so. That offer is still open. His vision and mine are not completely at odds, but I will say that nationalism and emotional nanomagic have no place in my vision. We're constructing the future, not living in the past." Regarding Astara's question, she gives a firm nod. "That is definitely one of the things we're going to have to work out. You're absolutely right; a system of taxation and a means to collect it will be essential, especially if we're going to financially liberate ourselves. I hope we can work together to create a system we can all live with."

There is a pause, and she turns to the audience at large to clarify, "Just in case there's any confusion: while I absolutely intend to help with the forging of our new government, the details will not be churned out tonight. Tonight is a sort of...mission statement, if you will. A test for interest. If the people of this land don't want a government, then we shouldn't have one. The good news is, these questions are encouraging. You're thinking about this seriously. Good! So am I." Her gaze falls to Ciana, and she smiles at the shy fennec. "Go ahead, it's your turn."

Just keeping watch on the crowd for now, Vari quietly listened to all that was asked and said. And she agreed to most of the points given. But she raised her head at the questions asked by the apparent reporter, which did kind of made her stir a bit. And Astara's question also brought another point. What Vari wanted was to provide a service as well, one that would need to be funded, as she couldn't pay all of it out of her own pockets. She stepped forwards a bit, and raised her own hands, turning to the stage.

Ebreus nods as he gets his answer and hums as he considers how to fix the previous system. He listens to the next few questions, and the replies, as he considers where to begin. He glances over to Astara as she asks her question and explains her position. At this point he raises his hand again.

Ciana lowers her paw, nodding and standing. She inhales deeply, closing her eyes and preparing to be laughed out of the room. "If the factions are choosing a democratic voting system on what ideas get passed up, who will the 'higher-ups' be? And, if they are not chosen already, how will they be chosen for the roles they will play? If the appointees are chosen by the 'higher-ups' at the factions, how will we know that they are not chosen out of bias? If it is a democratic voting system, where will the votes be taken, and to whom will they be addressed to?"

Mokou cracked a small smile as Astara sat down by them... still towering over her, but twas the comfort of people they knew at least. The lass simply shook her head, peering up at the speaker. Aaron. That was their name. "Hmm, well for now? Let's see what we can do..." A familiar sight caught her eye... a hesitant nod tossed back towards Ebreus as he stood off to the side. But for now... She sighed, trying to smile as she listened... Miru's suggestion raised in her mind. Good to identify oneself... Another thought rising, so she raised her hand. Again.

Satan, too, raises his hand while the other goes behind his back, supporting against the small of it.

Aaron phew. Well, no one said it was going to be easy! She points to Vari, then Ebreus, then Mokou, then Satan. "Let's try five at a time." she suggests, before nodding to Ciana. "Yours first, once they've asked."

"My Name is Vari Arak'Than, and I am the head of the K9 police force. So far we have been working as a freelance operation, trying to keep the streets as safe as possible with how few people we are at the moment. As the question was raised earlier taxation and services would most likely become a thing. As such, one should also concern themselves with the establishment of said public services. How close would those operate to the government, if at all?" The kitsune asked.

Ebreus clears his throat as his turn to speak comes around, "If I may I would give my view on where the old government fell short. We'll need an ironclad description of the rights of citizens and limits of government action... other than that I think we'll have to replace the electorial system entirely. I may be mistaken but it appears unsalvageable." he says. He takes a breath before continuing, "Seems that taxation is the hot topic for the moment so I'll try to keep my question brief. As what I have highlighted appears to be issues of a structuring document... a constitution if you will, how will we be developing said document?"