
From Flexible Survival
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| Item [Durability                    ]  Type [             Combat Skill]|
|______________________[        Description       ]______________________|
| Your ability to cover your vulnerable parts. It increases the power of |
| any +resist ability affecting you, causing you to resist 20/40/60%     |
| more damage. Also allows you to resist 10/20/30% of incoming damage,   |
| calculated from pre-resist levels.                                     |
|______________________[       Available In       ]______________________|
| Ammo Carrier        [Durability,Speed,Back row                        ]|
| Brick Wall          [Health,Durability,Outnumbered                    ]|
| Bruiser             [Damage,Penetration,Durability                    ]|
| Carnival Worker     [Tar Baby,Bewitched,Durability                    ]|
| Dreadnought         [Taunting Strikes,Durability,Penetration          ]|
| Drill Sergeant      [Mastermind,Durability,Readiness                  ]|
| Fallen Angel        [Vampiric,Durability,Front Row                    ]|
| Gladiator           [Readiness,Outnumbered,Durability                 ]|
| Guardian            [Front Row,Durability,Health                      ]|
| Kickboxer           [Durability,Health,Avoidance                      ]|
| Last Stander        [Rage,Outnumbered,Durability                      ]|
| Marathon Runner     [Endurance,Health,Durability                      ]|
| Masochist           [Warded,Health,Durability                         ]|
| Paladin             [Healing,Warded,Durability                        ]|
| Squad Leader        [Enduring Minions,Readiness,Durability            ]|
| Survivor            [Endurance,Avoidance,Durability                   ]|
| Whirling Dervish    [Sacrificial Fury,Flurry,Durability               ]|

Increases the magnitude of all your Resist powers, as well as a Moo someone else uses on you, by the stated percent.
This skill, along with Avoidance and Health, reduce the direct heals you do by 1% per point.