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<p>It is human nature to rebel against the state of affairs, to demand more in exchange for less in the absence of ramifications, a word given to this unique characteristic. Greed, the insatiable craving for more material or otherwise things, a core flaw so prominent it is the driving force of countless evils. Even today, after the world had all but ended, even in the dawn of a new world unlike anything before, those less inclined to follow societal rules would linger in the shadows, sometimes organize to better thair ill-gotten gains. </p>
<p>It is human nature to rebel against the state of affairs, to demand more in exchange for less in the absence of ramifications, a word given to this unique characteristic. Greed, the insatiable craving for more material or otherwise things, a core flaw so prominent it is the driving force of countless evils. Even today, after the world had all but ended, even in the dawn of a new world unlike anything before, those less inclined to follow societal rules would linger in the shadows, sometimes organize to better thair ill-gotten gains. </p>
<p>Today however, one fennec with a knack for scouting had secured Zephyr&#39;s RND team some much-needed materials. Well, he hadn&#39;t secured anything yet, to do so implies they are in his possession, however he had tracked down a deal that they can seal! Sitting at the steps leading into a luxurious casino just there, where the city ended and the wildlands started, chatting idly with one of the burly doormen, Magnus the little fennec fox awaited those brave and clever enough for a quick briefing on what they were expected to do.</p></div><div title="Ebreus"><p>Gloomy... an excellent descriptor for the weather and coincidently the best time for dealing. Bright and shiny or a depressing downpour wouldn&#39;t do for dangerous deals. No you need a particular balance between miserable and optimistic for the desperate optimistic types and dangerous dealers to meet where they would deal. Knowing this the large Hound, Hellhound in fact, strode down the way toward to casino as today it was time to make such a deal. Clad in his usual duds reminiscent of a character from a media likely few in the world who&#39;re still sane would recognize, not wanting to draw any due suspicion of being a dealer rather than an optimist, he says, &quot;Good day, gents.&quot; to Magnus and the bounder with a greeting nod once he&#39;s close. *Can we trust this guy or should I keep everything to myself?* he asks telepathically.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>Between the ruffles and the stockings and the fur, short though it may be, and the duffle coat worn over it all, Nena wasn&#39;t feeling the chill much. Not to an uncomfortable enough degree that she lets on, in any case. Taking a moment to adjust her scarf and flick a bit of ash off of her cigarette, the otter maid comes to a stop at the foot of the stairs. No words, just a nod of greeting and a cool lean against a nearby object and a folding of arms.</p></div><div title="Cerris"><p>Cerris strides up to the casino, an equally burly man, but one that has painstakingly cultivated an aire of oopulence, style and shall we say...class to him.  Or at least that is what he was going for when he created this look.  Tearing away his canvas hooded poncho, he tosses it into a corner and dusts himself off to make certain he isn&#39;t wrinkled. </p>
<p>Today however, one fennec with a knack for scouting had secured Zephyr&#39;s RND team some much-needed materials. Well, he hadn&#39;t secured anything yet, to do so implies they are in his possession, however he had tracked down a deal that they can seal! Sitting at the steps leading into a luxurious casino just there, where the city ended and the wildlands started, chatting idly with one of the burly doormen, Magnus the little fennec fox awaited those brave and clever enough for a quick briefing on what they were expected to do.</p></div><div title="Ebreus"><p>Gloomy... an excellent descriptor for the weather and coincidentally the best time for dealing. Bright and shiny or a depressing downpour wouldn't do for dangerous deals. No you need a particular balance between miserable and optimistic for the desperate optimistic types and dangerous dealers to meet where they would deal. Knowing this the large Hound, Hellhound in fact, strode down the way toward to casino as today it was time to make such a deal. Clad in his usual duds reminiscent of a character from a media likely few in the world who&#39;re still sane would recognize, not wanting to draw any due suspicion of being a dealer rather than an optimist, he says, &quot;Good day, gents.&quot; to Magnus and the bounder with a greeting nod once he&#39;s close. *Can we trust this guy or should I keep everything to myself?* he asks telepathically.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>Between the ruffles and the stockings and the fur, short though it may be, and the duffel coat worn over it all, Nena wasn't feeling the chill much. Not to an uncomfortable enough degree that she lets on, in any case. Taking a moment to adjust her scarf and flick a bit of ash off of her cigarette, the otter maid comes to a stop at the foot of the stairs. No words, just a nod of greeting and a cool lean against a nearby object and a folding of arms.</p></div><div title="Cerris"><p>Cerris strides up to the casino, an equally burly man, but one that has painstakingly cultivated an air of opulence, style and shall we say...class to him.  Or at least that is what he was going for when he created this look.  Tearing away his canvas hooded poncho, he tosses it into a corner and dusts himself off to make certain he isn&#39;t wrinkled. </p>
<p> It&#39;s not easy to get people to ignore the fact that you are beyond olympic level weight lifting when you one sidedly decide you should take actions on a political and financial level just because you believe yourself cunning and goodlooking. </p>
<p> It&#39;s not easy to get people to ignore the fact that you are beyond olympic level weight lifting when you one sidedly decide you should take actions on a political and financial level just because you believe yourself cunning and goodlooking. </p>
<p>  But pushing his personal desires aside, he is present, imposing and exactly the kind of guy one would have expected to se in a casino prior to nanites.  Recognizing Nena, he gives her a thumbs up and a large grin, then folds his arms over his chest waiting to see how things are gonna start off.</p></div><div title="Anagram"><p>The kemomimi german shepherd that is Anagram walks up to the group, shirtless to show off his many tatoos and completely unfazed by the cold. He stands tall with a swagger, like the world belonged to him. Following behind Anagram is an actual german shepard dog, heeling to his master as Anagram whistles for him. &quot;What is the details of this arrangement?&quot; Anagram asks Magnus.</p></div><div title="Kamryn"><p>      Entering the room while trying to ignore the quiet growl behind her from the german shepherd security guards, a bipedal snow leopard enters and looks around curiously. Glad of her warm jacket on the journey over to the location specified in the message she&#39;d received, in the warmth of the casino it&#39;s now a little too insulating so she unzips it, revealing a little more of her figure. She looks a little uncomfortable in this place, but judging from the rifle on her back is prepared for various possibilities. Spotting the contact for the mission she heads over to Magnus and the group around him, offering a warm smile and a friendly nod as greeting.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>There was a strangeness to Magnus today, his hands and legs covered in gloves and shoes, unlike he&#39;d done so in the past. It was safe to assume that it&#39;d gotten so cold what his wee pawpads were too frigid for comfort&#39;s sake, however... that wasn&#39;t all. There was a look in his eyes, that once soft mischievous gaze now glinting with intelligence, and a hunger difficult to put into words. Regardless, he... sounded all the same. His tone was chipper and his smile just as genuine. </p>
<p>  But pushing his personal desires aside, he is present, imposing and exactly the kind of guy one would have expected to se in a casino prior to nanites.  Recognizing Nena, he gives her a thumbs up and a large grin, then folds his arms over his chest waiting to see how things are gonna start off.</p></div><div title="Anagram"><p>The kemomimi german shepherd that is Anagram walks up to the group, shirtless to show off his many tatoos and completely unfazed by the cold. He stands tall with a swagger, like the world belonged to him. Following behind Anagram is an actual german shepard dog, heeling to his master as Anagram whistles for him. &quot;What is the details of this arrangement?&quot; Anagram asks Magnus.</p></div><div title="Kamryn"><p>      Entering the room while trying to ignore the quiet growl behind her from the german shepherd security guards, a bipedal snow leopard enters and looks around curiously. Glad of her warm jacket on the journey over to the location specified in the message she&#39;d received, in the warmth of the casino it&#39;s now a little too insulating so she unzips it, revealing a little more of her figure. She looks a little uncomfortable in this place, but judging from the rifle on her back is prepared for various possibilities. Spotting the contact for the mission she heads over to Magnus and the group around him, offering a warm smile and a friendly nod as greeting.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>There was a strangeness to Magnus today, his hands and legs covered in gloves and shoes, unlike he&#39;d done so in the past. It was safe to assume that it&#39;d gotten so cold what his wee paw pads were too frigid for comfort&#39;s sake, however... that wasn't all. There was a look in his eyes, that once soft mischievous gaze now glinting with intelligence, and a hunger difficult to put into words. Regardless, he... sounded all the same. His tone was chipper and his smile just as genuine. </p>
<p>The fox lets his gaze wander among those that&#39;d arrived. Yes, a hearty pack of multi-talented agents. Luck would be on his side once more, perhaps? &quot;Heya fellas!&quot; He&#39;d greet with a jovial yip. &quot;Welcome to the Carnal Pleasures Casino. Unfortunately, we are here on business today! No time for the ahem... pleasures.&quot; the lad casts them all a wink before hooking a thumb towards the door. </p>
<p>The fox lets his gaze wander among those that&#39;d arrived. Yes, a hearty pack of multi-talented agents. Luck would be on his side once more, perhaps? &quot;Heya fellas!&quot; He&#39;d greet with a jovial yip. &quot;Welcome to the Carnal Pleasures Casino. Unfortunately, we are here on business today! No time for the ahem... pleasures.&quot; the lad casts them all a wink before hooking a thumb towards the door. </p>
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<p>A wave of the hand follows &quot;Nonetheless I have reasons to believe that his lackeys and even underbosses, as loyal as they may be, are still given some liberties, in addition to, much like any other sentient folk, being able to be coerced. What will happen is we will enter through these here doors, and meet with this person, see their demands and negotiate for the goods. If all goes well, we will have ourselves a lot to take back.&quot; </p>
<p>A wave of the hand follows &quot;Nonetheless I have reasons to believe that his lackeys and even underbosses, as loyal as they may be, are still given some liberties, in addition to, much like any other sentient folk, being able to be coerced. What will happen is we will enter through these here doors, and meet with this person, see their demands and negotiate for the goods. If all goes well, we will have ourselves a lot to take back.&quot; </p>
<p>His glance wanders towards Ebreus, though only for a moment, before they wander back over the crowd. &quot;So without further adieu, we&#39;d best not be late! This way!&quot; Magnus would step back and push the double doors leading into the luxurious casino. There, he would guide those following through the crowds and towards the commercial area, the classy jazz music audible in the main chamber slowly fading behind them. There, they&#39;d take a right towards one of the lesser used hallways, and stand before a large wooden door.</p></div>
<p>His glance wanders towards Ebreus, though only for a moment, before they wander back over the crowd. &quot;So without further adieu, we&#39;d best not be late! This way!&quot; Magnus would step back and push the double doors leading into the luxurious casino. There, he would guide those following through the crowds and towards the commercial area, the classy jazz music audible in the main chamber slowly fading behind them. There, they&#39;d take a right towards one of the lesser used hallways, and stand before a large wooden door.</p></div><div title="Ebreus"><p>Looking over the group as they coalesce at the entrance of the casino he briefly scans each of them, but Anagram, to whom he says, &quot;Hey.&quot; Keeping mostly quiet as the group has assembled and Magnus sets off explaining what they&#39;re here for as the mind breaking bit comes up he narrows his eyes a bit before returning them to normal after just a moment. With the briefing done with he nods and follows the fox inside. Once inside he glances about his field of vision as he moves. Getting a good look at the security he relays to Magnus and Anagram, *Security here&#39;s hardcore... or is this Finches? Hounds, venomous claws... likely improved teeth, probably nanomagic... sidearms... likely knives as well. Let&#39;s try not to start any fights*</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>&quot;I prefer my pleasures less carnal anyway,&quot; Nena remarks, plucking the cigarette from her lips and stubbing it before tossing it away. &quot;Esoteric requests, huh.&quot; She tastes that first word on her lips, and pretended like she knew what it meant. Learning new things about the language every day! &quot;We&#39;ll see what we can manage then, I guess.&quot; She shoves her hands in the pockets of her coat and follows along, into the building and out of the chill. She had never really bartered with anything other than wealth, this would surely be interesting.</p></div><div title="Cerris"><p>Cerris taps a heavily ringed finger against his chin for a few long moments as he considers the name of the guy named Finch.  He&#39;d heard the name before and that amused him as it meant that he&#39;d likely locked up some of his people.  But when it comes to it they were going to do some dealing which would sadly lack fists in faces, but he would benefit from the contacts made and for more perverse reasons looked forward seeing new sides of the maid he&#39;d met and the rest of the presumed misfits gathered here to indulge in someone else&#39;s desire for resources.  &quot;Well if we have to die another day, so be it.&quot;</p></div><div title="Anagram"><p>Anagram pays no attention to the casino itself, but watches the people intensely. He goes over in his head the dealings and contacts he has connecting to Mister Finch, himself a crime lord in a sense. &#39;know thy enemy&#39; and all that. Anagram remembers dealing with others who have also delt with Finch, but I guess someone got lucky since Anagram and Finch have nver met. He replies to Magnus with his own telepathic nanomagic: &#39;good eye, I was too busy looking at people to see the guards.&#39;</p></div><div title="Kamryn"><p>      Negotiating had never exactly been Kamryn&#39;s area of expertise but she&#39;d always been interested in expanding her skills, and when the possibility of gaining some experience while procuring research materials was too good to pass up. The initial message had been a little light on the details of what exactly was being negotiated for, and looking around the group, Magnus&#39; mention of humiliation and mind breaking triggered a raised eyebrow for more than just herself - specific denials for something that nobody has asked about had always seemed suspicious. Still, she enjoyed indulging in a few &#39;esoteric&#39; pastimes herself on occasion, so how bad could it be? Tapping a message into her comm, she heads down the hallway with the group, feeling a mixture of apprehension and anticipation for what was to come.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>The room was indeed much as Ebreus had seen, wide and spacious of an office, matching the rest of the luxurious casino. There, four doberman guards stand tall and still as statues, one on either side of the chamber, the others to the left and right of a... was... was that a poodle? Yes, yes indeed it is! Of all the things to expect from someone so dubious, a white-coated fluffy poodle boy was not high on the list, was it? Well, one might imagine why the security was so right, huh? </p>
<p>&quot;OH! My one&#39;o&#39;clock is here! Hello, hello! Make yourselves at home!&quot; The canine smiles a cooked smile as he gestures towards the chairs set before the desk he sat behind. &quot;Would you like some tea? BARRY!&quot; the poodle huffs, summoning a fox boy from another area off to the side. He appears in a well washed and kept butler attire, loose black suit and bow tie with a corsage in his hair and a nervous look on his face. Bringing in a tray containing the tea set demanded, he&#39;d bow down heavily, and exit quickly. </p>
<p>&quot;The name&#39;s Milo. I&#39;ll be overseeing the negotiations today.&quot; Their white-fluffed fuzzball of a contact snickers, his glance wandering over Anagram, lingering for a moment longer than on anyone else it would seem, a brow raised once he identifies him, but no words uttered about it just yet. Pouring some tea into every cup one by one, Milo takes his own and sniffs from it. &quot;Mmmmm, jasmine. Just the right leafs for a calm and civil discussion.&quot; His brows furrow as he peers around the room, locking eyes with Anagram as he utters. &quot;I trust it will be polite, and civil?&quot;</p></div><div title="Ebreus"><p>Ebreus focuses his attention on the Poodle as they&#39;re called over to him. Staying close to the group Ebreus walks  up to the seats prepared as the bellow summons a fox bearing tea. He smiles politely as he takes the cup offered to him and takes a seat. &quot;Nice to meet you Milo.&quot; he says, &quot;I&#39;m Ebreus. Nice to see someone take the time for some good pleasantries even if the occasion is business.&quot; *Gettin&#39; the sense the puffball ain&#39;t an act. Z level security, flamboyance turned up to 11, and a butler? He&#39;s driven by his ego... bettin&#39; it&#39;s a fragile one to.* he relays to Magnus, Anagram, and Kamryn *So hardball or butter?*</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>&quot;I certainly hope so,&quot; Nena murmurs in reply, taking up the offered tea. She knew first hand appearances could be deceiving, so the sight of the poodle is not all too surprising to her. Her attention is more focused on her fellow service-oriented individual, at least, for as long as the butler is in the room. Her thick tail twitches idly, side to side, as she takes in the room. Who would make the first move? Would it be the poodle? One of her own party? Or... Nah, she doesn&#39;t feel like beating around the bush much, and opens with, &quot;What&#39;s a guy like you looking to get out of this anyway?&quot;</p></div><div title="Cerris"><p>Cerris smiles and relaxes into his seat as Barry pours his tea making the fox take extra time to count sugar into it slowly so as to give him time to really take in the room, lazily stirring the tea with a ring-laden digit despite the heat.  By his estimation the poodle talking was pretty comfortable in his position which told him that they were already being screwed over or the guy felt nothing could go wrong.  Subtle manipulation of nanites has the tea in the cup vanishing slowly due to the process of desiccation caused by Cerri&#39;s digit present in the cup.  </p>
<p>&quot;Nothin to worry about...keeping the peace is what I&#39;ve been known for since before there was an established police force.  None present look like they&#39;ve had to take a Woodfield Prison grade time out, so I&#39;m certain everything will be just fine!  So why don&#39;t we lay it all out slowly and leisure work our way into the main event?&quot;  Certainly some could by intimidated by this all american soldier cum prison warden, but he doubted that was going to be an issue, but it never hurt to toss a few cards on the table just to be sure everyone was on the level.</p></div><div title="Anagram"><p>Anagram is unphased by the poodle&#39;s intimidation, replying in a gentlemanly manner like a professional speaking with another professional: &quot;I am glad that you would prefer a civil conversation. No doubt you are intelligent enough to understand what we have come for, and have prepared in advance a means for which we can procure it.&quot; He pings the room with Nanite Scanning nanomagic, then telepathically informs the group &#39;Someone in the other room is keeping an eye on us with biomonitoring nanomagic&#39;. Anagram takes his cup of tea, but never drinks from it.</p></div><div title="Kamryn"><p>      Having never met any of the group before, Kamryn glances over at the agent their host seemed to be addressing his question to, realising they&#39;d clearly encountered one another before in less friendly circumstances and briefly regretting not arriving sooner to get to know a little background of the people she was working with today. Happy to let others take the lead for now until she had more information to work with, she approached the desk. &quot;Greetings, I&#39;m Kamryn&quot; she says with a noticeable accent, extending her hand towards the poodle for a handshake. &quot;Nice to meet someone so civilised&quot; she says indicating the tea set before them. She takes a seat, giving a friendly smile to the fox butler as he pours her a cup, the aroma of the tea causing her tail to sway a little more, then she looks to Erebus, a little unfamiliar with his method of covert communication but knowing he was probably right.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>&quot;Only the finest!&quot; he answers Ebreus!  &quot;This is a place of business after all! Now then, speaking of which let&#39;s cut to brass tax.&quot; Once the otter in the room speaks up, he&#39;d raise his finger and point right at her. &quot;AHA! There&#39;s the important questions being asked by the more... ah, unlikely of folks.&quot; What was THAT supposed to mean?! &quot;Right.&quot; His hands meet the desk before he&#39;d cross them before himself and rest his muzzle atop them, propping his elbows against the desk in turn. </p>
<p>Once Cerris speaks up however, his brows furrow and his tone hushes. &quot;Kindly refrain from pressing the police&#39;s thumb into personal affairs, sir. Lest I ask my companions here to... escort... you out. No doubt someone with your reputation is used to that by now.&quot; Seems Cerris&#39; words had soured the mood, but all the same he&#39;d earned a sideways glance from the guards in the room. Tensions were rising... thankfully only to be lightly diffused by Kamryn on her approach. The look on the poodle&#39;s face was anything but pleased and he didn&#39;t seem to enjoy holding... another hand. &quot;Uh, right...&quot; he&#39;d go on before moving on with what he was saying &quot;Before I was so rudely interrupted, I wish to make something clear, my superior is not a man of wealth, but action. His amassed riches are a direct result of acquiring the proper assets and applying them in the right times. So... I am going to be as direct as possible right now.&quot; </p>
<p>Leaning forward a little, his gaze would wander among those present in the room. &quot;We require an asset of comparable value that would assist us in our endeavors. Say... one of you may be able to... I don&#39;t know, leak a few patrol schedules, or perchance provide our scouts with armaments of unqiue design and quality?&quot; Blunt, no... but supplying a crime lord&#39;s lackey with information they can use against the peacekeepers, or worse yet with firearms to use to strengthen their influence... how does that sound?</p></div><div title="Ebreus"><p>Ebreus smiles a bit wider as he receives a the desired response from the poodle... only to have law enforcement mentioned directly to the representative of a criminal kingpin. Oh well, he&#39;d certainly blundered at least as hard in the past, time to get to working on product acquisition, *Hmm... what do you think? Give them currently correct patrol routes?* he telepathically asks Anagram. &quot;Certainly a fair prince for what we&#39;re after though I do have to ask for some more specifics in regards to the armaments. Particularly preference of engagement range. I&#39;d hate to provide the best knives in the world to someone for a sniper duel.&quot;</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>Nena adjusts her glasses. That didn&#39;t seem like a big deal to her, but she didn&#39;t exactly have unique armaments, so that was out. To be the unlikely one was something pleasing, though she doesn&#39;t let it show. &quot;Now, I&#39;m no one of any consequence or authority, clearly. I am just a humble maidservant, but we know how to train an eye for detail. I spent a lot of time in the city doing nothing but loitering, and I see much in my errands. I know when and where the gaps are in patrols, and with the life I had lead previously, I know a thing or two about slipping around them. I could probably part with that information,&quot; she muses.</p></div><div title="Cerris"><p>Cerris loses none of his amusement as he gestures to Barry for a refill to his cup despite it having never gone anywhere near his mouth.  It was actually in his favor to have the underworld accidentally blending his influence with that of the police.  &quot;This is a fact, I am quite comfortable with being escorted out of bullet filled bloodbaths..and that particular propensity for survival, penchance for violence and access to a force of individuals that patrol alongside or counter to that of the corporations means that I have been in and out of everyone&#39;s territories and housed mutants that have lived in the territories of those you seek.  I&#39;m willing to provide transcripts from prison interrogations and other informations gained from aprehending and reconditioning violent mutants across the west coast.  Or would that be distasteful?&quot;</p></div><div title="Anagram"><p>Anagram could of course supply weapons to the poodle, but antagonizing law enforcement causes problems, not just for Finch&#39;s crew but for his own as well. Going around the law can be ignored. Fighting through it brings too much attention. As for the info, Anagram does his dealings in Eureka, not Fairhaven, so that info would be too costly for his own. But there are things he does know. &quot;I&#39;d agree that trouble with law is not something you&#39;d want, so how about info on supply runs coming into Fairhaven? I know of a caravan that makes regular trips and often comes back with the more exotic foods like pre-P-day scotch, and might even have rarer foods like still-wrapped twinkies.&quot;</p></div><div title="Kamryn"><p>      Kamryn listens to the poodle speak, growing a little concerned at the implications of his request but latching on to the words &#39;currently correct&#39; in the hellhound&#39;s message, fully aware of how often the patrol routes change. She places her hand on Nena&#39;s shoulder as the otter mentions being of no consequence, giving her a very slightly concerned look as she wonders if she actually believes it or if it was just a dig at Milo&#39;s remark towards her.</p>
<p>    &quot;I do have some experience of weapon design&quot; she says, gesturing to the rifle on her back slowly, mindful of the doberman guards and not wanting her actions to be misinterpreted as a hostile act, &quot;though since that&#39;s more of a hobby I can&#39;t necessarily guarantee their quality&quot;. In an attempt to offer an alternative, she adds &quot;I do have access to the schematics for some more advanced medical tools and supplies though - even with the nanites healing can always be improved, and it might result in downtime from any... unfortunate incidents with patrols... being considerably reduced if that&#39;s something you or your superior might be interested in&quot;.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>As the words come in one by one, so does Milo lean back in his chair and cast a glance around them, one by one as they make their offers. His expression remains neutral, his ears perked and his eyes half-lidded. He would pause and rub one eye before casting a glance down at something beneath his desk. Moments later, he&#39;d look back up at his guests and cast a very faint smile. &quot;I am liking what I am hearing, however I am no fool. Nor do I believe you know what you claim you know.&quot; The poodle huffs and casts a sideways glance towards Nena. &quot;However! I do think we can do some business. You will get half of your piece right now, up-front in exchange for the information. Once we have done what we will with it, then and only then will we dispatch a courier to deliver the second.&quot; He&#39;d lean back and cross his arms. &quot;These are my terms.&quot; His glance then moves over towards Ebreus, the one who&#39;d been oddly innert during all this. &quot;Two of you are not very convincing however, about what you can offer. How can I trust any of you? Hmmm?&quot; He&#39;d then cross his arms once more and turn around in his chair, casting his back at them. &quot;I&#39;ll need something to hang onto in case you fail to deliver.&quot;</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>Nena lifts her shoulders in a shrug, and folds her hands in her lap. &quot;You don&#39;t have to believe me. What I know or don&#39;t know doesn&#39;t change depending on if it is believed or not,&quot; calmly speaks the otter. &quot;That&#39;s the nice thing about facts. If you do not want that information though, that is another matter, one that is outside my ability to control. Someone else will want it, I am sure.</p></div><div title="Ebreus"><p>Ebreus glances to each of his compatriots as they make their offers. He narrows his eyes as the poodle tries to play it hard, &quot;I get it, not trusting anyone, it&#39;s a good practice that generally produces good results.&quot; he says in an as agreeable tone as he can, &quot;So, I&#39;m sure with the resources at your disposal your men have checked each of our backrounds and provided you with the bulletpoints before you said first said hello.&quot; he continues his tone slowly growing neutral. &quot;So I won&#39;t bore you by reiterating my association with the very best when it comes to armaments. Instead how about I ensure the armaments are of the best possible quality, we provide the information, and in exchanger for the collateral we get payed in full now?&quot; he finishes with his best devils deal tone.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>Nena lifts her shoulders in a shrug, and folds her hands in her lap. &quot;You don&#39;t have to believe me. What I know or don&#39;t know doesn&#39;t change depending on if it is believed or not,&quot; calmly speaks the otter. &quot;That&#39;s the nice thing about facts. If you do not want that information though, that is another matter, one that is outside my ability to control. Someone else will want it, I am sure. Hopefully not a competitor.&quot; She smiles sweetly, innocently, tail curling around her ankles. She didn&#39;t have any collateral to give, anyway, so the negotiation was largely out of her court, now.</p></div><div title="Cerris"><p>Cerris flips his cup over to rest opening side down on the saucer in question  &quot;Trust is qa hard won card on a two way street.  I can always simply invite some of your young turks along to my place for a sleep over and let them see firsthand what secrets are to be found after a little gossip and interrogation.  Or you can simply reject things straight up and we part ways.&quot;</p></div><div title="Anagram"><p>Anagram makes no excuse or counter to the poodle&#39;s acusations. They both know the other&#39;s reputation, so if Anagram got riled up on something so trivial it would do nothing but undermine his advantage. It makes no difference that his offer wasn&#39;t taken, the securing of the material is the reason for the deal and if he doesn&#39;t have to sacrifice anything then all the better. So Anagram keeps the same cool swagger he had from the begining.</p></div><div title="Kamryn"><p>      Kamryn drinks her tea, shuffling awkwardly in her chair knowing her offer was one of the weaker ones. Deciding her hellhound associate seems to be far better at negotiating than she was, she remained silent for a while to see how Milo would respond to his latest offer, wondering if there was anything else she could offer in case it was turned down.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>The canine pauses for a moment, then tilts his head. This was a good deal, there was no denyign that. &quot;Very well.&quot; He&#39;d then turn in his chair once more and face the group. Extending one hand towards the Hellhound, he would look among the others should their hands meet. Once Cerris speaks up, the poodle huffs and shakes his head. &quot;Your bravado earns you nothing!&quot; He stomps on the desk and scowls deeply. &quot;My men are going nowhere near you and your detainment cells. This is the last warning you&#39;re getting.&quot; he pulls his hand away from Ebreus and growls. &quot;The deal remains, but I suggest you all leave before I change my damn mind!&quot; Seems Cerris has pushed a little too far, though in the process, he and Ebreus had pushed juuuust enough that Milo would accept their terms and want to end this as quickly as possible. With that, one of the guards moves into a room off to the side, retrieving a briefcase full of something quite heavy. The others meanwhile would push the group out and towards the exit. Should no struggling occur, they&#39;d get the case and have the door slammed behind them... however...</p></div><div title="Ebreus"><p>Ebreus looks at Cerris as they try to intimidate the criminal underboss he was just about to open his mouth when Milo shouts at him. Rising to his full, nine feet tall, hight and making toward the door as the goons proud him that way he moves, keeping an eye on the case and when its presented to them taking it. Standing safely outside, the door slammed behind them he lifts the case up and takes a look at it, without opening it, before saying telepathically *Cerris, I&#39;d be ranting at you right now... BUT we have the case and we gave them NOTHING. Ballsy move but it worked.* to everyone. After a few moments pass he then adds, *Hold the celebration. We should make sure it&#39;s not just full of concrete... or a bomb first. Anagram?* he adds and extends the case to the Shepheard.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>&quot;What&#39;s in the case?&quot; Nena asks as they&#39;re all shoved out. &quot;We should check it, yeah. If we&#39;re getting the short end, that&#39;s unfortunate but nothing I can really do about it. It would still be nice to know, though,&quot; she says, scooting a little further away. In case it is a bomb, and all. She doesn&#39;t want to ruin her new coat.</p></div><div title="Cerris"><p>Cerris is truly the best at playing the bad cop despite never having once been a cop!  Apparently being a heavy handed marine officer with a love of violence, old cliches and access to a prison has it&#39;s weight tat one can throw around as a counter balance to the more subtle plans used by others.  Amusingly enough he&#39;d played the perfect foil despite not being privvy to the secret communication going on, simply relying on his empathic/empathetic read on the situation.  So walking out after straightening his clothing, actively ignoring the efforts of those around to accelerate him he pauses only to offer Ebreus a tolerant almost paternal smile as he waits to see the outcome of the combined efforts.  &quot;So...how was the tea?&quot;</p></div><div title="Anagram"><p>Anagram says nothing, risking nothing and hoping that Cerris doesn&#39;t mess things up further. He sets his unused tea down on the table, then makes his way out of the room, offering the smallest of polite bows on his way out. He holds out a hand for the case as Ebreus hands it to him and goes through the motions of checking the case itself and its contents. Once everyone is away, he turns to Cerris and looks them strait in the eye. He didn&#39;t need to read Cerris&#39;s mind when he spoke curtly: &quot;You make a terrible bad cop.&quot;</p></div><div title="Kamryn"><p>      Relieved to be leaving the tense situation Kamryn lets the guards propel her out without a struggle, although given their size and number it&#39;s unlikely that the result would have been any different if she had. &quot;Surprisingly good&quot; she says in response to Cerris&#39;s question about the tea, &quot;though not my favourite blend&quot;. She looks at the case as Anagram checks it over, saying &quot;Perhaps we should open it here. That way if it does go boom, we&#39;re not the only ones it&#39;ll take out&quot; as she glances back at the door to the room they&#39;d just left.</p></div><div title="Magnus"><p>Once they&#39;d left the office, several more canines would appear from the nearby doors, the fox boy from before in tow. &quot;Ebreus, Anagram. This way, the rest of you, take your case and leave. The boss is in a rotten mood.&quot; They&#39;d give them all a wave towards the exit, then take their place in front of the door leading into the poodle&#39;s office. Meanwhile, two more dogs would push Ebreus and Anagram towards another room off to the side. There, they&#39;d face interrogation and set up the exchanges agreed upon. As for what is exchanged? Weeeeeeell...</p></div><div title="Ebreus"><p>For Ebreus&#39; part in the engagement he&#39;d create a new set of laser rifles, his own special design: short barrel but quite accurate sturdy enough that they&#39;d be hard to intently break... and a flaw in the heat dissipater that would cause it to overheat after just enough use that they could be sure it was working properly.</p></div><div title="Anagram"><p>Anagram is a man of his word. He goes as he is led, giving a few short wistles to his dog to heel with him. Anagram gives over the information that he offered without hesitation and without deceit, but makes it abundantly clear throught the conversation that actions have consequences and what those might be. He even speaks in a professional manner: this isn&#39;t an interogation, this is a buisness trade.</p></div><div title="Nena"><p>Nena rubs at the back of her head, brushing fingers through her mane of hair. &quot;Could have gone better I think, but could have gone worse. He is a bit of a touchy person, huh?&quot; She returns her hands to her pockets, tail flicking. Of course, she had enough to work with now. Enough to seek opportunity in other places, perhaps at the expense of the organization they just finished treating with.</p></div><div title="Cerris"><p>Cerris shrugs, he felt he totally nailed the roll of antagonist and if he knew folks were hating on his suit he&#39;d be hurt about it, but instead he simply smiles for Kamryn and says &quot; I&#39;m glad I&#39;m not the only one that had fun at the little poodle tea party!&quot;  Certainly he&#39;d have to push further into the underworld, for they clearly didn&#39;t know what they were dealing with and he certainly wasn&#39;t going to pass up a chance to have more gunfire, sex and explosions entered into his recently less than constantly dangerous life.</p></div><div title="Kamryn"><p>      &quot;Yeah&quot; Kamryn says, agreeing with Nena. &quot;That could certainly have gone... differently&quot; she adds after a moment, feeling her own efforts had not really helped matters. &quot;We&#39;d probably better head out like he said, I guess those two can take care of themselves in there&quot; she says with a nod to the door Erebus and Anagram had entered. &quot;And I think I could do with a slightly stiffer drink if anyone wants to join me at a bar somewhere&quot;</p></div>[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 23:03, 5 January 2019



Saturday January 5, 2019=Log=

T'was high noon in the city if Fairhaven, far from the reaches of the Zephyrian strongmen, at the edge of the city where law was subjective and survival hinged on one's own prowess. The clouds hung low above them, slowly rolling over the skies, obscuring the already limited sunlight and bringing with them all the more frigid cold. In these times it is easy to forget the problems of the city, but for those more opportunistic and clever, these dangerous field would come not as threatening, rather they'd be laced thick with potential for gain and advancement.

It is human nature to rebel against the state of affairs, to demand more in exchange for less in the absence of ramifications, a word given to this unique characteristic. Greed, the insatiable craving for more material or otherwise things, a core flaw so prominent it is the driving force of countless evils. Even today, after the world had all but ended, even in the dawn of a new world unlike anything before, those less inclined to follow societal rules would linger in the shadows, sometimes organize to better thair ill-gotten gains.

Today however, one fennec with a knack for scouting had secured Zephyr's RND team some much-needed materials. Well, he hadn't secured anything yet, to do so implies they are in his possession, however he had tracked down a deal that they can seal! Sitting at the steps leading into a luxurious casino just there, where the city ended and the wildlands started, chatting idly with one of the burly doormen, Magnus the little fennec fox awaited those brave and clever enough for a quick briefing on what they were expected to do.

Gloomy... an excellent descriptor for the weather and coincidentally the best time for dealing. Bright and shiny or a depressing downpour wouldn't do for dangerous deals. No you need a particular balance between miserable and optimistic for the desperate optimistic types and dangerous dealers to meet where they would deal. Knowing this the large Hound, Hellhound in fact, strode down the way toward to casino as today it was time to make such a deal. Clad in his usual duds reminiscent of a character from a media likely few in the world who're still sane would recognize, not wanting to draw any due suspicion of being a dealer rather than an optimist, he says, "Good day, gents." to Magnus and the bounder with a greeting nod once he's close. *Can we trust this guy or should I keep everything to myself?* he asks telepathically.

Between the ruffles and the stockings and the fur, short though it may be, and the duffel coat worn over it all, Nena wasn't feeling the chill much. Not to an uncomfortable enough degree that she lets on, in any case. Taking a moment to adjust her scarf and flick a bit of ash off of her cigarette, the otter maid comes to a stop at the foot of the stairs. No words, just a nod of greeting and a cool lean against a nearby object and a folding of arms.

Cerris strides up to the casino, an equally burly man, but one that has painstakingly cultivated an air of opulence, style and shall we say...class to him. Or at least that is what he was going for when he created this look. Tearing away his canvas hooded poncho, he tosses it into a corner and dusts himself off to make certain he isn't wrinkled.

It's not easy to get people to ignore the fact that you are beyond olympic level weight lifting when you one sidedly decide you should take actions on a political and financial level just because you believe yourself cunning and goodlooking.

But pushing his personal desires aside, he is present, imposing and exactly the kind of guy one would have expected to se in a casino prior to nanites. Recognizing Nena, he gives her a thumbs up and a large grin, then folds his arms over his chest waiting to see how things are gonna start off.

The kemomimi german shepherd that is Anagram walks up to the group, shirtless to show off his many tatoos and completely unfazed by the cold. He stands tall with a swagger, like the world belonged to him. Following behind Anagram is an actual german shepard dog, heeling to his master as Anagram whistles for him. "What is the details of this arrangement?" Anagram asks Magnus.

Entering the room while trying to ignore the quiet growl behind her from the german shepherd security guards, a bipedal snow leopard enters and looks around curiously. Glad of her warm jacket on the journey over to the location specified in the message she'd received, in the warmth of the casino it's now a little too insulating so she unzips it, revealing a little more of her figure. She looks a little uncomfortable in this place, but judging from the rifle on her back is prepared for various possibilities. Spotting the contact for the mission she heads over to Magnus and the group around him, offering a warm smile and a friendly nod as greeting.

There was a strangeness to Magnus today, his hands and legs covered in gloves and shoes, unlike he'd done so in the past. It was safe to assume that it'd gotten so cold what his wee paw pads were too frigid for comfort's sake, however... that wasn't all. There was a look in his eyes, that once soft mischievous gaze now glinting with intelligence, and a hunger difficult to put into words. Regardless, he... sounded all the same. His tone was chipper and his smile just as genuine.

The fox lets his gaze wander among those that'd arrived. Yes, a hearty pack of multi-talented agents. Luck would be on his side once more, perhaps? "Heya fellas!" He'd greet with a jovial yip. "Welcome to the Carnal Pleasures Casino. Unfortunately, we are here on business today! No time for the ahem... pleasures." the lad casts them all a wink before hooking a thumb towards the door.

"Our contact is called Mister Finch. He's a local businessman and entrepreneur, operating a multitude of businesses in the area. It seems that a company of his scavs have procured some rare minerals that may well be quite useful for Zephyr's research and development effort. Now then!" The fox would stomp on the ground with a loud *thud* from one shoe. "Mister Finch is not a man looking for more wealth. He has plenty of this already. Rather he has informed me via proxy that his requests may be esoteric in nature. He has assured me that there will be no demands for anything humiliating or mind-breaking."

A wave of the hand follows "Nonetheless I have reasons to believe that his lackeys and even underbosses, as loyal as they may be, are still given some liberties, in addition to, much like any other sentient folk, being able to be coerced. What will happen is we will enter through these here doors, and meet with this person, see their demands and negotiate for the goods. If all goes well, we will have ourselves a lot to take back."

His glance wanders towards Ebreus, though only for a moment, before they wander back over the crowd. "So without further adieu, we'd best not be late! This way!" Magnus would step back and push the double doors leading into the luxurious casino. There, he would guide those following through the crowds and towards the commercial area, the classy jazz music audible in the main chamber slowly fading behind them. There, they'd take a right towards one of the lesser used hallways, and stand before a large wooden door.

Looking over the group as they coalesce at the entrance of the casino he briefly scans each of them, but Anagram, to whom he says, "Hey." Keeping mostly quiet as the group has assembled and Magnus sets off explaining what they're here for as the mind breaking bit comes up he narrows his eyes a bit before returning them to normal after just a moment. With the briefing done with he nods and follows the fox inside. Once inside he glances about his field of vision as he moves. Getting a good look at the security he relays to Magnus and Anagram, *Security here's hardcore... or is this Finches? Hounds, venomous claws... likely improved teeth, probably nanomagic... sidearms... likely knives as well. Let's try not to start any fights*

"I prefer my pleasures less carnal anyway," Nena remarks, plucking the cigarette from her lips and stubbing it before tossing it away. "Esoteric requests, huh." She tastes that first word on her lips, and pretended like she knew what it meant. Learning new things about the language every day! "We'll see what we can manage then, I guess." She shoves her hands in the pockets of her coat and follows along, into the building and out of the chill. She had never really bartered with anything other than wealth, this would surely be interesting.

Cerris taps a heavily ringed finger against his chin for a few long moments as he considers the name of the guy named Finch. He'd heard the name before and that amused him as it meant that he'd likely locked up some of his people. But when it comes to it they were going to do some dealing which would sadly lack fists in faces, but he would benefit from the contacts made and for more perverse reasons looked forward seeing new sides of the maid he'd met and the rest of the presumed misfits gathered here to indulge in someone else's desire for resources. "Well if we have to die another day, so be it."

Anagram pays no attention to the casino itself, but watches the people intensely. He goes over in his head the dealings and contacts he has connecting to Mister Finch, himself a crime lord in a sense. 'know thy enemy' and all that. Anagram remembers dealing with others who have also delt with Finch, but I guess someone got lucky since Anagram and Finch have nver met. He replies to Magnus with his own telepathic nanomagic: 'good eye, I was too busy looking at people to see the guards.'

Negotiating had never exactly been Kamryn's area of expertise but she'd always been interested in expanding her skills, and when the possibility of gaining some experience while procuring research materials was too good to pass up. The initial message had been a little light on the details of what exactly was being negotiated for, and looking around the group, Magnus' mention of humiliation and mind breaking triggered a raised eyebrow for more than just herself - specific denials for something that nobody has asked about had always seemed suspicious. Still, she enjoyed indulging in a few 'esoteric' pastimes herself on occasion, so how bad could it be? Tapping a message into her comm, she heads down the hallway with the group, feeling a mixture of apprehension and anticipation for what was to come.

The room was indeed much as Ebreus had seen, wide and spacious of an office, matching the rest of the luxurious casino. There, four doberman guards stand tall and still as statues, one on either side of the chamber, the others to the left and right of a... was... was that a poodle? Yes, yes indeed it is! Of all the things to expect from someone so dubious, a white-coated fluffy poodle boy was not high on the list, was it? Well, one might imagine why the security was so right, huh?

"OH! My one'o'clock is here! Hello, hello! Make yourselves at home!" The canine smiles a cooked smile as he gestures towards the chairs set before the desk he sat behind. "Would you like some tea? BARRY!" the poodle huffs, summoning a fox boy from another area off to the side. He appears in a well washed and kept butler attire, loose black suit and bow tie with a corsage in his hair and a nervous look on his face. Bringing in a tray containing the tea set demanded, he'd bow down heavily, and exit quickly.

"The name's Milo. I'll be overseeing the negotiations today." Their white-fluffed fuzzball of a contact snickers, his glance wandering over Anagram, lingering for a moment longer than on anyone else it would seem, a brow raised once he identifies him, but no words uttered about it just yet. Pouring some tea into every cup one by one, Milo takes his own and sniffs from it. "Mmmmm, jasmine. Just the right leafs for a calm and civil discussion." His brows furrow as he peers around the room, locking eyes with Anagram as he utters. "I trust it will be polite, and civil?"

Ebreus focuses his attention on the Poodle as they're called over to him. Staying close to the group Ebreus walks up to the seats prepared as the bellow summons a fox bearing tea. He smiles politely as he takes the cup offered to him and takes a seat. "Nice to meet you Milo." he says, "I'm Ebreus. Nice to see someone take the time for some good pleasantries even if the occasion is business." *Gettin' the sense the puffball ain't an act. Z level security, flamboyance turned up to 11, and a butler? He's driven by his ego... bettin' it's a fragile one to.* he relays to Magnus, Anagram, and Kamryn *So hardball or butter?*

"I certainly hope so," Nena murmurs in reply, taking up the offered tea. She knew first hand appearances could be deceiving, so the sight of the poodle is not all too surprising to her. Her attention is more focused on her fellow service-oriented individual, at least, for as long as the butler is in the room. Her thick tail twitches idly, side to side, as she takes in the room. Who would make the first move? Would it be the poodle? One of her own party? Or... Nah, she doesn't feel like beating around the bush much, and opens with, "What's a guy like you looking to get out of this anyway?"

Cerris smiles and relaxes into his seat as Barry pours his tea making the fox take extra time to count sugar into it slowly so as to give him time to really take in the room, lazily stirring the tea with a ring-laden digit despite the heat. By his estimation the poodle talking was pretty comfortable in his position which told him that they were already being screwed over or the guy felt nothing could go wrong. Subtle manipulation of nanites has the tea in the cup vanishing slowly due to the process of desiccation caused by Cerri's digit present in the cup.

"Nothin to worry about...keeping the peace is what I've been known for since before there was an established police force. None present look like they've had to take a Woodfield Prison grade time out, so I'm certain everything will be just fine! So why don't we lay it all out slowly and leisure work our way into the main event?" Certainly some could by intimidated by this all american soldier cum prison warden, but he doubted that was going to be an issue, but it never hurt to toss a few cards on the table just to be sure everyone was on the level.

Anagram is unphased by the poodle's intimidation, replying in a gentlemanly manner like a professional speaking with another professional: "I am glad that you would prefer a civil conversation. No doubt you are intelligent enough to understand what we have come for, and have prepared in advance a means for which we can procure it." He pings the room with Nanite Scanning nanomagic, then telepathically informs the group 'Someone in the other room is keeping an eye on us with biomonitoring nanomagic'. Anagram takes his cup of tea, but never drinks from it.

Having never met any of the group before, Kamryn glances over at the agent their host seemed to be addressing his question to, realising they'd clearly encountered one another before in less friendly circumstances and briefly regretting not arriving sooner to get to know a little background of the people she was working with today. Happy to let others take the lead for now until she had more information to work with, she approached the desk. "Greetings, I'm Kamryn" she says with a noticeable accent, extending her hand towards the poodle for a handshake. "Nice to meet someone so civilised" she says indicating the tea set before them. She takes a seat, giving a friendly smile to the fox butler as he pours her a cup, the aroma of the tea causing her tail to sway a little more, then she looks to Erebus, a little unfamiliar with his method of covert communication but knowing he was probably right.

"Only the finest!" he answers Ebreus! "This is a place of business after all! Now then, speaking of which let's cut to brass tax." Once the otter in the room speaks up, he'd raise his finger and point right at her. "AHA! There's the important questions being asked by the more... ah, unlikely of folks." What was THAT supposed to mean?! "Right." His hands meet the desk before he'd cross them before himself and rest his muzzle atop them, propping his elbows against the desk in turn.

Once Cerris speaks up however, his brows furrow and his tone hushes. "Kindly refrain from pressing the police's thumb into personal affairs, sir. Lest I ask my companions here to... escort... you out. No doubt someone with your reputation is used to that by now." Seems Cerris' words had soured the mood, but all the same he'd earned a sideways glance from the guards in the room. Tensions were rising... thankfully only to be lightly diffused by Kamryn on her approach. The look on the poodle's face was anything but pleased and he didn't seem to enjoy holding... another hand. "Uh, right..." he'd go on before moving on with what he was saying "Before I was so rudely interrupted, I wish to make something clear, my superior is not a man of wealth, but action. His amassed riches are a direct result of acquiring the proper assets and applying them in the right times. So... I am going to be as direct as possible right now."

Leaning forward a little, his gaze would wander among those present in the room. "We require an asset of comparable value that would assist us in our endeavors. Say... one of you may be able to... I don't know, leak a few patrol schedules, or perchance provide our scouts with armaments of unqiue design and quality?" Blunt, no... but supplying a crime lord's lackey with information they can use against the peacekeepers, or worse yet with firearms to use to strengthen their influence... how does that sound?

Ebreus smiles a bit wider as he receives a the desired response from the poodle... only to have law enforcement mentioned directly to the representative of a criminal kingpin. Oh well, he'd certainly blundered at least as hard in the past, time to get to working on product acquisition, *Hmm... what do you think? Give them currently correct patrol routes?* he telepathically asks Anagram. "Certainly a fair prince for what we're after though I do have to ask for some more specifics in regards to the armaments. Particularly preference of engagement range. I'd hate to provide the best knives in the world to someone for a sniper duel."

Nena adjusts her glasses. That didn't seem like a big deal to her, but she didn't exactly have unique armaments, so that was out. To be the unlikely one was something pleasing, though she doesn't let it show. "Now, I'm no one of any consequence or authority, clearly. I am just a humble maidservant, but we know how to train an eye for detail. I spent a lot of time in the city doing nothing but loitering, and I see much in my errands. I know when and where the gaps are in patrols, and with the life I had lead previously, I know a thing or two about slipping around them. I could probably part with that information," she muses.

Cerris loses none of his amusement as he gestures to Barry for a refill to his cup despite it having never gone anywhere near his mouth. It was actually in his favor to have the underworld accidentally blending his influence with that of the police. "This is a fact, I am quite comfortable with being escorted out of bullet filled bloodbaths..and that particular propensity for survival, penchance for violence and access to a force of individuals that patrol alongside or counter to that of the corporations means that I have been in and out of everyone's territories and housed mutants that have lived in the territories of those you seek. I'm willing to provide transcripts from prison interrogations and other informations gained from aprehending and reconditioning violent mutants across the west coast. Or would that be distasteful?"

Anagram could of course supply weapons to the poodle, but antagonizing law enforcement causes problems, not just for Finch's crew but for his own as well. Going around the law can be ignored. Fighting through it brings too much attention. As for the info, Anagram does his dealings in Eureka, not Fairhaven, so that info would be too costly for his own. But there are things he does know. "I'd agree that trouble with law is not something you'd want, so how about info on supply runs coming into Fairhaven? I know of a caravan that makes regular trips and often comes back with the more exotic foods like pre-P-day scotch, and might even have rarer foods like still-wrapped twinkies."

Kamryn listens to the poodle speak, growing a little concerned at the implications of his request but latching on to the words 'currently correct' in the hellhound's message, fully aware of how often the patrol routes change. She places her hand on Nena's shoulder as the otter mentions being of no consequence, giving her a very slightly concerned look as she wonders if she actually believes it or if it was just a dig at Milo's remark towards her.

"I do have some experience of weapon design" she says, gesturing to the rifle on her back slowly, mindful of the doberman guards and not wanting her actions to be misinterpreted as a hostile act, "though since that's more of a hobby I can't necessarily guarantee their quality". In an attempt to offer an alternative, she adds "I do have access to the schematics for some more advanced medical tools and supplies though - even with the nanites healing can always be improved, and it might result in downtime from any... unfortunate incidents with patrols... being considerably reduced if that's something you or your superior might be interested in".

As the words come in one by one, so does Milo lean back in his chair and cast a glance around them, one by one as they make their offers. His expression remains neutral, his ears perked and his eyes half-lidded. He would pause and rub one eye before casting a glance down at something beneath his desk. Moments later, he'd look back up at his guests and cast a very faint smile. "I am liking what I am hearing, however I am no fool. Nor do I believe you know what you claim you know." The poodle huffs and casts a sideways glance towards Nena. "However! I do think we can do some business. You will get half of your piece right now, up-front in exchange for the information. Once we have done what we will with it, then and only then will we dispatch a courier to deliver the second." He'd lean back and cross his arms. "These are my terms." His glance then moves over towards Ebreus, the one who'd been oddly innert during all this. "Two of you are not very convincing however, about what you can offer. How can I trust any of you? Hmmm?" He'd then cross his arms once more and turn around in his chair, casting his back at them. "I'll need something to hang onto in case you fail to deliver."

Nena lifts her shoulders in a shrug, and folds her hands in her lap. "You don't have to believe me. What I know or don't know doesn't change depending on if it is believed or not," calmly speaks the otter. "That's the nice thing about facts. If you do not want that information though, that is another matter, one that is outside my ability to control. Someone else will want it, I am sure.

Ebreus glances to each of his compatriots as they make their offers. He narrows his eyes as the poodle tries to play it hard, "I get it, not trusting anyone, it's a good practice that generally produces good results." he says in an as agreeable tone as he can, "So, I'm sure with the resources at your disposal your men have checked each of our backrounds and provided you with the bulletpoints before you said first said hello." he continues his tone slowly growing neutral. "So I won't bore you by reiterating my association with the very best when it comes to armaments. Instead how about I ensure the armaments are of the best possible quality, we provide the information, and in exchanger for the collateral we get payed in full now?" he finishes with his best devils deal tone.

Nena lifts her shoulders in a shrug, and folds her hands in her lap. "You don't have to believe me. What I know or don't know doesn't change depending on if it is believed or not," calmly speaks the otter. "That's the nice thing about facts. If you do not want that information though, that is another matter, one that is outside my ability to control. Someone else will want it, I am sure. Hopefully not a competitor." She smiles sweetly, innocently, tail curling around her ankles. She didn't have any collateral to give, anyway, so the negotiation was largely out of her court, now.

Cerris flips his cup over to rest opening side down on the saucer in question "Trust is qa hard won card on a two way street. I can always simply invite some of your young turks along to my place for a sleep over and let them see firsthand what secrets are to be found after a little gossip and interrogation. Or you can simply reject things straight up and we part ways."

Anagram makes no excuse or counter to the poodle's acusations. They both know the other's reputation, so if Anagram got riled up on something so trivial it would do nothing but undermine his advantage. It makes no difference that his offer wasn't taken, the securing of the material is the reason for the deal and if he doesn't have to sacrifice anything then all the better. So Anagram keeps the same cool swagger he had from the begining.

Kamryn drinks her tea, shuffling awkwardly in her chair knowing her offer was one of the weaker ones. Deciding her hellhound associate seems to be far better at negotiating than she was, she remained silent for a while to see how Milo would respond to his latest offer, wondering if there was anything else she could offer in case it was turned down.

The canine pauses for a moment, then tilts his head. This was a good deal, there was no denyign that. "Very well." He'd then turn in his chair once more and face the group. Extending one hand towards the Hellhound, he would look among the others should their hands meet. Once Cerris speaks up, the poodle huffs and shakes his head. "Your bravado earns you nothing!" He stomps on the desk and scowls deeply. "My men are going nowhere near you and your detainment cells. This is the last warning you're getting." he pulls his hand away from Ebreus and growls. "The deal remains, but I suggest you all leave before I change my damn mind!" Seems Cerris has pushed a little too far, though in the process, he and Ebreus had pushed juuuust enough that Milo would accept their terms and want to end this as quickly as possible. With that, one of the guards moves into a room off to the side, retrieving a briefcase full of something quite heavy. The others meanwhile would push the group out and towards the exit. Should no struggling occur, they'd get the case and have the door slammed behind them... however...

Ebreus looks at Cerris as they try to intimidate the criminal underboss he was just about to open his mouth when Milo shouts at him. Rising to his full, nine feet tall, hight and making toward the door as the goons proud him that way he moves, keeping an eye on the case and when its presented to them taking it. Standing safely outside, the door slammed behind them he lifts the case up and takes a look at it, without opening it, before saying telepathically *Cerris, I'd be ranting at you right now... BUT we have the case and we gave them NOTHING. Ballsy move but it worked.* to everyone. After a few moments pass he then adds, *Hold the celebration. We should make sure it's not just full of concrete... or a bomb first. Anagram?* he adds and extends the case to the Shepheard.

"What's in the case?" Nena asks as they're all shoved out. "We should check it, yeah. If we're getting the short end, that's unfortunate but nothing I can really do about it. It would still be nice to know, though," she says, scooting a little further away. In case it is a bomb, and all. She doesn't want to ruin her new coat.

Cerris is truly the best at playing the bad cop despite never having once been a cop! Apparently being a heavy handed marine officer with a love of violence, old cliches and access to a prison has it's weight tat one can throw around as a counter balance to the more subtle plans used by others. Amusingly enough he'd played the perfect foil despite not being privvy to the secret communication going on, simply relying on his empathic/empathetic read on the situation. So walking out after straightening his clothing, actively ignoring the efforts of those around to accelerate him he pauses only to offer Ebreus a tolerant almost paternal smile as he waits to see the outcome of the combined efforts. "So...how was the tea?"

Anagram says nothing, risking nothing and hoping that Cerris doesn't mess things up further. He sets his unused tea down on the table, then makes his way out of the room, offering the smallest of polite bows on his way out. He holds out a hand for the case as Ebreus hands it to him and goes through the motions of checking the case itself and its contents. Once everyone is away, he turns to Cerris and looks them strait in the eye. He didn't need to read Cerris's mind when he spoke curtly: "You make a terrible bad cop."

Relieved to be leaving the tense situation Kamryn lets the guards propel her out without a struggle, although given their size and number it's unlikely that the result would have been any different if she had. "Surprisingly good" she says in response to Cerris's question about the tea, "though not my favourite blend". She looks at the case as Anagram checks it over, saying "Perhaps we should open it here. That way if it does go boom, we're not the only ones it'll take out" as she glances back at the door to the room they'd just left.

Once they'd left the office, several more canines would appear from the nearby doors, the fox boy from before in tow. "Ebreus, Anagram. This way, the rest of you, take your case and leave. The boss is in a rotten mood." They'd give them all a wave towards the exit, then take their place in front of the door leading into the poodle's office. Meanwhile, two more dogs would push Ebreus and Anagram towards another room off to the side. There, they'd face interrogation and set up the exchanges agreed upon. As for what is exchanged? Weeeeeeell...

For Ebreus' part in the engagement he'd create a new set of laser rifles, his own special design: short barrel but quite accurate sturdy enough that they'd be hard to intently break... and a flaw in the heat dissipater that would cause it to overheat after just enough use that they could be sure it was working properly.

Anagram is a man of his word. He goes as he is led, giving a few short wistles to his dog to heel with him. Anagram gives over the information that he offered without hesitation and without deceit, but makes it abundantly clear throught the conversation that actions have consequences and what those might be. He even speaks in a professional manner: this isn't an interogation, this is a buisness trade.

Nena rubs at the back of her head, brushing fingers through her mane of hair. "Could have gone better I think, but could have gone worse. He is a bit of a touchy person, huh?" She returns her hands to her pockets, tail flicking. Of course, she had enough to work with now. Enough to seek opportunity in other places, perhaps at the expense of the organization they just finished treating with.

Cerris shrugs, he felt he totally nailed the roll of antagonist and if he knew folks were hating on his suit he'd be hurt about it, but instead he simply smiles for Kamryn and says " I'm glad I'm not the only one that had fun at the little poodle tea party!" Certainly he'd have to push further into the underworld, for they clearly didn't know what they were dealing with and he certainly wasn't going to pass up a chance to have more gunfire, sex and explosions entered into his recently less than constantly dangerous life.

"Yeah" Kamryn says, agreeing with Nena. "That could certainly have gone... differently" she adds after a moment, feeling her own efforts had not really helped matters. "We'd probably better head out like he said, I guess those two can take care of themselves in there" she says with a nod to the door Erebus and Anagram had entered. "And I think I could do with a slightly stiffer drink if anyone wants to join me at a bar somewhere"