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Whirling stats
Description Putting a new spin on things.
Cred Cost
XP Cost Ingredients Battery X 1
Salvage Common Mechanical X 5
Common Electronic X 5
Crafting Skills None
Item Stats 100% chance of Whirling PhysicalDamageReturn at magnitude 5 for 10 rounds.
100% chance of Defense at magnitude 2 for 10 rounds.
100% chance of SlashDamageImmunityDebuff at magnitude 5 for 10 rounds.
100% chance of Whirling SlashDamage at magnitude 2 for 5 rounds.
Damage of +10%
Damage Variance of 1
Energy of +10%
Loadout of +10%
100% chance of Whirling PhysicalDamageReturn at magnitude 0.5 for 5 rounds.
100% chance of SlashDamageImmunityDebuff at magnitude 0.5 for 10 rounds.
Status Chance of +15%
Status Duration of +20%
Upkeep of +10%

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