User talk:Anden
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Proposed identifier for fprompt:
A. Identifier: Friendly. Friendly pet. Enemy. Enemy pet. (A through D?)
B. Danger level: Equivalent to relative level (use 0 through 9?)
CD. Effect: None, perplexing, front & centre, starving... (00 through 99? Possibly more meaningful codes like NO, PE, FC, ST?)
Example: <ENEMIES> 1. Bouncy Half-Husky <5529/5554 hp - 100/98 en> C2BO <ALLIES> Anwen <4343/4343 hp - 103/102 en> A8NO <ENDLIST>
Want to change your danger and pheremone levels without having to travel to Zephyr? You can do this for some things...
Get your session cookie (I used firebug) and save it in a text file called cookies.txt the string should be in the following format: FALSE / FALSE 1234567890 Session 12345678A12345B1C123456789012345
You can then use curl:
curl -b cookies.txt ""
curl -b cookies.txt ""
curl -b cookies.txt ""
Big hits, all-natural notes:
Aidan suggests a heavy melee is the optimal weapon.
Shield drone tips:
14:28:42 <OOC> Hope says, "Bullet Spray first."
14:28:59 <OOC> Hope says, "Get the low-energy AI-block and the Always block."
14:29:05 <OOC> Hope says, "make 'rest' the low energy move."
14:29:13 <OOC> Hope says, "then bullet-spray on always."
14:29:25 <OOC> Granitek says, "Thanks. I just happend to have a laser emitting and Automated mods I was trying to find a use for."
14:29:39 <OOC> Hope says, "automated is crap."
14:30:02 <OOC> Hope says, "after bullet-spray, electric surge on always."
14:30:20 <OOC> Granitek says, "Really? Looking at the info you would think it would double the damage."
14:30:24 <OOC> Hope says, "this fills the AI-slots, which is cool, since there's only one more move they have."
14:30:49 <OOC> Hope says, "too much cooldown and charge."
14:30:59 <OOC> Hope says, "and energy."
14:31:11 <OOC> Hope says, "your hit might do more damage on the whole, but you pay for it by lowering your DPS."
14:31:19 <OOC> Hope says, "AND your DPE."
[Science] Dio roars, "As for AI settings, I'll lay down some basics."
[Science] Dio roars, "When you don't set your AI settings at all, the auto combat will round robin and randomly select your powers to use pretty much."
[Science] Dio roars, "You can imagine this could not end in your favor when you use lactaid after taking just a bit of damage when you could've attacked."
[Science] Dio roars, "So, this is where AI settings come in. For example, it'd be better to set Lactaid on Do not use. This power is best used after/before combat or as an emergency heal. In this regard, set your AI settings to make it fire off only when you're at 50% health or 25%."
[Science] Dio roars, "Now your highest damaging powers are important as well. You'll want to use these as often as you can, rather than at random. The 'Always' condition will make sure this happens (assuming you have the correct energy). You want to make sure stuff like Wild Swing and Sharpshooter are firing the second they get off cooldown."
[Science] Dio roars, "AI settings are also very handy for energy management. Any questions?"