Tank (build)
[hide]Combat Skills
Mutant Powers
Threatening Presence - Helps you to absorb damage from your friends in a big AoE and increases your aggro generation.
Juggernaut/Myriad Armor - Really solid toggle that boosts your defenses.
Any Defensive Adaption slot power - Usefulness of Smooth Hide is questionable, but all the other hides have an upgrade or two that helps you tank.
Panic Button - A panic button is any mutant power that can be used in times of dire need. Examples would be Milk Chug (Emergency heal), Drain Vitae (Lifestealing hit), Stonewall (Great burst of resists)
Thick Hide/Thick Shell/Icy Hide/Reinforced Skeleton - Really lovely for tanks, each have their own disadvantages though so be careful.
AoE threat pickup - Grab a damaging toggle! Electric Field, Quill Wag are great examples.
AoE threat - Wild Swing is a beautiful power to fill this category. Scythe Sweep, Prism Storm both do wonderfully as well.
Conductive/Solid Frame - These toggles increase your resists to make you more durable.
Feline Agility/Skitter - These toggles can be upgraded to increase your defense greatly.
Enveloping Pain - Threat and party heal!
Frenzy - Massive threat boost and damage boost for the tank.
Guarding Stance Toggleable Cover & hpBuffer for your allies.
General Playstyle
Damageresist/PhysicalDamageresist/EnergyDamageresist - Directly reduces damage taken, scales well with [Durability]] Defense - Increases chance to evade taking damage, scales well with Avoidance MaxHP - More health! Aggro - Increases threat Cover (On Allies) - Allows you to block damage for your allies directly. Regen - Recover health each round HPBuffer - Blocks an exact amount of damage.
Energybreak - Reduces energy use, very needed since toggles are heavily used. Healgain - Increases healing received. Damagereturn - Reflects damage. Debuffclear - Removes debuffs.
Damagebuff - More damage, more aggro. Haste - Reduces charge times, can be life saving on heals. Recharge - Faster cooldown on core tank abilities. Attack - More damage. Healing - More healing done. Accuracy - Aggro disregards deflected damage from low accuracy, hence is just a damage boost. Vampiric - Too hard to get in useful amounts.
Fenrir Wolf - Lifestealing big threat attack, defensive toggle. Weapon Master - Big threat attack, defensive toggle, access to Spear of Judgement, a really high threat weapon that is also team support. Anubis Servant - Revive upon Death. Flame Bearer - Strongest cover of all tanks in the game, has a big support toggle. Kaiju - Strong defensive passive, big threat attack.
Nanite Adept - A big heal! Nekomata - Powerful debuffclear, and a very jack of all trades passive. Survivalist Leader - Has a team defensive toggle.
Crafted Gear of Interest (Non exhaustive, generic.)
Spear of Judgement - Woaaah. Stats are self explanatory. Big threat, team support, light weight! Physical Armor/Light Energy Armor/Generic Armor/Heavy Armor or Lifegiving Armor - Increases your resists greatly! Flexible/Amplifying module - Increased defense Stiffened/Hardened/Protective module - Increased resist Training - Assertiveness - Bonus threat. Void Totem - Free recharge at a light weight. Earrings - Energybreak bonus. Superconducting Magnet - Helps absorb damage for teammates.
Solo: After your first few levels, you are nigh unkillable with your roles. Grab Lactaid early on, but no toggles as your energy regen will be very low. If possible, ask someone to funnel you Sharpshooter or Drain Vitae for easy single target kills. Grab passives asap. Then after, grab a few more attacks for threat and damage sake, and then after 35, start building up your toggle collection.
Group: Hold threat for teammates. Keep self alive.