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Location: Mall
Level: 4
HP: 35
Damage: 5
Loot: Spider Webbing
Target Gender: Herm
Tail Strike?: Yes

Flag Categories

Flags: Girl, Hermaphrodite


Heat?: No

Author- Tentacle Specialist

Danger Level: 4, Typical Environment: Mall


A hybrid of human and arachnid. From the waist up, the picture of a voluptuous woman, with smooth skin and heavy breasts topped with delicate pink nipples; she also has eight luminous magenta pupil-less eyes blinking from behind her raven-black hair. Down below she is a giant spider, with eight hairy, twitching legs and an abdomen armored with black and red chitin. At the tip of her abdomen can be seen an opening with spinnerets, and between the front pair of legs a set of armor plates look like they might be hiding something...


  • If you are playing as a female character with a big enough vagina and you lose she will attempt to impregnate you via oviposition.


Author- https://github.com/Nuku/Flexible-Survival/tree/master/Guest%20Writers

Creature- https://github.com/Nuku/Flexible-Survival/blob/master/Guest%20Writers/Spidergirl%20For%20FS.i7x