Nanite Degradation

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What is Nanite Degradation

Nanite degradation is the decay of most common objects due to nanites using their materials for other purposes. This decay is what causes the gradual destruction of most man made objects within a bubble. This degradation is only found in poorly regulated bubbles, where nanites are not given more specific instructions on how to acquire their materials. In the absence of commands directing the nanites on what to take and what not to take, they will take anything that doesn't radiate a 'claimed' signal to them via broadcast. Very few non-living things have a 'keep alive' broadcast, and even fewer have the proper shielding to prevent decay.

What do the Nanites Take

The nanites will take just about anything that is needed for them to preform their desired functions. Within the Fairhaven and Woodfield bubbles, this decay happens continuously. The nanites will strip anything they can, and seeing how their majority function is to ensure the continued survival and mutation of those caught inside their field of influence, as well as all mental and physiological changes there of, they are particularly fond of materials that a body is already made from or materials that can be re-purposed into this. Carbon, Calcium, Silicone, Iron, etc is a short list of their favorite things to take and use for other purposes. Latex, plastic, even the lime and other materials in concrete will find new use by the nanites in their mission. Curiously enough, glass seems to be completely unaffected.

What does this mean

This results in most mechanical and electrical equipment from pre P-day to no longer function. Objects made by Nanite Schematic are immune to this, as they have re-purposed nanites assisting in their construction, allowing them to be repaired with relative ease by the agent using them, however, this is only so much that an agent can Upkeep at a time, though you have to supply parts and pay for a facility to actually do such repairs. Things like cars, trucks, computers, and similar devices would have missing components, parts, and would be rendered inoperable due to the constant degradation of their essential components. The only possible reproach would be to constantly replace these parts as they rapidly broke down.

How does Vore work


Most living persons maintain a 'keep alive' signal, however, there is a lot that can be done to a person before they are no longer alive. In the situation where someone has been ingested by someone else, the ingested person would make a very interesting trip through that person's digestive tract. Due to the 'keep alive' signal, the nanites of the one doing the eating will not permit the ingested person to be fully broke down, but any unneeded materials would be taken in by the one doing the digesting. After all unneeded materials are taken from the unfortunate ingestie, the ingester would have to then pass what is left, still alive, out of their system. This would leave the digested person unconscious, very hungry, severely dehydrated, but still alive.