Goo Girl (SP)

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Goo Girl (SP)

Location: Mall
Level: 2
HP: 30
Damage: 3
Target Gender: Herm

Flag Categories

Flags: Girl, Furry


Heat?: No

Author- Nuku

Danger Level: 2, Typical Environment: Mall


A jiggling girl of blue color. You can see through her, mostly, her gelatin like flesh tinting the area behind her with its lustrous shade. Her upper torso is well defined, with large breasts somehow jiggling just a little more noticeably than the rest of her. Her lower body seems to meld into a grand base of goop just past her thighs, her legs permanently held together. She seems to notice you and turns to you. With soft slurping sounds, she propels herself at you like an incoming wave, hands outstretched for you with an unwavering smile.


  • Extra-Infectious: A Goo Girl may tempt you into some sex (libido check) and this will result in further infection (victory and defeat).
  • If your libido is to low to instigate her sex scene a player with the dominant feat will still be able to activate it.
  • Drops glob of goo. (needed for many quests)


