Goblin Festival Part 2 - RPLOG

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Noticing her score, Ciana pipes up. "Ooh, so close!" Hearing Ebreus finally notice her costume, Ciana lunges, wrapping her arms around him. "And, if you attach a collar to me.." She tugs on her purple collar. ".. I'll be a pocket medic! I'll tag along the whole way, if it's not too much trouble.

"In a land filled with rutting animals, you're having trouble getting intimate? Try something new, I guess. Get kinky. I'm sure you won't have trouble with that. Go role-swap or whatever. Hell, go gender-swap for a week or two, I dunno. That's an actually valid option now, I suppose." Phosphorus points out, rubbing her forehead in her palm. She's really taking shots in the dark, given that she's not been properly intimate a day in her life. Very much a stabby panda. "The point is, these are not... unresolvable problems. Though you both should try to work on being more concise when talking to each other. Rants are not an... effective form of communication."

Arris nods, glancing back at the tent that had "BAR" written on the sign in front of it. "Perhaps I'll go head down to the bar, then. Maybe I'll pick up a drink or two, while I'm at it. Not too much today, though." Sie strokes hir chin again, before looking to Wurtzite. "I hope you don't plan on getting drunk again?" The gator chuckles to the overdrive fox.

Giving the wheel a once-over, Zixis seems happy with the result, turning to the neuchacho. "Well now, can't have an engineer without their tools. I only meant that I wasn't prepared. Will not happen again." Zixis assures. Following the goblins eye, shi gives hir large body a once-over, coming to the same conclusion. "I DO need to get some clothing, perhaps a saddle with a bunch of pouches. I now see I must always be prepared."

Remembering the goblins offer, Zixis turns to the goblin. "Oh, about that payment. How about, instead of more for me, you extend the free deal to any agents you see. Deal?" Shi grabs more popcorn from hir bag, looking over at the games while the goblin considers hir counter offer.

The goblin girl laughs at the Weasel. "Why I am suggesting that you fuck me." In the back of Escherr's mind, there's a band playing a song called "The Drug Shack". It probably sounds familiar to the weasel, having lived long enough to recognize what might now be called pre-apocalyptic classic rock.

The goblin manning the strength thing shrugs as the Medic-Fennec attaches herself to the larger doberman. It isn't any of his business.

Wurtzite nods, "Yeah, I've got to remember the festival. Otherwise, I won't have anything to write about." Shi leads Arris to the bar, where there are a larger number of goblins in a larger variety of costumes.

The neuchacho nods, "That does sound like a fair trade since you saved me a long day of dragging it home" It is fairly sure that all the other agents have forgotten that it exists, so that's not likely to cut into its razor thin profit margin anyway.

By the time Ciana and Ebreus reach the tent, the two goblins are yelling at Phosphorus. They are uncannily unified in that. In fact, they seem to be defending each other, the usefulness of rants in communication, and generally their own hangups. "Our problems are real!" Margaret yells. "Yeah. That." Heinrich slurs loudly at the panda, waving at the other two who are approaching, suddenly happy, but it's not clear if it is because he's dronk, or if he is looking for someone to back Margaret and himself up.

Hearing the goblins yell, it's clear to Ciana that it's not her place to argue. "Um.. Eb? I think I'll go somewhere else.. where there's less arguing. And alcohol. I'll stick near the games and the sex tent, if I'm feeling frisky."

Ebreus smiles as he sees the striker rise in response to Ciana, "So close." he says. When she hugs him he wraps his arms around her and chuckling a bit replies, "Sounds nice.... too bad I don't have any collars on me." He releaces her after a few moments and indicates the exit to the tent with his muzzle and says, "Let's get looking... pretty sure the goblin leaders will want some agents around to help them make up." quietly to her and heads out of the tent and begins a cursory search for Heinrich... having already won the top-tier prize and gotten the perfect t-shirt.

It being a rather dificult feat to loose track of the most important Goblins he finds the tent that houses the psudeo-couple's-therapy session between the leaders of the Fey and Brass Orrey. His eyes go wide at the strange scene and he pauses a moment to take in the oddity of it. He notes Margret and Heinrich ganging up on Phospherous and after a moment can't help but grin. He takes a deep breath and a moment to compose his thoughts.

"What's going on in here?" he asks as he looks to the Goblins and then gives Phospherous a slightly sterner look all the while telepathically saying to the Red Panda, 'Don't fight me. I have a plan.' He nods to Ciana as she excuses herself and then adresses Magret and Heinrich, "My apologies if my associate has caused any further trouble. She's security, I'm the well... I kind of do most of the talking-type stuff when Agents are needed for that." he excuses.

Phosphorus is unsurprised, really. She should've seen this coming, yes, but she just tiredly rubs her forehead in response. "I never said they weren't real... just that both of you aren't solving them. We need to deconstruct these things, yeah? Unspool the ball of complaints into a list you both can properly work with. And can properly solve. Preferably while not hammered." The panda undoes a button on her uniform, tugging a little bound notebook and a small metal pen out of it, setting it down on the table. "I assume you both know how to write, yeah? If you both'll stop... shouting at me, we can make a list for each of you. One person does it on one page, we'll hide the page, and then have the other person write. And please, no more drink until we're done." A slight ping of annoyance tinges Phosphorus' face as Ebreus walks in, but she presses on, anyways. Problem-solving is one of things she's good at, yes.

The weasel could only grin and easily slipped out of that straight jacket like Houdini himeself, or least enough to have things exposed due to the mutation formed the clothing. "Well is a nice little place we can get together" Grinning some as faint memories of old music seemed to set the mood, if not the rythem. Rolling up some and taking more lead looking over everything with a soft sound of what would be a growl. "Slow and deep or hard and rough~" Questioning as lined up and was all ready to negotiate in a far more fun way with the goblin girl before him. Escherr could only keep teasing at the flesh, every sensation amplified due to the drug it seemed. That or was just really riled up for the day with all the festivity and energy in the air. Also contimplating tapping into a few of his own tricks to enhance the momet.

Arris chuckles a little. "You haven't been writing things down? Weeeeell, I suppose it also helps to have a recount of what's happening in your head." After a very brief walk, Arris enters the bar tent and takes a look around for anyone who would look like the chief craftsman or whoever sie should be looking for.

Glad having a job well done, Zixis bows a farewell to the popcorn goblin. Having noticed the commotion with the games, shi decides that's the next stop.

As shi walks over, shi gives the game's area a scan, noting what's available. Strength wasn't hir thing, and shi knew those were usually rigged. Duck shooting could be fun, shi did enjoy shooting. The bobbing for... fish thing seemed... inadvisable. The ring toss looked open, and shi hadn't spotted any other agents in it's area, so perhaps it was unconquered. Striding up to the station, shi called out to the attendant. "Hello there, I was wondering how much it'd be for a toss or two, and maybe a look over of what I could win, if that's okay."

Had there been a goblin in earshot of Ciana, they'd have nodded about the argument, but would have also asked "what sex tent?" Why the hell would there be a sex-tent between a bunch of people cosplaying prudes, and a bunch of women looking for real romance and relationships? Of course, they'd all been drinking for hours, and the ones outside weren't the best and the brightest, but especially they weren't the ones who felt like noticing that was their job.

The two gobs are mollified somewhat with Ebreus' contrition. Heinrich scratches the back of his head, "Actually," he says, as bashfully as a drunk can respond, "I think she might have a point, that Panda."

"But Heinrich, that wasn't what I meant" Margaret says, rubbing the bridge of her nose, "I meant that we weren't able to be intimate with each other, not because of lack of interest, but out of your fear of your newly acquired feminine organs."

"That's what you think?" Heinrich asks, "I just wasn't ready for lesbian goblin sex. And if I recall, neither were you."

Margaret flushes, nearly stammering as her attention turns fully to Heinrich, full of ANGERY.

Phosphorus' request that Heinrich stops drinking is practically unnecessary, but it also goes unheard between the yelling that resumes.

Wurtzite nods, "Yeah, lost my clipboard when I stopped being a nurse. Strangely enough. Nanites are fucking weird" Shi grabs Arris' hand and pulls hir to the bar, "I might not be getting smashed tonight, but let's see what's here."

The bar is well lit, homey, lots of wood and brass, like every other fucking thing here. There's a bartender in a bowler, scrubbing a glass idly as the two groups fail to interact, but succeed at drinking whatever the hell they drink around here, not that there's a visible menu.

The goblin manning the ring-toss booth is surprised that someone bothered. "200 cred for a toss of four rings" He mumbles in that manner of someone who would much rather be drunk right now. He brings four rings up, made of brass, naturally, and waits for the transfer.

Scanning the area for things to do, Ciana eyes the games. "Ring toss? Nah, I'm horrible at frisbee-type crap. Duck shooting? Hmm.. maybe. Already did the strength hammer, but the fish bobbing is.. interesting.. Fuck it." She walks over to the fish bobbing area, waving to the person manning it.

Zixis spends 200 Freecred for RP reasons.

The fur on the back of Ebreus' neck stands on end when Phosphorus decides to not got along with his plan, that'd only happened twice before and /both/ times it's nearly gotten him killed. He takes a breath calming himself down... no way Phos would know how close death comes when his plans are ignored. He looks over the two Goblins now back at eachother with the shouting. "Ahem!" he explaims in an attempt to get the attention of the goblins, "Would you to do one thing for me please? Ask yourselves: Does this shouting acomplish anything?"

Phosphorus doubts they could be heard over the yelling. That being said, she instead calmly takes her notebook back, closes it, and sticks it in her pocket, glancing sideways at Ebreus. "Let them yell. There's only so much you can do, yeah? Right now, it'd probably be best to let them work it out of their system. You can't... well, see, they're intoxicated. Only so much you can reason."

Arris follows after Wurtzite, eyes looking over to the goldfish bobbing stand if for a brief moment before sie dissapears into the tavern. Poor little guys, all... uh, getting grabbed into people's mouth, with all those teeth... Sie manages to shake the thoughts from hir head, leaning in to whisper to Wurtzite. "Hey, you think that goblins are heavyweights? I mean, uh, that's a little racist, but the stereotype exists for a reason."

"Thanks mate, now lets do this!" Zixis declares after paying the fee. With one ring in each hand, Zixis sequentially tosses them toward the colorful pegs.

The first ring goes wide, almost striking the ring toss owner. The second hits a peg, rebounding to the floor. The third fly's and lands perfectly on a center peg. The last slips from hir paw as shi swings, bumps the peg stand, and clatters to the ground.

"Well... bollocks..." Zixis stands, very stiff, frozen in the ring-tossing pose. Righting hirself quickly, shi pleads, "So uh, that sucked. Might I have another go, my good goblin? I can do better, I swear!"

A goblin looks at Ciana vaguely surprised. He didn't expect anyone to do this. He knew it was supposed to be bobbing for apples, the fish being for something else. The goblin was not the one who created the program for the festival. He steps up to the front of the booth, and asks "Hi. Welcome to the goldfish bobbing." he sighs, "Would you like to play? 200 creds. Like every other game here."

Not having actually returned to shouting, the two goblins look at Ebreus, heinrich, having the ability to speak without thinking due to alcohol, responds first, "Okay. So what can we do to about Marge Being a BITCH?"

Taking the Weasel's cock, Marcella guides its strange knobbyness around her oh so skimpy thong and begins to do the natural thing.

Wurtzite shrugs, "Some people, the unlucky ones, take a lot to get drunk." Shi walks up to the bar and starts chatting to the bartender, who seems fairly amiable. Clearly a well chosen representative of the group, "So what do you serve here?"

The goblin bartender goes on for minutes. It's kinda impressive, for a festival.

The goblin manning the booth cringes away from the wide ring, and tries to correct his composure by the time Zixis gets to asking that question, he does not succeed. "U-u-u-u-u-h-h-h. S-s-s-s-s-ure." He picks up the rings and hefts them over to the kittaur.

Zixis spends 200 Freecred for RP reasons.

"Yep. Let's get this started." Ciana pays up, sticking her muzzle in the trough.

Ciana spends 200 Freecred for RP reasons.

Eventually, Ciana takes her muzzle out of the water. She spits out a few fish, grinning afterward. "So, did I win anything?"


Ebreus takes a breath as he looks the two angry goblins over and says, "Well, first of all, both of you, sit down." he commands. He takes a step closer to the two of them and continues, "Then how about we go back a few moments. You were talking about your sexuality. Let's start there, with how you dealt with the changes brought by P-Day."

Phos just glances back, and forth, and instead decides to lean back in her chair and simply start writing in her small pocketbook, taking notes, really. She doesn't have anything contribute, at this point, especially if Ebreus is going to try to take the lead in the discussion. Perhaps she'll have something to throw in after a little bit of observation.

Escherr does what comes natural to all, or least those with the proper equipment to do so. That semi clothed breeding accoring and hoisting up the goblin girl against the wall of the shack. Simply losing theirselves in the pleasure as nips or bits in the midst of the heavy rut. Bottoming out in the smaller creature with renewd vigors as growls and huffs not bothering to hide any noise, to be fair not much else was on his min. Hopefully this would not become and addiciton of the mix of drugs and sex, would only need rock and roll for a complete set. Though some far corner of the mind wondered what and how everyone was doing in the festival.

As the bartender listed the many, many different kinds of drinks, Arris would look around the tent. Considering the myriad of things that are being served, it occurred to the gator that it was quite odd that they were all drinking the same kind of drink. Either goblins all had very similar tastes, or... after a minor snap back to reality, sie then hears that every entry is some minor twist on ale. The long list being ended with water does provoke a snicker from the gator. Before Wurtzite can respond with hir order, Arris interjects. "Uh, I didn't hear the full list. Can you say it all again?"

This time, Zixis elects to toss all the rings at the same time. This attempt goes a bit better, two rings land on pegs perfectly. The other two collide in the air, land on their edges and perfectly roll between the rest of the pegs, dropping off the other end of the table. "Welp, guess my aim is off tonight." Zixis says with a slouch. Turning toward the proprietor, shi adds, "So, if I accepted that result, what would the payout be? or must I sink them all?"

The goblin would do a spit take, if they had a drink. He remembers, just barely, to hand the fennec 7 tickets, he looks a little bit ill. "Yeah. Those tickets." He sweeps the fish back into the trough, not really looking to see if they were still alive after their trip into the Fennec's mouth, he avoids looking at the fennec further.

A few fish bodies bob gently in the moonlight.

Margaret launches into the explanation that they've always been goblins since a coupla weird fucks had their way with the two one night at the college campus. They had some really awesome sex or something early on, but then remembered that they weren't animals. So they recovered and tried to become monagamous again. Instead, they became bitter. In the back of the tent, there's a bottle of lube. How strange.

Wurtzite interrupts before the bartender can hand Arris a menu, "I'd like a ginger ale/ale mixer please." Shi shrugs at the croc and finds a place to sit for the two of them at the bar. The bartender hands Arris a menu when shi sits down and begins to make conversation, "Isn't it a bit late in the year to still be wearing a swimsuit?"

The goblin hands Zixis a roll of tickets, clearly afraid for his life, "Let's say you won. Okay." He closes the tent flap and seems to try to hide, even when he can't be seen. Guess that game is closed.

Ciana shrugs, before taking the tickets and waving to the goblin. She turns and heads toward the tent labeled 'sex'. "Well, I might as well.. If I don't, I won't know what's inside."

Arris shrugs. "Maaaaaybe, but it's never too late for good fashion! If it gets THAT cold I'll wear a sweater." Hir tail flicks from side to side as sie looked through the menu, a little disappointed sie couldn't prank Wurtzite by forcing hir through another reading of the minute-long list, but whatever. "... could I get a ginger ale and ale with lemon mixer, please?" Sie promptly pays up with hir cred for the drink.

Ebreus nods lowly as Margaret explains. Once they get to the point of trying to be monagamous he takes a breath and with the next oppertunity he says, "Right... well sounds like a common enough story. I hate to break this to you but I'm fairly certain that short of having RSX nuke your nanites and make you entirely human I'm pretty sure monogamy isn't possible anymore. I'm newly engaged myself... my fiancee and I tried monogomy for about a month before it got too stressful." He takes another breath, trying to calm himself down. Bringing his own personal life into this may not be the best of ideas but he's a diplomat not a couples therapist so who knows. "We instead had to expand it to a limited group of people so as to keep some of the meaningfulness of monogamy without driving ourselves apart or insane."

"That's BS." Phosphorus says, not looking of from her notepad. She crosses something out, glancing up at Ebreus, then to both the goblins. "It's perfectly possible, yeah? Just takes a certain sort of mind. Some have it, some don't, but you have to strike a balance between intimacy and separation. Sometimes, you can only be near a person so long until buried problems atart to surface... so address them. Like I said, go through, make a list, make a plan, yeah? I'm sure a leader of a tribe knows all about organization and battle plans. Develop a shared hobby. Do something else, etc. One of the big mistakes that people make is thinking that sex or marriage has to be the core of every relationship... and yet, some of the best ones have multiple supports, different things keeping it aloft." She's drawing experience from working with her unit, really. Between her and them, they were tightly knit, but there wasn't fucking involved.

Depending on how well the shack was built it may be rocking against the actions from withing. Time was a bit meaningless and the ability to see new colors mized with pleasure was almost to much as worked over that smaller goblin. Both seemingly greedy enough to give all its worth to one another and more than once.

Depending on how well the shack was built it may be rocking against the actions from withing. Time was a bit meaningless and the ability to see new colors mized with pleasure was almost to much as worked over that smaller goblin. Both seemingly greedy enough to give all its worth to one another and more than once as Echerr did his best to reciprocate what was given till a panting , tired, well spent sticky moment.

Arris shrugs. "Maaaaaybe, but it's never too late for good fashion! If it gets THAT cold I'll wear a sweater." Hir tail flicks from side to side as sie looked through the menu, a little disappointed sie couldn't prank Wurtzite by forcing hir through another reading of the minute-long list, but whatever. "... could I get a ginger ale and ale with lemon mixer, please?" Sie promptly pays up with hir cred for the drink.

Being suddenly shoved so many tickets and having the tent shut on hir like that makes Zixis jump back in surprise. Quickly, shi rushes back and paws at the tent flap. "S-sir! I didn't mean you any harm, surely theres a mistake..." Waiting a moment and receiving no reply, Zixis just huffs. "Well, maybe he just wants to wank or something, who knows." Now shi's got these tickets, time to go use em.

Striding up to what shi could only assume was the prize booth, Zixis approached, eying what was available. The only thing that interested hir was what seemed to be an M4, and maybe a few erasers. Coming to the stand proper, she calls to the goblin that seemed to be running the stand. "Hiya, I uh... was wondering what I could get for these, and if they're enough for that M4, and maybe an eraser or two." Zixis presents hir roll of tickets, not having counted them, though shi supposed the whole roll would be quite a lot. In the back of hir mind, shi worries it may seem like shi stole them!

Once Ciana reaches the sex tent, opening it up. The interior is truly surprising. Truly horrifying. Something that only a pervert could imagine, but only a snuff fanatic could like. If snuff means sex-snuffer, someone who puts out the hope for sex.

Inside are a bunch of bodybuilders weightlifting, half-clothed, but it's the fun-half, so it's not arousing beyond what someone would find arousing about a bunch of stinky, very muscley men. They're all just pumping iron, there's a low beat coming out of a boombox in the back. There's a pile of jackets like that weird, self-reflective body-builder had.

They look at Ciana, and there's a moment where it isn't possible to figure out if they're about to try to fucking kill her or not.

In the meantime, back at Eb/Phos-camp, margaret nods at what Phosphorus says. Heinrich has remembered something vaguely related to what Ebreus said, "Oh. That's right. I've been meaning to tell you Marge." He starts, slurring more, oddly, "I realized something while we've been apart. I guess I should tell you about this too."

He takes out a photo of another goblin man, very crisply dressed, with his arms interlinked with Heinrich, "I can't say if it was because of the nanites, but, I'm gay. I'm sorry all I've expressed myself to you has been through anger, but I can't be with you." He takes out a bunch of other photographs, of similar subjects, they don't contain the same goblin man, even twice. There's a strain of similarity here, they're all men, so they all have penises, and each photo gets lewder, till there's only a suggestion of concealment in the clothing.

Margaret thinks about this for a moment, coming to that thought. "Goddamnit Heinrich. I can work with that. You became a man. Why can't I?"

The bartender chuckles at Arris' response, "I suppose that's true."

Wurtzite chuckles at the frustration shi caused Arris. "So how's business around here?" Shi takes a sip of hir ginger-ale-ale. The bartender replies, "Well, this is mostly the same draw as usual. I normally have a bar set up, if you know where to look, and are three feet tall or so. They're just paying me to provide drinks tonight."

The prize table goblin looks between the tickets and Zixis a few times, "Well. What do you want? You can have everything practically... Unless that Fennec comes back, she needs to pick out stuff before I can let one remarkably lucky person take everything."

Seeing this makes Ciana clearly confused. "I.. what? This.. but that.. but.. Y'know what.. fuck it." She strips. Fuck logic, she has to make the tent's name true. "Well.. Might as well make it all real, right? Come on, I'm ready."

Ebreus tenses up when what he was saying is called bullshit but simiarly to when Phospherus defied his plans he just lets it go. At any rate it appears that Heinrich and Margaret are starting to get along and there's no hint of death by firing squad so maybe other agents not going along with his ideas isn't always extremely risky. He looks over the photos and smiles as things actually appear to be going well, "Huh... well this seems to be going well. I assume being, effectively, heads of state you have means of inducing changes on your own but I could put you in touch with people with pretty presice form-alteration abilities."

Phosphorus rolls her eyes, tearing a page out of her notebook and crumpling it up, tucking it in her pocket for the time being. She starts writing on the next page, but she doesn't seem particularly happy about it. "Why didn't you say that earlier? We spent all this time faffing about, and that, that right there, pretty much puts the pin on everything. Fucking hell..."

Arris takes a sip of the lemon ale ginger ale. "Mmm. Pretty nice, I'd say." Glancing around, sie'd pause a moment before nudging Wurtzite. "Be right back." Taking hir drink out, Arris walks over to the fish-bobbing booth and takes a peek at the goldfish sie spotted earlier - and, several have died, presumably due to the bobbing. "Oh, dear... uh..." The gator looks over to the booth manager, hastily starting to prepare hir medical nanomagic to use on the goldfish. "I... you guys couldn't have just gotten normal apples or anything?"

"I think I'll take the top prize my friend, that M4 rifle. You can keep the extra tickets. While earning them was fun, I don't think I'll need them anymore." Zixis says in a cheerful voice, glad to be rid of hir questionably obtained tickets.

With the exchange made, Zixis examines hir new rifle. Simple enough, could use a few mods. The writing could maybe be buffed out, probably replace the whole stock. Overall, not too shabby. Strapping it to hir back, shi sets out on another search for something to do. Shi had no interest in checking out wherever that yelling was coming from, and shi doesn't like alcohol, so the bar a no, atleast for now. That just leaves the sex tent. While shi was always down to fuck, just walking in and fucking the first thing shi sees doesn't sit well with hir. Still, curiosity wins out. Certain shi could keep it in hir non-existant pants, Zixis makes hir way to the 'sex' tent, somewhat hesitantly.

The bodybuilders, not ones to question highly available women, even if they do have a penis, the bodybuilders respond in kind, waiting for a leader to give assent before stripping and meeting the now naked fennec in what can only be described as a highly pleasurable collision between muscle, fur, and penis.

With the conflict resolved, they wave away the two negotiators, ignoring Phosphorus' issue with the whole scene.

Zixis opens the sextent, but that's ultimately a story for a scene that isn't likely to end up on the wiki.

Arris and Wurtzite did nothing of note for the rest of the night. Echerr and Marcella banged, and it was satisfying, at least for Marcella. Who knows what Escherr thought though?