Goblin Festival 3-Some sort of followup - RPLOG

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"Well. I was not consulted on the fish-bobbing. Believe it or not" The Goblin booth-manager says. "This is a disgusting display of partially remembered tradition isn't it?"

Arris peers into the barrel. "...how much would it cost to get these fish to a better home?" The gator holds up hir comm unit, ready to buy the barrel of goldfish from the goblin.

It took the fox a while to catch up with the gator, "Whatcha doing now Arris?" Shi looks down at the fishes, floating lifelessly after the Fennec's merciless attack. "Hmm."

"Hmm Indeed!" The goblin says. "Those things? They're practically a lost cause. How much would it cost to dump these in a river or larger aquarium? I'm not enforcing that sort of shtick. They've suffered enough as it is."

"Oh, no, no no." Arris shakes hir head. "I mean, I want to buy them to keep for myself. You see, ah, I'm getting a new place sometime, and I found a fishtank I don't think I'll be using..." Sie taps hir fingers together. "...so, maybe I could let them live in it."

"Hmm?" Wurtzite hmms at the Gator, "Really now Arris? That sounds like fun to me."

The goblin shrugs, "Personally, I'd rather see these things off in much the same way. My cohort got rather confused, as you might imagine. They've interchanged apples for fish. And to them, the apples are at best a snack. Since nobody-" He looks at Arris, wondering if sie eats fish raw out of a river, "Err, most people, some people maybe, don't eat raw, living, goldfish, they'd not mind if you took some."

"So... I can take all of them, then?" Arris peers into the barrel at the fish swimming around inside. "I... wouldn't really call it 'fun', Wurtzite. Fish aren't really the most exciting kinds of pets to keep."

"I'm talking about your new place." The fox looks at the fish, bobbing in the moonlight, "Hmm. They don't even look all that appetizing. And several of them appear very dead."

Arris continues to look into the tank as sie uses hir medical nanomagic to revive the fish. "Oh. Well, it's still in the works, but I'll try to get these little guys in a good tank asap."

"Let me know if I can help you with moving" Wurtzite says, "I hear these things need a big tank to really survive well." "Where did I hear that though?" The fox feels perplexed. This is neither sex, literature, or journalism. Why does shi know what shi knows? "Probably read it somewhere." whew.

Arris hums. "I'd appreciate it." Sie looks to the goblin again. "...so I can keep these, right?" Arris glances back at the fish to confirm that hir medical nanomagic kept them alive.

"Sure." The goblin says, "I'd rather you did. Keeps them out of my hair at least. Pardon the expression that doesn't really apply for the both of us." The fish start to swim again, they're confused as to why they were plucked from feeshy heaven, but realize that feeshy heaven is mostly hellish. "That's pretty neat Arris."

Arris beams at the goblin. "Thanks! I'll get them over as... uh, do you guys have like a, you know, one of those things you can use to wheel around heavy objects?" Sie makes pushing motions with hir arms as Wurtzite speaks up. "Hah, reviving the near-dead should provoke more of a reaction than 'pretty neat', I'd think."

"Arris. Those are fish. I could've sworn you've used that on me before." Wurtzite says, "I didn't realize it worked on animals too." The goblin is fairly unfazed by medical magic. "I don't think so. Maybe you could steal the wheel from the popcorn vendor."

"Hm. Let's go ask the popcorn guy, then." Arris would peer at the goldfish one last time before setting off to locate said popcorn vendor. "Hi, uh, mind if we steal your cart's wheels?"

The popcorn vendor exhales, looking somewhat perturbed. A plume of foul smelling smoke is emitted, and the neuchacho looks around, hiding the pipe slowly, "Aww man. I just got that fixed."

Arris sidesteps away from the smoke. Once sie gets a response, sie crosses one arm over hir chest, the other tapping hir cheek as sie thinks. "When do you need to move this stand out of here?"

"About three days from now. The festival is mostly tonight. But the fundraisers continue on and on." The goblin looks sheepish as it considers asking something, and then does, "Mind if I continue smoking?" Without waiting for an answer, it takes the pipe out and finishes the bowl, exhaling away from the duo. "Sorry, you caught me off guard. I'm still a little nervous about this stuff, despite the lack of any authority that cares."

"The stand is mostly a wheelbarrow, there's a bit of frame that sticks down over it and provides support, if you help me lift that off, I guess you can borrow it."

Arris examines the stand closer. "So you're saying if we can get the popcorn machine off, you'll let us borrow it." Sie looks around for Wurtzite. "You're gonna help me, right?" Hir smile is a bit nervous - the popcorn machine looked rather heavy for its size.

The fox shrugs, "Sure. I'm not all that strong." Wurtzite says. But between the three of them, it isn't very hard at all to lift up. "Well, get that cart back to me soon and no charge. There was this rad kitsune... I don't know what gender they were, but it was a rad one, whatever it was, that asked for more or less this in exchange for fixing the wheel."

"Thanks. I'll get this back to you ASAP." Arris wheelbarrows the... wheelbarrow, back to the goldfish dunking game and carefully puts the barrel into the wheelbarrow. "Alright, that should be good, I think."

The goblin nods, "Don't bother bringing the barrel back. It'll complicate my story."

Arris waves hir hand to hir forehead to the goblin. "Will do. Er, will NOT do. As in, NOT bring the barrel here." With that, the gator, accompanied by Wurtzite, would bring the goldfishes back to Fairhaven.