Feline Five and Old Tunes to Swing to - RPLOG
Standing up on the poorly lit stage stands a Panther Taur, Cheetah, Small Felinoid, Lion Beast, and a Hyena. The stange is lit by scavanged tiki torches and other lanterns. All the benches seem in reasonable repair, not too much damage on them and looking like they should be able to support someone. A few other beasts, collies, huskies, latex foxes, bunny girls dot the benches here and there, looking at the five on the stage. They are dressed in grass skirts, thoughs a skirt would fit on at least, and those with breasts have some kind of grass top on as well, though both do little to hide what is there. A few more adjustments are made to the lighting while the Hyena steps forward a bit, "Are you all ready for a show!?"
Sitting in the crowd that has assembled, a thin Husky watches the strange presentation with some curiosity. "What on earth is going on?" She mumbles to herself before peering over her shoulder and scooting away from some of the other attendees who seem to be a little too close for comfort. "I wonder if following all these people here was a mistake..." she muses to herself silently.
Why not add even more felines to the mix? A drop in the bucket considering the rather large population of such at the zoo. A pair of cats come in to join the show. One being a somewhat large silver lion beast wearing his typical attire of a fine suit, while the other is a cute little mocha cat girl riding upon his back. "I'm not quite sure what to expect, my lady," Dio says idly as he makes his way into the crowd. "For better or worse, I suppose we could consider this a date of sorts. It's been quite awhile since we've had a time to simply relax and enjoy something. However, I do find it curious, this show." The lion peers around at the crowd and the stage itself, observing their various features. "Clothes. Don't see ferals with those often. I was expecting another feral party of sorts when I heard the rumors."
A mousette reaches the place a few seconds after the lion, she is wearing a gown dress, that reaches her ankles in the right side, and her kness on the left side, exposing her legs. Her hair have a bun stile, leaving a few hairs on the front of her head. She walks toward the crowd avoinding stumbling on someone else, taking a seat in a corner where she will bother anyone she says "Well well... A show by the ferals... What entertaining event to be happening in such a place as the zoo... Lets see what they have for us." she sighs and adjust herself in a more comfortable position, eyeing the five clothed ferals at the stage. Curious how those ferals can have clothes.
Breezy slithers through the zoo, out for an early midnight scroll. Hearing the music, she slinks on over to the small gathering. She blinks, as she observes the scene, feeling a bit underdressed. She heads over to a seat flops down.
Siyu is just coming to see what's going on, the desert scavanger isnt doing very much, I mean, he's not exactly having a lot of interesting things to do. Just swishing his wide hips in, rocking back and fort and trying to find a seat that can fit his width. The short rodent giving a little huff and squeezing in. The short, beautiful looking rodent just smiles and tries to adjust his desert fatigues when he sits.
As one who is always blindfolded, Prism tends to rely on her sense of hearing to guide her, and so the icy phoenix has found her way to this impromptu concert. Curious more than anything, the avian hobbles (thanks to the bar attached to both her ankles) over to one of the seats and swivels her head around to take in the ambient noise.
Cookies is the catgirl atop Dio's shoulders, currently clad in some oddly glimmering, form-fitting robes and a similarly sparkling pointy, half-flopsy hat. In fact, she's absolutely decked out with planar trinkets from head to toe- a strange amulet on her ample bosom, a sparkly spyglass hanging from her backpack... She looks about and scratches at her head some, other hand firmly clinging to Dio's mane. "Yeah, it's a bit more... Formal than I was thinking it would be. Wouldn't-a packed the derringer if I knew it would be... like this?" She shrugs and tries to decide what to make of the strange scene. "I guess it's better than being mauled and shit. Still, bad things come in good packages these days," she mumbles out.
Deke walks up to the group of people, rather curious as to the commotion. He scoots up next to the others, waving to everyone as he gets with the group. "So...what's this about a...'Feline Five,' is it?" It was interesting, seeing such an odd group of ferals on-stage. Of course, Deke wasn't complaining, and niether was his rut. He felt like his cargoes were full to bursting from his large canine member begging for people's attention. Regardless, he ignores his base needs, and sits down next to the others.
An imposingly large creature could be seen contentedly striding up to the stage. This was a time for having fun to wash herself of the stress of the previous few days for the large fox-thing. When she finally arrives, Flem seems to have some trouble trying to find a seat, so she simply sat off to the side of the audience to make sure that nobody winds up behind her. When she notices Deke, she offers him a seat on her shoulder. "Impromptu balcony seat!" She'd joke.
A Raver punk by the name of aldur dressed in a simple but elegant suit approaches the gathered crowd. As he takes a look around one of his eyebrow raises. "hrrrmmmm I take it some sort if show is starting. " He mutters to himself as he makes his way into the audience, and takes a seat.
Not much excitement yet, no hooting or hollering. That is fine though. The Hyena backs back to the rest of the group, the Panther taur moving over to the rest of the group after adjusting the last of the lights. "Ok, I'm Roger!" shouts out the Panther taur, "Benny here." Says the Lion Beast. "I'm Cassy!" says the Small Felinoid, "And we're Sam and Sam!" Say the Cheetah and Hyena at the same time. "I know it looks all tiki fun, but this is just all we could get together. Ready for the preformance to start!?" Sam askes again, the sparce crowd giving a few chears back, then, they start, "A 1, a 2, a 1 2 3 4." They begin singing, almost like a barbershop quortet, save the extra person. Most are vocalizing sounds made by instraments, but the Pather taur walks forward and in a low baratone starts, "I'd like to thank the guy who wrote the song that made my baby fall in love with me! Yeah, Who put the bomp, in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp? Who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong? Who put the bop in the bop shoo bop shoo bop? Who put the dip in the dip da dip da dip?"
Siyu laughs a bit, "A live rock show, gods it's been a while huh?" he chitters and lets out a very soft wooo. He remembers the first concert he went to at 16 before everything went to shit, so he just claps, and tries to get into the spirit of it. No one is going to kill or rape you, you don't need to find enough water to survive a night. It's just music, music...how human. Let it flow through you!
Sami's jaw drops as she stares at the singing group, forgetting about the crowd in pure shock. "Seriously?" she says a little louder than intended. Clearly she is having difficulty processing this unexpected development.
Prism tilts her head a bit as she hears a familiar voice and turns towards Deke with a smile, "Oh, hello again sir." Her wings fan out a bit as she settles in, "Are you hear to enjoy this concert as well?" Speaking of concert, looks like the show is just starting.
Flem is pleasantly surprised. To hear talk of it, she was expecting a circus act. After picking up the melody, she quietly hummed along, eyes closed, smiling brightly. For some reason, this reminded her of an acapella version of a particular Tom Jones song for some reason she couldn't quite explain.
Dio stops his piercing through the crowd to look back at Cookies. Or perhaps more at her clothing than anything else. "Speaking of attire, you've chosen a most peculiar set to wear. I must wonder what inspired you so. Perhaps we should design a fine dress for you to wear when we go on our outings."
Gripping Cookies' legs, he secures her nice and tight as he continues his way through the crowd, trying to get up close if he can make it. When the show finally begins, the lion stops once more to listen in, curious to witness the set list. "How... Well, it's something I suppose. In this day and age, not a lot of people would take the time to create an actual band. The effort is appreciated."
Deke grins at Prism. "Pleasure. Yes, this show DID get my attention." He glances over to Flem with a blushing smile, waving to her. He wonders if he can get a seat close to her.
Marshall claps joyfully to the concert, the mousette jumps from her feet and shouts while claps "Bravo! Bravo! Bravissimo! It is amazing!" she is jumping in happiness, the last time she have heard music was years ago! Since then, the only sound that had rythm are the moanings and the humps of the others. It is the most simple and pure kind of entertainment, the only thing that still pure in this tainted word. and everyone is enjoying it.
Siyu looks over at the other rodent, the other mouse, and the short kangaroo rat tugs upon his ears, "oh hello...how are you doing?" he asks with a chitter. "Rather nice to hear some concert and some music again, even if the pop is a little dated...well it would have to be dated woldn't it?" he giggles towards marshall.
Prism nods her head to the sound of the music and has a rather blissful look on her face. Music is a delight she rarely gets to partake in. She does however take a moment to turn to Deke, "Do you mind terribly if I stick close to you for the duration of the concert? I don't recognize any of the other voices here, and I'd feel a bit safer staying close to someone I am at least familiar with."
As the Panther Taur ends, the Small Felinoid steps up, in a high voice continues, "When my baby heard, "Bomp bah bah bomp, bah bomp bah bomp bomp." Every word whent right into her heart! And when she hear them singin' "Rama lama lama, rama ding dong." She said we'd never have to part! So!" The Pather taur picks it up again, "Who put the bomp in the Bomp bah bomp bah bomp?" Continuing that stanza! The crowd, other then the group conversing, seem in shock for a moment, then, they start swaying with the music, listening in. The commands of their instincts, the needs rumbling through them, at least momentarily forgotten as they listen in.
Aldur settles into his seat, and crosses one leg over the other. The raver scientist tilts his head, and raises his eyebrow further. As the sound of music assaults his ears. "Hmmmmmmm Not really what I expected" He says as he looks over to excited moussete, and eventually on to the others that have gathered to see the show.
Cookies bobs her head to the tune a bit, smiling slightly. "Huh. Sure sounds like something /you/ would listen to," she says, trying not to speak over the music but loud enough for the lion to hear, giving him a playful nudge as she starts swingin' and swayin' to the rhythm atop Dio's shoulders. "I like it. Also, don't diss the robes. They're legit magic, okay?"
Deke nods to the ice-bird, scooting close up to her. "Be my guest, friend. Name's Deke, by the way. I say that because I don't think we ever properly introduced." He bobs his head in-tune to the music. He was never a big fan of this kind of music, but even then, for a single, solitary moment, he felt human. He felt like the world was a little more human. Like this virus, and the hordes of sex-hungry, depraved ferals it created are a worry long-since passed. Everything felt a little bit more right with the world, and he enjoyed every second of it.
"What I would listen to?" Dio entertains the idea and chuckles. "I thought you knew me well enough that I prefer swing music a bit more. I do miss Dean Martin and the other Rat Pack members so. Although, I suppose that doesn't explain my name, now does it?" Feeling the swaying cat girl on his back, the lion smiles and crouches down to settle Cookies down gently upon the floor.
"You know," Dio comments as he turns around to face the feline. "You're up on your pop culture, no? There was a scene in Shawshank Redemption where the main protagonist when into the Warden's office to play a record. For a moment, all of their troubles were forgotten. It was like the Earth stood still, if only for a fleeting period." The lion sticks out a large silver paw, smiling blissfully all the while and waiting for Cookies to take his hand.
"Prism," the icy phoenix replies, smiling as she settles in next to Deke and cloaks herself in her own wings, before she starts to sway to the music, "I don't think I have ever heard live music before... all we had were old recordings."
Flem hums along, quite happily. Her eyes opened and she stopped to notice that most of the crowd, even those that seemed previously feral, were humming and bobbing their heads along. "Huh. Look at that." She muttered quietly. "It seems that everyone regardless of mentality has a positive reaction to music." She scratched her chin thoughtfully. Either music was entrancing the ferals to human levels of placidity, or it touched upon a baser reaction for anything that could hear it.
Cookies rolls her eyes. "I don't know what half the stuff you're talking about right now even is. I never did keep up with too much music stuff," she says with a stretch. "Really pretty much only sci-fi shows and movies like that." She runs her fingers through Dio's mane and sighs quietly, watching and listening to the group play. "I get what you're trying to say, though. Even still, I'm just waiting for the fuckmobile to come crashing through the wall into the fun times."
Marshall blinks and stop jumping, the moussete looks over the Kangaroo rat and says loud enough so she can hear her voice "Oh... Indeed, the pop certainly is dated, but if is given a chance to enjoy music, why we should let it vanishes before our eyes?" she giggles back and keep shaking her head together with the music as they start they to change the singer of the music.
Each take turns singing their part, with the Panther Taur taking the refine each time, "Each time that we're alone!" "Boogity boogity boogity, Boogity boogity boogity shoo." "Sets my baby's heart all aglow! And everytime we dance to." "Dip da dip da dip! Dip da dip da dip!" "She always says she loves me so!" "So!" "Who put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp? Who put the ram in the..." The song continues with each feral out in the audiance listening along and swaying softly, barking, mewing, or chirping softly to it all. At the end of the song they each take a bow, "Alright! Do we have any song requests?" Calls out the Hyena names Sam, waiting for an answer.
Deke thinks for a minute, about to raise his hand to say something, then remembers the only songs he knows now are a bunch of military marching songs. Not exactly a fun tune to request. He puts his hand down, and instead turns to Prism. "I know how you feel. Music wasn't a huge luxury over in Afghan. Only thing we looked forward to was keeping sync with the drill sargeant's cadents."
Siyu gives a little cough towards marshall the small rodent smiles, "Well...I suppose it is..." he smiles and he leans forward, watching and listening, "At least it's enough to take my midn off of things. it's nice to be back in civilization...with bands...I mean, at least enough to hold a rythem, I'd be happy if they'd have string jugs or somthing." he turns a little pink and bobs his head, "I'm Siyu..." he offers ot Marshall.
Dio couldn't help but laugh once more. "Of course, of course, my lady. Although, I would hope that I don't come off as too cryptic. My wife and I simply enjoyed listening to music together. When my father was out, my mother used music to fill the silence and soothe us both. Music has been a large part of who I am since the day I was born." The lion softly grasps one of Cookies hands while another wraps warmly around her back, pulling her close to his torso.
"It may be strange, and perhaps something is bound to ruin this moment, but at the very least, we can enjoy it together. After all, I wouldn't have you around if I didn't greatly enjoy the time we spend together. And to be honest, we're usually so busy that we don't have a lot of time together. For now, would you perhaps humor an old fool and fuel his passion a bit more in the face of the apocalypse?" Giving Cookies' cheek a soft rub with his forehead in a typical feline style, he starts a gentle sway between the two. A basic slow dance despite the whatever tempo may flow.
Sami watches the energized crowd stir as the song winds down.
Bailey managed to make her way to the main event, following the sounds of music thumming in the air. She enters the ampitheatre just as the song winds down. The fox looking around with sky blue eyes, peering for a familiar, or at least friendly, face.
With no requests, the group decides to go with their next usual song, "Alright then, 1.. 2... 1..2..3..4!" A faster beat song, and then! "I told the witch doctor, I was in love with you!" "Bum bum bum bum." "I told the which doctor, I was in love with you!" "Bum bum bum bum!" "And then the witch doctor, he told me what to do! He said that." Then all but the base start in, "Ooo eee, ooo ah ah, ting tang, Walla walla, bing bang, Ooo eee oh ah ah ting tang walla walla Bing Bang!" The ferals start moving a bit more, clapping, howling, whistling to the song! A slice of normality in a world gone insane!
Flem calls out to the players. "Oooh! Oooh! 'It's not Unusual'! Play 'It's not Unusual'!" She thought that they could pull it off, but her requet came a bit too late. Darnit. Maybe the next song.
Marshall nods in agreement with Siyu and says "Well, yeah, I remember when I was young... Even if I look a bit young now, I'm old... When I was young I really enjoyed partys and musics, and as we can see, the music is really effective against ferals, haha" she blushes a bit as she notices the amount of information that she gave out "Errr... I'm Mars-..." she stops, think for a while and says "Call me Marcy by the way." she eyes the group of felines and says "Ohhh... Look! They are startiing again!" she start to jump, her dress lifting and lowering with every jump.
Cookies looks a bit confused as Dio embraces her, looking to the sides and pouting a bit. She does return the nuzzle, though she goes fairly still and stares up at Dio as he tries to dance with her. "I'm... Dio, I'm not doing this. Not here." She uses her free hand to push gently at the lion's chest. "I can't dance and I'm- Well I mean I've got these restricting robes on and I just- Can we just enjoy the show?" She frowns up at him.
Siyu wets his lips a little b it and he stands up, all of three foot ten and he shouts out the the next song he wants to try "ROXANE! ROXANE!" he chitters some and claps his hands again and giggles some. He mmms again. He gigges a bit, "Marcy, all right, nice to meet you." he bows his head politely again, giggling a bit, the rodent in his desert fatigues. He does in fact look pretty femmy too if not for the lower regions. Just clapping with the music, adding to the crowd noise.
Dio's ears droop a little, complimenting the overall disappointed expression upon his muzzle. However, refusal is refusal. He drops his arms back down and doesn't physically pursue the act any longer. "I see. I must deeply apologize. I never asked for permission. It's not right for a gentleman to do something without the lady's blessing. I simply got caught up in the moment I'm afraid. I haven't had a dance in quite awhile." The lion dips immediately dips into an apologetic bow and turns to face the show, eventually breaking out another question after sliding his hands securely within the confines of his pockets. "Say, what do you think about leaving soon and having a nice dinner together. Just you and I. Some noodles and such would really hit the spot."
Continuing, the five on stage start to walk around as they sing, forming a circle, moving to their own beat, "I told the witch doctor, you didn't love me true!" "Bum bum bum bum" "I told the witch doctor, you didn't love me nice!" "Bum bum bum bum" "And then the witch doctor, he gave me this advice, he said that." Another line of the chorus as they all fan out, a slightly lewd display, moving around so the grass skirts and tops hiding thier forms from the outside world would flitter about, allow short glimpses at what may be under, however, they get back to walking their circle again, continuing on with the rest of Witch Doctor, until, "My friend the witch doctor, he taught me what to say!" "Bum bum bum bum." "My friend the witch doctor, he taught me what to do!" "Bum bum bum bum." "I know that you'll be mine, when I say this to you! Ooo eee, ooo ah ah! Ting Tang walla walla bing bang! Ooo eee, ooo ahaha ting tang walla walla bing bang!" They stop again, this time to a bit more cheering and sounds! "Thank you, thank you, now I heard Roxaine and It's not Unusual! What do you think guys?" Asks Sam back to the players, to which Cassy walks forward, "Humm, I don't know, you! What do you think?" She says, point out Marshall!
Cookies leans in against Dio's side and hooks one of her arms with his, smiling up at him. "Don't be sorry, you're just a crazy old coot what wants me to trip up on my clothes in front'a all these people, I get it," she prods teasingly. She relaxes a bit and tilts her head side to side. "Mm. Alright. That sounds nice. Maybe we can dance then, if I'm feeling generous..." A playful nuzzle to her lion's arm and she keeps on listening to the band 'til they stop playing, applauding along with the rest of the crowd. "Almost forgot that clapping's, y'know, a thing people do," she chuckles a bit.
Marshall blinks is surprise and looks around searching for any other person next to her "Me? Err... Roxaine?" says the awkwardly mice as she heavily blushes and looks around, noticing many eyes facing her, she take a deep breath "I want to hear some Roxaine!!!" she shouts joyfully, replying to the felinoid with a grin smile and gesturing to them keep going with the show.
Bailey gives a little grin and an approving cheer of Marshall's choice. If he were to turn in her direction, she'd notice the fox girl giving two thumbs up.
Flem dashes her fist in front of herself. Darnit. So close. She hasn't heard that song in... She paused. In nearing three or four years. This seemed to bring some grim sobriety to her.
The raver punk reaches into the inside of his suit, and withdraws his field journal, and begins to flip through it's pages. The scientist enjoys music as much as the next person. But be has never been all that into the concert scene. Preferring to focus on his work than go to such events.
"You make it seem like I'm a senile old man when you call me things like that," Dio laughs sharply while he runs an arm behind Cookies' back. "But perhaps I am and I simply can't notice it. That's a discussion for another day however." The lion crouches down in order to get more level with the feline. In one quick motion, he delivers a short kiss upon her cheek before reclaiming his stance. "I would like to thank you for entertaining someone like me. Even after all we've been through, you still stand by my side. For that, you have my admiration and appreciation. Perhaps we're both crazy, but we're crazy together, and I wouldn't have it another way. I do love you dearly, my lady." The lion gives a big, goofy grin before returning attention to the band, using his large lion hands to clap loudly.
Cookies grins up at the lion and purrrs quietly, squeezing an arm around as much of the lion's torso as she can fit it around. Not very much, considering the size difference, but she tries! "I love you too, mister lion," she says with a nuzzle to his cheek. She taps her foot impatiently as she waits for the music to start playing again!
With a bit of giggling and a look among them, the band members get ready to preform again, "Ok, here we go, 1, 2, a 1, 2, 3, 4! Roxanne! You don't have to put on the red light!" "Roxanne! Those days are over! You don't have to sell your body to the night!" "Roxanne!" "You dn't have to wear that dress tonight! Walk the streets for money. You don't care if its wrong or it's right..." That gets the group in an entirely different kind of mood, looking among each other. It seems a few remember what this song is about, smiles growing on beaks and muzzles, a bit of 'growth' elsewere as well, even among the preformers! However, for now everything seems still controlled.
Siyu grins a bit, he had wanted this song for that reason a bit of irony a bit of fun, and hey Sting is a great singer...wonder if he survived in LA or not...ah well doens't matter, he rocks his hips left and right with the song, calling out and singing with the lyricsa.
Sami nods along with the song, swaying slightly as she thinks back to simpler times. The song's subject material have a different effect on her tail which rises up somewhat teasingly as if contemplating whether it should put out its own "red light".
Flem snaps out of her sober melancholy before looking at the crowd. They weren't dancing. They weren't doing the head bobby thing! A bit of remote panic started to come over the large demonic-looking vixen. She seemed to be tensing up, as if expecting things to go wrong to the point of needing to get out of there and fleeing. She was very good at that.
the ravers ears perk ul when he hears the roxxane a song written by sting but performed by the police back in the day. This while catching the scientists attention does not fully drag his attention away from the notes he is currently thumbing through.
Marshall sway her hips together with the music, just like the other rodent next to her, she giggle softly and start to sing together with the group. She also laugh a bit as she spot the... Growing that is happening on the stage, she keep like that, happy and over the influence of the music, that certainly seems to make everyones a bit "happy" but it is nothing to worry about, yet. The mousette simply enjoy the show and the presence of such friendly persons in the place.
Dio returns the nuzzle and hug and scratches his chin. "This has been quite enjoyable. However, the idea of a nice dinner keeps pawing at my mind." The lion tucks his suit and smoothes out the various creases that had formed throughout the experience in his typical obsessive fashion. "If you should choose, would you like to join me now or stay with the show? I do not mind either way."
Siyu giggles a little bit, looking back at Marshall, "eeee, hehe, I guess my song was a bit too rwody, still I think it was a good choice, it got everyone dancing right Macy?" he asks the other rodent, still rocking wide hips.
The song continues on, with the singers really getting into the song! Some slight brushing against each other, continuing to sing though, "I loved you since I knew ya! I wouldn't talk down to ya! I have to tell you just how I feel! I wouldn't share you with another boy. I know my mind is made up, so put awaye your make up! Told you once, I won't tell you again its a bad way!" "Roxanne! You don't have to puon the red light! Roxanne! You don't have to put on the red light! You don't have to put on the red light, put on the red light, put on the red light." By the time the song is over, there is more then a few hard cocks and dripping wet cunts, including the singers, but, it seems willpower, self control, or the power of the music is winning for now, Sam the Hyena stepping forward, "Thank you! Thank you all! Make sure not to rape your neighbor! At least until you've left the stage area! Good night everybody!" Shi calls out, but already the other singers are making their way off the stage, very obvious they need to let off some steam!
Cookies shrugs up at Dio and gently nods. "Yeah, alright. Seems like things are winding down anyway. Let's go. Could use a bite to eat." She makes grabby-hands motions up at Dio, pawing at his back a bit. "Lemme up lemme up lemme up," she repeats like a mantra, squirming a bit.
Sami sways with the music and rubbing up against more than a few enthused attendees, yet as the song winds down and they bid their farewells she looks around, then blushes. Sami quickly works her way through the crowd to take care of, oh lets just say business. Her raised tail wags excitedly as she goes!
Aldur looks up from his journal, and snaps it shut. The raver punk looks around, and notices the band begining to depart. He pushes himself to his feet, and stuffs his journal into his coat. "Hmmmm this was a lot shorter than I expected."
Flem didn't want to wait around for the encore if it meant that she was going to be in with a bunch of riled up critters. She was big now. She was an easy target to gang up on. And hell if she's come here to get raped.
Obviously quite used to the routine, Dio turns around and crouches to allow Cookies to scramble upon his back. After that process completes, the lion gets back up and starts making his way through the crowd. "And off we go, my lady. We must put that nanomagic of yours to the test. A very tasty test," he chuckles idly as he walks off the area along with Cookies.
Deke was getting rather worried of the crowd. When a finale's involved, especially with ferals, it generally means something or someONE is going to be the target of a pretty nasty orgy. But even with that thought in place, he found himself bound to his seat. A part of him wanted to leave, catch up with Flem and perhaps get out unscathed. But another part of him...another part wanted to stay, wanted to see where this little finale would go from here. Perhaps his libido was calling the shots for him, what with the many musks of the crowd, but he stays in his seat, awaiting what comes next in the show.
Marshall claps to the band as they end the perfomance and shouts "Hey... Don't let the red light take you away from us!" she hope that they have heard it and then turn back to the kangaroo rat "Haha, yeah , indeed, but still a good choice, and also, it got more than just dancing... You can tell it by yourself." she blushes heavily as she notices a small bulge on her dress and suddenly says "Well... It was really funny... But I need to, erm... Get going? Catch you another time? Maybe?" the mousette blushes harder and runs toward the exit while shouting "See you later, okay?" she stumbles on a raver and says "Oh sorry... Excuse me, sir!" she quickly get up and keep going toward the exit.
Siyu ohs a little bit, "um...okay...bye..." he mummers and watches Macy go. He sort of frowns a bit, but he doesn't follow, just throbs and...well she was nice...and a rodent too so...maybe later...He just sort of huffs a bit and finishes up dancing with what's left of the music as the band is played off.
Aldur raises an eyebrow at the seemingly nervouse mousette that is currently fleeing the area after running into him. Aldur gaze Follows her as he heads in the same direction. Seeing no reason to stay in the area any. longer. Now that the concert is over.
Deke finally gets up, seeing as how the show's ended. He unseats himself, gathers his things, and checks his comm. He suddenly makes an audible "Shit!" as he looks and sees that Zephyr wanted him back a half-hour ago! He panics and yells to the remaining people, "S-sorry, everyone! My work's furious I'm late to report, I need to head back! You all take care!" He bolts through the crowd of ferals, gaining the grunts of dissatisfaction of those he passes, as he heads from the zoo and makes a bee-line for the Zephyr building.