Director Commands
A list of commands used while directing or judging events.
[hide]Setting and Actions
- Allows you to create a private room from any safe zone.
+desc - Used to set the description of private room.
spoof - Allows you to anonymously post text to the room. Formatting and colors are allowed.
spoof %t Judy paces the room back and forth before uttering under her breath, "^red^Motherfucker!^white^", as she fumes. %r %r %t Nobody could do this to her and get away with it!
Judge Commands
gojdg - Mark yourself as an active judge.
goinc - Mark yourself as In Character.
+pj - Help file for PJ command. Also displays your Judge Points and rank.
+pj #xp - reward players in the room with XP.
+pj #loot - reward players in the room with a smaller amount of XP, and a chance to salvage loot.
+pj #flaw (person)=(flaw) - Give a person credit for playing up a particular flaw.
Request System
+request - Judge Request System
+request/view - View all requests you've submitted and are open or recently closed.
+request/archive - View a list of closed requests made by yourself.
+request/inspect (#) - Examine a request in detail.
+request/view (#) - Examine a request in detail.
+request/new - Create a new request.
+request/note (#)=(Note) - Add a note to a request, only works on non-closed requests, useful for staff and players alike.
Staff and Judge Specific Commands
+request/review - See open and pending requests that match your judging fields
+request/review (#) - Examine a request in detail.
+request/review (#)=(message) - A synonym for leaving a note.
+request/review (#)=(status) - A shortcut for changing status.
+request/status (#)=(Status) - Set a request as Acknowledged, In Progress, Denied, or Completed
Player Commands
+prove [stat] - Proves the player has the specificed stat and at what level if appropriate
Hero Points may also be used by player.
Monster Commands
+beast [type] [name] - Creates a NPC combatant
@name <current name>=<new name> - Renames NPC.
@desc Name? Text? - Adds flavor text to NPC description.
zap [name] with [infection] ([part]) Changes species of NPC or PC. Flags you for admin attention when used. Each 'zap' acts like one mutation 'tick'.
@set <name>=AI:<power name>:<value> - Change NPC's AI use of powers from -1 to 10 in value of use. '-1' is off. '0' is the same as '1'.
+copy Name - Copies an NPC
@rec Name - Recycles (removes) an NPC. There is a yes/no prompt.
+atb/clean - Removes ALL NPCs from the area. There is a yes/no prompt.
+stash Name- [Level 2?] Puts an NPC in storage for later
+enc - [Level 2?] Pulls NPCs from storage
+RP Command
+rp edits a creatures character sheet.
+rp[i/f/s] target=stat=[+/-]value
Monster Manual
Monster Manual is a collection of pre-made characters for use by all judges.
+mm list - to see list of characters
+mm #summon Name - [Level 2] to summon creature from manual
+mm #add - [Level 3] to add a creature to the manual