Consolidated Events Outside CEO1
From Flexible Survival
Consolidated Events:
(incomplete list)
- Abandoned Player (background)
- Another Survivor (background)
- CatsandDogs (background)
- Cream Truck (leads to random infections)
- Failed Survivor (background)
- Film (background)
- Giant Egg (background)
- Grumpy Old Men (background)
- Helping the Helpless: Opportunity to give food to a Dalmation scrounging through a garbage.
- Hyena Kill (background)
- Intact Fountain (drink water or the chance to collect some infective consumable)
- Masturbating Fox (background)
- Politics (background)
- School Spirit (background)
- Soldier Squad (background)
- Strange Preacher (background)
- Tracks (background)
- Wet Clothes (background)
- Wyvern Flight (background)