Astroslide Football Field
Exploring the Tenvale campus, you find your way to the football stadium. Your eyes are immediately drawn to a giant neon blue banner saying "Astroslide", with the smaller caption "It's out of this world - Feel the universe!" under it. It is proudly displayed above the main entrance of the building standing next to the playing field, clearly demonstrating who paid for the brand new and first class setup - high stands for lots of spectators, several luxury sky-boxes and a roof above, with who knows what additional facilities in the building underneath. You vaguely remember some controversy a few years back when some conservatives unsuccessfully protested having a producer of sexual lubricants as a sponsor... and from what you can see, the college didn't regret sticking with the admittedly unconventional backer.
Note about the description depending on the time of day there is additional text associated with the room
Astroslide Football Field is a Navable location once you visit the football field for the first time.
Roman The Football Gorilla Captian
Same as the ones in the College Campus area
Same as the ones in the College Campus area