Water Adaptation

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 07:56, 20 May 2011 by Sparhawk (talk | contribs) (Updated category)
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| Item [Water Adaptation              ]  Type [             Mutant Power]|
|______________________[        Description       ]______________________|
| You are at home in the water! Those who take the time to truly master  |
| this power will feel at home just about anywhere other than a          |
| whirlpool at the bottom of a trench.                                   |
|______________________[  Additional Information  ]______________________|
| Power   [Passive                                                     ] |
|______________________[     Base Power Stats     ]______________________|
| Type    [Passive Self                                                ] |
| Target  [Self                                                        ] |
| Energy  [0                                                           ] |
| Charge  [0                                                           ] |
| Cooldown[0                                                           ] |
| Accuracy[100%                                                        ] |
|______________________[Variations from Base Power]______________________|
| WaterAdaptionChance      [+100                                       ] |
| WaterAdaptionDuration    [+1                                         ] |
| WaterAdaptionMag         [+3                                         ] |
| Upgrades                                                               |
| \_WaterAdaptionMag            [10                                    ] |

Added 4/26/11. [Public] [Staff] Digger, Kazard says, "the following critters now have the new water adaptation power: ><>, male water moccasin, leech, male+female otter, ancient tortoise, rabid beaver, male gator,"