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(Automaton added to single player game)
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Revision as of 01:24, 22 January 2013

Automaton (SP)

Location: Capitol
Level: 8
HP: 60
Damage: 9
Target Gender: Male/Female

Flag Categories

Flags: Guy*, Girl*


Heat?: No

Danger Level: 8, Typical Environment: Capitol

Appearance: Male

Before you is a strange person, completely human in form, but covered in a layer of metallic skin. This polished hide is made of bronze. The metal man's eyes are featureless golden lights. His hair has become metallic in colour to match its skin. This person looks like any normal person you might meet, but transformed into metal and sapped of their will. He moves stiffly and without emotion, moving towards you with the intent of grabbing you. The metal man's cock is a hard pillar of metallic flesh that it probably intends on nailing you with.

Appearance: Female

Before you is a strange person, completely human in form, but covered in a layer of metallic skin. This polished hide is made of steel. The metal woman's eyes are featureless red lights. Her hair has become metallic in colour to match its skin. This person looks like any normal person you might meet, but transformed into metal and sapped of their will. She moves stiffly and without emotion, moving towards you with the intent of grabbing you. The metal woman's pussy is damp with an oily sheen, showing the automaton's arousal.


These are inspired from the Automaton's metallic skin form the multi-player game.

Gender Adaptive: If a player is blocking either the Guy or Girl flags, then that form will be removed. If both are blocked, they will auto-remove themselves from the game after the first sighting.

Unless a player has a Male/Female Preferred feat to override it, they will each try and make the player into the gender opposite that of the automaton.