
From Flexible Survival
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| Item [Accuracy                      ]  Type [             Combat Skill]|
|______________________[        Description       ]______________________|
| Your ability to land a blow effectively. Accuracy dramatically         |
| increases your accuracy, making every shot count. +5/10/15% to hit     |
| with all powers. When striking the first target of an attack(the       |
| primary target on AoEs), any amount that IS dodged is reduced by       |
| 5/10/15%, so a 50% dodge gets lowered to 40% with 2 accuracy.          |
|______________________[       Available In       ]______________________|
| Fusillade Commander [Mastermind,Flurry,Accuracy                       ]|
| Grenadier           [Controlled Burst,Accuracy,Readiness              ]|
| Gun Slinger         [Damage,Accuracy,Fast Loading                     ]|
| Insurgent           [Speed,Tactician,Accuracy                         ]|
| Judo Fighter        [Reactive,Accuracy,Avoidance                      ]|
| Marauder            [Enduring Malice,Controlled Burst,Accuracy        ]|
| Marksman            [Back Row,Accuracy,Damage                         ]|
| Militia             [Accuracy,Warded,Readiness                        ]|
| Monk                [Accuracy,Penetration,Reactive                    ]|
| Rogue               [Penetration,Accuracy,Fast Loading                ]|
| Samurai             [Accuracy,Front Row,Outnumbered                   ]|
| Sniper              [Accuracy,Tactician,Back Row                      ]|
| Spotter             [Accuracy,Support,Readiness                       ]|
| Spy                 [Accuracy,Avoidance,Back Row                      ]|
| Windup Operator     [Roll With It,Fast Loading,Accuracy               ]|
| Zealot              [Bewitched,Controlled Burst,Accuracy              ]|