Zephyr Survey III - RPLOG

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Aaron can be found waiting outside Zephyr's doors, calmly leaning against the wall and waiting for people to show up. Six o'clock, the time people were supposed to make their appearances. She's hoping that enough people show up to make a show of force; diplomacy is all well and good, but there's no substitute for being able to back it up with force if you have to. Sure, she could go it alone, but the last mission proved that it's good to have backup and plenty of it.

Nisha comes in for a gentle landing in front of the building, meeting up at the same place she's familiar with meeting Aaron before the bunny's various missions. The panther taur settles her wings on her back and shakes herself out, then steps up near to Aaron and offers a short wave of greeting. She finds a spot for herself to stand while they wait for the rest of whoever is showing up and takes some time to check over her gear, making sure she's ready for what's coming up, whatever it entails.

Zophah stands in the crowd, her usual lab coat waving in the slight breeze along with her vixen tail. Her fennec ears turn to Aaron to listen well on his explanation, checking her gear once more to see she hasn't forgotten to bring her phoenix-decorated beam laser.

Astara strolls out the front door, sipping on coffee from a disposable paper cup - a departure from her her trusy (breakable) porcelain mug. She has her saddle on with saddlebags and various straps, along with some armored leather padding on her lower half; above the waist is only clothed in her typical corset over her lower set of breasts, the rest of her completely bare, including her arms. Though, those don't need any covering, as the scales running up from her demonic mitts help protect a good portion of her arms. Finishing the last of the coffee with a big gulp, she then crushes and tosses the now-empty cup into a trashcan nearby as she makes her way over to those assembled, happily surprised she's familiar with everyone here so far. "Hey."

Phosphorus exits directly out from the Zephyr building, having arrived from Woodfield via helicopter, all of the panda's weapons fully sheathed and some even left at HQ, for the sake of looking more friendly. She was a big believer in the strategy of attempting peace, but being ready to attack with impunity if everything goes FUBAR. Phosphorus takes the time to walk over to Aaron, offer a slight, polite bow, then offer a hand to shake. "I heard you needed backup? Operative Phosphorus. It's very nice to meet you, Miss...?"

Yaprap reluctantly comes out of hiding from the shadows once she sees noone else is coming. She skulks on over at first but realizing that could give a bad impression straightens up with resolve. She introduces herself to the group upon her approach, "Hello, name is Yaprap. I hope we can get things more settled around here. Pleasure to meet like minded folk." Resting her laser rifle on her shoulder she admits, "It is best to be prepared though."

Aaron draws in a deep breath, looking out at those gathered. "Okay. At this point, I'm saying that we have a good group gathered here, and we need to run with it. Those of you who joined us on our first mission may recall that - while scouting - we were attacked by a group of latex foxes. Before Loveblade dropped grenades on pretty much everything-" here she facepalms at the memory and sighs "-there was a group of Wolf Beast ferals who came to our aid, a pack I know and work with." Her ears droop a bit as she explains, "Last night, while I was on patrol, I was going to do my rounds and greet them when I overheard their second-in-command discussing a battle plan. A plan to "take back what's theirs". To "teach those fools their place". I'm pretty sure all of you can see where this is going." As she begins to pace, she continues, "Our job is to convince them not to attack the project. Hopefully, with words. If necessary, by force. Any questions?" As an afterthought, she notes to Phosphorus, "Aaron. You were here during the first of my missions, remember?"

Nisha looks up as the rest of the people showing up for the mission file in. Her ears perk a bit as she spots Phosphorus out of the corner of her eye and she offers a quick, informal greeting, somewhere between a wave and a salute. The panther taur then looks back to Aaron and listens to the explanation of the day's objectives. She winces at the recollection of the first mission, then clicks her tongue at the problems they're faced with today. "I'm more than a little surprised they actually have that much faith in their ability to take anything from us... But hopefully we can just talk them down before anything happens."

Zophah waves to Astara and turns back to listen. She definitely looks focused, and pulls out a notebook from her pack to begin writing. She may not have been in the thick of it last time, but now is her chance to prove her intellect.

Astara is more than a little downcast as she listens to the first mission being discussed, thoughts also heading to the second one... she shakes herself out of it, though, waving in return to Zophah and then focusing on Aaron with a fiery determination in her eyes - literally, considering her eyes glow a demonic blue. "I... hmm. Where are we going to engage with them?"

"Sounds like we'll have to try talking them down, first." Phosphorus notes, taking a step back and shooting a slight, polite bow to the panther taur, too. "I don't like wasting ammunition when we could reach a proper resolution. I'd recommend Aaron herself heading the spear in terms of negotiations, because she's familiar with them. Myself, I can take up a position far away and provide sniper support if things go afoul. And provide reconnaissance. Birds eye view, and all that. Our communicators should be handy enough to keep in contact." The panda stops talking. Strategy is good, but no use talking people to death.

Yaprap nods as she hears the briefing and the other's remarks, mumbling, "Peacefully would be best, I'd rather not hurt em. If we can help it that is." She fidgets nervously, not used to working in a team with so many people, and sticks to the edge of the group keeping her eyes open for surprises. Hearing Astara's question, she nods in her direction. "That's a good question." Then tries to blend back into the group.

Aaron nods her agreement to Nisha. "I'm surprised too. I know their pack leader, Grey, and I can't believe he'd agree with anything like this. I don't want to cause a disruption in their pack dynamics, but if I'm guessing right, there already IS a disruption there. And remember, the latex foxes didn't really have a chance against us either, but it didn't stop them." Looking out among the crowd, she continues, "I want everyone to remember that although they're not too tough on an individual basis, their pack is well-coordinated. If the beta has most of the pack backing him, they could be a real challenge even for seasoned agents. But we're going to try to avoid that altogether." Astara gets the answer, "Southeast Fairhaven, where they currently shack up. I'll guide us there; I know the way like the back of my hand." A faint smile crosses her lips at Phosphorus's words - that's the sort of planning she likes to hear - and she adds in, "Any more questions? I hate to rush, but time is of the essence. They're coming tonight, and I bet they'll want the sun at their backs."

"That's true, I suppose. Seems like common sense is still uncommon after the apocalypse." Nisha says with a quick shake of her head. She offers a quick nod to Phosphorus, then steps away from her wall and starts stepping over towards the panda. "I can be in the front to look intimidating, or be air support, or whatever is needed. I'm not the best shot, but I can offer some covering fire as well, if that's what we need." She glances off towards the south-east as Aaron says that's where they will be headed, then brings a hand up to her eyes as she glances in the direction of the sun. "Yeah, we should probably get going, before it gets too low. Wouldn't want to fight staring into that glare."

Zophah just nods in agreement, checking her gear for the third time before writing down more in her notebook. She whispers under her breath something about pack mentality, but then shakes her head and sets her notebook back in her bag. "I'll just follow behind. most of my abilities are at mid range and can deal with crowd control."

Astara looks over her arms and clawed hands, musing "It's a shame my current 'natural' demeanor is rather intimidating. I feel up to trying to be the one talking, otherwise, though." She hrmmms, tapping a claw on her cheek, before talking to Aaron properly again. "Is it worthwhile to try and talk to the leader, first, and see if he knows about this mutiny?"

"Aye. We should start moving. What do you say that we all split apart and simply rendezvous at a landmark over there? We'll move more silently apart." At the mention of glare, the panda pulls her goggles down, watching the world become awash in shades of orange, but no glare to make shooting difficult. She gives another nod towards Nisha, and notes, "It'd be best, probably, to keep the party doing negotiations to a minimum, as to look nonthreatening. But ultimately, it's up to Aaron."

Yaprap agrees with Astara, "I too would like to see if this is a mutiny or if the whole pack is against us before we plan an attack if any." Steeling herself for possibly more attention she goes on, "But if we do have to prepare for a fight, would it be good to put our sniper out there alone or would they think of that, knowing us I mean.. If that is the case our sniper might need backup, preferably ranged or with a quick response time to help." She pats her own rifle and nods to those in the party with wings.

Aaron considers Astara's words. "That would be an ideal. If we can manage it, I'd like to try it, but there are no guarantees." she answers. "Worth noting: When I was there last night, I didn't actually see Grey. I have no idea what the story is; maybe it was bad luck, maybe he was out doing something, maybe..." The doe shakes her head. "...anyway. Just giving you the heads-up. I know we're not going in with a lot of intel, but there's not a lot of choice. On the other hand, Astara, I'd like you to lead with me. They're more likely to recognize you than anyone else." Furrowing her brow at Phosphorus, she notes, "I'd actually prefer not to move silently. Let the city know that we're active and on the move, and not fooling around. Cast a big shadow, discourage distractions." With that, she heads out, encouraging the rest of the party to follow. True to her word, she's not particularly trying to lay low; where one agent might get attacked, virtually everything in the city knows not to attack a squad.

Nisha frowns at the unsurity of what happened to the packs leader and crosses her arms under her chest. "That's not good. Hopefully he's just... Busy trying to fight the mutiny, himself? Maybe if he's still got loyalists, the deserters' attention will be split." The panther taur's tail twitches and she huffs briefly, then steps over towards Aaron a few paces. "I can scout a little bit, if needed." Nisha fluffs her wings at her sides and pulls a pair of high-tech binoculars out of her pack. "Should be able to give us a birds-eye view of what, if anything, is going on. Provided you think I can get away with not being with the group. I can escape and evade, if necessary."

Zophah thinks on all the illusion tricks she can pull off with her nanomagic to make the group look bigger, but decides to hold that ace for later. She follows Aaron from about the middle of the party, keeping a keen eye and swiveling ear out for any danger that might decide that the squad is a threat. Then an idea hits her... "Hay Aaron, if we find that they are not open for negotiation and outright attack, is it ok if I pull a little smoke-and-mirrors threat? My illusions can be very handy."

Astara thoughtfully listens to Aaron, a smile curling onto her sapphire-colored lips when she's reccomended to lead! "It would be a pleasure to help alongside you, Aaron!" She looks around to the rest of them, offering "Anyone want to ride in on my saddle? I can fit one or two people, if you're appropriately-sized..." and patting her saddle with a hand for emphasis. Whether or not anyone gets on, she eventually trots off to catch up with Aaron, horse hooves doing a good job at announcing her prescence, just like the rabbit wanted.

Look big? She could manage that. Phosphorus takes out her assault rifle, racking back the lever to chamber a round with a satisfying 'click-click'. She's a lone wolf by nature, and she could dispatch a sizeable glob of ferals on her own. But she agrees, if making size is a goal. "If we do appeal to the ones that are loyal, then perhaps we could gain enough allies to maybe intimidate the deserter groups into submitting. But, y'know."

Yaprap takes the rear of the party as they advance, keeping silent for now, her keen ears occasionally twitching at sounds, her eyes tracking the street, glancing at windows, and the edges of rooftops for trouble. She walks with her rifle gripped securely in both hands, occasionally aiming down its sights at anything remotely suspicious. Her tail seems to flick about occasionally as a cat's normally would, but whenever something seems suspicious it seems to sway a little closer to her utility belt.

Aaron considers the various suggestions being made. "Good ideas. Nisha, if you want to fly and scout ahead, go for it. Make it a fly-by, though. Get what intel you can, but be inconspicuous; if you hang around too long, they'll get suspicious. Zophah, if they attack us, you're cleared to use anything you need to use in order to put a stop to it, so long as it doesn't hurt your teammates." Phosphorus gets a nod from the bunny, though she doesn't look back. "The trick then is determining who's on which side. If we can find Grey, that shouldn't be hard. If not..." She lets the sentence hang.

Nisha nods, then spreads her wings and looks up to the sky. "I'll watch from high altitude for a while, hopefully I don't look too suspicious from that high. I can then narrow it down and hopefully see a little more." She checks her comm briefly, and makes sure everyone has her contact number, then launches into the sky. She spends a while climbing, then when she's little more than a dot in the sky, she starts gliding around as she begins to get a feel for what they're going up against.

Zophah returns to being quiet, more out of contemplation than actual effort to be silent. She does eventually get bored with nothing happening, and starts making miniture illusions in her hand that look like scaled-down versions of Kaiju, Ragnarok, and other fearsome creatures.

Yaprap shouts out "Who goes there?" as she sees a figure approaching from the rear slowly advancing upon the group. Even as she announces it's presence she aims down her sights at it and gets into a battle stance ready to spring away if need be.

Astara watches Nisha take up into the sky, focusing on the flying taur as she disappears into the horizon, Astara herself walking forwards with the rest of the group still. She decides to do a weapons-check on herself, looking at her belt - checking that her laser pistol was there but firmly holstered with the safety on, and flamethrower was firmly secured in one of her saddlebags... and in several pieces, not wanting to have the collapsible weapon put together for at least a half-dozen different reasons. Her elven ears twitched, turning around to Yaprap when they make a commotion. "What's going on?" Astara gets into a more defensive position, though not outwardly in a battle pose like Yaprap.

Ground support for her it is. Phosphorus is plenty nimble in terms of running and climbing, and can take up a stance quickly if it comes to that. "I do hope this doesn't end up turning into a bloodbath. That'd simply be uncouth." Noting the figure, she quickly swaps her HK for her sniper rifle, aiming down the scope to take a look at the figure. If it looked hostile, it got shot in the knee. If it didn't, well... now they knew what it was.

From the shadows emerges a lone, squeaky figure. A latex fox! Holding its paws up in supplication, it rasps, "No shoot, no shoot!" The bunny beckons the single figure toward the group and firmly tells it, "What do you want?" The only answer the vulpine seems to be prepared to give is a finger jutted in the direction in which the group is headed; fortunately, the pack isn't so far off in the city, and the five agents are already halfway there. "Hurry...hurry!" it growls. "No time!" With that, it turns and tries to run off!

A message comes over the comm from Nisha in her place in the skies. "I see... Three? Groups of wolves from up here. There are a few more hanging about on their own, but there's one that seems to be arming up for something. They don't have anything too dangerous that I can see, but they have weapons." A few moments later, another message comes through, this one more curt and rushed. "We might have a problem. Group of rabbits to the north. Definitely armed. Will continue to monitor."

Zophah looks up from her illusions in a momentary daze, not seeing the latex fox at all. She did hear the comm from Nisha though. "I guess there wasn't a chance for diplomacy?" She swings her beam laser aroudn from her back and powers it on, the phoenix decal on the side glowing with its power.

Astara blinks several times as she just watches the rather submissive squeakyfox, turning and following the direction of its finger. "Well, that certainly adds some more urgency to this whole mission. Hopefully no carnage has already started..." She might've finished that train of thought, but Nisha's voice crackles over their comm units before she can open her mouth to anything else. Astara sighs quite a bit at the turn of events, cursing under her breath. "... We need to move, now." She shrugs at Zophah, quickly replying "It might not be impossible yet. But the clock is ticking." And with that, she works into a gallop, darting off towards the scene of conflict - though, she will hold off as she gets closer, monitoring the situation from the ground as she waits for the others.

Phosphorus was prepared. A quick twirl of a dial on her scope, and she was zeroed in to hit a target, even from this distance. Adjustable zoom was worth any money in the world. Before Astara leaves, though, the panda calls, "Do not engage! We don't know their affiliation. We're hunting for wolves, not rabbits. I repeat, DO NOT ENGAGE." Phosphorus mutters a curse, then switches out her sniper for the medium range assault rifle again. "Remember, negotiations first. Don't get trigger happy, dammit... Aaron, do you know any other rabbits that may be over here at this hour?"

Yaprap starts edging toward's Astara's direction but her focus is now on the group leader Aaron for directions. "Whatever you decide Aaron I have your back." She prepares to get ready for a sprint to keep up with the group as they choose a direction.

Aaron draws in a sharp breath. "Nope. Surprise to me." she answers. "Come on, people. Double-time!" With that, she abandons any pretense of taking it slow and takes off toward the wolves' last known site. "Makes sense." she breathes, even as she hurries. "That's why they think they can take us. Alone, no. With an army of rabbits? It just might be possible. Come on, we need to reach them before they join forces!" It's a good thing the group is almost at their destination. "Just a few more streets; screw stealth, if we have to fight them both at once, we're boned!"

Nisha's voice comes on the comm again as the group starts running. "I see you guys moving. What's going on down there? No change from up here yet. I will try to get a closer look if you don't need me on the ground again yet."

Zophah takes off after Aaron, staying close to her. Zophah's mind races with plans and contingencies: who to cover, possible enemy numbers, tactical positions in the area. She 'tags' Aaron, Astara and Yaprap with her biomonitoring sight nanomagic to keep status on them before counting the seconds between each street, making a mental note of how much time there will be before the first wolf or rabbit will come into view, drawing a bead the moment one appears.

Astara fumbles to grab her comm unit, replying to Nisha; "One of the squeak-err, latex foxes came up to us, pleading with us to help with something urgent... and was pointing exactly in the direction we were headed." As the blocks fly past her as she gallops, she keeps count of them, slowing to a canter and then a trot when a block or two away, waiting for the rest of the group. "I'm close now... waiting for the rest of you to reassemble, keeping watch."

Phosphorus sighs, then takes off at an aggressive sprint towards the confirmed hostiles, putting her M4 away and drawing two, long, wicked looking swords in a bright flash of steel. She twists the pommel of the sword and slams it down onto a small box affixed to her armor. Then, the panda starts running faster. And faster. And faster, yelling a loud war cry as she barrels down the street. So much for being support, looks like she was going to have to be the bait.

Yaprap races after the group, taking up the rear. Activating her comm unit she informs Nisha of their orders to reach the wolves before the rabbits can make it, the sounds of her exertions coming through clearly over the comm. "I'm going to pitch some ideas, I'll try to keep you in the loop but when we get closer I'll go radio silent until the need arises." She shouts out to the group, "I'm tempted to try to communicate with the rabbits via comm unit if they have one, so as to convince them not to do anything rash, but that might only speed up their pace. Alternatively we could have our eyes in the sky cause a distraction mid route like firing a shot into the general area or setting a vehicle ahead of them on fire. Anything to slow them down! What do you think boss?" She wonders if diplomacy will still be possible as she sees Phosphorous take off. With Astara back in sight she adds a little oomph to her sprint but sticks to the side of the road so she can get to cover quickly.

Aaron does not slow down, not even for Astara. A quick call of, "Get down here!" is sent to Nisha through the comm, but she's at top speed and holding it; she may be trying to keep teamwork together, but if Nisha's report is any indication, there's perhaps a minute before an overwhelming army arrives! "Snow!" she calls out, looking around at the surprised (but not too surrpised, given the war cry echoing down the street) wolves. "Someone get me Snow, and hurry!" The wolves look at each other, disgruntled and uncertain, before the bunny stomps her foot. "GO!" A couple of wolves tear off from the main cluster of about a dozen, but the rest are eyeing Aaron with anger in their eyes. "And find me Grey, too!" This...does not get any of the wolves to move. The 'camp' appears to be suited for about three dozen wolves in all; this is likely one of the biggest wolf packs in Fairhaven. She even manages to hide a wince at the sound of Yaprap's ideas. Fire support from the sky...sounds familiar.

"I don't have the gear for something like that." Nisha answers to Yaprap through the comm. "And aparrently there's not time to find something. You have some time, but not more than a minute or two!" When Aaron calls for her, there a brief moment of silence, then an almost completely inaudible message behind a heavy wall of static from heavy wind. "On my way!"

Zophah comes up next to Aaron, kneeling down with her beam weapon ready, but pointed down and away. She narrows down her plans to those dealing with the wolves that are visible, making note of their distance, location, and just about anything pertinent. "Just in range for a light show." She whispers to Aaron.

Astara sees Aaron whip right past her, seeming a little shocked - and choking back her amusement as a 'speedy hare' joke passes through her head. After a quick snicker, she steels herself and runs after Aaron, clopping up behind her as a much taller and more inherently intimidating prescence. She doesn't snarl, or make any ill-intented expressions, but she certainly is looking serious. "You heard the lady; can you *please* go get Grey?"

First response must count for something, yeah? Phosphorus poses an amusing sight on some level, a fluffy panda wielding enough weapons to fuel a small revolution, but she weaves from car to car, acting as a deadly distraction to the group of rabbits for the time being. She wasn't going to take them head on, not yet, no. She did have some white phosphorus grenades if things started to take a wrong turn, though... it's her signature, after all.

Yaprap arrives in a slight huff, but quickly gets her breath back. Seeing her threeparty members approach the wolves without even attempting to get behind cover and with only one readying their weapon worries her. Trusting her leader Yap decides to tone it down a little and doesn't ready her laser rifle just yet, instead holding it by the handle and trigger in one hand and the barrel in the other across her bosom. She still sticks to cover as she advances the last of the way, paying careful attention to her surroundings as the rearguard for the group.

It's not long before an especially large wolf returns, sneering down at the bunny. "Get him yourself." he growls. "We have bigger problems." For a feral, he seems surprisingly well-spoken...but then, feral is as feral does. The bunny peers up at him and declares, "We're here to try to talk you out of this. You know this is a horrible idea. And you know this isn't what Grey would want." Whatever the wolf was going to say in reply is lost as a battle cry fit to drown out Phosphorus's own echoes through the streets. It's too late! The armada of bunnies has made contact with the wolves, and...are attacking? Adorable death rains down upon the lupines, and the wolf evidently named Snow growls, "Time to decide where your loyalties lie, rabbit!" before charging into the fray! The bulk of the assault seems to come from the north, and the wolves are barely - BARELY - holding the smaller swarm at bay!

Nisha still has a pretty good view of what's going on as she plummets towards the ground, completely in freefall She readies her rifle as she falls, aimed to land just next to Aaron, though as the situation develops, she reconsiders. She's just in time to see the exchange between Aaron and the big wolf. Phosphorus' scream only just reaches her ears and she realizes it looks like they had bad intel, and the rabbits have been the real enemy the whole time. The battle is joined, and the wolves aren't attacking her friends, so Nisha feels safe in counterattacking the rabbits. She snaps her wings open and they catch the air with a loud crack that sounds across the opening battlefield. She pulls up just early enough to allow her to stay airborn, instead of her planned hard landing, and streaks towards the rabbits at high speed, carrying the momentum from her fall forward. The panther taur streaks above the rabbits, taking a few potshots as she does, and at the same time attempting to attack with her claws as much as she can before she pulls up into the air again.

Zophah glances over to Aaron, asking "Attack, retreat, or try to break it up?" She now has her gun up, keeping off of the trigger and sweeping for any combatant that gets too close to the group. She watches Nisha fly by, and tries to cover for Aaron as best as she can, pulling her out of danger if the fight gets too close.

Astara is speechless at the sea of weaponized cuteness starting to wash over the wolf pack, and soon enough them. Her first action, though, is unholstering her laser pistol and flicking the safety off. She also calls up a familiar sight, snapping her fingers and summoning her forest wisp companion, the ball of fire bobbing around her alertly and waiting for her commands. "I... think we should try and side with the wolves, guys. This is going to be a massacre if we don't step in." She turns to the wolf that had told Aaron to 'show her alleigance', demanding "Can you at least try to clue us in on what the hell is happening here!?"

Phosphorus quickly hits her comm button, activating the headpiece with a snarl. That box on her armor was full of probably dangerous combat drugs, at any rate. Really wakes a panda up. "Who in the seven hells are we attacking, now? I'm going to get chewed up by both factions over here if you don't point me in one direction or the other." She twirls her blades quickly, eyeing both the wolves and the rabbits. "Seriously, Aaron. Make a decision!"

Yaprap keeping an ear towards her leader, dashes past the wolves who seem to have their own problem at the moment. Seeing a stone balcony ahead with a good view of what could be a battle field she climbs a tree and leaps to a raingutter on the side of the building, It shakes threateningly, but she is already scrambling onto the balcony before it gives way too much. Finally situated, she is amazed at the panther taur streaking over the rabbits already attacking them with weapon and claws. Realizing she might not have time to defuse the situation shouts out, "Rabbits we are ready for you! That panther taur was a perhaps over eager warning to you! This may be the last chance you have to negotiate. Let us talk to your leader and try to reason this out before things get any farther out of hand! Trust me you won't have a chance if we are forced to deal with you!" Ducking behind the balcony she switches her laser rifle to it's alternate flamethrower mode and readies a can of noxious gasses for area denial.

Aaron looks over at Astara. "Bunnies are attacking. A small army of them." she explains. Captain Obvious to the rescue! "Don't have a clue why and don't care. AGENTS!" She calls out to the group. "We fight with the wolves!" The potshots hit taken by Nisha hit and take down some of the bunnies, but it's like trying to put out a fire by spitting on it; sure, it'll eventually be effective, but by the time it is there'll be nothing left to save. Aaron launches herself into the front lines, beating down, beating up, and otherwise pummeling wave after wave of bunny. The force may be massive, but it's not infinite, after all! "We need a battle plan!" she cries out in mid-swing. "They'll win by sheer attrition like this!"

Nisha takes to a massive arc in the air after her pass. She flips upside down for a moment as the easiest way to get a glimpse of what's going on on the ground. She was right to attack the rabbits, it seems - Thankfully. She was a bit worried she was screwing things up, but didn't really have time to hesitate. She hangs in the air for a couple seconds as her momentum stalls, then goes into another dive. As she falls, she begins firing her rifle down at the mass of bunnies, careful to target the ones in the back, with as little chance of friendly fire as possible. This time, the panther taur doesn't pull up from her fall in time to strafe, and lands in an alleyway behind the group of rabbits. She takes time to reload her rifle before popping out and beginning to fire on the pack of enemies from behind.

Zophah summons her spirit bear from within her, a forest wisp with a prayer to inari, throws out a combat drone from her pack, fires her beam laser with a roaring explosion, and even pulls a few flasks of flamable/corrosive chemicals from her lab coat into the fray for good measure, all in one fluid motion. Exactly as planned. She then goes for the nearest cover, charging the next shot of her weapon while readying her poison breath/marsh wisp combo.

Astara puts on her metaphorical thinking cap and strategizes, looking around and taking in the environment. "We need to use the terrain to our advantage, somehow! find a choke-point somewhere - by trying to push them back to a point, or making a tactical retreat - or otherwise try to flank them!" She, nonetheless, goes to rummage through her saddlebag, pulling out collapsed parts and a tank; she then assembles her trusty poison-spewing flamethrower! "If all else fails, as much as I would rather not have to use this baby here to actively IMMOLATE them, it is brutally effective at stopping hordes like this in their tracks." An idea seems to pop into her head, and she grins: "...You know, I could try and utilize some area-of-denial tactics with this! Can cordon off some areas, make it so they can't surround us." She's about done with re-assembling it by the time she's finished explaining, ready to act... after feedback from the team. Don't want to be spewing fire anywhere without everyone knowing the details!

That's all she needed to hear. Phosphorus turns her energy toward quite literally hacking and slashing through the mass of rabbits, sneaking and darting through a building to crash through a third story window and take out a good few buns from the flank, in what amounts to an elegant dance of death. She manages to talk while doing this, too. Those are some good drugs. "I'm flanking. Give me a greenlight, and I'll lob some white phosphorus grenades into their ranks. Ignites on contact, poisons them if it doesn't kill them outright." The panda sends an arcing jolt of electricity to casually fibrillate a nearby rabbit, and slices another's neck wide open. CQC has merits.

Yaprap with an order to attack from her leader she shouts out into the comm "Gonna try to seperate and slow down their assault watch out for gas and flames!" She then chucks the canister into the center of the mass of fur where it immediately starts spewing noxious fumes into the air poisoning all those who get too close. This starts to create an empty spot in the middle of the furballs as poisoned and sickened rabbits flee the fumes gagging and retching. Coming out from her cover on the balcony she pulls the trigger and rains a spray of fire down upon the rabbits closest to her setting a few rabbits on fire and the rest of the furballs in its reach dashing left and right trying to flee from the the rain of fire. Her 2 attacks have now seperated the first wave of rabbits from the second wave except for the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street from her, bottlenecking the bunnies. Well maybe more like the third wave since the second wave seems to be poisoned and aflame right now.

Aaron calls out, "All right, group effort! Corral them into a single focus point!" Glancing over at Snow, she calls out, "We're going to make a bottleneck! Hit them there!" The wolf growls angrily at the idea of taking orders from the bunny, but fortunately recognizes a battle tactic when he sees it. "And where the hell is Grey?!" The beta points off to the north, beyond the advancing swarm. That would explain why they were preparing for battle. That would explain why the alpha is absent! "All right, team! We don't kill them, hear me? Not unless it's necessary! Fight to intimidate, incapacitate, and inconvenience until they give up and go home!" For her part, she's on the front lines, using multiple-target tactics to take down her opponents. She - and several of the wolves - is holding the line with the help of the team, but there are too many front lines (streets) for the pack to do a good job of protecting them all without the help of some crowd control. Yaprap's attack seems particularly effective, with bunnies packed closely enough together that setting some of them on fire causes them to bump into others, setting THEM on fire as well. Smells like dinner!

Nisha has to cull her fire as Phosphorus jumps out from a window near her. Just as well, really. "I'm with you, Phosphorus!" She shouts into her comm as she charges in behind the panda. Her first few victims are quite literally trampled beneath her heavy paws as she launches herself into the fray, a flurry of claws and blows raining on the rabbits unfortunate enough to be close to her, and she even her wings to strike at larger groups of them all at once, attempting to bowl them over and stun them with the impact. The rising amounts of fire - Along with the ominous bubbling that seems to accompany it - Worries her a bit, as it separates her and Phosphorus from the rest of their allies, but she settles for just keeping her eye on its advance. She can be an airlift out, if needed, so she's not worried overmuch just yet.

Zophah releases her marsh wisp/poison breath combo down an alley, clearing it for her drone and summons to blockade any more rabbit traffic down that path. She then finds a narrower path to blockade herself, creating an illusion of a 30ft brick wall slamming shut from the side of the buildings. Speaking into her comm she says "That should at least distract them for a bit. I'll shoot to wound any that try to make it through the illusion."

Astara takes a deep breath, and begins trotting towards an opportune place to spray liquid hell down on some bunnies. Or in front of them, rather. "If you push them back from an area, I'll make spray down a line fire on the ground to make sure they can't retake it! Just don't YOU step back into it!" Astara goes on to do just that, yards of the open spaces being marked and blocked off with minimal effort.

So, no grenades. Essentially, everything but cutting the head off. Phosphorus can oblige, and goes to town on the rabbits, the operative catching blows on her armor, taking small nicks and cuts without a wince (good drugs) and parrying swords where she can, putting blades into and across and through any hostile she runs in to. She shoots an almost casual nod at Nisha. Isolated as they are, the experienced operative could almost certainly take cover in a building if things go really south.

Yaprap seeing her flamethrower at 1/2 a tank and that the rabbits are now trying to avoid the reach of her flames stops her attack and switches back to the main laser mode. Taking a handfull of objects from her utility belt she flings out a spray of poison darts into the crowd. As some of the rabbits have started to return fire she ducks back behind the balcony. Concentrating on imagining the area she was raining flames down upon earlier, a wave of unease fills the area. the rabbits who enter the charred and still somewhat flaming ground start trying to back up and away from this field of dread but the rest keep pushing, the bottleneck is faltering but slowly as the noxious fumes are still active and the field of dread is slowing them down.

The herding tactics are beginning to work! With side routes cut off, the main force is guided down a single street...and with only so many bunnies able to attack at one time through one street and the wolves easily able to match them in number, the front lines become a meat grinder. It doesn't take long before there's a trilling cry from one of the bunnies in the back, and the group lays down their weapons all at once and surrender. The one who cried out looks around at her suffering kin, at those burnt and poisoned, and shivers. This is a harsh lesson that won't be forgotten any time soon. Of course, the question remains, what were the bunnies doing assaulting the wolves? For her part, Aaron slumps to the ground panting for breath, looking dazed and worn out from so much fighting. Alone, the wolves would have likely fallen before a superior force. With only Aaron's help, little different would have occurred. This victory is thanks to the agents who came to help.

Nisha takes up a ready stance as the rabbits around her start giving up. It takes a few seconds for her to actually trust that the rabbits are giving up. Eventually, though she does let her stance falter and heaves a deep breath as she surveys the havoc. The street is a mess. A large portion of it is on fire, though there's only so much fuel, most of it supplied by the weapons that caused it. Still - She feels it would be unwise to stick around with it burning as strong as it is. From her position in the street, she can't see everyone in the group, so she calls out over the comm. "The rabbits here are standing down. I assume we are to do the same?" She asks as she walks - Or, as it turns out, limps over to Phosphorus, as one of the rabbits aparrently got a pretty good hit on one of her front legs that she just now noticed.

Zophah directs her drone and summons to cease, removing her illusion and returning to Aaron. As she switches her beam weapon off, she looks to all of the injured wolves and rabbits and a shiver does down her spine. "I'm going to tend to the wounded if I can. Call if you need me." She then goes out and starts working like a true doctor, using her training as well as pharmaceutical and medical nanomagic as best as she can while fatigued.

Astara lets out a sigh of relief as soon as the attack is called off, flipping a switch on her flamethrower that locks any more toxic goo from being able to fly out the nozzle, and begins the process of disassembling it. Best not try to do any talking when you're wearing a portable flamethrower! After several minutes its packed away, and she walks up to Aaron, offering her a hand. "Well, we did it; lets figure out what in blazes is going on here, now!"

Yaprap hearing the rabbits are standing down takes a look for herself. Seeing it to be true she releases the field of dread. Lunging across to the tree she had used to climb up and grasping a branch, swings down to land in a pounce. She starts assisting in the wrangling up of the worst bunnies using her restraints. She uses her comm attempting to call in a promethean rescue and rehabilitation squad to take in the worst offenders and to help with the wounded. Whenever she can she spares a sad smile with her partners over their victory. It wasn't the victory she wanted, but lives were saved.