Rubber Balls

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Revision as of 05:18, 4 October 2012 by Balina (talk | contribs) (Adding research!)
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Rubber Balls

Torso: Rubber Bounce, Rubbery Hide, Tumble

A common and very weak monster, found roaming Fairhaven. Canine monsters often hunt these, carrying them around and playing with them as they try to bounce away.

Includes only a Torso mutation.


Topic Name: Mystery of Balls Description: How do rubber balls work? Nanites can't, usually, partition an individual out across multiple, seperate, bodies like that, and yet, there's rubber balls, breaking the rules. Perhaps this is worth looking into. Completed: 1:38 PM, Saturday, 1st day of the spring month May in the year 2012 AD. Result: As it turns, rubber balls are not seperated at all. Too thin for the naked eye, the balls are bound by delicate filaments that hold the mass somewhat together. These binds are quick to dissolve on death, but, provided the creature remains alive, can be reforged from ball to ball. While a ball is separated from the mass, it is inert. These filaments may be of use in future research and design, considering their flexibility, resilience, and ability to conduct nanites.