Santa at the Z - RPLOG

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Saturday December 21, 2019=Log=

The Zephyr lobby is decorated with festive knicknacks and gewgaws. Holiday pine trees and lines of tinsel cover the walls and a huge stage has been set up with a throne for the inevitable visit of Santa Paws. Guests have started to trickle in, and a small army of wait staff stand ready with all kinds of food and drink. There is a buffet table too, of course, if you can't wait for a waiter.

Euoia wanders in to the lobby, knowing full well that buffet tables are PvP enabled areas. Sie grabs a plate and looks for some simple finger foods to enjoy while waiting for others to join in. Sie is not sure what is going on, but plans to just enjoy hirself along the way.

Leighton is already at the buffet, giving a quick nod to Euoia as she approaches. The dragon girl too is filling her plate before the place is getting too crowded so that she does not have to get physical to get a slider or whatever.

Bleu hops into the room, with a rabbit following close behind. The kangaroo pauses, sniffing the air. Lots of good food, he can smell. "C'mon, Jojo, baby... Let's go hit the buffet."

Mingled with the incoming crowds of people, the white furred rabbit Jojo skips into the decorated hall, wide eyed with it's splendor. It had been so long since he had been to a gathering such as this before! It only made it better that he had found Bleu to accompany him close by. He hops in front of him backwards, death tcock amazing! I really love how Zephyr set the place up, props to them! Yeah, letcock see what they have! Ooohh, I hope therecock something sweet!el and takes the other rabbitcock hand to drag them over!

Keyes, dragged in by richard, his skin mattered with bite marks and his cheeks flushed from what they had been doing just a few moments prier. His eyes took in the scenery with a bit of amazement, but he could feel Zivadin against him, and had a feeling that she wasn't going to let him go even with them being moved. Biting his lip and trying to be somewhat modest he guided the pair of them to a seat to the side. "L-Lets try to not draw too much attention?" He whispered to the skunk, shivering as he would leave his lap open for her as his fingers stroked down her back. His eyes glancing over to Richard as they did. "Are you looking for...bleu again?"

Richard, literally trailing a pair of lobby lovebirds behind himself in the blue goo of his body, slides in to the holiday party. "Yep," he replies to Keyes, "Comms says that he's around here some-" His voice catches as he spots a kind of familiar kangaroo by the rapidly crowding buffet. "There he is!" He slips into the back of the line, but not before planting a kiss on Bleu's cheek. "How've you been? Making some more friends?" He glances over at the rabbit, hoping for an introduction.

Zivadin she takes keyes hand to find the most secluded hidden spot in the room " we should be ok here now what to do with you hmm? you interupted me and made me stop i know" she has him lay down as she sits on his face using her fluffy tail to support his head as she nudges im encouragingly

As guests start to funnel in, a mousy-looking man in a rather tacky looking suit steps up to the microphone on the elaborately decorated stage. And when I say mousey, I mean it literally, of course. He has long whiskers and big, round ears and rather prominent buck teeth.

"Um, hello everyone," he says timidly, "Welcome to the annual Zephyr Holiday Party! We're real glad to see you all here. Just a couple of things as we get started. Please enjoy the buffet, I am sure we have something good for everyone." He clears his throat and continues. "Also, management has asked me to remind you all to clean up after yourselves. We don't want any accidents like last year because of people's... um... fluids, yeah?" He smiles again and beckons offstage. "Finally, I want to introduce a couple of guests. First we have Doctor Elias Thomas, who has recently recieved an award for scientific achievement for his work in the new field of Nanite Technology!"

He leads the polite applause as a distinguished looking, human gentleman takes the stage and gives a half-hearted wave.

Euoia sits down with a nice plate of dim sum, mini-hot dogs in pastry, and other finger foods. Sie slowly eats while making a note to talk to Doctor Elias about his work to learn more and see what applications it may have in the department of nanomagic design. Sie finishes the plate after a bit and gets up to introduce herself to the good doctor when he is available.

Leighton flops down in a chair close to Euoia and picks at the food on her plate. Giving business awards to people is not very Chri- Standarized Holliday-y in her mind. Oh well, surely this part won't last too long.

"Well, there you are," Bleu says to Richard. "You didn't answer my texts, so I thought you were unavailable..." He gestures to the rabbit with him. "Anyway, Rich, this is Jojo, an old friend of mine. Jojo, meet Richard."

Jojo looks over the assortment of freshly prepared items over the table and picks out the sweetest treat he could find! "Mmmm!" A rush of flavors that made him clap his hands! "Oh Bleu, you have to try this one! And this one over here! And-" he stops abruptly once he hears the mic being handled and brings his attention over to the mouse speaker. He can't help bit giggle at the mention of last year's events. He leans over to anyone nearby and mutters, "I wonder what that could have been!" with a mischevious snicker. Once Doctor Elias is mentioned, Jojo holds the treat he's eating in his mouth to free his hands to applaud! He had seen all the amazing stuff Nanite Tech had and was accomplishing and had to admit it was pretty handy to have around. "Congratulations Doctor!" and in a lower voice to the nearby participants, "and they need to give an award to whoever made these creme treats! Yuuum!" The rabbit's ears swivel to Richard and Bleu, and he offers his free paw out in greeting! "Hey there! It's so great to talk to you! I hope you're enjoying yourself here."

Keyes curious gaze looked around the room, catching for the first time what this mysterious Bleu that Richard seemed so infatuated with looked like. Finding a small smile tugging on his lips as he saw the warmth of the two of them as Ziv's hand tugged him away and between the crowds. With only one hand to spare he ended up having to use one of Zivadin's jiggling cheeks to give off the polite 'clapping' sound when the doctor was announced. But that was the last he was able to see before he was tugged down, his body hidden by the tablecloth before their seats as his head became wrapped up in a soft, warm blanket of a tail. His muffled voice silenced in the dripping liquid of her hungry lips. And not wanting to get in trouble for 'leaving a mess', as the rodent had asked. He found himself suckling upon her dripping need, gulping down her essence as his tongue was lapping at her naked desire as the quiet sound of the party fluttered against his ear.

Richard claps wetly, as goos are wont to do, as the doctor takes the stage. When the mild cheering subsides, he takes Jojo's hand. "So far. I know that these two," he gestures over his shoulder, "have been having a good time. Or at least Ziv has. Keyes, Zivadin, this is Bl-" He finally *looks* over his shoulder and finds his plus-two for this party have vanished. "-ooh shit, when did they run off?" He takes a quick glance around, and, not seeing them, he shrugs and picks up a plate. "Hey Jojo, any reccommendations from the buffet?" As he says that, he could swear he hears some hanky-panky in progress under the serving table.

Zivadin she moan as she feel his tounge go deep into her. while keyes face is still buried in her she goes back to sucking on his dick she gives it her all as this was her first blow job and 69 she refuses to ease up until she feels his cum gush down the back of her throat. with at she turns around with both of their faces covered in each others fluids, she looks him in the eyes and simply says "its time" with that she stradles her new virgin lover she slides his dick into her as slowly as possibly to savor every moment of his expression as he slips deepen and deeper inside of her. she leans in and kisses him while she postitions him inside her until she finally starts moving her hips

As the polite applause dies out, the scientist quickly vacates the stage, probably ready to grab a plate and flee to a less conspicuous spot.

The announcer gives a buck toothed smile and waves for the crowd's flagging attention. "There will be music and dancing in just a little bit," he says, "After everyone has eaten their fill. And of course you can come and meet with our guest of honor, Santa Paws!" He gestures dramatically at the side of the stage as a huge, hairy, bearded figure all dressed in red leather and fur bounds onto the stage!

Anyone familiar with Fenris will recognize the big tanuki under his slightly unconventional Santa suit, though he has somehow managed to grow a short, curly, white beard. He waves happily at the assorted agents and mutants who recieve thr news of a visit from Santa with varying levels of enthusiasm. The burly San-Tanuki makes his way across the stage and plops down in the large throne prepared for him.

"Santa will have a special gift for each employee who cares to come and gove him a visit," the announcer explains, "Enjoy the party!"

Euoia gets up to grab another plate at the buffet bar and try to converse with the doctor and pick his mind for possible nanomagic applications to his work. Sie again picks finger foods that would work for engaging discourse. "Ah, hello Doctor Thomas. Mind if i join you and ask about possible applications in other fields? I would like to hear more about your research."

Leighton cocks her eyebrows as she stares at Fenris for a moment. Somewhat suspicious about what kind of gifts her acquittance might be bringing. The half-dragon crosses her legs and continues snacking for now. Not eager to be the first person to go sit on santa's lap.

Bleu smiles and tries to kiss Richard, then says to Jojo, "I should have said already... Rich here is my boyfriend. A lovely man." He loads a plate with food as he chats. "I'd like it if the three of us sat together, huh? Jojo and I have a lot to catch up on..."

Jojo nods his head eagerly and skips around his gooey companion to load his tray full of an assortment of sweets, candies, and deserts! "This one looks pretty neat here! And these are amazing! OH! Where did they even find these things? I've only had them once ever and they were to DIE for, you have to try them!" Then to Bleu he responds, "Your boyfriend?! That's so beautiful you both click like that! Yeah we should-" His eyes follow over to the busy fellow named Santa Paws and his eyes light up in newfound delight! "A gift?! I adooore those! Let's go get one, that sounds awesome! What do you think it could be?" and starts his way over to the red-dressed tanuki! "Let's totally sit together after!" he calls back. As nobody else had joined them before the bunny, he steps up with an excited wiggle of his tail and rests his hand on the tanuki's knee. Jojo hadn't no real previous recollection with many traditions, though it all seemed all the more interesting to him! "Hey there! What kind of presents do you have?" he churls.

Keyes was certainly having his 'fill' of a feast, as the mousy announcer encouraged them to do as the grasping and flooding lips continued to fill his every breathe. Making his mind swim from the sheer heat that was bathing through his breathe and filling his being as he was forced to gulp it down. Yet that didn't compare to the sudden eager, all consuming pleasure that was tugging upon his lips. A pleasure he couldn't stand with his sheer lack of experience. It didn't take him long to surrender to Zivadin's lips, bursting with a creamy treat to fill her as he cried out against her hips. The loud cry instantly silenced by her own hips, as a thick flood of her pleasure filled his mouth and coated his face. Making him fail in his task to keep the seat 'clean' as he laid in a puddle of her lust as she pulled back. "Oh no...I'm not a employee..."Realizing that he might of just snuck in, completely accidentally to a company party, he had a moment of worry. A moment of worry that melted away when the hungry eyes of the skunk above him locked upon his face, and he gulped at the sheer desire he found himself meeting. With her seeing his expression flushed, his hair slicked back by her own juices as he panted with half liddened eyes. "Its...tim-Ah?!" The still tingling member slid into her grasping lips, twitching hard, grinding against the hungry walls that started to swallow him up as his eyes fluttered. His gasping breathes starting to grow louder before they were silenced with her lips, made quiet once again as he moaned. His fingers grasping against her fur and sinking in tightly as she moved. The sheer strength of his trembling manhood showing her signs that he wouldn't last long within this melting pot of bliss. She might actually be able to drain this once virgin boy's essence of every last drop if this kept up~

Richard is CERTAIN he hears something under the table now. He peeks under the tablecloth. There they are. He'll leave them be for now, but if the snack table starts a-rocking he'll have to come knocking. He sneaks another tongue-kiss to Bleu (which tastes like blackberry slushee syrup, for some reason) and starts filling two plates with the items that Jojo recommends. "Yeah, we met at one of Magnus's expeditions a few months back. We drank, had a good time, and then had several more good times." Before he can elaborate, the hyperactive hare is dashing through the lobby on a one rabbit crusade, laughing as he goes, to get a gift today. Jingle bells. He shrugs his slimy shoulders and says to Bleu, "Go catch up with him, I'll be there in a sec." He slides one of his treat-filled plates under the table for an after-sex snack for the couple, and then starts filling a third with cookies for some unknown purpose.