Glenstock underground intro - RPLOG

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A small group of foxes, clearly from Miranai's lineage mulls about, papers in their hands and moving various materials around, even a whiteboard. "Everything set?" A hermaphrodite vixen asks the group. "Yes yes, my papers are all here..." The mustached, masculine fox says in response as he sorts through his papers. "As good as I'll ever get." A markedly more chubbier marbled fox says in response as he relaxes in a nearby chair, having just set up the board. "Good, now to wait for any volunteers." She takes a seat next to the chubby fox, the other fox still sorting and organizing his papers.

Hearing the noises of things being moved about and voices speaking in the dining room, a grey furred figure peeks in through the door and into the room before stepping inside. With furrowed eyebrows as he watches the group of foxes, Anbessa cocks his head as his ears atop of his head droop to the side. "Uh... Hi?" The bun squeaks in curiosity, clearly not knowing what this group of foxes is up to in the dining room of all places. "Somethin' going on?" The bun asks, ears raising after a second or two of looking over the bushy tailed group.

Tall, broad and quite drippy, Ava walks up to the foxes, the gooey avian striding proudly, smiling through hir beak as shi sees a familiar face. "Hello papa! Been a while since I've seen you around, looking good though," shi says to him, then rests hir hands on hir hips. "I understand you lot need volunteers again? What's the job this time? Didn't go so well last time, but I'm still willing to put in a little elbow grease to help glenstock out."

Astara wasn't coming to the dining room with knowledge of the events transpiring in the lobby, nor did she initially care all that much about it... she cared about her grumbling tummy! The only thing that gave her pause was the familiar-sounding voice of one of her sisters, in all her cummy glory, even if Ava was different than what she recognized. "Ava? That you?" She approaches the ensemble, rubbing her belly, which growls again. "What's going on here?"

The herm fox looks towards the group, a hint a dissapointment shows on her face before she says something and gets to business. "Right. I suppose nobody got the message..." She casts a look at the lounging tubby fox next to her. "Alex!" The chubby one sits up strait. "What? Was I supposed to send out the flyers?" The herm fox slaps the side of her face and sighs. "Well... we have volunteers.... I hope." Relaxing visibly she leans back and starts to explain. "Okay, so the egghead with the mustache says he has a plan to get a sewer system going with the added bonus of having a utility tunnel of some kind. It's up to us three to organize what we need to get this show on the road. First, we need to gather up the necessary materials. We have a plan, just nothing to do with it. Literally. We have nothing, we'll even have to make our own tools." Alex frowns. "By we, she means ME, of course." The herm furrows her brows, but continues. "The fox will give you a rundown." Gesturing over to him he looks stunned for a moment as he peeks over his papers. "Oh... yes. I'm Bob, hi!" After clearing his throat, he pulls on his stash a bit and stands up. "Ummm... okay. so the plan....."

Anbessa raises an eyebrow to the herm fox at the look sent his way, though hearing a familar voice the bun turns around... And quickly pauses as his eyes look up at the drippy beaked being with a quite confused look on his face. "Uh... Hi, Ava." The bun seems quite off guard by her new look. "You look a lot... Different. Like, very different!" Last time he saw her was when she was a fox a little under his size after all! Though with another person entering the room he looks towards Astara with his ears drooping and him cocking his head. "So, new faces aside..." Turning back towards the foxes, the bun rests his paws on his hips as he listens to their explaination. Though something about what they were talking about made his ears raise up in interest, soon letting out a light hum as he nods. "Would certainly help the place to have something like that..." The bunn trails off, glancing back and forth between the many foxes and the... Err, gooey bird thing?

"Sewer, eh?" Astara remarks, rubbing her chin. "Waaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day I spent about a year in a position designing and maintaining a system out East, and I'd be lying if I haven't done some looking into what it'd take to get some running water in this place... having better drains set to handle Mom's new productivity is a good thing, too. So sign me up!"

Ava looks at the group and furrows hir brow by the basic out line of the plan. Shi looks down at hir father and smiles, then nods. "Yeah, been going through some changes, probably won't be like this long as it is, but it's fun." Shi looks down at hirself then out into the distance. The smell emanating from hir still heavy in the air, but the nature of the fluid dripping off of hir body changing in composition, the smell of fresh milk filling the air. Shi smiled again and wiggled her hips. "That's a little better, don't you think?" Shi looks at Astara and nods. "Yep, nice to see you again Astara, trying something new." Hir arms cross over hir chest and shi spread hir legs. "Well, not terribly experienced with building, but got plenty of strength to lift and move things to offer you lot. Just tell me what you need and I'll try my best to help."