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<div></div><br> <br>As more and more visitors come to Glenstock, as well as the baby boom of late, the residents of the city had been working toward some method of governing themselves. More jobs becoming avalible, work outside of the walls and bubble, as well as some... unfortunate incidents had created cause for concern. What had started as just a small settlement of RSX and The Surrogate Brotherhood had grown quite a bit, almost into its own outside entity. Seven people had managed to come out as major aspects in this development, each with their own specialties and capabilities, the head of this, a bull named Jarone. While it was obvious Jarone was related to many others, as nearly no one in Glenstock wasn&#39;t related in some way to Sakura, Selyra, Miranai, Ava, Anbessa, or many of the others, he&#39;d elected to not maintain his familial name, Jarone Hatchwuth. A fairly imposing figure who was calling for an assembly of any who could be present. A great many were able to attend, Jarone needing to employ a refurbished magaphone to be heard while speaking in the chilly lawn outside the courthouse proper. &quot;Greetings, as you all may well know, we have been working hard toward rebuilding this city, and have made great strides, but with each step forward something has been clawing at the sides of our advancements. Not all of our residents keep in mind what is best for us all, or don&#39;t agree with what is the best direction. Myself and my fellow members of the First Council of Seven have come together to draft together what we hope will assist in our future developments and with keeping order.&quot;<br> <br>Astara had been wandering around the city, basking in the afterglow of the breeding session she had just came from; it just so happens she overheard the megaphone in the distance, and trotted over to find its source. She was in her white blouse still, albeit it had some wet spots of milk all over it now. The half-human foxtaur just sat silent and listened to the proceedings from now, a fly on the wall. She was an outsider for the time being, after all.<br> <br>One of the promptest visitors at the gathering is Selyra, a collie herm dresed up hir best, though hir neat white top still show damp spots due to hir milk. Not exactly something shi can help. As the speaker speaks on, shi sits quietly and respectfully, nodding along, eager to hear the ideas of those around hir. When shi arrived, shi made sure to get as close a seat as shi could manage. Even if it&#39;s louder in the front, shi wants to be involved with the politics and proceedings of Glenstock, being the den mother of the Surrogate Brotherhood, one of the largest facets of the town by this point.<br> <br>Lots of murmering and a great deal of chatting before Jarone continues, &quot;The concepts of private property, ownership of materials, currency, laws, and more are important to any thriving community. We can&#39;t allow ourselves to be like Fairhaven or Woodfield, lawless lands where agent, feral, and any inbetween simply take from each other whatever they want. Nor can we allow ourselves to be like Eureka, broken, where whatever one wants to do, one does. No, we must be better than either place. That is why we have drafted together a charter.&quot; He unfolds some papers to begin reading, &quot;Such that we may create a more perfect place not just for us, but for those who will come after us. A place we can build, learn, and grow. As such we will be districting out the city. We will continue to use Freecred like much the rest of the world does, but we will work toward being self suffecent, self sustaining.&quot; He pauses a moment as he looks over the crowd. Knowingly more than a few are vastly pregnant, others look to each other with wanton lust, and still more seem about ready to jump at a moment&#39;s notice. &quot;Perhaps most importantly, to assist in keeping things civil and focused, acts of a sexual nature will be prohibited in public view.&quot; This gets a collective gasp from most everone in attendance! &quot;Please, please calm!&quot; He tries to get all those watching back under control.<br> <br>Selyra listens with rapt attention, not allowing hirself to become distracted by others, even if they oggle hir or make advances. When the bull mentions public acts of sex being prohibited in public, hir eyebrows raise in surprise, but shi doesn&#39;t join most of the others in their rude protest. Instead, shi looks to the others around hir, and attempts to quiet them with a sharp &#39;Shhh!&#39;, feeling slightly annoyed by their interruption. Respect should be given to one who is speaking.<br> <br>Astara was growingly interested in this man&#39;s speech, getting a little closer to the front if she can. But she just frowned when he dropped that bomb of news on the crowd, not quite being as into /that/ idea as the others presented.<br> <br>Selyra listens with rapt attention, not allowing hirself to become distracted by others, even if they oggle hir or make advances. When the bull mentions public acts of sex being prohibited in public, hir eyebrows raise in surprise, not having expected such a decision to be made. However, shi doesn&#39;t join most of the others in their disruptive protests. Instead, shi looks to the others around hir, and attempts to quiet them with a sharp &#39;Shhh!&#39;, feeling slightly annoyed by their interruption. Respect should be given to one who is speaking. At the same time, shi motions for them to settle down and hear the speaker out, hir paws making a sort of &#39;sit down&#39; motion.<br> <br>Ava grunts as shi waddles in, massive breasts and balls audibly sloshing as shi walks, cocks poking out from between hir tauric bound set of breasts. Shi groans as shi finally arrives and heaves a heavy sigh as shi sits down. &quot;Fuck, all these cocks and balls make it so hard to get around. Always making me late,&quot; shi mutters, giving hir full breasts a rub. Hir ears perk at the words and brow furrows. &quot;No sex in public? Ixchel save us, we&#39;re becoming new dawn now,&quot; shi says to hirself with a scowl. Hir nose wiggles and shi lifts hir head, contiuning a little louder. &quot;We can be perfectly civil and still enjoy a quick rut every once in a while. If we ban public sex next thing you&#39;ll be saying is we&#39;ll have to hide our cocks and cunts, and that just ain&#39;t feasible for some of us!&quot;<br> <br>With a little direction from Selyra, mother and grandmother to most of those attending, they do quite down a bit, settling in. Jarone continues, &quot;That said, irresponcable use of various... special qualties to attempt to coerce sexual natures out of your fellow residents will be illegal. This includes any power granted by your form.&quot; He says, looking to Ava as shi talks next. That rouses people up again, much more murmering, &quot;Quiet! Quiet, now, of course we wouldn&#39;t make an expectation upon such a thing. Many of you won&#39;t be able to stay perfectly clothed either, and we understand, but many hours of work, of school, and a great deal of... property damage comes from uncontrolled sexuality in our fair city, and this needs to be kept in check.&quot; He continues, &quot;Now, with respect to private property and personal agency, various drugs are also to be made contraband. Bimbo pills, and anything used to induce heat or rut.&quot; More shock and more talking at these points! &quot;Please! Everyone calm.&quot; Though someone from the crowd speeks up, &quot;He&#39;s right you all know! Spend far too much time focusing on what&#39;s between your legs and on your chests. We got one of the old power stations out on the biutes working, but we haven&#39;t even got the street lights running yet!?&quot;<br> <br>Astara blinks. &quot;There&#39;s electricity in this city?&quot; This was, in fact, unknown to her previously, and the metaphorical gears in her head have started to turn. &quot;Might have to move my organization here...&quot; The last part was much more her thinking out loud, but with with the loud crowd, she didn&#39;t -quite- say it quietly.<br> <br>Selyra shakes hir head a bit as another outcry spreads over the crowd, wishing they would save their protests until after. One of the voices shi hears is Ava&#39;s, making hir sigh lightly. Ava knows better, and shi&#39;ll give hir a bit of a talking to later. Howver, there&#39;s another voice shi hears nearby, from another fox. She doesn&#39;t recognize her though, and isn&#39;t too sure what she&#39;s talking about. Something about the way she speaks indicates she&#39;s not been here long, which piques the collie&#39;s interests, but for now shi makes a mental note to talk to this person in a moment.<br> <br>Ava huffs and crosses hir arms over hir chest, or at least tries, hir bosom far too big for crossing over, the arms end up disappearing between the breasts. &quot;Oh for fuck&#39;s sake. Some of us have ruts that don&#39;t end. You know how hard it is to concentrate when your balls are bigger than your damn body and your cock aches like someone&#39;s poured battery acid on it?&quot; Hir ears flatten and shi stomps a paw, causing hir multitude of breasts and balls to jiggle. &quot;Really now? You know the kind of shit Miranai&#39;s given me that&#39;s sunk me into ruts and heats deeper than fucking wells? Not some random yokel off the street, Miranai Arnsworth, and now you&#39;re saying that&#39;s illegal?&quot; shi said, not specifically mentioning the ticking time bomb of a rut-inducing tag that hung off hir collar. &quot;I mean, sure, yeah, no electricity is not great, but I got a pet who acts like she&#39;s... a priest or a nun or something without a bimbo pill. Now you&#39;re saying I can&#39;t give her one to let her loosen up?&quot;<br> <br>Hearing yet another outburst from Ava, the collie loses hir temper a little, standing up and looking over at the taur. &quot;Ava Stills! You very well know better than to interrupt someone who&#39;s speaking!&quot; shi scolds firmly, putting hir paws on hir hips. &quot;I&#39;m very disappointed in you. Your opinion matters as much as everyone else&#39;s, but not MORE than anyone else&#39;s. When someone is speaking publicly, you do NOt interrupt them. You wait until question time to discuss your points. Understood?&quot; shi says, attempting to keep hir voice above the others muttering around them.<br> <br>As Ava and Selyra go back and forth, the croud starts to become more and more heated. Jarone trying to reestablish order, but everyone starts talking over the other. &quot;Please, citizans, please. Everyone calm down.&quot; Though it is a bit out of control at this point! A few other members of the council come out, a vixentaur, a husky, a kangaroo. The names evade the memories of most with the chaos that is starting up. &quot;Indeed, possession and use of these is a crime within the walls of our city. As is theft, causing harm to your fellow Oregonian, now... if I could go over keeping others as pets, the keeping and owning of weapons, and...&quot; but it is little use at this point. Some are shouting to the others about how it is impossible to hold back their needs in such a way, while still others yell over how little progress the city has been seeing lately because of just that!<br> <br>Astara&#39;s ears are rather floppy, so the act of flattening them isn&#39;t quite as pronounced as it would be on other foxes (or part-foxes); but the look of growing dread on her face that she&#39;s in the midst of a riot certainly gets the point across of how she&#39;s feeling. She slowly backs up, trying to make an exit and avoid any of the overly agitated citizens. Her vigilance is too narrow, though, and she ends up accidentally bumping into Selyra! Not particularly hard, given how careful she was being, but it nonetheless startles her. &quot;I-I&#39;m sorry, miss!&quot; <br> <br>Ava huffs and sits down. &quot;Excuse me, but this hardly seems proper. Who elected these people, who agreed that this should be legal and not? I don&#39;t know that husky from one I&#39;d find on the street, and yet they decided our laws? They decide what we can and can&#39;t do? What you are suggesting here, to me, is that I stop being myself, that I censor-&quot; Shi stiffens, paws tightening and a deep groan rising up as hir balls visibly swell. Hir rut thickens, the scent deeper as a vibrating starts. Hir tail presses down over hir mound as shi clenches around a plug seated into it. Shi sighs and gives hir head a shake. &quot;It&#39;s not right damnit! I&#39;ve been through too much shit to let some random mutant tell me that I can&#39;t give my pet a bimbo pill and rut hir in the hallway if I wanted! I work too! I&#39;ve been trained and taught to control myself, I&#39;ve clawed my way back from being a feral! We deserve the right to take what we want and fuck where we want, and I will not silence myself because some figurehead thinks he knows what&#39;s right for all of us!&quot;<br> <br>Selyra sighs deeply and shakes hir head when Ava continues to fight, pinching the space between hir eyes and feeling more than a little disappointed in hir granddaughter. When Astara bumps into hir though, shi turns to look at the taur, one brow raising. &quot;No trouble, hun.&quot; shi replies briefly, turning back to Ava, but then glancing to Astara again. &quot;Why don&#39;t you come see me later, hmm?&quot; shi adds, then looks to Ava once again, only to see hir freeze up and hir balls swelling right before hir eyes. &quot;Oh Bast help us...&quot; shi groans, unsure what to do about the uprising. &quot;Ava, please! This city doesn&#39;t belong to us, we only live here. It&#39;s their call, and as your grandmother, I&#39;m telling you to go back home and take care of those needs right now. Hop to it!&quot;<br> <br>Boot thumps approach the noisey area as a familiar pale skinned black haired man walks down the street towards the large gathering of people, no doubt confused about what is occuring. Anbessa, having only arrived in Glenstock a bit ago, no doubt has little to no understanding of what is occuring as he furrows his eyebrows as he draws near. Trying to stand on his toes to look over the crowd, he can only see a bit of what he wants to see, noticing a familiar collie somewhere in the crowd alongside a familiar fox girl. Not exactly in a good place to do something just yet, though after a moment of trying to figure out what all of the yelling and hubub is about, he huffs and stands normally, his left eye glowing green as he opens up his COM and types up a message.<br> <br>Continuing to try and get command of the situation, Jarone and the others call out to the crowds, Selyra helping greatly in getting some control going again. Unfortunately having started near the front of things, is tangled up near the middle of it all. The smell of Ava&#39;s sudden heat and rut building along with hir continued call to rebel against the sexual laws of the city gets quite a bit of groping started upon the human-foxtaur, and all along Ava as well. Though the crowd that is in support of the council&#39;s decisions starts to take the position of power in the street, even as a small orgy is beginning among the others. &quot;Please! Everyone, let&#39;s just stay calm!&quot; Calls out the husky using Jarone&#39;s megaphone, though it doesn&#39;t help too much. A loud tweet of a whistle is heard though! &quot;Ok folks! Break it up!&quot; Calls out a rather tall Talakai in what looks like a uniform. &quot;You heard the laws, no sex in the streets! Go back to your homes.&quot; As a few others try to usher the council members back into the courthouse. Jarone looks back over his shoulder, shaking his head.<br> <br>Astara gave Selyra a sheepish smile when Selyra gave a look her way, calming a little when shi turned out to not be angry. &quot;Sure, I&#39;ll try to.&quot; she replied quickly, still keeping vigilant with the raging crowd around them. There was also the matter of the taur Selyra was trying to quell the rage of, the sudden rut induced in hir and that scent hitting hir like a brick wall. Her breathing is hard, her urges and heat trying to tell her one thing, while her brain tells her another. And then while she&#39;s reeling from that, she&#39;s getting groped! The taur panics, trying to shake her would-be assaulters from her body.<br> <br>Ava&#39;s ears flicker and shi looks at the hands rubbing up against hir, sensitive and tender from hir rut and the ever present heat, not to mention the plugs vibrating away, it&#39;s hard for hir to ignore. Shi murrs, tail idly lifting away from hir cleft. Shi hears Selyra&#39;s words and huffs again indignantly. &quot;Why? Because this &#39;council&#39; decided it? We&#39;re building this city! Filling it with workers, men, women and herms who break their backs learning and toiling to make it better. We live here as much as they do, why are we supposed to be silent? Why are-Oh, watch the hands there!&quot; shi said, becoming distracted by the gropes and fondling. Hir legs spread wider, breasts spilling free from hir top. The talakai&#39;s words only raise hir ire. &quot;Or what? On who&#39;s athority do you operate? Why are these laws decided without any sort of public hearing?&quot; Hir tail lifts and shi spreads hir hind legs. &quot;You try to stop me from fucking, I dare you...&quot;<br> <br>Selyra gawks a bit seeing the orgy breaking out in front of them, inwardly amazed that such chaos has broken out so easily in an attempt to have a civil town meeting. Shi figured shi had some authority over Ava, being hir grandmother, but evidently that&#39;s not the case. Glancing about the crowd, some joining the orgy, and some trying to stay apart from it, shi too backs up closer to where the council members are, as not to get pulled into anything unwanted. Shi can&#39;t deny the presence of such lewd behavior gets hir imagination going, but shi does hir part to keep hirself as professional as shi can with milk spots on hir shirt. Taking a quick moment to look for the girl that just bumped into hir, shi thinks shi makes her out among those getting groped, and shi tries to push closer, in order to get hir attention. Going out on a limb, shi calls out. &quot;New girl! Try to grab my hand!&quot; shi says, soon noticing the message shi gets on hir comm unit, holding out hir paw towards who shi suspects to be Astara, while replying.<br> <br>Anbessa blinks in confusion as the sounds of sex begins to fill the air as he hears a few familiar voices within the swarm of people. No doubt that things are getting pretty raunchy out here, but he cannot really tell what else is going on around the place without getting into the crowd and risking getting dragged in. The sounds of sex were enough to get a bulge in his pants after all, he didn&#39;t want to get too distracted... Especially since after he gets a response, he perks up and looks again as he tries to find Selyra. Can&#39;t jump into the crowd just yet... Probably should have worn a belt today.<br> <br>The officers continue to work to try and contain things, &quot;Please, head back to your homes, we will be around to make sure everyone is alright and safe later and...&quot; With Ava&#39;s calling out, the officer looks in hir direction, &quot;Officer Penasci, trained up by Sasha, Glenstock Manicuple Police. And yes, given authority by the Council of Seven. Now, disperse or we&#39;ll be forced to arrest you.&quot; He calls back, even though he can&#39;t exactly see specifically Ava.
<div></div><br> <br>As more and more visitors come to Glenstock, as well as the baby boom of late, the residents of the city had been working toward some method of governing themselves. More jobs becoming avalible, work outside of the walls and bubble, as well as some... unfortunate incidents had created cause for concern. What had started as just a small settlement of RSX and The Surrogate Brotherhood had grown quite a bit, almost into its own outside entity. Seven people had managed to come out as major aspects in this development, each with their own specialties and capabilities, the head of this, a bull named Jarone. While it was obvious Jarone was related to many others, as nearly no one in Glenstock wasn&#39;t related in some way to Sakura, Selyra, Miranai, Ava, Anbessa, or many of the others, he&#39;d elected to not maintain his familial name, Jarone Hatchwuth. A fairly imposing figure who was calling for an assembly of any who could be present. A great many were able to attend, Jarone needing to employ a refurbished magaphone to be heard while speaking in the chilly lawn outside the courthouse proper. &quot;Greetings, as you all may well know, we have been working hard toward rebuilding this city, and have made great strides, but with each step forward something has been clawing at the sides of our advancements. Not all of our residents keep in mind what is best for us all, or don&#39;t agree with what is the best direction. Myself and my fellow members of the First Council of Seven have come together to draft together what we hope will assist in our future developments and with keeping order.&quot;<br> <br>Astara had been wandering around the city, basking in the afterglow of the breeding session she had just came from; it just so happens she overheard the megaphone in the distance, and trotted over to find its source. She was in her white blouse still, albeit it had some wet spots of milk all over it now. The half-human foxtaur just sat silent and listened to the proceedings from now, a fly on the wall. She was an outsider for the time being, after all.<br> <br>One of the promptest visitors at the gathering is Selyra, a collie herm dresed up hir best, though hir neat white top still show damp spots due to hir milk. Not exactly something shi can help. As the speaker speaks on, shi sits quietly and respectfully, nodding along, eager to hear the ideas of those around hir. When shi arrived, shi made sure to get as close a seat as shi could manage. Even if it&#39;s louder in the front, shi wants to be involved with the politics and proceedings of Glenstock, being the den mother of the Surrogate Brotherhood, one of the largest facets of the town by this point.<br> <br>Lots of murmering and a great deal of chatting before Jarone continues, &quot;The concepts of private property, ownership of materials, currency, laws, and more are important to any thriving community. We can&#39;t allow ourselves to be like Fairhaven or Woodfield, lawless lands where agent, feral, and any inbetween simply take from each other whatever they want. Nor can we allow ourselves to be like Eureka, broken, where whatever one wants to do, one does. No, we must be better than either place. That is why we have drafted together a charter.&quot; He unfolds some papers to begin reading, &quot;Such that we may create a more perfect place not just for us, but for those who will come after us. A place we can build, learn, and grow. As such we will be districting out the city. We will continue to use Freecred like much the rest of the world does, but we will work toward being self suffecent, self sustaining.&quot; He pauses a moment as he looks over the crowd. Knowingly more than a few are vastly pregnant, others look to each other with wanton lust, and still more seem about ready to jump at a moment&#39;s notice. &quot;Perhaps most importantly, to assist in keeping things civil and focused, acts of a sexual nature will be prohibited in public view.&quot; This gets a collective gasp from most everone in attendance! &quot;Please, please calm!&quot; He tries to get all those watching back under control.<br> <br>Selyra listens with rapt attention, not allowing hirself to become distracted by others, even if they oggle hir or make advances. When the bull mentions public acts of sex being prohibited in public, hir eyebrows raise in surprise, but shi doesn&#39;t join most of the others in their rude protest. Instead, shi looks to the others around hir, and attempts to quiet them with a sharp &#39;Shhh!&#39;, feeling slightly annoyed by their interruption. Respect should be given to one who is speaking.<br> <br>Astara was growingly interested in this man&#39;s speech, getting a little closer to the front if she can. But she just frowned when he dropped that bomb of news on the crowd, not quite being as into /that/ idea as the others presented.<br> <br>Selyra listens with rapt attention, not allowing hirself to become distracted by others, even if they oggle hir or make advances. When the bull mentions public acts of sex being prohibited in public, hir eyebrows raise in surprise, not having expected such a decision to be made. However, shi doesn&#39;t join most of the others in their disruptive protests. Instead, shi looks to the others around hir, and attempts to quiet them with a sharp &#39;Shhh!&#39;, feeling slightly annoyed by their interruption. Respect should be given to one who is speaking. At the same time, shi motions for them to settle down and hear the speaker out, hir paws making a sort of &#39;sit down&#39; motion.<br> <br>Ava grunts as shi waddles in, massive breasts and balls audibly sloshing as shi walks, cocks poking out from between hir tauric bound set of breasts. Shi groans as shi finally arrives and heaves a heavy sigh as shi sits down. &quot;Fuck, all these cocks and balls make it so hard to get around. Always making me late,&quot; shi mutters, giving hir full breasts a rub. Hir ears perk at the words and brow furrows. &quot;No sex in public? Ixchel save us, we&#39;re becoming new dawn now,&quot; shi says to hirself with a scowl. Hir nose wiggles and shi lifts hir head, contiuning a little louder. &quot;We can be perfectly civil and still enjoy a quick rut every once in a while. If we ban public sex next thing you&#39;ll be saying is we&#39;ll have to hide our cocks and cunts, and that just ain&#39;t feasible for some of us!&quot;<br> <br>With a little direction from Selyra, mother and grandmother to most of those attending, they do quite down a bit, settling in. Jarone continues, &quot;That said, irresponcable use of various... special qualties to attempt to coerce sexual natures out of your fellow residents will be illegal. This includes any power granted by your form.&quot; He says, looking to Ava as shi talks next. That rouses people up again, much more murmering, &quot;Quiet! Quiet, now, of course we wouldn&#39;t make an expectation upon such a thing. Many of you won&#39;t be able to stay perfectly clothed either, and we understand, but many hours of work, of school, and a great deal of... property damage comes from uncontrolled sexuality in our fair city, and this needs to be kept in check.&quot; He continues, &quot;Now, with respect to private property and personal agency, various drugs are also to be made contraband. Bimbo pills, and anything used to induce heat or rut.&quot; More shock and more talking at these points! &quot;Please! Everyone calm.&quot; Though someone from the crowd speeks up, &quot;He&#39;s right you all know! Spend far too much time focusing on what&#39;s between your legs and on your chests. We got one of the old power stations out on the biutes working, but we haven&#39;t even got the street lights running yet!?&quot;<br> <br>Astara blinks. &quot;There&#39;s electricity in this city?&quot; This was, in fact, unknown to her previously, and the metaphorical gears in her head have started to turn. &quot;Might have to move my organization here...&quot; The last part was much more her thinking out loud, but with with the loud crowd, she didn&#39;t -quite- say it quietly.<br> <br>Selyra shakes hir head a bit as another outcry spreads over the crowd, wishing they would save their protests until after. One of the voices shi hears is Ava&#39;s, making hir sigh lightly. Ava knows better, and shi&#39;ll give hir a bit of a talking to later. Howver, there&#39;s another voice shi hears nearby, from another fox. She doesn&#39;t recognize her though, and isn&#39;t too sure what she&#39;s talking about. Something about the way she speaks indicates she&#39;s not been here long, which piques the collie&#39;s interests, but for now shi makes a mental note to talk to this person in a moment.<br> <br>Ava huffs and crosses hir arms over hir chest, or at least tries, hir bosom far too big for crossing over, the arms end up disappearing between the breasts. &quot;Oh for fuck&#39;s sake. Some of us have ruts that don&#39;t end. You know how hard it is to concentrate when your balls are bigger than your damn body and your cock aches like someone&#39;s poured battery acid on it?&quot; Hir ears flatten and shi stomps a paw, causing hir multitude of breasts and balls to jiggle. &quot;Really now? You know the kind of shit Miranai&#39;s given me that&#39;s sunk me into ruts and heats deeper than fucking wells? Not some random yokel off the street, Miranai Arnsworth, and now you&#39;re saying that&#39;s illegal?&quot; shi said, not specifically mentioning the ticking time bomb of a rut-inducing tag that hung off hir collar. &quot;I mean, sure, yeah, no electricity is not great, but I got a pet who acts like she&#39;s... a priest or a nun or something without a bimbo pill. Now you&#39;re saying I can&#39;t give her one to let her loosen up?&quot;<br> <br>Hearing yet another outburst from Ava, the collie loses hir temper a little, standing up and looking over at the taur. &quot;Ava Stills! You very well know better than to interrupt someone who&#39;s speaking!&quot; shi scolds firmly, putting hir paws on hir hips. &quot;I&#39;m very disappointed in you. Your opinion matters as much as everyone else&#39;s, but not MORE than anyone else&#39;s. When someone is speaking publicly, you do NOt interrupt them. You wait until question time to discuss your points. Understood?&quot; shi says, attempting to keep hir voice above the others muttering around them.<br> <br>As Ava and Selyra go back and forth, the croud starts to become more and more heated. Jarone trying to reestablish order, but everyone starts talking over the other. &quot;Please, citizans, please. Everyone calm down.&quot; Though it is a bit out of control at this point! A few other members of the council come out, a vixentaur, a husky, a kangaroo. The names evade the memories of most with the chaos that is starting up. &quot;Indeed, possession and use of these is a crime within the walls of our city. As is theft, causing harm to your fellow Oregonian, now... if I could go over keeping others as pets, the keeping and owning of weapons, and...&quot; but it is little use at this point. Some are shouting to the others about how it is impossible to hold back their needs in such a way, while still others yell over how little progress the city has been seeing lately because of just that!<br> <br>Astara&#39;s ears are rather floppy, so the act of flattening them isn&#39;t quite as pronounced as it would be on other foxes (or part-foxes); but the look of growing dread on her face that she&#39;s in the midst of a riot certainly gets the point across of how she&#39;s feeling. She slowly backs up, trying to make an exit and avoid any of the overly agitated citizens. Her vigilance is too narrow, though, and she ends up accidentally bumping into Selyra! Not particularly hard, given how careful she was being, but it nonetheless startles her. &quot;I-I&#39;m sorry, miss!&quot; <br> <br>Ava huffs and sits down. &quot;Excuse me, but this hardly seems proper. Who elected these people, who agreed that this should be legal and not? I don&#39;t know that husky from one I&#39;d find on the street, and yet they decided our laws? They decide what we can and can&#39;t do? What you are suggesting here, to me, is that I stop being myself, that I censor-&quot; Shi stiffens, paws tightening and a deep groan rising up as hir balls visibly swell. Hir rut thickens, the scent deeper as a vibrating starts. Hir tail presses down over hir mound as shi clenches around a plug seated into it. Shi sighs and gives hir head a shake. &quot;It&#39;s not right damnit! I&#39;ve been through too much shit to let some random mutant tell me that I can&#39;t give my pet a bimbo pill and rut hir in the hallway if I wanted! I work too! I&#39;ve been trained and taught to control myself, I&#39;ve clawed my way back from being a feral! We deserve the right to take what we want and fuck where we want, and I will not silence myself because some figurehead thinks he knows what&#39;s right for all of us!&quot;<br> <br>Selyra sighs deeply and shakes hir head when Ava continues to fight, pinching the space between hir eyes and feeling more than a little disappointed in hir granddaughter. When Astara bumps into hir though, shi turns to look at the taur, one brow raising. &quot;No trouble, hun.&quot; shi replies briefly, turning back to Ava, but then glancing to Astara again. &quot;Why don&#39;t you come see me later, hmm?&quot; shi adds, then looks to Ava once again, only to see hir freeze up and hir balls swelling right before hir eyes. &quot;Oh Bast help us...&quot; shi groans, unsure what to do about the uprising. &quot;Ava, please! This city doesn&#39;t belong to us, we only live here. It&#39;s their call, and as your grandmother, I&#39;m telling you to go back home and take care of those needs right now. Hop to it!&quot;<br> <br>Boot thumps approach the noisey area as a familiar pale skinned black haired man walks down the street towards the large gathering of people, no doubt confused about what is occuring. Anbessa, having only arrived in Glenstock a bit ago, no doubt has little to no understanding of what is occuring as he furrows his eyebrows as he draws near. Trying to stand on his toes to look over the crowd, he can only see a bit of what he wants to see, noticing a familiar collie somewhere in the crowd alongside a familiar fox girl. Not exactly in a good place to do something just yet, though after a moment of trying to figure out what all of the yelling and hubub is about, he huffs and stands normally, his left eye glowing green as he opens up his COM and types up a message.<br> <br>Continuing to try and get command of the situation, Jarone and the others call out to the crowds, Selyra helping greatly in getting some control going again. Unfortunately having started near the front of things, is tangled up near the middle of it all. The smell of Ava&#39;s sudden heat and rut building along with hir continued call to rebel against the sexual laws of the city gets quite a bit of groping started upon the human-foxtaur, and all along Ava as well. Though the crowd that is in support of the council&#39;s decisions starts to take the position of power in the street, even as a small orgy is beginning among the others. &quot;Please! Everyone, let&#39;s just stay calm!&quot; Calls out the husky using Jarone&#39;s megaphone, though it doesn&#39;t help too much. A loud tweet of a whistle is heard though! &quot;Ok folks! Break it up!&quot; Calls out a rather tall Talakai in what looks like a uniform. &quot;You heard the laws, no sex in the streets! Go back to your homes.&quot; As a few others try to usher the council members back into the courthouse. Jarone looks back over his shoulder, shaking his head.<br> <br>Astara gave Selyra a sheepish smile when Selyra gave a look her way, calming a little when shi turned out to not be angry. &quot;Sure, I&#39;ll try to.&quot; she replied quickly, still keeping vigilant with the raging crowd around them. There was also the matter of the taur Selyra was trying to quell the rage of, the sudden rut induced in hir and that scent hitting hir like a brick wall. Her breathing is hard, her urges and heat trying to tell her one thing, while her brain tells her another. And then while she&#39;s reeling from that, she&#39;s getting groped! The taur panics, trying to shake her would-be assaulters from her body.<br> <br>Ava&#39;s ears flicker and shi looks at the hands rubbing up against hir, sensitive and tender from hir rut and the ever present heat, not to mention the plugs vibrating away, it&#39;s hard for hir to ignore. Shi murrs, tail idly lifting away from hir cleft. Shi hears Selyra&#39;s words and huffs again indignantly. &quot;Why? Because this &#39;council&#39; decided it? We&#39;re building this city! Filling it with workers, men, women and herms who break their backs learning and toiling to make it better. We live here as much as they do, why are we supposed to be silent? Why are-Oh, watch the hands there!&quot; shi said, becoming distracted by the gropes and fondling. Hir legs spread wider, breasts spilling free from hir top. The talakai&#39;s words only raise hir ire. &quot;Or what? On who&#39;s athority do you operate? Why are these laws decided without any sort of public hearing?&quot; Hir tail lifts and shi spreads hir hind legs. &quot;You try to stop me from fucking, I dare you...&quot;<br> <br>Selyra gawks a bit seeing the orgy breaking out in front of them, inwardly amazed that such chaos has broken out so easily in an attempt to have a civil town meeting. Shi figured shi had some authority over Ava, being hir grandmother, but evidently that&#39;s not the case. Glancing about the crowd, some joining the orgy, and some trying to stay apart from it, shi too backs up closer to where the council members are, as not to get pulled into anything unwanted. Shi can&#39;t deny the presence of such lewd behavior gets hir imagination going, but shi does hir part to keep hirself as professional as shi can with milk spots on hir shirt. Taking a quick moment to look for the girl that just bumped into hir, shi thinks shi makes her out among those getting groped, and shi tries to push closer, in order to get hir attention. Going out on a limb, shi calls out. &quot;New girl! Try to grab my hand!&quot; shi says, soon noticing the message shi gets on hir comm unit, holding out hir paw towards who shi suspects to be Astara, while replying.<br> <br>Anbessa blinks in confusion as the sounds of sex begins to fill the air as he hears a few familiar voices within the swarm of people. No doubt that things are getting pretty raunchy out here, but he cannot really tell what else is going on around the place without getting into the crowd and risking getting dragged in. The sounds of sex were enough to get a bulge in his pants after all, he didn&#39;t want to get too distracted... Especially since after he gets a response, he perks up and looks again as he tries to find Selyra. Can&#39;t jump into the crowd just yet... Probably should have worn a belt today.<br> <br>The officers continue to work to try and contain things, &quot;Please, head back to your homes, we will be around to make sure everyone is alright and safe later and...&quot; With Ava&#39;s calling out, the officer looks in hir direction, &quot;Officer Penasci, trained up by Sasha, Glenstock Manicuple Police. And yes, given authority by the Council of Seven. Now, disperse or we&#39;ll be forced to arrest you.&quot; He calls back, even though he can&#39;t exactly see specifically Ava.
Astara is mostly successful in her attempts, though there is quite a bit of gropping over her cock and her balls, the tip of someone&#39;s rod finding its way to almost press into that wet pussy, meanwhile it seems Ava is a bit embrassing things, soon finding a few people almost worshipping of hir. Licking on hir balls, suckling at hir breasts, and trying to properly mount and fuck hir, or be mounted. A few chant hir name while others try to block off both the police and the other half of the crowd. But it isn&#39;t hard to tell they are on the losing end of things, gently backing away, slowly, while keeping Ava near the center...<br> <br>Astara just heard Selyra&#39;s voice, and looked down to find a paw extended out to her... and grabs hold of it, if a little awkwardly with the size disparity between them. Or perhaps the awkwardness was because her cock was fully erect, and she was leaking from everywhere. &quot;Which way are we headed?!&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Oh... oh dear, getting all grabby there... hmm, don&#39;t stop,&quot; Ava mutters, getting lost in the crowd of people. A wide, toothy grin spreads on hir muzzle as shi hears hir name, gasping as someone tries to mount hir. Shi doesn&#39;t seem to particularly care who it is, but rocks back as shi unplugs hir cocks, pre-cum spilling free. The Talakai&#39;s words only make hir laugh, indiscriminately drawing one of the mutants eager to get mounted close, tips of hir cocks poking out between hir fore legs. &quot;Oh no, they&#39;ll arrest us! You promise? Please, I could use a nice pair of handcuffs! Lock me up, tie me up so I&#39;m all helpless and unable to resist! Show me that police brutality I hear so much about!&quot; Hir smile spreads wider, throwing hir head back in a loud moan. &quot;THEY CAN&#39;T ARREST ALL OF US IF WE&#39;RE ALL FUCKING!&quot; shi cries out, howling loudly as though shi were a feral.
Astara is mostly successful in her attempts, though there is quite a bit of gropping over her cock and her balls, the tip of someone&#39;s rod finding its way to almost press into that wet pussy, meanwhile it seems Ava is a bit embrassing things, soon finding a few people almost worshipping of hir. Licking on hir balls, suckling at hir breasts, and trying to properly mount and fuck hir, or be mounted. A few chant hir name while others try to block off both the police and the other half of the crowd. But it isn&#39;t hard to tell they are on the losing end of things, gently backing away, slowly, while keeping Ava near the center...<br> <br>Astara just heard Selyra&#39;s voice, and looked down to find a paw extended out to her... and grabs hold of it, if a little awkwardly with the size disparity between them. Or perhaps the awkwardness was because her cock was fully erect, and she was leaking from everywhere. &quot;Which way are we headed?!&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Oh... oh dear, getting all grabby there... hmm, don&#39;t stop,&quot; Ava mutters, getting lost in the crowd of people. A wide, toothy grin spreads on hir muzzle as shi hears hir name, gasping as someone tries to mount hir. Shi doesn&#39;t seem to particularly care who it is, but rocks back as shi unplugs hir cocks, pre-cum spilling free. The Talakai&#39;s words only make hir laugh, indiscriminately drawing one of the mutants eager to get mounted close, tips of hir cocks poking out between hir fore legs. &quot;Oh no, they&#39;ll arrest us! You promise? Please, I could use a nice pair of handcuffs! Lock me up, tie me up so I&#39;m all helpless and unable to resist! Show me that police brutality I hear so much about!&quot; Hir smile spreads wider, throwing hir head back in a loud moan. &quot;THEY CAN&#39;T ARREST ALL OF US IF WE&#39;RE ALL FUCKING!&quot; shi cries out, howling loudly as though shi were a feral.<br> <br>Selyra tugs on Astara&#39;s hand as they meet, trying to pull her free of the rebellious crowd. &quot;Away from them!&quot; shi replies to the taur, making hir way with Astara in tow back towards the group splitting away from the orgy, doing hir part to protect someone new to the city from the &#39;wrong side&#39;, as it were. Once the offenders break from the rest of the group, shi lets out a sigh of relief, but then sees the arousal Astara is sporting, making hir cheeks flush a bit. &quot;Whew... We made it. My name is Selyra, though I wish we could have met under better circumstances. I&#39;m not sure where Ava and the others are going, but let&#39;s head back home to the Brotherhood and figure out what we&#39;re going to do. Then I&#39;ll try and set up a personal meeting with the Seven. Why don&#39;t you come with us? I&#39;ll make you some tea.&quot; she sighs heavily, shoulders slumping a bit. Shi then beckons Anbessa over to hir, leading the two back towards their home.<br> <br>Anbessa soon spots the collie, alongside a taur as he attempts to make his way over towards them without being dragged into the crowd. With a confused look in his eyes, he glances over towards the crowd as he hears a familiar sounding voice yelling and moaning out. No doubt Ava is in there, that voice, and moan, is easy to recognize... But not like he can get in all that close without having his pants tugged down. Walking up towards Selyra when he can, he leans in to plant a kiss to her cheek before he looks up to Astara. &quot;Hiya.&quot; The pale skinned human gives Anyana a small smile before he glances back at the crowd, still looking considerably confused as he looks towards Selyra. &quot;So... Did Ava start the orgy, or did just one thing lead to another?&quot; He asks curiously, no doubt not exactly informed on what occured around the place.<br> <br>The police continue to move around and back away the orgy participants. Meanwhile, most do go back to their homes or back to work. The fucking however doesn&#39;t stop... continuing on with people only switching positions, or pausing long enough to move back, to get conceiled in buildings, behind them, or otherwise hidden... even Ava is taken off to be worked over quite throughly by the mob... It takes a while but order is at least visibly restored...<br> <br>Astara&#39;s tail helped to divert several would-be attempts at getting near her drooling cunny as she ran with Selyra. She was breathing heavy, though her arousal was fading slightly by the time... her shaft hadn&#39;t withdrawl back into its sheath yet, but it was far from full hardness. &quot;I&#39;m Astara... I sure do wish so, too. Hell of a day.&quot; She blinks at Anbessa, taken aback by the wholly human and his casualness. &quot;H-hi.&quot; She looks back to Selyra, smiling a little now. &quot;Sure, I wouldn&#39;t mind going back with you... don&#39;t exactly feel like making the trek back to Fairhaven tonight after all of this. Haven&#39;t seen my daughter yet here, either!&quot;<br> <br>Ava lets out a high pitched yip as shi&#39;s taken by the crowd, but the pleasures of the mob&#39;s bodies against hir body has hir moaning shortly after, giving in to the delights of the impromtu orgy shi&#39;s caused. Shi tries screaming something out, but it gets cut off by hir moaning and groaning as wetness and sloshing rises up from the crowd. Shi fades into it as they move off, faint cries begging for harder fucking or groaning at tightness come faintly.

Revision as of 05:02, 10 December 2016





As more and more visitors come to Glenstock, as well as the baby boom of late, the residents of the city had been working toward some method of governing themselves. More jobs becoming avalible, work outside of the walls and bubble, as well as some... unfortunate incidents had created cause for concern. What had started as just a small settlement of RSX and The Surrogate Brotherhood had grown quite a bit, almost into its own outside entity. Seven people had managed to come out as major aspects in this development, each with their own specialties and capabilities, the head of this, a bull named Jarone. While it was obvious Jarone was related to many others, as nearly no one in Glenstock wasn't related in some way to Sakura, Selyra, Miranai, Ava, Anbessa, or many of the others, he'd elected to not maintain his familial name, Jarone Hatchwuth. A fairly imposing figure who was calling for an assembly of any who could be present. A great many were able to attend, Jarone needing to employ a refurbished magaphone to be heard while speaking in the chilly lawn outside the courthouse proper. "Greetings, as you all may well know, we have been working hard toward rebuilding this city, and have made great strides, but with each step forward something has been clawing at the sides of our advancements. Not all of our residents keep in mind what is best for us all, or don't agree with what is the best direction. Myself and my fellow members of the First Council of Seven have come together to draft together what we hope will assist in our future developments and with keeping order."

Astara had been wandering around the city, basking in the afterglow of the breeding session she had just came from; it just so happens she overheard the megaphone in the distance, and trotted over to find its source. She was in her white blouse still, albeit it had some wet spots of milk all over it now. The half-human foxtaur just sat silent and listened to the proceedings from now, a fly on the wall. She was an outsider for the time being, after all.

One of the promptest visitors at the gathering is Selyra, a collie herm dresed up hir best, though hir neat white top still show damp spots due to hir milk. Not exactly something shi can help. As the speaker speaks on, shi sits quietly and respectfully, nodding along, eager to hear the ideas of those around hir. When shi arrived, shi made sure to get as close a seat as shi could manage. Even if it's louder in the front, shi wants to be involved with the politics and proceedings of Glenstock, being the den mother of the Surrogate Brotherhood, one of the largest facets of the town by this point.

Lots of murmering and a great deal of chatting before Jarone continues, "The concepts of private property, ownership of materials, currency, laws, and more are important to any thriving community. We can't allow ourselves to be like Fairhaven or Woodfield, lawless lands where agent, feral, and any inbetween simply take from each other whatever they want. Nor can we allow ourselves to be like Eureka, broken, where whatever one wants to do, one does. No, we must be better than either place. That is why we have drafted together a charter." He unfolds some papers to begin reading, "Such that we may create a more perfect place not just for us, but for those who will come after us. A place we can build, learn, and grow. As such we will be districting out the city. We will continue to use Freecred like much the rest of the world does, but we will work toward being self suffecent, self sustaining." He pauses a moment as he looks over the crowd. Knowingly more than a few are vastly pregnant, others look to each other with wanton lust, and still more seem about ready to jump at a moment's notice. "Perhaps most importantly, to assist in keeping things civil and focused, acts of a sexual nature will be prohibited in public view." This gets a collective gasp from most everone in attendance! "Please, please calm!" He tries to get all those watching back under control.

Selyra listens with rapt attention, not allowing hirself to become distracted by others, even if they oggle hir or make advances. When the bull mentions public acts of sex being prohibited in public, hir eyebrows raise in surprise, but shi doesn't join most of the others in their rude protest. Instead, shi looks to the others around hir, and attempts to quiet them with a sharp 'Shhh!', feeling slightly annoyed by their interruption. Respect should be given to one who is speaking.

Astara was growingly interested in this man's speech, getting a little closer to the front if she can. But she just frowned when he dropped that bomb of news on the crowd, not quite being as into /that/ idea as the others presented.

Selyra listens with rapt attention, not allowing hirself to become distracted by others, even if they oggle hir or make advances. When the bull mentions public acts of sex being prohibited in public, hir eyebrows raise in surprise, not having expected such a decision to be made. However, shi doesn't join most of the others in their disruptive protests. Instead, shi looks to the others around hir, and attempts to quiet them with a sharp 'Shhh!', feeling slightly annoyed by their interruption. Respect should be given to one who is speaking. At the same time, shi motions for them to settle down and hear the speaker out, hir paws making a sort of 'sit down' motion.

Ava grunts as shi waddles in, massive breasts and balls audibly sloshing as shi walks, cocks poking out from between hir tauric bound set of breasts. Shi groans as shi finally arrives and heaves a heavy sigh as shi sits down. "Fuck, all these cocks and balls make it so hard to get around. Always making me late," shi mutters, giving hir full breasts a rub. Hir ears perk at the words and brow furrows. "No sex in public? Ixchel save us, we're becoming new dawn now," shi says to hirself with a scowl. Hir nose wiggles and shi lifts hir head, contiuning a little louder. "We can be perfectly civil and still enjoy a quick rut every once in a while. If we ban public sex next thing you'll be saying is we'll have to hide our cocks and cunts, and that just ain't feasible for some of us!"

With a little direction from Selyra, mother and grandmother to most of those attending, they do quite down a bit, settling in. Jarone continues, "That said, irresponcable use of various... special qualties to attempt to coerce sexual natures out of your fellow residents will be illegal. This includes any power granted by your form." He says, looking to Ava as shi talks next. That rouses people up again, much more murmering, "Quiet! Quiet, now, of course we wouldn't make an expectation upon such a thing. Many of you won't be able to stay perfectly clothed either, and we understand, but many hours of work, of school, and a great deal of... property damage comes from uncontrolled sexuality in our fair city, and this needs to be kept in check." He continues, "Now, with respect to private property and personal agency, various drugs are also to be made contraband. Bimbo pills, and anything used to induce heat or rut." More shock and more talking at these points! "Please! Everyone calm." Though someone from the crowd speeks up, "He's right you all know! Spend far too much time focusing on what's between your legs and on your chests. We got one of the old power stations out on the biutes working, but we haven't even got the street lights running yet!?"

Astara blinks. "There's electricity in this city?" This was, in fact, unknown to her previously, and the metaphorical gears in her head have started to turn. "Might have to move my organization here..." The last part was much more her thinking out loud, but with with the loud crowd, she didn't -quite- say it quietly.

Selyra shakes hir head a bit as another outcry spreads over the crowd, wishing they would save their protests until after. One of the voices shi hears is Ava's, making hir sigh lightly. Ava knows better, and shi'll give hir a bit of a talking to later. Howver, there's another voice shi hears nearby, from another fox. She doesn't recognize her though, and isn't too sure what she's talking about. Something about the way she speaks indicates she's not been here long, which piques the collie's interests, but for now shi makes a mental note to talk to this person in a moment.

Ava huffs and crosses hir arms over hir chest, or at least tries, hir bosom far too big for crossing over, the arms end up disappearing between the breasts. "Oh for fuck's sake. Some of us have ruts that don't end. You know how hard it is to concentrate when your balls are bigger than your damn body and your cock aches like someone's poured battery acid on it?" Hir ears flatten and shi stomps a paw, causing hir multitude of breasts and balls to jiggle. "Really now? You know the kind of shit Miranai's given me that's sunk me into ruts and heats deeper than fucking wells? Not some random yokel off the street, Miranai Arnsworth, and now you're saying that's illegal?" shi said, not specifically mentioning the ticking time bomb of a rut-inducing tag that hung off hir collar. "I mean, sure, yeah, no electricity is not great, but I got a pet who acts like she's... a priest or a nun or something without a bimbo pill. Now you're saying I can't give her one to let her loosen up?"

Hearing yet another outburst from Ava, the collie loses hir temper a little, standing up and looking over at the taur. "Ava Stills! You very well know better than to interrupt someone who's speaking!" shi scolds firmly, putting hir paws on hir hips. "I'm very disappointed in you. Your opinion matters as much as everyone else's, but not MORE than anyone else's. When someone is speaking publicly, you do NOt interrupt them. You wait until question time to discuss your points. Understood?" shi says, attempting to keep hir voice above the others muttering around them.

As Ava and Selyra go back and forth, the croud starts to become more and more heated. Jarone trying to reestablish order, but everyone starts talking over the other. "Please, citizans, please. Everyone calm down." Though it is a bit out of control at this point! A few other members of the council come out, a vixentaur, a husky, a kangaroo. The names evade the memories of most with the chaos that is starting up. "Indeed, possession and use of these is a crime within the walls of our city. As is theft, causing harm to your fellow Oregonian, now... if I could go over keeping others as pets, the keeping and owning of weapons, and..." but it is little use at this point. Some are shouting to the others about how it is impossible to hold back their needs in such a way, while still others yell over how little progress the city has been seeing lately because of just that!

Astara's ears are rather floppy, so the act of flattening them isn't quite as pronounced as it would be on other foxes (or part-foxes); but the look of growing dread on her face that she's in the midst of a riot certainly gets the point across of how she's feeling. She slowly backs up, trying to make an exit and avoid any of the overly agitated citizens. Her vigilance is too narrow, though, and she ends up accidentally bumping into Selyra! Not particularly hard, given how careful she was being, but it nonetheless startles her. "I-I'm sorry, miss!"

Ava huffs and sits down. "Excuse me, but this hardly seems proper. Who elected these people, who agreed that this should be legal and not? I don't know that husky from one I'd find on the street, and yet they decided our laws? They decide what we can and can't do? What you are suggesting here, to me, is that I stop being myself, that I censor-" Shi stiffens, paws tightening and a deep groan rising up as hir balls visibly swell. Hir rut thickens, the scent deeper as a vibrating starts. Hir tail presses down over hir mound as shi clenches around a plug seated into it. Shi sighs and gives hir head a shake. "It's not right damnit! I've been through too much shit to let some random mutant tell me that I can't give my pet a bimbo pill and rut hir in the hallway if I wanted! I work too! I've been trained and taught to control myself, I've clawed my way back from being a feral! We deserve the right to take what we want and fuck where we want, and I will not silence myself because some figurehead thinks he knows what's right for all of us!"

Selyra sighs deeply and shakes hir head when Ava continues to fight, pinching the space between hir eyes and feeling more than a little disappointed in hir granddaughter. When Astara bumps into hir though, shi turns to look at the taur, one brow raising. "No trouble, hun." shi replies briefly, turning back to Ava, but then glancing to Astara again. "Why don't you come see me later, hmm?" shi adds, then looks to Ava once again, only to see hir freeze up and hir balls swelling right before hir eyes. "Oh Bast help us..." shi groans, unsure what to do about the uprising. "Ava, please! This city doesn't belong to us, we only live here. It's their call, and as your grandmother, I'm telling you to go back home and take care of those needs right now. Hop to it!"

Boot thumps approach the noisey area as a familiar pale skinned black haired man walks down the street towards the large gathering of people, no doubt confused about what is occuring. Anbessa, having only arrived in Glenstock a bit ago, no doubt has little to no understanding of what is occuring as he furrows his eyebrows as he draws near. Trying to stand on his toes to look over the crowd, he can only see a bit of what he wants to see, noticing a familiar collie somewhere in the crowd alongside a familiar fox girl. Not exactly in a good place to do something just yet, though after a moment of trying to figure out what all of the yelling and hubub is about, he huffs and stands normally, his left eye glowing green as he opens up his COM and types up a message.

Continuing to try and get command of the situation, Jarone and the others call out to the crowds, Selyra helping greatly in getting some control going again. Unfortunately having started near the front of things, is tangled up near the middle of it all. The smell of Ava's sudden heat and rut building along with hir continued call to rebel against the sexual laws of the city gets quite a bit of groping started upon the human-foxtaur, and all along Ava as well. Though the crowd that is in support of the council's decisions starts to take the position of power in the street, even as a small orgy is beginning among the others. "Please! Everyone, let's just stay calm!" Calls out the husky using Jarone's megaphone, though it doesn't help too much. A loud tweet of a whistle is heard though! "Ok folks! Break it up!" Calls out a rather tall Talakai in what looks like a uniform. "You heard the laws, no sex in the streets! Go back to your homes." As a few others try to usher the council members back into the courthouse. Jarone looks back over his shoulder, shaking his head.

Astara gave Selyra a sheepish smile when Selyra gave a look her way, calming a little when shi turned out to not be angry. "Sure, I'll try to." she replied quickly, still keeping vigilant with the raging crowd around them. There was also the matter of the taur Selyra was trying to quell the rage of, the sudden rut induced in hir and that scent hitting hir like a brick wall. Her breathing is hard, her urges and heat trying to tell her one thing, while her brain tells her another. And then while she's reeling from that, she's getting groped! The taur panics, trying to shake her would-be assaulters from her body.

Ava's ears flicker and shi looks at the hands rubbing up against hir, sensitive and tender from hir rut and the ever present heat, not to mention the plugs vibrating away, it's hard for hir to ignore. Shi murrs, tail idly lifting away from hir cleft. Shi hears Selyra's words and huffs again indignantly. "Why? Because this 'council' decided it? We're building this city! Filling it with workers, men, women and herms who break their backs learning and toiling to make it better. We live here as much as they do, why are we supposed to be silent? Why are-Oh, watch the hands there!" shi said, becoming distracted by the gropes and fondling. Hir legs spread wider, breasts spilling free from hir top. The talakai's words only raise hir ire. "Or what? On who's athority do you operate? Why are these laws decided without any sort of public hearing?" Hir tail lifts and shi spreads hir hind legs. "You try to stop me from fucking, I dare you..."

Selyra gawks a bit seeing the orgy breaking out in front of them, inwardly amazed that such chaos has broken out so easily in an attempt to have a civil town meeting. Shi figured shi had some authority over Ava, being hir grandmother, but evidently that's not the case. Glancing about the crowd, some joining the orgy, and some trying to stay apart from it, shi too backs up closer to where the council members are, as not to get pulled into anything unwanted. Shi can't deny the presence of such lewd behavior gets hir imagination going, but shi does hir part to keep hirself as professional as shi can with milk spots on hir shirt. Taking a quick moment to look for the girl that just bumped into hir, shi thinks shi makes her out among those getting groped, and shi tries to push closer, in order to get hir attention. Going out on a limb, shi calls out. "New girl! Try to grab my hand!" shi says, soon noticing the message shi gets on hir comm unit, holding out hir paw towards who shi suspects to be Astara, while replying.

Anbessa blinks in confusion as the sounds of sex begins to fill the air as he hears a few familiar voices within the swarm of people. No doubt that things are getting pretty raunchy out here, but he cannot really tell what else is going on around the place without getting into the crowd and risking getting dragged in. The sounds of sex were enough to get a bulge in his pants after all, he didn't want to get too distracted... Especially since after he gets a response, he perks up and looks again as he tries to find Selyra. Can't jump into the crowd just yet... Probably should have worn a belt today.

The officers continue to work to try and contain things, "Please, head back to your homes, we will be around to make sure everyone is alright and safe later and..." With Ava's calling out, the officer looks in hir direction, "Officer Penasci, trained up by Sasha, Glenstock Manicuple Police. And yes, given authority by the Council of Seven. Now, disperse or we'll be forced to arrest you." He calls back, even though he can't exactly see specifically Ava.

Astara is mostly successful in her attempts, though there is quite a bit of gropping over her cock and her balls, the tip of someone's rod finding its way to almost press into that wet pussy, meanwhile it seems Ava is a bit embrassing things, soon finding a few people almost worshipping of hir. Licking on hir balls, suckling at hir breasts, and trying to properly mount and fuck hir, or be mounted. A few chant hir name while others try to block off both the police and the other half of the crowd. But it isn't hard to tell they are on the losing end of things, gently backing away, slowly, while keeping Ava near the center...

Astara just heard Selyra's voice, and looked down to find a paw extended out to her... and grabs hold of it, if a little awkwardly with the size disparity between them. Or perhaps the awkwardness was because her cock was fully erect, and she was leaking from everywhere. "Which way are we headed?!"

"Oh... oh dear, getting all grabby there... hmm, don't stop," Ava mutters, getting lost in the crowd of people. A wide, toothy grin spreads on hir muzzle as shi hears hir name, gasping as someone tries to mount hir. Shi doesn't seem to particularly care who it is, but rocks back as shi unplugs hir cocks, pre-cum spilling free. The Talakai's words only make hir laugh, indiscriminately drawing one of the mutants eager to get mounted close, tips of hir cocks poking out between hir fore legs. "Oh no, they'll arrest us! You promise? Please, I could use a nice pair of handcuffs! Lock me up, tie me up so I'm all helpless and unable to resist! Show me that police brutality I hear so much about!" Hir smile spreads wider, throwing hir head back in a loud moan. "THEY CAN'T ARREST ALL OF US IF WE'RE ALL FUCKING!" shi cries out, howling loudly as though shi were a feral.

Selyra tugs on Astara's hand as they meet, trying to pull her free of the rebellious crowd. "Away from them!" shi replies to the taur, making hir way with Astara in tow back towards the group splitting away from the orgy, doing hir part to protect someone new to the city from the 'wrong side', as it were. Once the offenders break from the rest of the group, shi lets out a sigh of relief, but then sees the arousal Astara is sporting, making hir cheeks flush a bit. "Whew... We made it. My name is Selyra, though I wish we could have met under better circumstances. I'm not sure where Ava and the others are going, but let's head back home to the Brotherhood and figure out what we're going to do. Then I'll try and set up a personal meeting with the Seven. Why don't you come with us? I'll make you some tea." she sighs heavily, shoulders slumping a bit. Shi then beckons Anbessa over to hir, leading the two back towards their home.

Anbessa soon spots the collie, alongside a taur as he attempts to make his way over towards them without being dragged into the crowd. With a confused look in his eyes, he glances over towards the crowd as he hears a familiar sounding voice yelling and moaning out. No doubt Ava is in there, that voice, and moan, is easy to recognize... But not like he can get in all that close without having his pants tugged down. Walking up towards Selyra when he can, he leans in to plant a kiss to her cheek before he looks up to Astara. "Hiya." The pale skinned human gives Anyana a small smile before he glances back at the crowd, still looking considerably confused as he looks towards Selyra. "So... Did Ava start the orgy, or did just one thing lead to another?" He asks curiously, no doubt not exactly informed on what occured around the place.

The police continue to move around and back away the orgy participants. Meanwhile, most do go back to their homes or back to work. The fucking however doesn't stop... continuing on with people only switching positions, or pausing long enough to move back, to get conceiled in buildings, behind them, or otherwise hidden... even Ava is taken off to be worked over quite throughly by the mob... It takes a while but order is at least visibly restored...

Astara's tail helped to divert several would-be attempts at getting near her drooling cunny as she ran with Selyra. She was breathing heavy, though her arousal was fading slightly by the time... her shaft hadn't withdrawl back into its sheath yet, but it was far from full hardness. "I'm Astara... I sure do wish so, too. Hell of a day." She blinks at Anbessa, taken aback by the wholly human and his casualness. "H-hi." She looks back to Selyra, smiling a little now. "Sure, I wouldn't mind going back with you... don't exactly feel like making the trek back to Fairhaven tonight after all of this. Haven't seen my daughter yet here, either!"

Ava lets out a high pitched yip as shi's taken by the crowd, but the pleasures of the mob's bodies against hir body has hir moaning shortly after, giving in to the delights of the impromtu orgy shi's caused. Shi tries screaming something out, but it gets cut off by hir moaning and groaning as wetness and sloshing rises up from the crowd. Shi fades into it as they move off, faint cries begging for harder fucking or groaning at tightness come faintly.