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<div></div><br> <br>They stand at attention. Each has a variety of tails behind them, nine in total per. The females are slender but well sculpted. There is a ready air about them despite lack of obvious weapons. The male is more relaxed, tapping at a phone, or a tablet? of some sort as he waits.<br> <br>Each is a kitsune, with fox like head, agile, if furry, fingers, and digitigrade paws, though the latter are concealed in business shoes that have been constructed to fit their inhuman anatomy.<br> <br>Linasha scampers through the city happily humming a little tune to herself carrying a bag of salvaged items, mostly frilly things. She scampers across the lot before stopping infront of the kitsunes looking up with a curious and perplexed expression on her face. She blinks ears tilted forward, staring for a moment before lifting a tiny hand to wave.<br> <br>Technetium walks down the street, her labcoat loosely hanging against her body. Strapped to her back is a laser rifle, which tingles a light green. Her tan fur reflects the sunlight, showing off her Coyote figure. She bows slightly to the Kitsunes, and stands to the side to allow more visitors.<br> <br>Fenris saunters down the street to greet the envoy of kitsune, his spear in hand as a walking stick and a sword with a leaf shaped bangle strapped to his back. He wears a green shirt advertising, "My Other Hat Is a Leaf!" as well as a long, open coat. Aside from that, he wears nothing but a smile, showing off his obvious tanuki calling card. "You can just turn around and go home, ladies and gentlemen," he says amiably to the kitsune, "Lord Tanuki has already laid claim to this wayward city!"<br> <br>Nephele having gathered a hot cup of coffee from the lobby.... and suitably fled, given the... activities yet again taking part in Zephyr, she'd quickly walked outside, away from the business of the place. Yet as she rounds a corner, the blonde comes to a halt, eyeing up a group of people. Still strapped in her armor, and the chain-blade at her side, she doesn't quite move any further, simply observing while bringing the cup up to sip at idly.<br> <br>Menil has been wandering through the city, scavenging and exploring Fairhaven for the time being. Idly disappointed in the lack of hostile ferals, odd as it is, due to the Tanuki's... help. He pauses as he sees the odd gathering, heading closer to get a closer look. On seeing what looks like kitsune in business suits, he stays a little ways away, still dressed in the makeshift combat armor and not quite all that presentable right now. No visible weapons on him though, at least, aside from oddly sharp teeth and nails.<br> <br>"Has he," speaks the male kitsune, "That lovable oaf is muscling the locals and hoping to intimidate you into a bargain of bad faith. What you need is a sympathetic ally, one that won't force themselves on you. We know business, and you are business." He slips the tablet/phone away, "Zephyr has the right of things. Why force change on those who don't want it? They'll come around on their own schedule. There are more important things to focus on, gentlemen." Suddenly he has an array of business cards between fingers, offering one to Linasha, Fenris, and anyone else standing close enough to be given one without stepping much further.<br> <br>Seguro flys to the contact point, her worn ratty lab coat flutters over her combat armor. With a thud she land lands behind technetium. As she dust herself off traces of golden scales glitter in the sunlight "I am not late am I?"<br> <br>Linasha places her stash on the ground and accepts the business card, sniffing at it briefly, then bowing slightly before studying it further.<br> <br>Technetium plucks a business card out, and quickly stashes it in her organizer. "Please forgive my... colleague. He's been heavily sided with the Tanuki since this mess started. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."<br> <br>Menil upon seeing the friendly nature, and the giving out of business cards? Menil approaches the gathering of foxes, gingerly taking a business card out of curiosity. He steps back a bit again, peering at the business card and looking at it, while still focusing with his ears on the conversation directed at the kitsune. He hasn't done much with this whole mess so far, but it does intriuge him, and the consequences do concern him.<br> <br>Fenris gingerly takes a business card and reads it. "Well," he mutters, "If it is just business, I guess I can't complain." Still the new tanuki resolves to stick around to see what these sneaky foxes are up to.<br> <br>Nephele's brow lifts in response to what was happening. It was a little hard to hear - she seemed perfectly human after all - forcing her to take a few steps closer, walking in a calm jig jag as to not appear as if she were really paying attentoin. The mention of Zephyr draws her gaze again, however, her lips pursing... before she takes another sip of her coffee.<br> <br>Sami shuffles nervously as she waits among the assembled "delegation" to greet the Kitsune envoy.  She takes an offered card and stares at it somewhat perplexed.  "... and just what is your business?" she finally asks, trying to learn more about the enigmatic Kitsune.<br> <br>The card introduces him as Shou Kitsune, Vice President of public relations of Fox Inc. It has an email, phone number, and a few social media contacts. If only there were an Internet to make use of any of that, or a working phone system, hmm... There are also some Japanese words on it, indecipherable to the average agent as they may be. "I was hoping to arrange a meeting with your PR man. I would have called ahead, but you know how phone service is these days." He raises a thin brow, "Email's been equally as troublesome."<br> <br>Seguro looks a little confused accepting the business card "Well this is a nice change from the tanki, I wonder how is your tech still operational?"<br> <br>Linasha stows the business card in her stash of under things and shiny things. She scampers closer to the group and inspects each closely, with the curiosity of a cat. "You seem nice MrSouKitsune" she mews cutely. She lets the bigger creatures do the talking for now.<br> <br>Technetium coughs awkwardly. "It's not very likely you'll be able to get a personal meeting with Zephyr Inc. PR office. We can't even get them to listen to their own agents. As for internet and phone, that went down as our society went down. I would like to introduce myself, however. I am Technetium, Agent of RSX Inc."<br> <br>"Oh, this?" asks Shou as he pulls out his tablet, "A gift from the CEO. He admires your 'lightning magic' as he likes to term it. Technology, wonderful stuff." With a swipe of a furry finger and a few clicks, it begins playing 'Domo Arigatou Mister Roboto' at a soft level. "Capable of such frivolity, or changing the world entire." One of his tails gives Linasha a pat on the head in response to her words. "A pleasure to meet you," he says towards Techentium. "I think we can tempt them out. We're not dealing with threats or vauge insinuation. Boss man wants what Zephyr's offering, and he's willing to pay for it."<br> <br>Nephele hmms at the conversation taking place as she simply moves to lean up against the nearby wall, setting herself just so as she finally has the opportunity to listen in. Her brows climb at the mention of RSX however, her lips forming a momentary smirk. Though she doesn't offer any words of her own, she looks over the people the Kistune was speaking to, trying to determine if this were a planned meeting.<br> <br>Fenris frowns for a moment at the business card before his characteristic contented smile returns. "Isn't Shou a chinese character, Mister Kitsune?" he asks, "And what do these other characters mean?" the tanuki points to the bottom of the card.

Revision as of 18:47, 26 June 2014





They stand at attention. Each has a variety of tails behind them, nine in total per. The females are slender but well sculpted. There is a ready air about them despite lack of obvious weapons. The male is more relaxed, tapping at a phone, or a tablet? of some sort as he waits.

Each is a kitsune, with fox like head, agile, if furry, fingers, and digitigrade paws, though the latter are concealed in business shoes that have been constructed to fit their inhuman anatomy.

Linasha scampers through the city happily humming a little tune to herself carrying a bag of salvaged items, mostly frilly things. She scampers across the lot before stopping infront of the kitsunes looking up with a curious and perplexed expression on her face. She blinks ears tilted forward, staring for a moment before lifting a tiny hand to wave.

Technetium walks down the street, her labcoat loosely hanging against her body. Strapped to her back is a laser rifle, which tingles a light green. Her tan fur reflects the sunlight, showing off her Coyote figure. She bows slightly to the Kitsunes, and stands to the side to allow more visitors.

Fenris saunters down the street to greet the envoy of kitsune, his spear in hand as a walking stick and a sword with a leaf shaped bangle strapped to his back. He wears a green shirt advertising, "My Other Hat Is a Leaf!" as well as a long, open coat. Aside from that, he wears nothing but a smile, showing off his obvious tanuki calling card. "You can just turn around and go home, ladies and gentlemen," he says amiably to the kitsune, "Lord Tanuki has already laid claim to this wayward city!"

Nephele having gathered a hot cup of coffee from the lobby.... and suitably fled, given the... activities yet again taking part in Zephyr, she'd quickly walked outside, away from the business of the place. Yet as she rounds a corner, the blonde comes to a halt, eyeing up a group of people. Still strapped in her armor, and the chain-blade at her side, she doesn't quite move any further, simply observing while bringing the cup up to sip at idly.

Menil has been wandering through the city, scavenging and exploring Fairhaven for the time being. Idly disappointed in the lack of hostile ferals, odd as it is, due to the Tanuki's... help. He pauses as he sees the odd gathering, heading closer to get a closer look. On seeing what looks like kitsune in business suits, he stays a little ways away, still dressed in the makeshift combat armor and not quite all that presentable right now. No visible weapons on him though, at least, aside from oddly sharp teeth and nails.

"Has he," speaks the male kitsune, "That lovable oaf is muscling the locals and hoping to intimidate you into a bargain of bad faith. What you need is a sympathetic ally, one that won't force themselves on you. We know business, and you are business." He slips the tablet/phone away, "Zephyr has the right of things. Why force change on those who don't want it? They'll come around on their own schedule. There are more important things to focus on, gentlemen." Suddenly he has an array of business cards between fingers, offering one to Linasha, Fenris, and anyone else standing close enough to be given one without stepping much further.

Seguro flys to the contact point, her worn ratty lab coat flutters over her combat armor. With a thud she land lands behind technetium. As she dust herself off traces of golden scales glitter in the sunlight "I am not late am I?"

Linasha places her stash on the ground and accepts the business card, sniffing at it briefly, then bowing slightly before studying it further.

Technetium plucks a business card out, and quickly stashes it in her organizer. "Please forgive my... colleague. He's been heavily sided with the Tanuki since this mess started. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

Menil upon seeing the friendly nature, and the giving out of business cards? Menil approaches the gathering of foxes, gingerly taking a business card out of curiosity. He steps back a bit again, peering at the business card and looking at it, while still focusing with his ears on the conversation directed at the kitsune. He hasn't done much with this whole mess so far, but it does intriuge him, and the consequences do concern him.

Fenris gingerly takes a business card and reads it. "Well," he mutters, "If it is just business, I guess I can't complain." Still the new tanuki resolves to stick around to see what these sneaky foxes are up to.

Nephele's brow lifts in response to what was happening. It was a little hard to hear - she seemed perfectly human after all - forcing her to take a few steps closer, walking in a calm jig jag as to not appear as if she were really paying attentoin. The mention of Zephyr draws her gaze again, however, her lips pursing... before she takes another sip of her coffee.

Sami shuffles nervously as she waits among the assembled "delegation" to greet the Kitsune envoy. She takes an offered card and stares at it somewhat perplexed. "... and just what is your business?" she finally asks, trying to learn more about the enigmatic Kitsune.

The card introduces him as Shou Kitsune, Vice President of public relations of Fox Inc. It has an email, phone number, and a few social media contacts. If only there were an Internet to make use of any of that, or a working phone system, hmm... There are also some Japanese words on it, indecipherable to the average agent as they may be. "I was hoping to arrange a meeting with your PR man. I would have called ahead, but you know how phone service is these days." He raises a thin brow, "Email's been equally as troublesome."

Seguro looks a little confused accepting the business card "Well this is a nice change from the tanki, I wonder how is your tech still operational?"

Linasha stows the business card in her stash of under things and shiny things. She scampers closer to the group and inspects each closely, with the curiosity of a cat. "You seem nice MrSouKitsune" she mews cutely. She lets the bigger creatures do the talking for now.

Technetium coughs awkwardly. "It's not very likely you'll be able to get a personal meeting with Zephyr Inc. PR office. We can't even get them to listen to their own agents. As for internet and phone, that went down as our society went down. I would like to introduce myself, however. I am Technetium, Agent of RSX Inc."

"Oh, this?" asks Shou as he pulls out his tablet, "A gift from the CEO. He admires your 'lightning magic' as he likes to term it. Technology, wonderful stuff." With a swipe of a furry finger and a few clicks, it begins playing 'Domo Arigatou Mister Roboto' at a soft level. "Capable of such frivolity, or changing the world entire." One of his tails gives Linasha a pat on the head in response to her words. "A pleasure to meet you," he says towards Techentium. "I think we can tempt them out. We're not dealing with threats or vauge insinuation. Boss man wants what Zephyr's offering, and he's willing to pay for it."

Nephele hmms at the conversation taking place as she simply moves to lean up against the nearby wall, setting herself just so as she finally has the opportunity to listen in. Her brows climb at the mention of RSX however, her lips forming a momentary smirk. Though she doesn't offer any words of her own, she looks over the people the Kistune was speaking to, trying to determine if this were a planned meeting.

Fenris frowns for a moment at the business card before his characteristic contented smile returns. "Isn't Shou a chinese character, Mister Kitsune?" he asks, "And what do these other characters mean?" the tanuki points to the bottom of the card.