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&quot;I&#39;m Nayru to those who don&#39;t know me. And I think I&#39;m going to see if we can&#39;t come up with a plan when we land and have a good lay of the land. I rather not make a mistake in a mission like this.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;How hard could it possibly be to make a little escape hole for me to slide out when the packmind is inside,&quot; Nekura responds after the mostly human says how dumb the idea was to use her as bait. Nope, she isn&#39;t letting her phermones do the talking right now or anything.<br> <br>Arris hops out from the chopper, eyes scanning the surrounding area for enemies, vantage points, or anything else that could be of use to hir before turning to the sargeant. &quot;Oh, right, our comms won&#39;t work out here. Do you have walkie-talkies or anything then? Or anything else we can use for long-distance communication?&quot; <br> <br>Jaqui looks towards Nayru after explaining her intended methodology, and parting from the chopper as the agents set up their tents, hearing her nervousness. Figuring she could help out by introducing herself, she holds a little paw out towards her. &quot;Hola, I&#39;m Jaqui. I&#39;m friends with Astara and Blanche.&quot; she explains, keeping close to the two she mentions. She might be a commonly confident little mutant, but she hates to be somewhere strange without friends or family.<br> <br>Blanche waves to Nayru when Jaqui mentions her. &quot;Hello.&quot; Making her way next to Jaqui, she sits her hindquarters down, balls laying behind her as she rests. &quot;Don&#39;t they useually come in packs? We won&#39;t have just one to deal with, but many? We need at least one, but I suppose if we get more..... that&#39;s more specimens to poke at. Like I said though, I&#39;m good at living off the land.... lifting stuff... I can pick a lock or two too.&quot;<br> <br>Finally jumping out himself, the sergent brushes off the dirt as he lands. The grasses and trees make for an excellent little location, the city in the near distance would be a wonderful place to start to get civiliation up and going again in this area, if not for the fact it was probably teaming with nanite infested wolves wanting to rip faces from bodies and minds from behind said faces. The clearing they landed in was big enough for two choppers to land, if they wanted to be uncomfortably close, but as it was, a single one could land and a small camp made along side it, which the corporal was busy directing privates and lance corporals in doing. The feeling of a new bubble washes over everyone as a NICE is put to use making one. Even the most human among the RSXers gives a sigh of relief at the familiar sensations. &quot;A way to get out the back? And what would stop the thing from following you?&quot; Asks the sergent. Then turning to Blanche, &quot;Normally yes, but maybe you could find a scout? Or a straggler? We know they hunt in this area, targeting mostly the deer.&quot; He comments before walking over to the corporal.<br> <br>Arris rubs the area between hir eyes as the bubble is created. Ah, the feeling of a bubble. &quot;Nice, we have a mini-nanite server set up. I&#39;ll try to revive you guys if you end up wounded too hard.&quot; Sie then looks over at the trees up on a hill. &quot;Hey, I&#39;m going to go camp up in those trees to get a good vantage point. Anyone have a better plan?&quot;<br> <br>Astara let out a very un-feminine grunt when she plodded out of the &#39;copter; her bulky body could be a hard enough of a pain to lug around, but it didn&#39;t help in the slight that their air transport wasn&#39;t remotely designed for someone of her size or stature. At least the prescence of the bubble helped ease her a little. &quot;Considering I just got back from an excursion in packmind territory... I suggest we don&#39;t let anyone stray on their own. Use the buddy system.&quot; She trots up besides her smaller sister, sitting in the same position Blanche was... also bumping her booty against hers teasingly. &quot;I&#39;d volunteer to go with you, but I&#39;m much less stealthy and survival-trained than you.&quot; <br> <br>Nayru strokes underneath her chin a little when she jumps out of the helicopter. A small look of relief when she felt that familiar feeling of her nanites buzzing a live when the miniture bubble was activated. &quot;To bad we won&#39;t be in this bubble for long. It always feels very weird not being in one. Plus I like to think that it would make catching this thing slightly more easier.&quot; She admits as she pulls on her pack once again. Making sure that it was still secured with it&#39;s precious load inside. &quot;And I have to agree with Astara here. Best to be with buddies then to go it alone out here. In fact I don&#39;t think we should split that far apart from each other at all if we don&#39;t have to.&quot;<br> <br>Jaqui lets her paw fall back to her side as Nayru ignores her introduction, a frown developing on her face. She claims she wants to know everyone, but ignores attempts at such. With a quick shrug, she goes back to watching Arris for the moment, shaking her head. &quot;It would be a good idea to get a good look around us, so no... Not really.&quot; she replies, thinking up something she herself could do to aid in the capture of packmind mutants. Now that she can, however, she slips her backpack off and begins to dig through it.<br> <br>A look back at the more mutated of their group, and the sergent gives a grunt, &quot;Hey! Stop squirming, and get yourselves under control. You can fantisize about fucking after this is all done!&quot; He says, most of his attention upon Nayru and Astara, though he looks a moment to Blanche and her prolific leaking. He shakes his head, walking over, &quot;If you can&#39;t keep that under control, you are going to get fucked, and not in the way you are wanting.&quot; He warns before looking about a bit more, &quot;So, do you have a plan?&quot; He asks.<br> <br>Arris nods at Astara. &quot;Well, I&#39;m glad that you pointed that out then. Never had to deal with packminds myself before. I&#39;d suppose it&#39;d be better if I stuck around the camp, then. Is anyone else a good shot, or good at seeing things at a distance?&quot; Sie looks up at the chopper, then to the Sergeant. &quot;The heli we came in is the tallest thing within the camp. We&#39;re not going to be using it soon, right?&quot; <br> <br>As Astara bumps into Blanche, she swings her tail to bap Astara&#39;s backside. &quot;Considering we don&#39;t have a way to talk to eachother... we should not be out of shouting distance from eachother.&quot; Her dripping bits are already making a slick pool of fluids under her, not that Blanche seems to take much notice. As Jaqui digs through her pack, Blanche leans over to peek in, but the sergent startles her out of it. &quot;Plan, yes. Someone?&quot; Her attention slowly wonders over to Astara as she waits for someone to come up with something. &quot;What are you good at anyway?&quot;<br> <br>Nekura&#39;s own fluids are probably hard to miss too though her sex is definitely 99% of the reason since she&#39;s been in-heat for a week prior to coming along. Despite this she continues talking to the mostly-human person in charge and huffs, &quot;Now would have been a good time for someone who knows how to make illusions to be around. Then they could have made it look like I was in there but really not to lure it in.&quot; Not that it isn&#39;t tempting to take one for the team since she likes knots and imagines a large wolf creature would have quite a big one. It leaves the mare wiggling her hips in place at the image of being stuck.<br> <br>With a shake of his head, the sergent turns to look to Arris, &quot;No, we won&#39;t, also, we don&#39;t have any spare radios or such, pardon. Are you planning to bring them back here? How much do you know about these beasts we are hunting today?&quot; He asks, &quot;If you kill them, won&#39;t stick around, they melt. How? Don&#39;t have a fucking clue, but they do.&quot; He mentions, giving a stink eye to Blanche, Astara, Nekura, and Nayru, &quot;Fucking animals.&quot;<br> <br>Jaqui looks up to Blanche as she asks that question, unsure if she or Astara were being addressed. Regardless, her ears twitch hearing the sergeant speaking towards her friends, looking over to him in shock. She stands up, picks up her backpack, and takes a few steps closer. &quot;What the hell did you just say? You asked for us to be here, remember that. You wanna lose your support by being a bigot asshole, you go right ahead, but you aren&#39;t gonna find much help that isn&#39;t a &#39;fucking animal&#39;. Just deal with it and quit complaining. I can&#39;t imagine you have a great idea how to do this, either.&quot;<br> <br>Astara rolls her eyes. &quot;I might leave a trail wherever I walk, but I&#39;m *hardly* thinking about sex right now...&quot; She stands up indignantly, but she doesn&#39;t mouth off more. No, she gives him exactly what he wants. &quot;Anyways, *sir*, I&#39;m thinking we&#39;re going to need to setup an ambush on a straggler. Wound him or her or hir enough that they aren&#39;t going to give up enough of a fight, and then retreive them that way - a limited bubble such as this should help them not die, yes?&quot; The taur walks over to Jaqui afterwards, pawing at the hyena&#39;s side with one of her forepaws. &quot;Sssh, it&#39;s okay, dear.&quot;<br> <br>Arris shrugs at the sergeant. &quot;Well, I don&#39;t know that much about these things. I know that we&#39;re supposed to keep them alive, so I was just thinking I sit up there and shoot their legs or something. Things are more easy to put in captivity if they&#39;re crippled in the legs, unless packminds here are just incredibly fragile.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche huffs. &quot;I can&#39;t help how drippy I am! I&#39;m barely even aroused and I&#39;m drooling waterfalls overhere!&quot; Sitting up, long strands of nectar linger for a moment between her spade and the ground. &quot;I&#39;m quite capable of doing the job. I&#39;ve hunted deer before. As long as it&#39;s one or two of the things, it shouldn&#39;t be too hard. I don&#39;t know much about packminds other than to stay away from the wolfy ones. The fox ones sometimes carry a decent conversation.&quot; She shrugs. &quot;I&#39;ve always avoided the other ones at the slightest sniff.&quot;<br> <br>With a wave of the hand, the sergent grunts, &quot;Whatever, just keep it as controlled as you can.&quot; He says, looking up to the chopper, &quot;Not a bad idea, just be careful. I wouldn&#39;t want a horde of them decending on us, we&#39;d have to get flying in a very quick hurry.&quot; He mentions to Arris, one of the only ones not squirming with need or leaking enough &#39;fluids&#39; to fill a pool, then to Jaqui, &quot;Yeah, we asked for copetent agents, capable of keeping themselves together, and focusing on a dangerous mission. A wayward thought of getting your cock wet or wetting one yourselves, and we&#39;re all fucking dead. Being dead doesn&#39;t fit on my timetable too well.&quot; He explains, &quot;In any case, the cage is out, ready to set up, let me know when you are ready.&quot; He explains with more than a little disgust.<br> <br>Nayru looks at the captain oddly. Was she really squirming? That didn&#39;t feel right. She didn&#39;t think she was squirming in a way that would indicate she was in heat or anything like that. Though she might of been without even noticing. That was a thought that scared her. And she knew exactly what was the likely culprit. &quot;Ugh... I knew I was forgetting something.&quot; She told herself as she took off a torque and threw it into her bag. &quot;Well with that taken care of. I do think I have something that we could use as bait. Yet I&#39;m not sure an Oregonian would be all that attracted to it giving it&#39;s lack of biomass.&quot; The buntsune says trying to ignore the hostile attitude everyone had at the time right now. &quot;Yet I&#39;m thinking if we can get some bait that isn&#39;t one of us and lure it in to the cage, we might just be able to avoid combat altogether. What do you all think?&quot;<br> <br>Arris rests a hand on hir snout as the sergeant mentions the possibility of having to make an escape. &quot;Yeah, you&#39;re right... ugh, I can&#39;t think of any good vantage points.&quot; Sie sits down in the doors of the chopper, pulling out the candy bar as sie looks around again.<br> <br>Jaqui puts her free paw upon her hip, ignoring Astara&#39;s nudges at first. &quot;Yeah? Well next time you&#39;re about the let the shit fly out of that mouth of yours, close it and swallow it, for all our sakes. And don&#39;t act like you&#39;re a human either. Look in a mirror before you call someone else a &#39;fucking animal&#39;.&quot; she shoots back, letting him walk away without saying anymore, giving him the chance at a comeback before her attention leaves him. One thing that burned her up the most is people like him who look down on mutants for things that can&#39;t be directly controlled, things that might not have been chosen to happen to them.<br> <br>Astara looks at the cage, then around at everyone assembled, and then back to the cage. Then, a sigh. &quot;Well, it looks like I&#39;m the only one who&#39;s going to be able to move this thing around... so if we get a place, let me know, I&#39;ll take care of it.&quot; She starts idly walking around it in circles as she speaks off more. &quot;What do the packminds like? If they hunt, perhaps getting some wildlife as bait might work. We&#39;d have to try pretty hard to make it not look suspicious, but...&quot;<br> <br>Blanche twists her torso around and stretches a bit. &quot;Seriously though, are we going to fling insults or are we going to risk certain doom? Luring them sounds like as fine a plan, but what do they eat? What kind of lure and what kind of trap? Do we trick them into the cage or knock them senseless and drag them over?&quot; She crosses her arms. &quot;What&#39;s our plan B? Run back here and hope to stay in one piece? I don&#39;t want to be wolf food.&quot;<br> <br>Nayru coughs a little. &quot;From what the Sergent had said earlier, they tend to hunt the deer in the area right? So perhaps that is something we should use as our lead.&quot; She comments with a small smirk on her face. &quot;Unless you guys have a better idea?&quot;<br> <br>Arris takes another bite of hir candy bar. &quot;Well, I suppose that climbing up onto the chopper would probably be the best way to go. The blades are probably a danger, but if I see anyone jump inside, that&#39;s probably my cue to follow suit.&quot; Sie gets out of the doorway, looking over to the sergeant. &quot;Are the packminds attracted to loud noises? If I fire off a shot or throw a grenade, we won&#39;t be expecting swarming, right?&quot;<br> <br>The RSXers continue to work on getting the camp up and running as the agents talk among themselves. Aside from the trees and the chopper, there wasn&#39;t much to climb. The clouds overhead though start to give promise of rain before too much longer.<br> <br>&quot;I know how to turn into a deer herm but I don&#39;t think that&#39;s the kind of prey you&#39;re talking about,&quot; Nekura interjects after someone brings food up.<br> <br>Jaqui figures the sergeant has nothing to say to her, giving a sigh of relief and turning to the rest once more. &quot;Let me know if you can see anything. Other than that, the deer bait idea seems to be the best one. If we go out there as a group, we&#39;re gonna attract more of them than we want. And if we do, things go bad real quick. We all gotta make sure we be safe.&quot; she says, knowing what she&#39;s learned at least some facts about packminds, since she lives in a city with wolfmind just outside its walls. &quot;If things go bad, I&#39;ll try to weaken them. It&#39;s up to others to disable them enough to cage them after that.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche nods and Nayru. &quot;Like I said, I&#39;ve hunted deer before, so I can figure out where to get one. Problem is if we aren&#39;t the only one hunting for one. We&#39;ll need to avoid, entirely, any possible infection vectors if we get in a fight so I would suggest we work at range. How would we even know if we picked up some bad juju from the packminds anyway? Could we even survive that or would we be forced to spend the rest of our lives afraid of whatever makes a bubble a bubble?&quot;<br> <br>Astara hrmms. &quot;Well, from talking with Alton back in Washington... they are still a strain of nanites, and transmit under the same circumstances, I believe. You know, swapping bodily fluids, be they blood or milk or cum. So don&#39;t fuck with these guys.&quot; She makes a little &#39;heh&#39; and smirk a few seconds after finishing that, only figuring out the unintentional joke she just made after the fact. &quot;Nonetheless, I think it&#39;s time for you to go scouting. Bring a friend, that&#39;s not me. I&#39;m *not* stealthy.&quot; She squeezes her hindlegs together around her balls in emphasis, making a mess of precum spray out of her sheath.<br> <br>Nayru shakes her head at Nekura&#39;s suggestion. &quot;Nope. Not at all. I rather the bait we use to be an actual deer and not something that may have been human.&quot; She remarks as she then turns towards Blanch. &quot;Yeah. That is a problem that I&#39;ve been trying to figure it out. We&#39;ll need to avoid infection period. So best not try punching this thing if possible. I mean... I got a few aces up my sleeve just in case. But I rather avoid using them if possible.&quot; And then she looked over towards Astara and bit her bottom lip at the suggestion that Blanche should go scouting with someone. &quot;Well if it&#39;s stealth your looking for. Then I&#39;m probably your best bet.&quot; <br> <br>Jaqui rubs her chin, a little conflicted. She&#39;s not the best sneak, but she also doesn&#39;t want to let Blanche go out there with just one other person. &quot;Hey, I can come along too. I&#39;d rather be useful for something, and I can sneak okay.&quot; she offers to the taur, hauling her little backpack up onto her back, small like her to match her stature.<br> <br>Blanche looks around and sniffs the air while carefully examining her surroundings, the various smells of heat and rut aren&#39;t helping her to focus. She sighs, &quot;I think if I&#39;m going to be getting a better isdea of what&#39;s around, I need to get closer to the forest. I can&#39;t make out much.&quot; Picking a direction, she carefully makes her way to the edge of the camp and stares out. &quot;Well.... What now? I&#39;d like Jaqui to be with me if she doesn&#39;t make much noise....&quot;<br> <br>The storm clouds continue to roll overhead, though it shoulds like the storm itself is quite a ways away. The group continues to work on making up the quick camp as the agents continue their work.<br> <br>Astara trailed a fair deal behind the rest, given her larger and naturally unstealthy self. She never kept out of a direct sightline from the rest, however... she could close the distance quickly if need be.<br> <br>Jaqui nods to Blanche, walking along with her as quietly as she&#39;s able to. After a moment of looking out into the woods though, searching for signs that deer have been around, she does indeed spot a deer. And not just one, but 5 deer. Putting a paw over her muzzle to mask her surprise, she nudges Blanche. &quot;Oye, I found some... There&#39;s 5 deer over there, see them?&quot; she whispers to Blanche, moving no further until they have a plan to lure or catch them.<br> <br>Arris stays back at the camp. Sie has climbed on top of the heli, sitting as far away from the propeller blades as sie can as sie looks off into the distance, occasionally peering through hir scope to get a better look at some far away object. <br> <br>Nayru crosses her arms across her chest as she looks up into the sky. Watching the storm clouds began to form overhead. &quot;Hmm... Well... I&#39;m not quite sure if we need to get the deer into the cage. Just some type of bait to lure it into the cage. I&#39;m not even sure if it actually needs to be alive for one of the wolves.&quot; She mentions to the group while she dwelled on the subject. Obviously giving it some serious thought for a few moments there. &quot;Well I think we&#39;ll figure it out as we go along.&quot; She then quickly follows along with the group doing what she does best. Staying out of sight of anything that may end up trying to look for her. Her posture low to the ground as she moved around the forest with hardly a noise marking her location. Keeping an eye and ear out for anything that she might consider a threat.<br> <br>As Jaqui and the rest move toward the deer, Nayru can easily see them and Blanche sort of smell them... that is before Jaqui&#39;s shuffling through the grasses alerts them that she&#39;s there! The buck is the first to lift his head, the does starting to bound away almost immediately! The buck reminds for just a bit more to make sure his females are safe but turns to run after them...<br> <br>Blanche thinks a moment and whispers to Jaqui. &quot;What if we have Astara move the cage closer to the edge of the forest and one of us drags the critter to the catch to wait for our actual prey to come?&quot; She follows the pointer from Jaqui and squints. &quot;Is that a cock?&quot; She wonders aloud under her breath. With a slow drawn out breath she tries to clear her mind of her lusts, which are admittedly present despite the lingering fear of inevitable doom. &quot;I&#39;ll trust you... I&#39;m a quadruped too, right?&quot; Once Jaqui alerts the deep, she sighs. &quot;Right...&quot; With stealth out of the option, she takes off after the deer into a sprint to try and catch up to the thing to grab. The sight is almost comical with the mounds of flabby fat, fluff, balls, and breasts jostling as she runs towards her target.<br> <br>Arris continues peering through the scope, resting hir finger on the trigger and tracking the unidentified objects as they move. Sie then starts speaking in a slightly-louder-than-normal tone. &quot;Hey, sir, I just saw things running through the grass towards the deer. Might be packminds, but it might also be the agents who went out to find the deer.&quot;<br> <br>Nayru stops suddenly when she catches something at the corner of her eye. She raised a hand towards the others to sign that they should do as well before silently pointing towards the deers direction. &quot;Shh... Everyone quiet. There&#39;s a deer about a few clicks...&quot; She was about to say to the group in a whisper that they themselves might not even be able to hear until she sees the deer begin to run off. &quot;Shit.&quot; The buntsune then curses to herself as the deer seemed to be alearted to the party presence. Her senses then catching onto Blanche running after one of them. &quot;You got to be... Why are you chasing after them?&quot; There was no way to tell now if Blanche would be able to hear the bunny&#39;s words now or not as she choose to cover for the running woman. Making sure nothing else was alerted to their presence.<br> <br>Jaqui swears under her breath as her movement causes the deer to scatter, giving a sigh after. Blanche is right behind them though, running faster than Jaqui thought she could, hoping she&#39;s able to catch up with them and grab at least one without getting hurt. &quot;I knew I should&#39;ve just stayed back...&quot; she mumbles to herself, disappointedly making her way back towards the camp, keeping an eye out for the woods where Blanche bolted off.<br> <br>Astara lets out a sigh as the deer start to run... she wasn&#39;t being quiet enough, and she just turns herself around and marches back to camp to see Nekura. Might as well get the cage ready.<br> <br>With the deer running and Blanche chasing after them quickly, she does manage to keep up with them! Meanwhile, back at camp, Arris gets the sergent&#39;s attention and loooks up to her, &quot;Might be packminds? Which direction are they coming from? If from the north or north east, we need to be worried. Can you tell how many?&quot; He asks. Setting up the cage wasn&#39;t too hard, though the scent of Nekura was gradually getting on a lot of nerves... and annoying a lot of cocks...<br> <br>&quot;Four wolf-like entities spotted, coming towards us from the north east. Minimum distance of roughly 1 mile away.&quot; Arris states, keeping hir crosshairs lined up on the closest one&#39;s hind flank. &quot;Permission to open fire?&quot;<br> <br>Astara&#39;s ears perk as she gets back into the camp, just to hear THAT news dropped. She looks nervously over to Arris, asking &quot;You see anything? Or do I need to go run off to check?&quot; At the same time, she&#39;s found herself... drifting over to Nekura, almost subconciously led by her scent. Her cock had popped out of her sheath a little, but she was still just about as controlled as always: not perfectly, but not *un*controlled.<br> <br>Seeing nothing chasing after Blanche at the moment, Nayru quickly shakes her head and chases after the fox as fast as her legs could carry her. Drawing her laser pistol with a familiar hum of power that told her it was activated. There was then a slight second of hesitation in the bunny. Where she didn&#39;t seem like she wanted to do what she was about to do. Yet she shook off the feeling as she raised her gun into the air, aiming it the best she could at the deer, and firing. Not quite sure if the shot would hit running as quickly as she was.<br> <br>Jaqui looks over at Nekura and Astara, trying to keep her distance enough not to be affected by their scents. She does notice Astara&#39;s reactions though, letting out a small chuckle. Shaking her head, she makes sure her focus is returned to the woods around them. Hearing Arris, the hyena immediately retrieves the small gravity cannon from her back, readying to use it in case they&#39;re attacked. &quot;Mierda... I hope they don&#39;t get to them out there...&quot;<br> <br>The shot hits well enough, causing the buck to tumble over as its hind left leg was shot. Blanche would normally have a very hard time tackling something like that over, but as it started to tumble already, she&#39;s successful enough it bringing it the rest of the way down.
&quot;I&#39;m Nayru to those who don&#39;t know me. And I think I&#39;m going to see if we can&#39;t come up with a plan when we land and have a good lay of the land. I rather not make a mistake in a mission like this.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;How hard could it possibly be to make a little escape hole for me to slide out when the packmind is inside,&quot; Nekura responds after the mostly human says how dumb the idea was to use her as bait. Nope, she isn&#39;t letting her phermones do the talking right now or anything.<br> <br>Arris hops out from the chopper, eyes scanning the surrounding area for enemies, vantage points, or anything else that could be of use to hir before turning to the sargeant. &quot;Oh, right, our comms won&#39;t work out here. Do you have walkie-talkies or anything then? Or anything else we can use for long-distance communication?&quot; <br> <br>Jaqui looks towards Nayru after explaining her intended methodology, and parting from the chopper as the agents set up their tents, hearing her nervousness. Figuring she could help out by introducing herself, she holds a little paw out towards her. &quot;Hola, I&#39;m Jaqui. I&#39;m friends with Astara and Blanche.&quot; she explains, keeping close to the two she mentions. She might be a commonly confident little mutant, but she hates to be somewhere strange without friends or family.<br> <br>Blanche waves to Nayru when Jaqui mentions her. &quot;Hello.&quot; Making her way next to Jaqui, she sits her hindquarters down, balls laying behind her as she rests. &quot;Don&#39;t they useually come in packs? We won&#39;t have just one to deal with, but many? We need at least one, but I suppose if we get more..... that&#39;s more specimens to poke at. Like I said though, I&#39;m good at living off the land.... lifting stuff... I can pick a lock or two too.&quot;<br> <br>Finally jumping out himself, the sergent brushes off the dirt as he lands. The grasses and trees make for an excellent little location, the city in the near distance would be a wonderful place to start to get civiliation up and going again in this area, if not for the fact it was probably teaming with nanite infested wolves wanting to rip faces from bodies and minds from behind said faces. The clearing they landed in was big enough for two choppers to land, if they wanted to be uncomfortably close, but as it was, a single one could land and a small camp made along side it, which the corporal was busy directing privates and lance corporals in doing. The feeling of a new bubble washes over everyone as a NICE is put to use making one. Even the most human among the RSXers gives a sigh of relief at the familiar sensations. &quot;A way to get out the back? And what would stop the thing from following you?&quot; Asks the sergent. Then turning to Blanche, &quot;Normally yes, but maybe you could find a scout? Or a straggler? We know they hunt in this area, targeting mostly the deer.&quot; He comments before walking over to the corporal.<br> <br>Arris rubs the area between hir eyes as the bubble is created. Ah, the feeling of a bubble. &quot;Nice, we have a mini-nanite server set up. I&#39;ll try to revive you guys if you end up wounded too hard.&quot; Sie then looks over at the trees up on a hill. &quot;Hey, I&#39;m going to go camp up in those trees to get a good vantage point. Anyone have a better plan?&quot;<br> <br>Astara let out a very un-feminine grunt when she plodded out of the &#39;copter; her bulky body could be a hard enough of a pain to lug around, but it didn&#39;t help in the slight that their air transport wasn&#39;t remotely designed for someone of her size or stature. At least the prescence of the bubble helped ease her a little. &quot;Considering I just got back from an excursion in packmind territory... I suggest we don&#39;t let anyone stray on their own. Use the buddy system.&quot; She trots up besides her smaller sister, sitting in the same position Blanche was... also bumping her booty against hers teasingly. &quot;I&#39;d volunteer to go with you, but I&#39;m much less stealthy and survival-trained than you.&quot; <br> <br>Nayru strokes underneath her chin a little when she jumps out of the helicopter. A small look of relief when she felt that familiar feeling of her nanites buzzing a live when the miniture bubble was activated. &quot;To bad we won&#39;t be in this bubble for long. It always feels very weird not being in one. Plus I like to think that it would make catching this thing slightly more easier.&quot; She admits as she pulls on her pack once again. Making sure that it was still secured with it&#39;s precious load inside. &quot;And I have to agree with Astara here. Best to be with buddies then to go it alone out here. In fact I don&#39;t think we should split that far apart from each other at all if we don&#39;t have to.&quot;<br> <br>Jaqui lets her paw fall back to her side as Nayru ignores her introduction, a frown developing on her face. She claims she wants to know everyone, but ignores attempts at such. With a quick shrug, she goes back to watching Arris for the moment, shaking her head. &quot;It would be a good idea to get a good look around us, so no... Not really.&quot; she replies, thinking up something she herself could do to aid in the capture of packmind mutants. Now that she can, however, she slips her backpack off and begins to dig through it.<br> <br>A look back at the more mutated of their group, and the sergent gives a grunt, &quot;Hey! Stop squirming, and get yourselves under control. You can fantisize about fucking after this is all done!&quot; He says, most of his attention upon Nayru and Astara, though he looks a moment to Blanche and her prolific leaking. He shakes his head, walking over, &quot;If you can&#39;t keep that under control, you are going to get fucked, and not in the way you are wanting.&quot; He warns before looking about a bit more, &quot;So, do you have a plan?&quot; He asks.<br> <br>Arris nods at Astara. &quot;Well, I&#39;m glad that you pointed that out then. Never had to deal with packminds myself before. I&#39;d suppose it&#39;d be better if I stuck around the camp, then. Is anyone else a good shot, or good at seeing things at a distance?&quot; Sie looks up at the chopper, then to the Sergeant. &quot;The heli we came in is the tallest thing within the camp. We&#39;re not going to be using it soon, right?&quot; <br> <br>As Astara bumps into Blanche, she swings her tail to bap Astara&#39;s backside. &quot;Considering we don&#39;t have a way to talk to eachother... we should not be out of shouting distance from eachother.&quot; Her dripping bits are already making a slick pool of fluids under her, not that Blanche seems to take much notice. As Jaqui digs through her pack, Blanche leans over to peek in, but the sergent startles her out of it. &quot;Plan, yes. Someone?&quot; Her attention slowly wonders over to Astara as she waits for someone to come up with something. &quot;What are you good at anyway?&quot;<br> <br>Nekura&#39;s own fluids are probably hard to miss too though her sex is definitely 99% of the reason since she&#39;s been in-heat for a week prior to coming along. Despite this she continues talking to the mostly-human person in charge and huffs, &quot;Now would have been a good time for someone who knows how to make illusions to be around. Then they could have made it look like I was in there but really not to lure it in.&quot; Not that it isn&#39;t tempting to take one for the team since she likes knots and imagines a large wolf creature would have quite a big one. It leaves the mare wiggling her hips in place at the image of being stuck.<br> <br>With a shake of his head, the sergent turns to look to Arris, &quot;No, we won&#39;t, also, we don&#39;t have any spare radios or such, pardon. Are you planning to bring them back here? How much do you know about these beasts we are hunting today?&quot; He asks, &quot;If you kill them, won&#39;t stick around, they melt. How? Don&#39;t have a fucking clue, but they do.&quot; He mentions, giving a stink eye to Blanche, Astara, Nekura, and Nayru, &quot;Fucking animals.&quot;<br> <br>Jaqui looks up to Blanche as she asks that question, unsure if she or Astara were being addressed. Regardless, her ears twitch hearing the sergeant speaking towards her friends, looking over to him in shock. She stands up, picks up her backpack, and takes a few steps closer. &quot;What the hell did you just say? You asked for us to be here, remember that. You wanna lose your support by being a bigot asshole, you go right ahead, but you aren&#39;t gonna find much help that isn&#39;t a &#39;fucking animal&#39;. Just deal with it and quit complaining. I can&#39;t imagine you have a great idea how to do this, either.&quot;<br> <br>Astara rolls her eyes. &quot;I might leave a trail wherever I walk, but I&#39;m *hardly* thinking about sex right now...&quot; She stands up indignantly, but she doesn&#39;t mouth off more. No, she gives him exactly what he wants. &quot;Anyways, *sir*, I&#39;m thinking we&#39;re going to need to setup an ambush on a straggler. Wound him or her or hir enough that they aren&#39;t going to give up enough of a fight, and then retreive them that way - a limited bubble such as this should help them not die, yes?&quot; The taur walks over to Jaqui afterwards, pawing at the hyena&#39;s side with one of her forepaws. &quot;Sssh, it&#39;s okay, dear.&quot;<br> <br>Arris shrugs at the sergeant. &quot;Well, I don&#39;t know that much about these things. I know that we&#39;re supposed to keep them alive, so I was just thinking I sit up there and shoot their legs or something. Things are more easy to put in captivity if they&#39;re crippled in the legs, unless packminds here are just incredibly fragile.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche huffs. &quot;I can&#39;t help how drippy I am! I&#39;m barely even aroused and I&#39;m drooling waterfalls overhere!&quot; Sitting up, long strands of nectar linger for a moment between her spade and the ground. &quot;I&#39;m quite capable of doing the job. I&#39;ve hunted deer before. As long as it&#39;s one or two of the things, it shouldn&#39;t be too hard. I don&#39;t know much about packminds other than to stay away from the wolfy ones. The fox ones sometimes carry a decent conversation.&quot; She shrugs. &quot;I&#39;ve always avoided the other ones at the slightest sniff.&quot;<br> <br>With a wave of the hand, the sergent grunts, &quot;Whatever, just keep it as controlled as you can.&quot; He says, looking up to the chopper, &quot;Not a bad idea, just be careful. I wouldn&#39;t want a horde of them decending on us, we&#39;d have to get flying in a very quick hurry.&quot; He mentions to Arris, one of the only ones not squirming with need or leaking enough &#39;fluids&#39; to fill a pool, then to Jaqui, &quot;Yeah, we asked for copetent agents, capable of keeping themselves together, and focusing on a dangerous mission. A wayward thought of getting your cock wet or wetting one yourselves, and we&#39;re all fucking dead. Being dead doesn&#39;t fit on my timetable too well.&quot; He explains, &quot;In any case, the cage is out, ready to set up, let me know when you are ready.&quot; He explains with more than a little disgust.<br> <br>Nayru looks at the captain oddly. Was she really squirming? That didn&#39;t feel right. She didn&#39;t think she was squirming in a way that would indicate she was in heat or anything like that. Though she might of been without even noticing. That was a thought that scared her. And she knew exactly what was the likely culprit. &quot;Ugh... I knew I was forgetting something.&quot; She told herself as she took off a torque and threw it into her bag. &quot;Well with that taken care of. I do think I have something that we could use as bait. Yet I&#39;m not sure an Oregonian would be all that attracted to it giving it&#39;s lack of biomass.&quot; The buntsune says trying to ignore the hostile attitude everyone had at the time right now. &quot;Yet I&#39;m thinking if we can get some bait that isn&#39;t one of us and lure it in to the cage, we might just be able to avoid combat altogether. What do you all think?&quot;<br> <br>Arris rests a hand on hir snout as the sergeant mentions the possibility of having to make an escape. &quot;Yeah, you&#39;re right... ugh, I can&#39;t think of any good vantage points.&quot; Sie sits down in the doors of the chopper, pulling out the candy bar as sie looks around again.<br> <br>Jaqui puts her free paw upon her hip, ignoring Astara&#39;s nudges at first. &quot;Yeah? Well next time you&#39;re about the let the shit fly out of that mouth of yours, close it and swallow it, for all our sakes. And don&#39;t act like you&#39;re a human either. Look in a mirror before you call someone else a &#39;fucking animal&#39;.&quot; she shoots back, letting him walk away without saying anymore, giving him the chance at a comeback before her attention leaves him. One thing that burned her up the most is people like him who look down on mutants for things that can&#39;t be directly controlled, things that might not have been chosen to happen to them.<br> <br>Astara looks at the cage, then around at everyone assembled, and then back to the cage. Then, a sigh. &quot;Well, it looks like I&#39;m the only one who&#39;s going to be able to move this thing around... so if we get a place, let me know, I&#39;ll take care of it.&quot; She starts idly walking around it in circles as she speaks off more. &quot;What do the packminds like? If they hunt, perhaps getting some wildlife as bait might work. We&#39;d have to try pretty hard to make it not look suspicious, but...&quot;<br> <br>Blanche twists her torso around and stretches a bit. &quot;Seriously though, are we going to fling insults or are we going to risk certain doom? Luring them sounds like as fine a plan, but what do they eat? What kind of lure and what kind of trap? Do we trick them into the cage or knock them senseless and drag them over?&quot; She crosses her arms. &quot;What&#39;s our plan B? Run back here and hope to stay in one piece? I don&#39;t want to be wolf food.&quot;<br> <br>Nayru coughs a little. &quot;From what the Sergent had said earlier, they tend to hunt the deer in the area right? So perhaps that is something we should use as our lead.&quot; She comments with a small smirk on her face. &quot;Unless you guys have a better idea?&quot;<br> <br>Arris takes another bite of hir candy bar. &quot;Well, I suppose that climbing up onto the chopper would probably be the best way to go. The blades are probably a danger, but if I see anyone jump inside, that&#39;s probably my cue to follow suit.&quot; Sie gets out of the doorway, looking over to the sergeant. &quot;Are the packminds attracted to loud noises? If I fire off a shot or throw a grenade, we won&#39;t be expecting swarming, right?&quot;<br> <br>The RSXers continue to work on getting the camp up and running as the agents talk among themselves. Aside from the trees and the chopper, there wasn&#39;t much to climb. The clouds overhead though start to give promise of rain before too much longer.<br> <br>&quot;I know how to turn into a deer herm but I don&#39;t think that&#39;s the kind of prey you&#39;re talking about,&quot; Nekura interjects after someone brings food up.<br> <br>Jaqui figures the sergeant has nothing to say to her, giving a sigh of relief and turning to the rest once more. &quot;Let me know if you can see anything. Other than that, the deer bait idea seems to be the best one. If we go out there as a group, we&#39;re gonna attract more of them than we want. And if we do, things go bad real quick. We all gotta make sure we be safe.&quot; she says, knowing what she&#39;s learned at least some facts about packminds, since she lives in a city with wolfmind just outside its walls. &quot;If things go bad, I&#39;ll try to weaken them. It&#39;s up to others to disable them enough to cage them after that.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche nods and Nayru. &quot;Like I said, I&#39;ve hunted deer before, so I can figure out where to get one. Problem is if we aren&#39;t the only one hunting for one. We&#39;ll need to avoid, entirely, any possible infection vectors if we get in a fight so I would suggest we work at range. How would we even know if we picked up some bad juju from the packminds anyway? Could we even survive that or would we be forced to spend the rest of our lives afraid of whatever makes a bubble a bubble?&quot;<br> <br>Astara hrmms. &quot;Well, from talking with Alton back in Washington... they are still a strain of nanites, and transmit under the same circumstances, I believe. You know, swapping bodily fluids, be they blood or milk or cum. So don&#39;t fuck with these guys.&quot; She makes a little &#39;heh&#39; and smirk a few seconds after finishing that, only figuring out the unintentional joke she just made after the fact. &quot;Nonetheless, I think it&#39;s time for you to go scouting. Bring a friend, that&#39;s not me. I&#39;m *not* stealthy.&quot; She squeezes her hindlegs together around her balls in emphasis, making a mess of precum spray out of her sheath.<br> <br>Nayru shakes her head at Nekura&#39;s suggestion. &quot;Nope. Not at all. I rather the bait we use to be an actual deer and not something that may have been human.&quot; She remarks as she then turns towards Blanch. &quot;Yeah. That is a problem that I&#39;ve been trying to figure it out. We&#39;ll need to avoid infection period. So best not try punching this thing if possible. I mean... I got a few aces up my sleeve just in case. But I rather avoid using them if possible.&quot; And then she looked over towards Astara and bit her bottom lip at the suggestion that Blanche should go scouting with someone. &quot;Well if it&#39;s stealth your looking for. Then I&#39;m probably your best bet.&quot; <br> <br>Jaqui rubs her chin, a little conflicted. She&#39;s not the best sneak, but she also doesn&#39;t want to let Blanche go out there with just one other person. &quot;Hey, I can come along too. I&#39;d rather be useful for something, and I can sneak okay.&quot; she offers to the taur, hauling her little backpack up onto her back, small like her to match her stature.<br> <br>Blanche looks around and sniffs the air while carefully examining her surroundings, the various smells of heat and rut aren&#39;t helping her to focus. She sighs, &quot;I think if I&#39;m going to be getting a better isdea of what&#39;s around, I need to get closer to the forest. I can&#39;t make out much.&quot; Picking a direction, she carefully makes her way to the edge of the camp and stares out. &quot;Well.... What now? I&#39;d like Jaqui to be with me if she doesn&#39;t make much noise....&quot;<br> <br>The storm clouds continue to roll overhead, though it shoulds like the storm itself is quite a ways away. The group continues to work on making up the quick camp as the agents continue their work.<br> <br>Astara trailed a fair deal behind the rest, given her larger and naturally unstealthy self. She never kept out of a direct sightline from the rest, however... she could close the distance quickly if need be.<br> <br>Jaqui nods to Blanche, walking along with her as quietly as she&#39;s able to. After a moment of looking out into the woods though, searching for signs that deer have been around, she does indeed spot a deer. And not just one, but 5 deer. Putting a paw over her muzzle to mask her surprise, she nudges Blanche. &quot;Oye, I found some... There&#39;s 5 deer over there, see them?&quot; she whispers to Blanche, moving no further until they have a plan to lure or catch them.<br> <br>Arris stays back at the camp. Sie has climbed on top of the heli, sitting as far away from the propeller blades as sie can as sie looks off into the distance, occasionally peering through hir scope to get a better look at some far away object. <br> <br>Nayru crosses her arms across her chest as she looks up into the sky. Watching the storm clouds began to form overhead. &quot;Hmm... Well... I&#39;m not quite sure if we need to get the deer into the cage. Just some type of bait to lure it into the cage. I&#39;m not even sure if it actually needs to be alive for one of the wolves.&quot; She mentions to the group while she dwelled on the subject. Obviously giving it some serious thought for a few moments there. &quot;Well I think we&#39;ll figure it out as we go along.&quot; She then quickly follows along with the group doing what she does best. Staying out of sight of anything that may end up trying to look for her. Her posture low to the ground as she moved around the forest with hardly a noise marking her location. Keeping an eye and ear out for anything that she might consider a threat.<br> <br>As Jaqui and the rest move toward the deer, Nayru can easily see them and Blanche sort of smell them... that is before Jaqui&#39;s shuffling through the grasses alerts them that she&#39;s there! The buck is the first to lift his head, the does starting to bound away almost immediately! The buck reminds for just a bit more to make sure his females are safe but turns to run after them...<br> <br>Blanche thinks a moment and whispers to Jaqui. &quot;What if we have Astara move the cage closer to the edge of the forest and one of us drags the critter to the catch to wait for our actual prey to come?&quot; She follows the pointer from Jaqui and squints. &quot;Is that a cock?&quot; She wonders aloud under her breath. With a slow drawn out breath she tries to clear her mind of her lusts, which are admittedly present despite the lingering fear of inevitable doom. &quot;I&#39;ll trust you... I&#39;m a quadruped too, right?&quot; Once Jaqui alerts the deep, she sighs. &quot;Right...&quot; With stealth out of the option, she takes off after the deer into a sprint to try and catch up to the thing to grab. The sight is almost comical with the mounds of flabby fat, fluff, balls, and breasts jostling as she runs towards her target.<br> <br>Arris continues peering through the scope, resting hir finger on the trigger and tracking the unidentified objects as they move. Sie then starts speaking in a slightly-louder-than-normal tone. &quot;Hey, sir, I just saw things running through the grass towards the deer. Might be packminds, but it might also be the agents who went out to find the deer.&quot;<br> <br>Nayru stops suddenly when she catches something at the corner of her eye. She raised a hand towards the others to sign that they should do as well before silently pointing towards the deers direction. &quot;Shh... Everyone quiet. There&#39;s a deer about a few clicks...&quot; She was about to say to the group in a whisper that they themselves might not even be able to hear until she sees the deer begin to run off. &quot;Shit.&quot; The buntsune then curses to herself as the deer seemed to be alearted to the party presence. Her senses then catching onto Blanche running after one of them. &quot;You got to be... Why are you chasing after them?&quot; There was no way to tell now if Blanche would be able to hear the bunny&#39;s words now or not as she choose to cover for the running woman. Making sure nothing else was alerted to their presence.<br> <br>Jaqui swears under her breath as her movement causes the deer to scatter, giving a sigh after. Blanche is right behind them though, running faster than Jaqui thought she could, hoping she&#39;s able to catch up with them and grab at least one without getting hurt. &quot;I knew I should&#39;ve just stayed back...&quot; she mumbles to herself, disappointedly making her way back towards the camp, keeping an eye out for the woods where Blanche bolted off.<br> <br>Astara lets out a sigh as the deer start to run... she wasn&#39;t being quiet enough, and she just turns herself around and marches back to camp to see Nekura. Might as well get the cage ready.<br> <br>With the deer running and Blanche chasing after them quickly, she does manage to keep up with them! Meanwhile, back at camp, Arris gets the sergent&#39;s attention and loooks up to her, &quot;Might be packminds? Which direction are they coming from? If from the north or north east, we need to be worried. Can you tell how many?&quot; He asks. Setting up the cage wasn&#39;t too hard, though the scent of Nekura was gradually getting on a lot of nerves... and annoying a lot of cocks...<br> <br>&quot;Four wolf-like entities spotted, coming towards us from the north east. Minimum distance of roughly 1 mile away.&quot; Arris states, keeping hir crosshairs lined up on the closest one&#39;s hind flank. &quot;Permission to open fire?&quot;<br> <br>Astara&#39;s ears perk as she gets back into the camp, just to hear THAT news dropped. She looks nervously over to Arris, asking &quot;You see anything? Or do I need to go run off to check?&quot; At the same time, she&#39;s found herself... drifting over to Nekura, almost subconciously led by her scent. Her cock had popped out of her sheath a little, but she was still just about as controlled as always: not perfectly, but not *un*controlled.<br> <br>Seeing nothing chasing after Blanche at the moment, Nayru quickly shakes her head and chases after the fox as fast as her legs could carry her. Drawing her laser pistol with a familiar hum of power that told her it was activated. There was then a slight second of hesitation in the bunny. Where she didn&#39;t seem like she wanted to do what she was about to do. Yet she shook off the feeling as she raised her gun into the air, aiming it the best she could at the deer, and firing. Not quite sure if the shot would hit running as quickly as she was.<br> <br>Jaqui looks over at Nekura and Astara, trying to keep her distance enough not to be affected by their scents. She does notice Astara&#39;s reactions though, letting out a small chuckle. Shaking her head, she makes sure her focus is returned to the woods around them. Hearing Arris, the hyena immediately retrieves the small gravity cannon from her back, readying to use it in case they&#39;re attacked. &quot;Mierda... I hope they don&#39;t get to them out there...&quot;<br> <br>The shot hits well enough, causing the buck to tumble over as its hind left leg was shot. Blanche would normally have a very hard time tackling something like that over, but as it started to tumble already, she&#39;s successful enough it bringing it the rest of the way down.
Meanwhile, back at the camp, the Sergent shakes his head, &quot;No, for now, try to keep ourselves undetected. The trees and grasses will hide us well enough from the dumb brutes, unless they start sniffing around for rotor oil or such and we didn&#39;t know it.&quot; He says, looking over to Jaqui, &quot;Easy now, we need to prepare, but maybe they don&#39;t know we are here yet.&quot; He raises an eye to Nekura and to Astara, watching them both...<br> <br>Arris keeps hir sights focused on the wolflike shapes moving through the tall grass. &quot;Well, I&#39;d say that the helicopter in the middle of an almost completely flat field is pretty conspicuous, but I trust your judgement, sir. Might want to remind the others to keep their guard up, though.&quot;<br> <br>Giving chase to the deer, Blanche attempts a tackle. Before she starts her lunge, the deer is struck in it&#39;s side. Not having much chance to react her attempt at grappling the animal is already underway. Much to her surprise, she manages to grab on just as the deer falls and subdues it. Panting, she catches her breath and keeps it pinned, planning on dragging the deer back to the camp when she regains her strength. A guilty pleasure, however, creeps up on her much to her chagrin. Luckily, nobody can see her erection as she holds on for the moment with a sigh. With that, she starts to pull at the deer back towards the camp as fast as she can manage.<br> <br>Astara walks up beside Nekura, giving the sergent that&#39;s giving them both a look a brief glance before talking to the equine. &quot;I&#39;ll tell you what... behave yourself, and I&#39;ll throw you a &#39;bone&#39; later as a reward. Maybe on the flight back, maybe once we&#39;re back safe in Washington... but I&#39;ll definately make it a promise.&quot; She laughs, and gives Nekura the most gentle swat on her rear she can manage. Looking back to the sergent, she gives him a thumbs-up, yelling out &quot;Making sure she behaves, don&#39;t worry!&quot;. She&#39;s heeding Arris&#39; advice, unholstering her laser pistol and keeping her eyes out for anything - be it enemy, or the hunting group.<br> <br>Jaqui frowns as she&#39;s told to take it easy, simply holding the cannon. &quot;What? I&#39;m just making sure it&#39;s ready, just in case, okay? Wouldn&#39;t you rather me have this ready if they show up?&quot; she asks, shaking her head a bit. &quot;Whatever. Here&#39;s top hoping they don&#39;t find us here...&quot; she lowers her voice, making her way to the tents being set up, so she can hang out there instead of out in the open, holding her cannon towards the ground at ease.<br> <br>Nayru frowns a little when the deer went down. Approaching both it and Blanche where the fox had managed to tackle it at. A small moment of thought passing through her head as she wondered what exactly she should do with the deer now. She raised the gun towards the animals head with an unsure look on her face. &quot;I have to admit. I rather not kill him if we don&#39;t have to. Yet... It&#39;s either that or try to carry it back to be eaten alive. Why do these things not have a freaking stun setting?&quot; With a depressed sigh, she pulls the trigger, attempting to put the poor thing out of it&#39;s misery<br> <br>Blanche drags the deer back to camp, taking careful glances back towards the camp and tries to gallop even back. &quot;Thanks ....errr I didn&#39;t get your name. Want to help? Faster the better. I&#39;m getting worried I may have attracted something. Heh.&quot; She keeps an eye on the ground while to walks to avoid stepping in her own trail, hoping to avoid slipping in the mud she made, not that that would be much of a problem soon.<br> <br>The grey shapes continue to move around, sniffing here and there, but don&#39;t seem to be able to yet notice the camp. A few shots into the deer, and it stops moving, though still bleeds as Blanche pulls it along. Nekura, nods a bit to Astara before slumping off into one of the tents. The cage assembled and ready, a deer aquired, still bleeding and breathing but definately unmoving for now. The sergent gives a look to the agents, slightly confused for a moment, then it dawns upon him, a quick nod, a few hand gestures and the rest of his troop head into tents themselves, weapons ready, but also ready to zipper them up!<br> <br>Arris looks up from hir scope as sie sees the deer being put inside of the cage. &quot;Hm. Not bad of a bait. That poor deer, though... I think I&#39;ll hop into the heli while you guys take care of the caged packminds. Wouldn&#39;t want to distract them myself, right?&quot;<br> <br>Jaqui watches Blanche drag the deer back to camp to put it in the cage, letting out a deep breath of relief. She glances distastefully at the deer for just a moment, but approaches the taur. &quot;I&#39;m sorry you had to run out there like that... But good job, you got it. Blanche saved the day.&quot; she says with a smirk, but she still holds her cannon, trying to be ready for anything. Being cautious around packminds isn&#39;t ever a bad idea.<br> <br>&quot;Nayru.&quot; The bunny answers as she follows after Blanche towards the camp. Notably purposefully not looking at the deer she had shot, and instead keeping her eyes out in the woods for any signs of any threats. Of course not wanting to get jumped by anything in the woods that may have noticed the bleeding deer. Something that she didn&#39;t let up once they had reached the camp once more. &quot;Let&#39;s just try to get this thing into the cage quickly, and get the trap ready.&quot; She advised as she looked amongst the group that were there with a professional gaze.<br> <br>Astara smiles at the sight of Blanche and Nayru return, even with the morbid piece of bait the two of them just caught. &quot;Good! Uhm... where should *I* go? Might take up an entire tent to hide away in if I choose that, and otherwise I stick out like a sore thumb here in the open.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche hustles to the cage and sets the deer inside. With equal haste, she finds a place somewhere to quickly dive behind to help conceal her presence somewhere in camp. &quot;Ahh, I&#39;m Blanche.&quot; She says to Nayru, though in hushed tones. Trying to whisper as quietly as she can to Astara, she tells her &quot;Just keep yourself low and minimize your presence, I&#39;m not sure if they noticed, but it&#39;s best not to tempt them.&quot; With that, she attempts to conceal her presence as much as possible, hopefully, she had the wherewithal to keep the blood out of her fur, not that the constant drooling of her fluids helps things any.<br> <br>The sergent looks out to Astara, &quot;Help them set that thing inside and latch the opening so it falls down and locks when something get inside with it!&quot; He says from his own tent, &quot;Then... just jump in th chopper with Arris and shut the door behind you. You look strong enough to pull it closed by yourself.&quot; He explains.<br> <br>Jaqui takes cover near the tents, so that she can warn them if things get out of hand. For the time being, she merely keeps down, which is easy for her size, and keeps quiet. Astara already given the order to rig up the cage door, she stays put, eyes trained on the woods around, and ears trained on the tents behind her.<br> <br>Arris takes a seat inside of the chopper, the double sliding doors still open. Sie pulls out the candy bar again, eating what&#39;s left of it and pocketing the empty wrapper. &quot;Anytime you&#39;re ready, Astara.&quot;<br> <br>Astara nods to the sergent, and makes a dash over to the cage; as quickly as she can, she makes sure the deer is placed as enticingly as possible within the cage, and she fumbles around with the latching mechanism to get it in the &#39;set&#39; position. She checks, double-checks, triple-checks... and eventually decides it&#39;s good enough, dashing right back off towards the helicopter and leaping in. &quot;Gotcha!&quot; She grabs hold of the helicopter door, starting to slide it closed, stopping when it&#39;s mostly closed to check. &quot;Anyone else?&quot;<br> <br>Jaqui quickly realizes she probably sticks out like a sore thumb, glancing to Astara as she offers sanctuary in the chopper. She&#39;s tempted to go, but if the bait doesn&#39;t work or there are too many packminds, she&#39;ll be needed in order to disable them. Finally making a decision, she hustles over and hops in the chopper with Astara and Arris, but she readies herself to fling the door open and start providing support.<br> <br>After setting the cage, Blanche makes her way slowly from cover to cover to the chopper. She may be a taur, but hopefully her smaller size would make her harder to spot right away... or at least make her look less like a tasty target. With a quick hop, she scampers into the chopper, hopefully and to relative safety. Whispering, she looks around and asks, &quot;Did it work?&quot;<br> <br>Nayru studies the cage as it was prepared by Astara with an uncertain look. Crossing her arms as she takes a quick survey of her surroundings. &quot;Shouldn&#39;t we be setting up our trap some distance away from the camp. I thought part of the reason we were doing this was to /not/ attract any attention to our base camp while we could. Or am I missing something here at the moment?&quot; She asked the group before quickly finding a place to hide herself. Obviously not quite agreeing with the plan at it&#39;s current state.
Meanwhile, back at the camp, the Sergent shakes his head, &quot;No, for now, try to keep ourselves undetected. The trees and grasses will hide us well enough from the dumb brutes, unless they start sniffing around for rotor oil or such and we didn&#39;t know it.&quot; He says, looking over to Jaqui, &quot;Easy now, we need to prepare, but maybe they don&#39;t know we are here yet.&quot; He raises an eye to Nekura and to Astara, watching them both...<br> <br>Arris keeps hir sights focused on the wolflike shapes moving through the tall grass. &quot;Well, I&#39;d say that the helicopter in the middle of an almost completely flat field is pretty conspicuous, but I trust your judgement, sir. Might want to remind the others to keep their guard up, though.&quot;<br> <br>Giving chase to the deer, Blanche attempts a tackle. Before she starts her lunge, the deer is struck in it&#39;s side. Not having much chance to react her attempt at grappling the animal is already underway. Much to her surprise, she manages to grab on just as the deer falls and subdues it. Panting, she catches her breath and keeps it pinned, planning on dragging the deer back to the camp when she regains her strength. A guilty pleasure, however, creeps up on her much to her chagrin. Luckily, nobody can see her erection as she holds on for the moment with a sigh. With that, she starts to pull at the deer back towards the camp as fast as she can manage.<br> <br>Astara walks up beside Nekura, giving the sergent that&#39;s giving them both a look a brief glance before talking to the equine. &quot;I&#39;ll tell you what... behave yourself, and I&#39;ll throw you a &#39;bone&#39; later as a reward. Maybe on the flight back, maybe once we&#39;re back safe in Washington... but I&#39;ll definately make it a promise.&quot; She laughs, and gives Nekura the most gentle swat on her rear she can manage. Looking back to the sergent, she gives him a thumbs-up, yelling out &quot;Making sure she behaves, don&#39;t worry!&quot;. She&#39;s heeding Arris&#39; advice, unholstering her laser pistol and keeping her eyes out for anything - be it enemy, or the hunting group.<br> <br>Jaqui frowns as she&#39;s told to take it easy, simply holding the cannon. &quot;What? I&#39;m just making sure it&#39;s ready, just in case, okay? Wouldn&#39;t you rather me have this ready if they show up?&quot; she asks, shaking her head a bit. &quot;Whatever. Here&#39;s top hoping they don&#39;t find us here...&quot; she lowers her voice, making her way to the tents being set up, so she can hang out there instead of out in the open, holding her cannon towards the ground at ease.<br> <br>Nayru frowns a little when the deer went down. Approaching both it and Blanche where the fox had managed to tackle it at. A small moment of thought passing through her head as she wondered what exactly she should do with the deer now. She raised the gun towards the animals head with an unsure look on her face. &quot;I have to admit. I rather not kill him if we don&#39;t have to. Yet... It&#39;s either that or try to carry it back to be eaten alive. Why do these things not have a freaking stun setting?&quot; With a depressed sigh, she pulls the trigger, attempting to put the poor thing out of it&#39;s misery<br> <br>Blanche drags the deer back to camp, taking careful glances back towards the camp and tries to gallop even back. &quot;Thanks ....errr I didn&#39;t get your name. Want to help? Faster the better. I&#39;m getting worried I may have attracted something. Heh.&quot; She keeps an eye on the ground while to walks to avoid stepping in her own trail, hoping to avoid slipping in the mud she made, not that that would be much of a problem soon.<br> <br>The grey shapes continue to move around, sniffing here and there, but don&#39;t seem to be able to yet notice the camp. A few shots into the deer, and it stops moving, though still bleeds as Blanche pulls it along. Nekura, nods a bit to Astara before slumping off into one of the tents. The cage assembled and ready, a deer aquired, still bleeding and breathing but definately unmoving for now. The sergent gives a look to the agents, slightly confused for a moment, then it dawns upon him, a quick nod, a few hand gestures and the rest of his troop head into tents themselves, weapons ready, but also ready to zipper them up!<br> <br>Arris looks up from hir scope as sie sees the deer being put inside of the cage. &quot;Hm. Not bad of a bait. That poor deer, though... I think I&#39;ll hop into the heli while you guys take care of the caged packminds. Wouldn&#39;t want to distract them myself, right?&quot;<br> <br>Jaqui watches Blanche drag the deer back to camp to put it in the cage, letting out a deep breath of relief. She glances distastefully at the deer for just a moment, but approaches the taur. &quot;I&#39;m sorry you had to run out there like that... But good job, you got it. Blanche saved the day.&quot; she says with a smirk, but she still holds her cannon, trying to be ready for anything. Being cautious around packminds isn&#39;t ever a bad idea.<br> <br>&quot;Nayru.&quot; The bunny answers as she follows after Blanche towards the camp. Notably purposefully not looking at the deer she had shot, and instead keeping her eyes out in the woods for any signs of any threats. Of course not wanting to get jumped by anything in the woods that may have noticed the bleeding deer. Something that she didn&#39;t let up once they had reached the camp once more. &quot;Let&#39;s just try to get this thing into the cage quickly, and get the trap ready.&quot; She advised as she looked amongst the group that were there with a professional gaze.<br> <br>Astara smiles at the sight of Blanche and Nayru return, even with the morbid piece of bait the two of them just caught. &quot;Good! Uhm... where should *I* go? Might take up an entire tent to hide away in if I choose that, and otherwise I stick out like a sore thumb here in the open.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche hustles to the cage and sets the deer inside. With equal haste, she finds a place somewhere to quickly dive behind to help conceal her presence somewhere in camp. &quot;Ahh, I&#39;m Blanche.&quot; She says to Nayru, though in hushed tones. Trying to whisper as quietly as she can to Astara, she tells her &quot;Just keep yourself low and minimize your presence, I&#39;m not sure if they noticed, but it&#39;s best not to tempt them.&quot; With that, she attempts to conceal her presence as much as possible, hopefully, she had the wherewithal to keep the blood out of her fur, not that the constant drooling of her fluids helps things any.<br> <br>The sergent looks out to Astara, &quot;Help them set that thing inside and latch the opening so it falls down and locks when something get inside with it!&quot; He says from his own tent, &quot;Then... just jump in th chopper with Arris and shut the door behind you. You look strong enough to pull it closed by yourself.&quot; He explains.<br> <br>Jaqui takes cover near the tents, so that she can warn them if things get out of hand. For the time being, she merely keeps down, which is easy for her size, and keeps quiet. Astara already given the order to rig up the cage door, she stays put, eyes trained on the woods around, and ears trained on the tents behind her.<br> <br>Arris takes a seat inside of the chopper, the double sliding doors still open. Sie pulls out the candy bar again, eating what&#39;s left of it and pocketing the empty wrapper. &quot;Anytime you&#39;re ready, Astara.&quot;<br> <br>Astara nods to the sergent, and makes a dash over to the cage; as quickly as she can, she makes sure the deer is placed as enticingly as possible within the cage, and she fumbles around with the latching mechanism to get it in the &#39;set&#39; position. She checks, double-checks, triple-checks... and eventually decides it&#39;s good enough, dashing right back off towards the helicopter and leaping in. &quot;Gotcha!&quot; She grabs hold of the helicopter door, starting to slide it closed, stopping when it&#39;s mostly closed to check. &quot;Anyone else?&quot;<br> <br>Jaqui quickly realizes she probably sticks out like a sore thumb, glancing to Astara as she offers sanctuary in the chopper. She&#39;s tempted to go, but if the bait doesn&#39;t work or there are too many packminds, she&#39;ll be needed in order to disable them. Finally making a decision, she hustles over and hops in the chopper with Astara and Arris, but she readies herself to fling the door open and start providing support.<br> <br>After setting the cage, Blanche makes her way slowly from cover to cover to the chopper. She may be a taur, but hopefully her smaller size would make her harder to spot right away... or at least make her look less like a tasty target. With a quick hop, she scampers into the chopper, hopefully and to relative safety. Whispering, she looks around and asks, &quot;Did it work?&quot;<br> <br>Nayru studies the cage as it was prepared by Astara with an uncertain look. Crossing her arms as she takes a quick survey of her surroundings. &quot;Shouldn&#39;t we be setting up our trap some distance away from the camp. I thought part of the reason we were doing this was to /not/ attract any attention to our base camp while we could. Or am I missing something here at the moment?&quot; She asked the group before quickly finding a place to hide herself. Obviously not quite agreeing with the plan at it&#39;s current state.<br> <br>However, the trap was set, near the camp regardless. It takes a while, and the wait is like torment with nothing to do but wait, but the sounds of shifting grasses as the wolves get into the clearing finally happens. Most are well hidden, the wolves looking to the deer that is starting to stir and wake, still bleeding quite a bit, but obviously not enough yet to have rendered it incapable of movement. It&#39;s slight shifts though aren&#39;t enough to trip the cage. A total of four of them, sniffing around. They ignore the large metal container, and the tents... one starts to head over toward Jaqui while another heads toward the cage... SNAP! One of them is locked inside and the others turn to look! Scrambling over to their trapped companion, they try to figure out how to get him... her? It? Whatever... out.<br> <br>Arris watches the scene through the window of the chopper, glancing over to Astara. &quot;Alright, did we discuss what we would do after we caught one?&quot; Sie looks out at the cage again. &quot;If we don&#39;t do anything, those packminds will probably attempt to break their buddy free or something.&quot;<br> <br>Jaqui shrinks back against the bodies of the taurs in the chopper as the wolves start towards them, but the snapping of the cage draws them away, the hyena letting out a sigh of relief. Holding her cannon a little more tightly, she watches for now, only whispering to the others that are with her. &quot;I got this cannon still... Not the most effective thing in the world, but I can probably knock them over while the others take the rest out.&quot; she says, at least offering an idea.<br> <br>Looking over to Arris, she looks back to the cage. &quot;We&#39;re in a helicopter, no? Lets just hope this thing has a working wench and a hook. All we have to do after that is fly home. The wolf would get a nice view and we get to be safe and out of reach of those things.&quot; She looks around to check on everything. &quot;We&#39;re all in here, right? Can&#39;t we get going now while they are confused or does one of us need to get out there again?&quot; Blanche looks to the Sargent with a questioning look.<br> <br>Astara lets out a synchronized sigh of relief with Jaqui as the cage snaps shut. &quot;Are we forbidden to engage with them, as long as we still have the life sample? If we aren&#39;t...&quot; She trails off as Blanche speaks, letting her go. &quot;That could work too. After we get Nayru in!&quot; She slides open the door some more to stick her head out, looking around to assess the situation. &quot;Y&#39;know, we still have to make sure the soliders can get out safely - sure, they&#39;re *soliders*, but it still feels a little wrong to just leave them behind to fend for themselves...&quot;<br> <br>Jaqui looks over to Blanche with a shocked expression, pausing a moment before replying. &quot;We&#39;re not all inside, there&#39;s still a few agents out there hiding! And we can&#39;t just leave the soldiers behind in their tents, as much as I want to. Plus, I don&#39;t think any of us can pilot this thing. The only ones who can are holed up in those tents. We have to do something.&quot;<br> <br>Nayru is mentally cursing when the wolves have appeared. And there were four of them in the camp now. How the fuck were they suppose to deal with this? This was the exact reason why she wanted to do this away from the camp. But nope. Sighing a little when she notices her own mental complaining wasn&#39;t doing any good, she begins to look around for something. Then took a glance towards the woods. They were in a bubble right now if that NICE was still set up. Which meant she might be able to lure the wolves away from the cage. Though it honestly was a bit of a risk. On the other hand it may just be worth said risk. Breathing calmly, she focused on a place away from the camp and towards the forest. Using her memories of the deers sounds and smell to create an illusion of a something similar happening away from the camp. Hoping the distraction would lure them away from the camp to investigate.<br> <br>Arris thinks for a moment. &quot;Alright, this may sound stupid, but how about we open the doors a bit and let me shoot them.&quot; Sie unslings hir rifle from hir back, letting the butt rest on the floor. &quot;I mean, there is the possibility of them somehow getting into the chopper, but I don&#39;t think they&#39;d have apostable thumbs to open the doors with.&quot;<br> <br>The wolves all look over toward something making a sound, except for the one in the cage that continues its efforts to try and get out! Once the 3 outside the cage head over to find out what caused it, the sergent opens up his tent and shouts, &quot;Everyone, get to the chopper!&quot; As he breaks for it, &quot;Get the door fully open! Sir! Get the hook ready, you are going to have to latch it from the air!&quot; After a few bounds of his own, he&#39;s nearly to the door, and the rest of the soldiers quickly covering ground! &quot;We&#39;ll come back for the tents and other shit! Move move move!&quot; He stands near the door waving an arm and shouting, waiting for his men to get to him!<br> <br>Jaqui quickly throws the door open the moment she sees the soldiers dashing for the chopper, eyes wide with a sudden rush of adrenaline. She squeezes to the side of the door as much as possible to let them in, keeping her cannon trained on the wolves. If even one of them starts to head back towards the straggling soldiers, she will take the shot.<br> <br>As they run, two solders aren&#39;t taking enough ground, and look like they might not be able to make it. A third trips over a large stick that was laying in the grass with a loud &quot;OOF&quot; and thud! The wolves, seeing some fresh meat, turn back around to attack!<br> <br>&quot;The doors!&quot; Arris readies hir bolt-action rifle, getting into prone position and aiming down the scope by the doors as they open. &quot;Firing!&quot; Aiming for the wolves, sie begins firing off shots at their torsoes.<br> <br>Jaqui grits her teeth seeing the dire situation for that soldier, shooting her cannon at the wolves that turn around, intending to knock the wolves down like bowling pins.<br> <br>&quot;Oh for...&quot; Astara grumbles, getting out of the way of Jaqui and Arris as they take their shots; she still tries to be not all that far from the door, her restraint from just running out of the chopper to help wearing thin.<br> <br>Nayru practically growls when the Sergent begins shouting out orders like some kind of idiot when the wolves weren&#39;t even all that far away. Quickly losing what advantage her distraction had created. Now three of his soldiers were about to lose their lives, with one of whom probably already dead. Bullets were now flying and there wasn&#39;t much that she could do, right? Just how fast can she run... A quick breath fills her lungs as she quickly looks over towards the wolves while drawing upon the power of Eros. Giving them a dose of her Flirtatious Eyes in hopes to attract their attention towards her and give the soldiers a chance to escape. All the while the thoughts running through her head reminding her just how stupid this was as she then began to run towards the chopter herself. Hoping that her distraction would be enough to save those who weren&#39;t able to save themselves.

Revision as of 18:50, 18 March 2017





Along the chopper ride down to Portland from Washington, the support team seems very very uneasy. The Sergent in charge of them works to give them something else to focus on, tighting up their packs, ensuring everything is prepared. Rifles loaded, TEAMs at the ready, though if it came to using those, it was likely too late anyway. "How are you lot doing? You'll be going into the thick of it." Says the mostly human Sergent. According to his name badge, he's Rothern. "Remember, you will be out of bubble the whole time, I'm not going to risk Asurel there," pointing to his corporal, "out in the field itself. We'll be establishing a cap near the city, about where the last expidition went. Assuming nothing much has changed, it is still clear." He says. The only aspects about him not human, are his tail, some kind of lizard, and the fact he has a pair of small breasts. "Any questions?" He asks.

Astara was just as uneasy as everyone else was; a uniting factor, it seems, between the mutated and non-mutated. The taur was sandwiched into the 'copter, and for once, actually dressed: her top half has a combat vest purpose-made for her, stretched wide over her chest. It is even waterproofed from her prodigious production of milk! "Well, what's going to happen from there?"

The little hyena girl in her tanktop and cargo pants seems to have an anxious expression painted on her face, sensing the general vibe of those around her, tail pinned and ears folded back a bit. Looking to Astara as she speaks, the hyena forces a smile. "Whatever happens, we stick together and we'll be fine." she says to reassure her friends and everyone else present.

Arris puts away a candy bar sie was eating and raises hir hand. "Sir, care to remind us what we can expect to be up against? Any particular weaknesses we can exploit, or strengths we should be wary of?" Sie gives hirself a pat on the back, making sure sie had all sie needed - a triage kit, a bolt-action rifle, and a spear.

Nayru was checking the conditions of her equipment on the chopper ride to Portland. Making sure that everything was in proper operational order on their way over. She seemed relatively calm, though outward appearances were never to be trusted. Especially not with the shadowy hoodie wearing bunny with a flurry of tails behind her. Yet the meditation of doing the last minute condition check on her equipment seemed to be doing well at keeping her mind occupied off the possibilities that could happen on a mission like this. With a small nod, she places her third and final drone back into it's spot into her ducktape backpack and looked at the others that were there. A small confident smile growing on her face while she silently listened to the others talk about what was going to happen on the mission they were about to attempt to do.

Blanche is laying on her side in a corner, avoiding moving too much or being in the way. For a moment, she misses being able to sit on chairs, but shrugs at the thought and stares out the closest window. "How are we supposed to get a live packmind anyway? Ask nicely? I hope someone here can wrestle one of those things down without getting eaten in the process. I don't know much about how those things work, but from what I gather, you don't want to be caught by them. Be careful everyone."

Nekura meanwhile is trying not to simultaneously hump the females in the helicoptor or ride the other herm there due to the fact she's quite Rut AND heat-induced. This will probably make a rather interesting trip considering she'll want to ride (or be ridden) every other mutant they come across. Unlike all the others though she seems to be sans any clothing or armor though she does have an amulet on her neck and a backpack. To no surprise it does nothing to keep her modest from behind. The straps probably won't hold up to a horny mutant pulling on them from that direction either. Scandalous!

Looking around again at the mass of people about, the Sergent gets to answering questions, "Well, when we land, we will be setting up tents and a small post to let everything run smoothly from there. We will have water, food, and a temporary, small bubble set up. Now, as you know, even if you are infested by a packmind, you can't be changed if you aren't in a bubble. Packminds also seem to fight strongly against most any form of vacination we have. You really don't want to be infested by one of them if you are naturally immune to being mutated." He mentions, then goes on, "As for how to capture on, that's up to you all. We have a cage in the back with the larger pieces of gear, but as for how to lure one in, or if it would be better to beat one down, or how ever you all try to do this, that's up to you. We're just here to hold down the camp while you work." He explains.

"Sergent, we will be landing in fifteen minutes, make sure everyone's ready." "Sir, understood." A short talk through the two way comm going to and from the troop section and the cockpit. "You heard the Major, get ready for touch down."

Arris nods, getting up from hir seat and picking the rifle up off from hir back. "Alrighty, sounds good." Sie walks over to the doors, standing by them and waiting for the chopper to land so sie can get off the heli. "Alright team, when we get down, I'm going to find a tall place to shoot from. I'll message you on your comms if I see anything to be wary of. For clarity, what do the rest of you intend to do?" The gator flicks out hir comm unit, checking it and setting up a voice chat on it.

Astara looks over to Nayru, and wraps around her, giving her a little side-hug. "I've got your back, Nayru; we'll be fine. And the same to you, Blanche, and Jaqui!" She smiles, and waits patiently for the helicopter to set down... not that she's particularly patient to get out of this tin-can and get back on the ground.

Between wanting to ride the alligator and ride the other females in the chopper Nekura couldn't think much other than she wanted the chopper to land so she wasn't made to stare at all these nice tits that are at her eye level. Yet at the mention of getting infected by a packmind she doesn't seem to be paying attention, instead staring at Astara's groin and resisting the urge to make grabby paws at it. Being in-heat is pretty much par for the course during missions but being in Rut too was making it real fun. "You could stick me in the cage to use as bait to lure the packmind into it," she snickers.

As the chopper comes down with a thud, and the Sergent's men move out quickly to start unloading the tents and other gear, he continues to answer questions while the rotors slow down to the point that stepping outside wouldn't mean so much wind in the face that it would be hard to breathe for a moment, "Your comms won't work all the way out here, not without a server to bounce off of, and any more than 20' away from camp, they won't find that." He explains, then looks to Nekura, "As... enticing as that seems it might be, that is about the stupidest plan I've ever heard. The moment you came back into a bubble, you'd be ripped apart from the inside out by those ravinous nanites they carry. You think the ones we have in Fairhaven and Woodfield are bad?" He asks, then hops on out himself.

Jaqui allows her smile to become genuine, then looks over to Arris as she addresses them, her expression turning a little uncertain. Getting serious now, she pats the odd, large weapon strapped to her back. "This here could probably knock them down, make them easier to catch. It hits a wide space, and doesn't always work 100%, but if it comes to a fight, I can probably disable them." she offers up a way she can be useful.

Slowly getting up to all fours, the smaller taur stretches out with a yawn. Blanche looks to Arris, "Just be sure to point at the things we don't want to die." Looking to the others, she things. "I can navigate the land and lift a bunch.... I know a little about everything, but other than survival.... Ehh.." Once the chopper lands, she wastes no time in jumping out. Once firmly on the ground, she looks a little more relaxed. "What about the rest of you?" She asks the small crowd in general.

Nayru nods her head towards what the Sergent had said. Pulling her ducktape backpack securely on her back as the announcement came they were about to land shortly. "So find and capture the packmind without getting infected in the process. Sounds simple enough I suppose." She then looked at her companions with a curious gaze, getting partially distracted by Astara's side hug. "I know that you do Astara. I'm not completely a stranger to these kinds of missions. Though..." She looks at the others, "I usually like to know who exactly I'm working with first."

"I'm Nayru to those who don't know me. And I think I'm going to see if we can't come up with a plan when we land and have a good lay of the land. I rather not make a mistake in a mission like this."

"How hard could it possibly be to make a little escape hole for me to slide out when the packmind is inside," Nekura responds after the mostly human says how dumb the idea was to use her as bait. Nope, she isn't letting her phermones do the talking right now or anything.

Arris hops out from the chopper, eyes scanning the surrounding area for enemies, vantage points, or anything else that could be of use to hir before turning to the sargeant. "Oh, right, our comms won't work out here. Do you have walkie-talkies or anything then? Or anything else we can use for long-distance communication?"

Jaqui looks towards Nayru after explaining her intended methodology, and parting from the chopper as the agents set up their tents, hearing her nervousness. Figuring she could help out by introducing herself, she holds a little paw out towards her. "Hola, I'm Jaqui. I'm friends with Astara and Blanche." she explains, keeping close to the two she mentions. She might be a commonly confident little mutant, but she hates to be somewhere strange without friends or family.

Blanche waves to Nayru when Jaqui mentions her. "Hello." Making her way next to Jaqui, she sits her hindquarters down, balls laying behind her as she rests. "Don't they useually come in packs? We won't have just one to deal with, but many? We need at least one, but I suppose if we get more..... that's more specimens to poke at. Like I said though, I'm good at living off the land.... lifting stuff... I can pick a lock or two too."

Finally jumping out himself, the sergent brushes off the dirt as he lands. The grasses and trees make for an excellent little location, the city in the near distance would be a wonderful place to start to get civiliation up and going again in this area, if not for the fact it was probably teaming with nanite infested wolves wanting to rip faces from bodies and minds from behind said faces. The clearing they landed in was big enough for two choppers to land, if they wanted to be uncomfortably close, but as it was, a single one could land and a small camp made along side it, which the corporal was busy directing privates and lance corporals in doing. The feeling of a new bubble washes over everyone as a NICE is put to use making one. Even the most human among the RSXers gives a sigh of relief at the familiar sensations. "A way to get out the back? And what would stop the thing from following you?" Asks the sergent. Then turning to Blanche, "Normally yes, but maybe you could find a scout? Or a straggler? We know they hunt in this area, targeting mostly the deer." He comments before walking over to the corporal.

Arris rubs the area between hir eyes as the bubble is created. Ah, the feeling of a bubble. "Nice, we have a mini-nanite server set up. I'll try to revive you guys if you end up wounded too hard." Sie then looks over at the trees up on a hill. "Hey, I'm going to go camp up in those trees to get a good vantage point. Anyone have a better plan?"

Astara let out a very un-feminine grunt when she plodded out of the 'copter; her bulky body could be a hard enough of a pain to lug around, but it didn't help in the slight that their air transport wasn't remotely designed for someone of her size or stature. At least the prescence of the bubble helped ease her a little. "Considering I just got back from an excursion in packmind territory... I suggest we don't let anyone stray on their own. Use the buddy system." She trots up besides her smaller sister, sitting in the same position Blanche was... also bumping her booty against hers teasingly. "I'd volunteer to go with you, but I'm much less stealthy and survival-trained than you."

Nayru strokes underneath her chin a little when she jumps out of the helicopter. A small look of relief when she felt that familiar feeling of her nanites buzzing a live when the miniture bubble was activated. "To bad we won't be in this bubble for long. It always feels very weird not being in one. Plus I like to think that it would make catching this thing slightly more easier." She admits as she pulls on her pack once again. Making sure that it was still secured with it's precious load inside. "And I have to agree with Astara here. Best to be with buddies then to go it alone out here. In fact I don't think we should split that far apart from each other at all if we don't have to."

Jaqui lets her paw fall back to her side as Nayru ignores her introduction, a frown developing on her face. She claims she wants to know everyone, but ignores attempts at such. With a quick shrug, she goes back to watching Arris for the moment, shaking her head. "It would be a good idea to get a good look around us, so no... Not really." she replies, thinking up something she herself could do to aid in the capture of packmind mutants. Now that she can, however, she slips her backpack off and begins to dig through it.

A look back at the more mutated of their group, and the sergent gives a grunt, "Hey! Stop squirming, and get yourselves under control. You can fantisize about fucking after this is all done!" He says, most of his attention upon Nayru and Astara, though he looks a moment to Blanche and her prolific leaking. He shakes his head, walking over, "If you can't keep that under control, you are going to get fucked, and not in the way you are wanting." He warns before looking about a bit more, "So, do you have a plan?" He asks.

Arris nods at Astara. "Well, I'm glad that you pointed that out then. Never had to deal with packminds myself before. I'd suppose it'd be better if I stuck around the camp, then. Is anyone else a good shot, or good at seeing things at a distance?" Sie looks up at the chopper, then to the Sergeant. "The heli we came in is the tallest thing within the camp. We're not going to be using it soon, right?"

As Astara bumps into Blanche, she swings her tail to bap Astara's backside. "Considering we don't have a way to talk to eachother... we should not be out of shouting distance from eachother." Her dripping bits are already making a slick pool of fluids under her, not that Blanche seems to take much notice. As Jaqui digs through her pack, Blanche leans over to peek in, but the sergent startles her out of it. "Plan, yes. Someone?" Her attention slowly wonders over to Astara as she waits for someone to come up with something. "What are you good at anyway?"

Nekura's own fluids are probably hard to miss too though her sex is definitely 99% of the reason since she's been in-heat for a week prior to coming along. Despite this she continues talking to the mostly-human person in charge and huffs, "Now would have been a good time for someone who knows how to make illusions to be around. Then they could have made it look like I was in there but really not to lure it in." Not that it isn't tempting to take one for the team since she likes knots and imagines a large wolf creature would have quite a big one. It leaves the mare wiggling her hips in place at the image of being stuck.

With a shake of his head, the sergent turns to look to Arris, "No, we won't, also, we don't have any spare radios or such, pardon. Are you planning to bring them back here? How much do you know about these beasts we are hunting today?" He asks, "If you kill them, won't stick around, they melt. How? Don't have a fucking clue, but they do." He mentions, giving a stink eye to Blanche, Astara, Nekura, and Nayru, "Fucking animals."

Jaqui looks up to Blanche as she asks that question, unsure if she or Astara were being addressed. Regardless, her ears twitch hearing the sergeant speaking towards her friends, looking over to him in shock. She stands up, picks up her backpack, and takes a few steps closer. "What the hell did you just say? You asked for us to be here, remember that. You wanna lose your support by being a bigot asshole, you go right ahead, but you aren't gonna find much help that isn't a 'fucking animal'. Just deal with it and quit complaining. I can't imagine you have a great idea how to do this, either."

Astara rolls her eyes. "I might leave a trail wherever I walk, but I'm *hardly* thinking about sex right now..." She stands up indignantly, but she doesn't mouth off more. No, she gives him exactly what he wants. "Anyways, *sir*, I'm thinking we're going to need to setup an ambush on a straggler. Wound him or her or hir enough that they aren't going to give up enough of a fight, and then retreive them that way - a limited bubble such as this should help them not die, yes?" The taur walks over to Jaqui afterwards, pawing at the hyena's side with one of her forepaws. "Sssh, it's okay, dear."

Arris shrugs at the sergeant. "Well, I don't know that much about these things. I know that we're supposed to keep them alive, so I was just thinking I sit up there and shoot their legs or something. Things are more easy to put in captivity if they're crippled in the legs, unless packminds here are just incredibly fragile."

Blanche huffs. "I can't help how drippy I am! I'm barely even aroused and I'm drooling waterfalls overhere!" Sitting up, long strands of nectar linger for a moment between her spade and the ground. "I'm quite capable of doing the job. I've hunted deer before. As long as it's one or two of the things, it shouldn't be too hard. I don't know much about packminds other than to stay away from the wolfy ones. The fox ones sometimes carry a decent conversation." She shrugs. "I've always avoided the other ones at the slightest sniff."

With a wave of the hand, the sergent grunts, "Whatever, just keep it as controlled as you can." He says, looking up to the chopper, "Not a bad idea, just be careful. I wouldn't want a horde of them decending on us, we'd have to get flying in a very quick hurry." He mentions to Arris, one of the only ones not squirming with need or leaking enough 'fluids' to fill a pool, then to Jaqui, "Yeah, we asked for copetent agents, capable of keeping themselves together, and focusing on a dangerous mission. A wayward thought of getting your cock wet or wetting one yourselves, and we're all fucking dead. Being dead doesn't fit on my timetable too well." He explains, "In any case, the cage is out, ready to set up, let me know when you are ready." He explains with more than a little disgust.

Nayru looks at the captain oddly. Was she really squirming? That didn't feel right. She didn't think she was squirming in a way that would indicate she was in heat or anything like that. Though she might of been without even noticing. That was a thought that scared her. And she knew exactly what was the likely culprit. "Ugh... I knew I was forgetting something." She told herself as she took off a torque and threw it into her bag. "Well with that taken care of. I do think I have something that we could use as bait. Yet I'm not sure an Oregonian would be all that attracted to it giving it's lack of biomass." The buntsune says trying to ignore the hostile attitude everyone had at the time right now. "Yet I'm thinking if we can get some bait that isn't one of us and lure it in to the cage, we might just be able to avoid combat altogether. What do you all think?"

Arris rests a hand on hir snout as the sergeant mentions the possibility of having to make an escape. "Yeah, you're right... ugh, I can't think of any good vantage points." Sie sits down in the doors of the chopper, pulling out the candy bar as sie looks around again.

Jaqui puts her free paw upon her hip, ignoring Astara's nudges at first. "Yeah? Well next time you're about the let the shit fly out of that mouth of yours, close it and swallow it, for all our sakes. And don't act like you're a human either. Look in a mirror before you call someone else a 'fucking animal'." she shoots back, letting him walk away without saying anymore, giving him the chance at a comeback before her attention leaves him. One thing that burned her up the most is people like him who look down on mutants for things that can't be directly controlled, things that might not have been chosen to happen to them.

Astara looks at the cage, then around at everyone assembled, and then back to the cage. Then, a sigh. "Well, it looks like I'm the only one who's going to be able to move this thing around... so if we get a place, let me know, I'll take care of it." She starts idly walking around it in circles as she speaks off more. "What do the packminds like? If they hunt, perhaps getting some wildlife as bait might work. We'd have to try pretty hard to make it not look suspicious, but..."

Blanche twists her torso around and stretches a bit. "Seriously though, are we going to fling insults or are we going to risk certain doom? Luring them sounds like as fine a plan, but what do they eat? What kind of lure and what kind of trap? Do we trick them into the cage or knock them senseless and drag them over?" She crosses her arms. "What's our plan B? Run back here and hope to stay in one piece? I don't want to be wolf food."

Nayru coughs a little. "From what the Sergent had said earlier, they tend to hunt the deer in the area right? So perhaps that is something we should use as our lead." She comments with a small smirk on her face. "Unless you guys have a better idea?"

Arris takes another bite of hir candy bar. "Well, I suppose that climbing up onto the chopper would probably be the best way to go. The blades are probably a danger, but if I see anyone jump inside, that's probably my cue to follow suit." Sie gets out of the doorway, looking over to the sergeant. "Are the packminds attracted to loud noises? If I fire off a shot or throw a grenade, we won't be expecting swarming, right?"

The RSXers continue to work on getting the camp up and running as the agents talk among themselves. Aside from the trees and the chopper, there wasn't much to climb. The clouds overhead though start to give promise of rain before too much longer.

"I know how to turn into a deer herm but I don't think that's the kind of prey you're talking about," Nekura interjects after someone brings food up.

Jaqui figures the sergeant has nothing to say to her, giving a sigh of relief and turning to the rest once more. "Let me know if you can see anything. Other than that, the deer bait idea seems to be the best one. If we go out there as a group, we're gonna attract more of them than we want. And if we do, things go bad real quick. We all gotta make sure we be safe." she says, knowing what she's learned at least some facts about packminds, since she lives in a city with wolfmind just outside its walls. "If things go bad, I'll try to weaken them. It's up to others to disable them enough to cage them after that."

Blanche nods and Nayru. "Like I said, I've hunted deer before, so I can figure out where to get one. Problem is if we aren't the only one hunting for one. We'll need to avoid, entirely, any possible infection vectors if we get in a fight so I would suggest we work at range. How would we even know if we picked up some bad juju from the packminds anyway? Could we even survive that or would we be forced to spend the rest of our lives afraid of whatever makes a bubble a bubble?"

Astara hrmms. "Well, from talking with Alton back in Washington... they are still a strain of nanites, and transmit under the same circumstances, I believe. You know, swapping bodily fluids, be they blood or milk or cum. So don't fuck with these guys." She makes a little 'heh' and smirk a few seconds after finishing that, only figuring out the unintentional joke she just made after the fact. "Nonetheless, I think it's time for you to go scouting. Bring a friend, that's not me. I'm *not* stealthy." She squeezes her hindlegs together around her balls in emphasis, making a mess of precum spray out of her sheath.

Nayru shakes her head at Nekura's suggestion. "Nope. Not at all. I rather the bait we use to be an actual deer and not something that may have been human." She remarks as she then turns towards Blanch. "Yeah. That is a problem that I've been trying to figure it out. We'll need to avoid infection period. So best not try punching this thing if possible. I mean... I got a few aces up my sleeve just in case. But I rather avoid using them if possible." And then she looked over towards Astara and bit her bottom lip at the suggestion that Blanche should go scouting with someone. "Well if it's stealth your looking for. Then I'm probably your best bet."

Jaqui rubs her chin, a little conflicted. She's not the best sneak, but she also doesn't want to let Blanche go out there with just one other person. "Hey, I can come along too. I'd rather be useful for something, and I can sneak okay." she offers to the taur, hauling her little backpack up onto her back, small like her to match her stature.

Blanche looks around and sniffs the air while carefully examining her surroundings, the various smells of heat and rut aren't helping her to focus. She sighs, "I think if I'm going to be getting a better isdea of what's around, I need to get closer to the forest. I can't make out much." Picking a direction, she carefully makes her way to the edge of the camp and stares out. "Well.... What now? I'd like Jaqui to be with me if she doesn't make much noise...."

The storm clouds continue to roll overhead, though it shoulds like the storm itself is quite a ways away. The group continues to work on making up the quick camp as the agents continue their work.

Astara trailed a fair deal behind the rest, given her larger and naturally unstealthy self. She never kept out of a direct sightline from the rest, however... she could close the distance quickly if need be.

Jaqui nods to Blanche, walking along with her as quietly as she's able to. After a moment of looking out into the woods though, searching for signs that deer have been around, she does indeed spot a deer. And not just one, but 5 deer. Putting a paw over her muzzle to mask her surprise, she nudges Blanche. "Oye, I found some... There's 5 deer over there, see them?" she whispers to Blanche, moving no further until they have a plan to lure or catch them.

Arris stays back at the camp. Sie has climbed on top of the heli, sitting as far away from the propeller blades as sie can as sie looks off into the distance, occasionally peering through hir scope to get a better look at some far away object.

Nayru crosses her arms across her chest as she looks up into the sky. Watching the storm clouds began to form overhead. "Hmm... Well... I'm not quite sure if we need to get the deer into the cage. Just some type of bait to lure it into the cage. I'm not even sure if it actually needs to be alive for one of the wolves." She mentions to the group while she dwelled on the subject. Obviously giving it some serious thought for a few moments there. "Well I think we'll figure it out as we go along." She then quickly follows along with the group doing what she does best. Staying out of sight of anything that may end up trying to look for her. Her posture low to the ground as she moved around the forest with hardly a noise marking her location. Keeping an eye and ear out for anything that she might consider a threat.

As Jaqui and the rest move toward the deer, Nayru can easily see them and Blanche sort of smell them... that is before Jaqui's shuffling through the grasses alerts them that she's there! The buck is the first to lift his head, the does starting to bound away almost immediately! The buck reminds for just a bit more to make sure his females are safe but turns to run after them...

Blanche thinks a moment and whispers to Jaqui. "What if we have Astara move the cage closer to the edge of the forest and one of us drags the critter to the catch to wait for our actual prey to come?" She follows the pointer from Jaqui and squints. "Is that a cock?" She wonders aloud under her breath. With a slow drawn out breath she tries to clear her mind of her lusts, which are admittedly present despite the lingering fear of inevitable doom. "I'll trust you... I'm a quadruped too, right?" Once Jaqui alerts the deep, she sighs. "Right..." With stealth out of the option, she takes off after the deer into a sprint to try and catch up to the thing to grab. The sight is almost comical with the mounds of flabby fat, fluff, balls, and breasts jostling as she runs towards her target.

Arris continues peering through the scope, resting hir finger on the trigger and tracking the unidentified objects as they move. Sie then starts speaking in a slightly-louder-than-normal tone. "Hey, sir, I just saw things running through the grass towards the deer. Might be packminds, but it might also be the agents who went out to find the deer."

Nayru stops suddenly when she catches something at the corner of her eye. She raised a hand towards the others to sign that they should do as well before silently pointing towards the deers direction. "Shh... Everyone quiet. There's a deer about a few clicks..." She was about to say to the group in a whisper that they themselves might not even be able to hear until she sees the deer begin to run off. "Shit." The buntsune then curses to herself as the deer seemed to be alearted to the party presence. Her senses then catching onto Blanche running after one of them. "You got to be... Why are you chasing after them?" There was no way to tell now if Blanche would be able to hear the bunny's words now or not as she choose to cover for the running woman. Making sure nothing else was alerted to their presence.

Jaqui swears under her breath as her movement causes the deer to scatter, giving a sigh after. Blanche is right behind them though, running faster than Jaqui thought she could, hoping she's able to catch up with them and grab at least one without getting hurt. "I knew I should've just stayed back..." she mumbles to herself, disappointedly making her way back towards the camp, keeping an eye out for the woods where Blanche bolted off.

Astara lets out a sigh as the deer start to run... she wasn't being quiet enough, and she just turns herself around and marches back to camp to see Nekura. Might as well get the cage ready.

With the deer running and Blanche chasing after them quickly, she does manage to keep up with them! Meanwhile, back at camp, Arris gets the sergent's attention and loooks up to her, "Might be packminds? Which direction are they coming from? If from the north or north east, we need to be worried. Can you tell how many?" He asks. Setting up the cage wasn't too hard, though the scent of Nekura was gradually getting on a lot of nerves... and annoying a lot of cocks...

"Four wolf-like entities spotted, coming towards us from the north east. Minimum distance of roughly 1 mile away." Arris states, keeping hir crosshairs lined up on the closest one's hind flank. "Permission to open fire?"

Astara's ears perk as she gets back into the camp, just to hear THAT news dropped. She looks nervously over to Arris, asking "You see anything? Or do I need to go run off to check?" At the same time, she's found herself... drifting over to Nekura, almost subconciously led by her scent. Her cock had popped out of her sheath a little, but she was still just about as controlled as always: not perfectly, but not *un*controlled.

Seeing nothing chasing after Blanche at the moment, Nayru quickly shakes her head and chases after the fox as fast as her legs could carry her. Drawing her laser pistol with a familiar hum of power that told her it was activated. There was then a slight second of hesitation in the bunny. Where she didn't seem like she wanted to do what she was about to do. Yet she shook off the feeling as she raised her gun into the air, aiming it the best she could at the deer, and firing. Not quite sure if the shot would hit running as quickly as she was.

Jaqui looks over at Nekura and Astara, trying to keep her distance enough not to be affected by their scents. She does notice Astara's reactions though, letting out a small chuckle. Shaking her head, she makes sure her focus is returned to the woods around them. Hearing Arris, the hyena immediately retrieves the small gravity cannon from her back, readying to use it in case they're attacked. "Mierda... I hope they don't get to them out there..."

The shot hits well enough, causing the buck to tumble over as its hind left leg was shot. Blanche would normally have a very hard time tackling something like that over, but as it started to tumble already, she's successful enough it bringing it the rest of the way down.

Meanwhile, back at the camp, the Sergent shakes his head, "No, for now, try to keep ourselves undetected. The trees and grasses will hide us well enough from the dumb brutes, unless they start sniffing around for rotor oil or such and we didn't know it." He says, looking over to Jaqui, "Easy now, we need to prepare, but maybe they don't know we are here yet." He raises an eye to Nekura and to Astara, watching them both...

Arris keeps hir sights focused on the wolflike shapes moving through the tall grass. "Well, I'd say that the helicopter in the middle of an almost completely flat field is pretty conspicuous, but I trust your judgement, sir. Might want to remind the others to keep their guard up, though."

Giving chase to the deer, Blanche attempts a tackle. Before she starts her lunge, the deer is struck in it's side. Not having much chance to react her attempt at grappling the animal is already underway. Much to her surprise, she manages to grab on just as the deer falls and subdues it. Panting, she catches her breath and keeps it pinned, planning on dragging the deer back to the camp when she regains her strength. A guilty pleasure, however, creeps up on her much to her chagrin. Luckily, nobody can see her erection as she holds on for the moment with a sigh. With that, she starts to pull at the deer back towards the camp as fast as she can manage.

Astara walks up beside Nekura, giving the sergent that's giving them both a look a brief glance before talking to the equine. "I'll tell you what... behave yourself, and I'll throw you a 'bone' later as a reward. Maybe on the flight back, maybe once we're back safe in Washington... but I'll definately make it a promise." She laughs, and gives Nekura the most gentle swat on her rear she can manage. Looking back to the sergent, she gives him a thumbs-up, yelling out "Making sure she behaves, don't worry!". She's heeding Arris' advice, unholstering her laser pistol and keeping her eyes out for anything - be it enemy, or the hunting group.

Jaqui frowns as she's told to take it easy, simply holding the cannon. "What? I'm just making sure it's ready, just in case, okay? Wouldn't you rather me have this ready if they show up?" she asks, shaking her head a bit. "Whatever. Here's top hoping they don't find us here..." she lowers her voice, making her way to the tents being set up, so she can hang out there instead of out in the open, holding her cannon towards the ground at ease.

Nayru frowns a little when the deer went down. Approaching both it and Blanche where the fox had managed to tackle it at. A small moment of thought passing through her head as she wondered what exactly she should do with the deer now. She raised the gun towards the animals head with an unsure look on her face. "I have to admit. I rather not kill him if we don't have to. Yet... It's either that or try to carry it back to be eaten alive. Why do these things not have a freaking stun setting?" With a depressed sigh, she pulls the trigger, attempting to put the poor thing out of it's misery

Blanche drags the deer back to camp, taking careful glances back towards the camp and tries to gallop even back. "Thanks ....errr I didn't get your name. Want to help? Faster the better. I'm getting worried I may have attracted something. Heh." She keeps an eye on the ground while to walks to avoid stepping in her own trail, hoping to avoid slipping in the mud she made, not that that would be much of a problem soon.

The grey shapes continue to move around, sniffing here and there, but don't seem to be able to yet notice the camp. A few shots into the deer, and it stops moving, though still bleeds as Blanche pulls it along. Nekura, nods a bit to Astara before slumping off into one of the tents. The cage assembled and ready, a deer aquired, still bleeding and breathing but definately unmoving for now. The sergent gives a look to the agents, slightly confused for a moment, then it dawns upon him, a quick nod, a few hand gestures and the rest of his troop head into tents themselves, weapons ready, but also ready to zipper them up!

Arris looks up from hir scope as sie sees the deer being put inside of the cage. "Hm. Not bad of a bait. That poor deer, though... I think I'll hop into the heli while you guys take care of the caged packminds. Wouldn't want to distract them myself, right?"

Jaqui watches Blanche drag the deer back to camp to put it in the cage, letting out a deep breath of relief. She glances distastefully at the deer for just a moment, but approaches the taur. "I'm sorry you had to run out there like that... But good job, you got it. Blanche saved the day." she says with a smirk, but she still holds her cannon, trying to be ready for anything. Being cautious around packminds isn't ever a bad idea.

"Nayru." The bunny answers as she follows after Blanche towards the camp. Notably purposefully not looking at the deer she had shot, and instead keeping her eyes out in the woods for any signs of any threats. Of course not wanting to get jumped by anything in the woods that may have noticed the bleeding deer. Something that she didn't let up once they had reached the camp once more. "Let's just try to get this thing into the cage quickly, and get the trap ready." She advised as she looked amongst the group that were there with a professional gaze.

Astara smiles at the sight of Blanche and Nayru return, even with the morbid piece of bait the two of them just caught. "Good! Uhm... where should *I* go? Might take up an entire tent to hide away in if I choose that, and otherwise I stick out like a sore thumb here in the open."

Blanche hustles to the cage and sets the deer inside. With equal haste, she finds a place somewhere to quickly dive behind to help conceal her presence somewhere in camp. "Ahh, I'm Blanche." She says to Nayru, though in hushed tones. Trying to whisper as quietly as she can to Astara, she tells her "Just keep yourself low and minimize your presence, I'm not sure if they noticed, but it's best not to tempt them." With that, she attempts to conceal her presence as much as possible, hopefully, she had the wherewithal to keep the blood out of her fur, not that the constant drooling of her fluids helps things any.

The sergent looks out to Astara, "Help them set that thing inside and latch the opening so it falls down and locks when something get inside with it!" He says from his own tent, "Then... just jump in th chopper with Arris and shut the door behind you. You look strong enough to pull it closed by yourself." He explains.

Jaqui takes cover near the tents, so that she can warn them if things get out of hand. For the time being, she merely keeps down, which is easy for her size, and keeps quiet. Astara already given the order to rig up the cage door, she stays put, eyes trained on the woods around, and ears trained on the tents behind her.

Arris takes a seat inside of the chopper, the double sliding doors still open. Sie pulls out the candy bar again, eating what's left of it and pocketing the empty wrapper. "Anytime you're ready, Astara."

Astara nods to the sergent, and makes a dash over to the cage; as quickly as she can, she makes sure the deer is placed as enticingly as possible within the cage, and she fumbles around with the latching mechanism to get it in the 'set' position. She checks, double-checks, triple-checks... and eventually decides it's good enough, dashing right back off towards the helicopter and leaping in. "Gotcha!" She grabs hold of the helicopter door, starting to slide it closed, stopping when it's mostly closed to check. "Anyone else?"

Jaqui quickly realizes she probably sticks out like a sore thumb, glancing to Astara as she offers sanctuary in the chopper. She's tempted to go, but if the bait doesn't work or there are too many packminds, she'll be needed in order to disable them. Finally making a decision, she hustles over and hops in the chopper with Astara and Arris, but she readies herself to fling the door open and start providing support.

After setting the cage, Blanche makes her way slowly from cover to cover to the chopper. She may be a taur, but hopefully her smaller size would make her harder to spot right away... or at least make her look less like a tasty target. With a quick hop, she scampers into the chopper, hopefully and to relative safety. Whispering, she looks around and asks, "Did it work?"

Nayru studies the cage as it was prepared by Astara with an uncertain look. Crossing her arms as she takes a quick survey of her surroundings. "Shouldn't we be setting up our trap some distance away from the camp. I thought part of the reason we were doing this was to /not/ attract any attention to our base camp while we could. Or am I missing something here at the moment?" She asked the group before quickly finding a place to hide herself. Obviously not quite agreeing with the plan at it's current state.

However, the trap was set, near the camp regardless. It takes a while, and the wait is like torment with nothing to do but wait, but the sounds of shifting grasses as the wolves get into the clearing finally happens. Most are well hidden, the wolves looking to the deer that is starting to stir and wake, still bleeding quite a bit, but obviously not enough yet to have rendered it incapable of movement. It's slight shifts though aren't enough to trip the cage. A total of four of them, sniffing around. They ignore the large metal container, and the tents... one starts to head over toward Jaqui while another heads toward the cage... SNAP! One of them is locked inside and the others turn to look! Scrambling over to their trapped companion, they try to figure out how to get him... her? It? Whatever... out.

Arris watches the scene through the window of the chopper, glancing over to Astara. "Alright, did we discuss what we would do after we caught one?" Sie looks out at the cage again. "If we don't do anything, those packminds will probably attempt to break their buddy free or something."

Jaqui shrinks back against the bodies of the taurs in the chopper as the wolves start towards them, but the snapping of the cage draws them away, the hyena letting out a sigh of relief. Holding her cannon a little more tightly, she watches for now, only whispering to the others that are with her. "I got this cannon still... Not the most effective thing in the world, but I can probably knock them over while the others take the rest out." she says, at least offering an idea.

Looking over to Arris, she looks back to the cage. "We're in a helicopter, no? Lets just hope this thing has a working wench and a hook. All we have to do after that is fly home. The wolf would get a nice view and we get to be safe and out of reach of those things." She looks around to check on everything. "We're all in here, right? Can't we get going now while they are confused or does one of us need to get out there again?" Blanche looks to the Sargent with a questioning look.

Astara lets out a synchronized sigh of relief with Jaqui as the cage snaps shut. "Are we forbidden to engage with them, as long as we still have the life sample? If we aren't..." She trails off as Blanche speaks, letting her go. "That could work too. After we get Nayru in!" She slides open the door some more to stick her head out, looking around to assess the situation. "Y'know, we still have to make sure the soliders can get out safely - sure, they're *soliders*, but it still feels a little wrong to just leave them behind to fend for themselves..."

Jaqui looks over to Blanche with a shocked expression, pausing a moment before replying. "We're not all inside, there's still a few agents out there hiding! And we can't just leave the soldiers behind in their tents, as much as I want to. Plus, I don't think any of us can pilot this thing. The only ones who can are holed up in those tents. We have to do something."

Nayru is mentally cursing when the wolves have appeared. And there were four of them in the camp now. How the fuck were they suppose to deal with this? This was the exact reason why she wanted to do this away from the camp. But nope. Sighing a little when she notices her own mental complaining wasn't doing any good, she begins to look around for something. Then took a glance towards the woods. They were in a bubble right now if that NICE was still set up. Which meant she might be able to lure the wolves away from the cage. Though it honestly was a bit of a risk. On the other hand it may just be worth said risk. Breathing calmly, she focused on a place away from the camp and towards the forest. Using her memories of the deers sounds and smell to create an illusion of a something similar happening away from the camp. Hoping the distraction would lure them away from the camp to investigate.

Arris thinks for a moment. "Alright, this may sound stupid, but how about we open the doors a bit and let me shoot them." Sie unslings hir rifle from hir back, letting the butt rest on the floor. "I mean, there is the possibility of them somehow getting into the chopper, but I don't think they'd have apostable thumbs to open the doors with."

The wolves all look over toward something making a sound, except for the one in the cage that continues its efforts to try and get out! Once the 3 outside the cage head over to find out what caused it, the sergent opens up his tent and shouts, "Everyone, get to the chopper!" As he breaks for it, "Get the door fully open! Sir! Get the hook ready, you are going to have to latch it from the air!" After a few bounds of his own, he's nearly to the door, and the rest of the soldiers quickly covering ground! "We'll come back for the tents and other shit! Move move move!" He stands near the door waving an arm and shouting, waiting for his men to get to him!

Jaqui quickly throws the door open the moment she sees the soldiers dashing for the chopper, eyes wide with a sudden rush of adrenaline. She squeezes to the side of the door as much as possible to let them in, keeping her cannon trained on the wolves. If even one of them starts to head back towards the straggling soldiers, she will take the shot.

As they run, two solders aren't taking enough ground, and look like they might not be able to make it. A third trips over a large stick that was laying in the grass with a loud "OOF" and thud! The wolves, seeing some fresh meat, turn back around to attack!

"The doors!" Arris readies hir bolt-action rifle, getting into prone position and aiming down the scope by the doors as they open. "Firing!" Aiming for the wolves, sie begins firing off shots at their torsoes.

Jaqui grits her teeth seeing the dire situation for that soldier, shooting her cannon at the wolves that turn around, intending to knock the wolves down like bowling pins.

"Oh for..." Astara grumbles, getting out of the way of Jaqui and Arris as they take their shots; she still tries to be not all that far from the door, her restraint from just running out of the chopper to help wearing thin.

Nayru practically growls when the Sergent begins shouting out orders like some kind of idiot when the wolves weren't even all that far away. Quickly losing what advantage her distraction had created. Now three of his soldiers were about to lose their lives, with one of whom probably already dead. Bullets were now flying and there wasn't much that she could do, right? Just how fast can she run... A quick breath fills her lungs as she quickly looks over towards the wolves while drawing upon the power of Eros. Giving them a dose of her Flirtatious Eyes in hopes to attract their attention towards her and give the soldiers a chance to escape. All the while the thoughts running through her head reminding her just how stupid this was as she then began to run towards the chopter herself. Hoping that her distraction would be enough to save those who weren't able to save themselves.