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<div></div><br> <br>With Blanche&#39;s navigation capabilities, finding the mine shaft wasn&#39;t that hard to do, even in the night. Miranai wasn&#39;t about to let them go without light though, torches very easy to make. A little booze, on some cloth, wrapped up around a large stick provided enough to be able to see alright with the expert use of tracking and geography that Blanche provided. It was WAY out of bubble, Miranai&#39;s nanomagic giving them a mini-bubble to help out though. Astara, currently inside Miranai, and having spent the last few days getting enough cum pumped into her daily to fill a lake... currently poking her head out of the clockwork foxtaur&#39;s pouch. &quot;Great work dear, now, we just need to go in and survey it...&quot; Shi says, quivering a bit as shi unloads once more within hirself and within Astara!<br> <br>With her map and a rough memory of where everything is, Blanche keeps a close eye on her surroundings and the area ahead. &quot;Here, just ahead.&quot; Another glance at her map, then ahead. Hesiating at the mine entrance she looks to the others. &quot;Ready? If theres any trouble there won&#39;t be a lot of directions to run away. Lets hope things are still mostly intact, yes?&quot; Her how flat bellies hinder her no longer as trots along and tries to keep everyone together. &quot;Don&#39;t split up. It&#39;s easy to get lost.&quot; She rolls up her maps and stows it in a small pack to her side. &quot;Anyone taking a lead?&quot;<br> <br>Alkain hums as he fingers his glaive while peering around catiously, &quot;Well, who first then?&quot; he chuckles as he eyes Mira, Astara and Blache in confusion, &quot;That&#39;s new...&quot; he doesn&#39;t smell of rut for once, &quot;Let&#39;s see...&quot; he ponders and nods in agreement with Blanche, &quot;Good advice.&quot; he chuckles<br> <br>Astara was managing to at least keep alert and aware of her surroundings, despite getting pounded and filled and sucked dry around the clock for the last couple of days... at least until she got her latest dose. She was reasonably well out of Mira&#39;s pouch, just below her armpits and just out enough that her first pair of breasts are out, swinging with her mother&#39;s movements and rubbing at hir fur; spraying milk, too, when she&#39;s wracked with an orgasm in-sync with Miranai&#39;s, fists clenching, but she&#39;s back to &#39;normal&#39; almost instantly, letting out a happy, lust-dripping sigh, even as she continues cumming. She giggles, and comments &quot;Don&#39;t worry, Sis, I don&#39;t intend on leaving Mom yet!&quot; <br> <br>Looking to Alkain, listening to Astara, Miranai nods a bit, pondering, &quot;I think... Alkain, Anbessa&#39;s a bit behind, still scouting I think. Getting snuck up on by Wolves would be really b... aaaahh...bad...&quot; Shi manages, still unloading into Astara! After a bit though shi relaxes back down, &quot;O... oh.. ok. I think Alkain, you might be a good choice? You are really strong right? Just... keep an eye out.&quot; Shi says, smiling a bit, &quot;You are being a very good girl Astara, you keep an eye out too, I think you have the most experience with this kind of place.&quot; Shi mentions.<br> <br>Anbessa steps up alongside Blanche and Alkain, scratching through his unkept black hair with a hand as he listens to Alkain and Blanche. &quot;So... What kinda stuff do you all think is in here? I didn&#39;t really bring a pickaxe, so might be hard to find gold tonight.&quot; Anbessa says with a chuckle, smiling and leaning over to give Blanche a short nuzzle before he looks back up to Alkain. He raises an eyebrow with an amused look on his face. &quot;You don&#39;t wanna lead?&quot; He asks with a playful, mocking tone. &quot;Big guy like you would be quite a scary sight to see if something was in there...&quot; He then simply shrugs his shoulders and steps forward. &quot;I can lead if you all want, but I don&#39;t got a flashlight on me.&quot; He explains, his tail wiggling behind him as he looks between everyone else to see if anyone else&#39;s opinion.<br> <br>Alkain peers at Astara in confusion but shrugs, &quot;I&#39;m strong...&quot; he trails off as Anbessa arrives and snerks, &quot;But not all that tough.&quot; he finishes. &quot;I&#39;ll take the lead if no one else will though.&quot; as he pads into the cave to peek around<br> <br>Astara giggles at Miranai&#39;s praise, that enough just about setting her into another orgasm! She nods, and then nuzzles against hir mother&#39;s belly. &quot;Sure thing, Mom! I&#39;ll, uhhhhnnn...&quot; *There&#39;s* the orgasm! Doesn&#39;t make her pause more than about 10 seconds, though. &quot;...I&#39;ll try to be actually helpful!&quot; She&#39;s certainly doing a good job at leaving a milky trail on the ground. Astara looks back at Alkain, grinning and giving him a casual wave, even as she&#39;s still in a drawn out orgasm, her little shudders and twitches evident. &quot;What&#39;s wrong, uhhhh...&quot; She taps a finger on her cheek as she ponders something. &quot;I don&#39;t think I know you, actually. I&#39;m Astara!&quot; <br> <br>Blanche shrugs to Alkain, but gives him a playful slap on the rump as he heads in. Her attention turns to Astara for a moment, a little jealous. &quot;Come on mom, lets go see if theres anything useful in here...&quot; She heads in after Alkain next to Anbessa as he nuzzles her and gives him a lick in return. With her backside aimed to Mira and astara, she lifts her tail to show off her oversized, plush, and drooling spade accompanied by her puffy donut. Her balls swey gently under her flanks as she walks down the tunnel with the other guys.<br> <br>Walking into the mine with Miranai&#39;s torch held high above hir, everyone walks right past the weak struts. With all the weight suddenly added on, a section of the entrance gives way! The floor cracking and crumbling, sending the ceiling down upon Anbessa! Part of the rubble batters over him, Miranai screaming out from it all and looking around frantically! Fortunately, hir torch remains lit... allow everyone to still see...<br> <br>Anbessa gains 50 wounds for RP reasons.<br> <br>Anbessa shrugs as he smiles up to Alkain. &quot;Fine fine, feel free then.&quot; Though the human does follow after Alkain closely... Which costs the man quite a bit as, seemingly in response to the intrusion, the tunnel begins to rumble! His eyes open wide, and he only notices it just in time before a rock cracks him over the head, a loud yell of pain escaping him as he covers his head with his arms! His body is battered with stone, drawing blood and knocking the wind out of him as, after it passes, he grumbles with blood now dripping down his hair and face. &quot;Maybe we should have brought less heavy people into a tunnel...&quot; Anbessa grits his teeth as he steps back a bit from the tunnel, his arms leaving his head only after he steps back to the center of the group. Why the hell did only rocks fall on him?<br> <br>Alkain hmms? at Astara and blinks before chuckling, &quot;True... sorry. I am Alkain. Pleasure to meet you Astara.&quot; he grins a bit at the smack to his rump, tails swishing playfully as he peers around, &quot;Hmm...&quot; his own nuts sway with each step though he stops at the rumbling and looks back at the scream, &quot;Ack!&quot; he looks about to rush over, but thinks better of it, &quot;Damn... that may have been partially my fault...&quot; as he shrinks down before inspecting the struts and... staring blankly at them...<br> <br>Astara makes a startled eep, cowering down a little. Even as she&#39;s in another orgasm... with her situation, she&#39;s in a continual, sustained orgasm, really. Just has peaks of intensity. &quot;...Damn it. I should&#39;ve... should&#39;ve known that something like this&#39;d happen.&quot; Inside the dim mine, her eyes&#39; glow is quite apparent, but that doesn&#39;t particularly help her or anyone else see! &quot;Anyoonnne, anyone bring any mining tools? Helmet? Pickaxe, temporary struts?&quot; Her speach slurs towards the beginning of that sentence, eyes fluttering for a moment, milk spraying out harder than normal.<br> <br>Blanche lets out a yelp of surprise as the tunnel behind her collapses, then another yipe as Anbessa takes a large rock to the face. &quot;Anbessa!&quot; With a hop of her front section, she tries to quickly jump over to assist Anbessa. She&#39;s never really had to fix herself up too much, but she tries to help Anbessa with his wounds.... with not much success. Letting out a frustrated huff, she looks to the others. &quot;Someone want to help Anbessa out? I&#39;m used to having to nurse my own wounds in the field....&quot; Looking at the supports for a moment, she blinks and draws a blank. &quot;Well.. lets just try and find somewhere else that&#39;s less prone to collapsing, we can worry about tools later. I&#39;m sure theres some laying around somewhere.&quot;<br> <br>After hir fright, Miranai shakes hirself a bit and looks around. Shi pants a lot as shi does, trying to assertane the situation. Blanche&#39;s suggestion seems the most logical, Anbessa not stuck simply injured. &quot;Y.. yeah... help... Anbessa up on my back if he needs it. Let&#39;s... let&#39;s see if we can find somewhere else to be...&quot; Shi says, watching Alkain, with Tanuki&#39;s blessing, shrink himself quite a bit!<br> <br>Alkain frowns at Astara, &quot;Well, I could probably lift the boulders out of the way... but then I&#39;d risk collapsing the mine even more...&quot; he frowns and looks to the others, &quot;Maybe there is a med kit around here somewhere?&quot; he ponders a bit, &quot;We will have to be careful though...&quot; he looks to Mira and ponders as he goes to pet her a little, trying to calm her further, &quot;We&#39;ll get out of this, I&#39;m sure.&quot;<br> <br>Anbessa grits his teeth in pain as he stands a little woozily, having probably gotten the sense knocked out of him somewhat by the stone he took to the skull. Hope he doesn&#39;t have a concussion from all of this. He looks over towards Blanche as she comes over to help him, though the human soon enough just rests a hand on her shoulder to keep himself somewhat steady as he regains his senses. Blood dripping down his head and arms, he soon enough does regain some semblence of sense as he sighs. &quot;Good sign of things to come, I&#39;m sure...&quot; He had to at least be thankful that didn&#39;t cave in his head instead of bonking him. Looking back to Mira, he shakes his head as he stands after his short breather. &quot;I should be good... I might have remorted, but I ain&#39;t useless...&quot; He afterwords resumes gritting his teeth as he glances about the tunnel. He begins to fish through his pockets, trying to find one of his assault rifle&#39;s attachments. At least his rifle and sword are still strapped to him fine.<br> <br>As he sifts about his pockets a tad unsuccessfully, the human&#39;s eyes glance about to notice Mira&#39;s flickering torch. Seeing this, he stops his sifting through his pockets as he watches it as if entranced for a short bit before he speaks. &quot;Wind... So, there is another way.&quot; While he might have a concussion, he can at least still notice that much as he points towards the direction the flame is flickering. &quot;Lets get going, I&#39;m already sick of being in this place.&quot; If no one takes lead immediately, the wounded human takes his rifle off of his back and readies it as he takes point, each movement accented with a footstep as he impatiently starts to walk.<br> <br>&quot;Yes, being here longer than normal can only end poorly... we need to find, ffffffind...&quot; Astara begins to say, shuddering again, interrupting her train of thought. &quot;...Find some sorta evidence that this is a place worth coming back to. And a way out.&quot;<br> <br>While tries to get everything together, or at least clean up Anbessa a bit. She waits for everyone to get back on task. As someone inspects a torch, at the mention of wind, she rolls her eyes a bit. &quot;Of course theres a way out! You think they build mine shafts with one entrance so they can cave in and screw everyone over? Come on.... Theres probably even helpful signs in here to point the way. People used to work here, you know.&quot; Looking at Anbessa she shakes her head gently with a frown. &quot;I&#39;ll find you a first aid kit. People tend to get hurt in places like this so I&#39;m sure theres a somewhat stocked kit somewhere, lets look for an office or something.&quot; With a brief thought, her brows furrow, how does she know this?<br> <br>With the tunnel caving in slightly, it sends dust and debris around the whole area, blocking off that tunnel. Not too far off from the group, the sound of someone coughing might be audible, the sound familiar to at least one person who&#39;s there. Cupping a paw over her muzzle however, she attempts to remain hidden as she was before, hoping no one heard her.<br> <br>Anbessa gains 50 wounds for RP reasons.<br> <br>With the entry tunnel caving in, it sends dust and debris scatering around the whole area, blocking off the way they came. Out from the incident a small hyena scrambles, coughing and sputtering, before looking back at what just transpired, ears ringing. &quot;D-dios mio...&quot; she pants out, a paw going to her chest. Just then however, she looks around to everyone else, stopping on Mira, looking up at hir with a guilty frown.<br> <br>A way out, or at least a hopeful one, discovered down the tunnel ways, Miranai&#39;s tails wag a bit, looking down that way. Looking over to Blanche, then to Anbessa, &quot;Sweetie, Blanche dear, Anbessa will live, he&#39;ll be fine, we can get him patched up when we...&quot; then another smaller figure coming out of the debris! &quot;Jackie!! I... I could have sworn I... I... you shouldn&#39;t be here! It&#39;s dangerous and...&quot; Shi looks over the small hyena, but then shakes hir head... &quot;Alright... alright... let&#39;s... let&#39;s just try and find a way out.&quot; Shi says, looking around for who would start to lead them next...<br> <br>Alkain hmms? at Anbessa and nods, &quot;I sure hope so...&quot; he ponders the torch a bit and grins, &quot;That&#39;s good at least.&quot; He nods to Astara in agreement before shrugging at Blanche, &quot;I don&#39;t claim to know all THAT much about mines... but it stands to reason there would be more than one entrance.&quot; he hmms? at the coughing and looks around in confusion before spotting Jaqui, &quot;Oh err... hey...&quot; he nods to Mira in agreement, &quot;We may have found a way out though...&quot; as he tries to follow the wind, rrfing a little as his rut starts up<br> <br>Astara was a little shaken by the the cave-in (or perhaps just her most recent orgasm), but she certainly reacted when Jaqui showed up. &quot;Who&#39;s she, Mom? One of my sisters?&quot; She very thoroughly inspects Jaqui, unknowingly licking her lips... and unfortunately licking up some of the stone dust permeating the air. She shakes her head and makes a sour face to this untasty development, with a &quot;Blech!&quot; thrown in there. Her nose twitches a little as she smells Alkain&#39;s rut, and she gazes off in the direction of his groin. (Not making the mistake of licking her lips again!)<br> <br>Anbessa huffs as he hears Miranai and everyone else behind him about his note previously, the human lowering his rifle in his arms as he looks back to them. &quot;I&#39;m just saying, since I&#39;ve never BEEN in a mine before.&quot; He points out this, though as he hears coughing and hacking, the human&#39;s attention quickly drifts over towards the nearby hyena that is now looking at Mira with puppy dog eyes... Or, I guess hyena eyes? &quot;Well, I guess we have an adorable follower, so that is an upside.&quot; With his hair now a tad matted with his fresh blood and his white long sleeve shirt&#39;s arms also stained with his blood, Anbessa soon enough simply sighs, then once more turns to try to lead once more, despite being wounded still. At least the human is still well armed.<br> <br>Jaqui frowns more deeply when Mira seems clearly disapproving of her following them, ears pinning down. &quot;I can&#39;t just sit in that workshop every day... I wanted to do something interesting for once.&quot; she argues, glancing towards Anbessa. &quot;You gonna be okay?&quot; she asks him, though she notices Astara staring at her for a moment, starting to feel uneasy. Also she seems to be sporting a mid term belly. Good thing she managed to avoid being harmed by the cave-in.<br> <br>Alkain sighs as he mutters to himself while following Anbessa, completely ignorant of Astara&#39;s staring. Though the only thing that would really be visable from his back would be his heavy nuts. &quot;Damn rut...&quot; he grumbles more and shakes ghis head, &quot;Gotta focus.&quot; he sighs and looks over to Anbessa, pondering if the human should be leading right now<br> <br>Blanche looks back to her mother, then back to Anbessa, but is rather startled by the sight of the newly revealed Jaqui. &quot;Jacqui?!&quot; She pauses a moment to consider the last time they talked, but shrugs. &quot;Be careful! You know how these things work, right?&quot; She points to a nearby support beam with her thumb. &quot;We could use you in evaluating the tunnels anyway. Just..... don&#39;t be like Anbessa and get yourself hurt.&quot; She sticks out her tongue at Anbessa and walks over to Alkain to give him a quick pet on the back. &quot;I&#39;ll be keeping a close eye on you... been too long.&quot;<br> <br>Miranai follows along with Anbessa, Alkain, and Blanche, keeping Astara within, but also making sure Jackie is staying behind hir! Shi stops a moment, shuttering and groaning softly before resuming. Along the way though, Blanche and Anbessa can easily catch a few glints from the stone walls down the other two paths as they pass by them toward where the wind was coming from! The closer to the path that has a breeze, the cooler things get...<br> <br>Jaqui follows along closely behind Mira, cradling her mid-sized belly. Glancing back at Astara, she chuckles. &quot;Oh, sorry... I&#39;m Jaqui. If Mira&#39;s your mama, I&#39;m not your sister. I&#39;m... Well, probably your aunt? Or something? I dunno, I&#39;m one of Mira&#39;s many mates, the littlest one.&quot; she explains, petting her belly through her light-colored tanktop, thoroughly covered in dust and tirt now.<br> <br>Alkain nods in agreement with Blanche, &quot;Yeah, I tried earlier but... I guess rut is fogging my mind...&quot; he frowns a bit before chuckling at Blanche, shivering a bit before he takes a deep breath through his mouth and lets it out, &quot;Indeed.&quot; he chuckles though frowns at the increasing cooling of the mine, &quot;Erm... are we going deeper or something?&quot; he looks a little out of it as his rut kicks up a notch<br> <br>Anbessa tenses up as he hears Blanche, turning about with an annoyed look on his face. &quot;What do you MEAN getting myself hurt? Fucking rocks fell on me out of nowhere!&quot; He seems actually quite annoyed that he was being blamed for something he had no control over. Though with Jaqui speaking to him, he sighs and nods his head. &quot;Probably will be. Not like I haven&#39;t had worse stuff happen to me.&quot; Though the human does send a glare at Blanche for a second or two further for the percieved insult, he huffs and continues on. Seems he is not in the best of moods, though probably understandably. Though as they come across the paths, the human steps forward a bit and stops as he feels the cooler breeze brushing over him. He hums as he glances about the paths. &quot;Hm... Well, I certainly hope we can find another way out. It&#39;d be a pain in the ass having to dig our way out of the way we came in, after all...&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Aunt it is, then!&quot; Astara replies to Jaqui, upbeat as ever. She is as attentive as can be expected; she does try to survey the mines from her limited vantage point, but she&#39;s just as frequently being distracted by her own or her mother&#39;s body. She shivers with the cooler breeze, and tucks herself a little more into Miranai&#39;s pouch... at least tucking her breasts back in, still leaving her arms out. Then, she burps, cheeks puffing out soon after... and large amount of cum comes gushing out of her mouth! When it drains, she burps again... and giggles. &quot;Sorry! Lets try and go towards that breeze... and don&#39;t, uh. Slip.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche walks alongside Alkain and pets him behind the ears, the smell of rut arousing her intrests, so to speak. Lifting her head and looking back she says to Anbessa, &quot;Lighten up, I wasn&#39;t being serious. We&#39;re stuck in a cave with a big rutting fox, a larger fox that&#39;s cumming every few minutes, and a third fox inside that one that&#39;s more cum that fox, we&#39;re stuck in a dank dark cave in the middle of nowhere, and I need sex. Have some fun with it!&quot; Looking back ahead she spots something shiny as light glitters off of something stuck in a rock. She stops for a moment to stare, then gestures to the other with a wave of her hand. &quot;Oh, what&#39;s this?&quot; Slowly trotting over she leans in to sniff at one of the shinies, giving Alkain and whoever else behind her a good look at her dripping spade.<br> <br>Miranai was continuing on along with everyone else until Blanche diverts down another path and starts sniffing at the more sparkly rocks. Shi looks closely at them... &quot;Quartz... this is quartz. But it would only shine like this if it had iron impurities...&quot; Shi says then goes wide eyed! &quot;There&#39;s iron ore somewhere in this mine!&quot; Shi says excitedly, jumping around, partly in a puddle of hir own seed! Another rush through hir and shi leans over to pet on Blanche! &quot;Good girl! Such a good girl! Now... umm... we just need to find a way out? Maybe... there are other things we could find too?&quot; Shi asks. Though perhaps more could be descovered here with effort...<br> <br>Alkain blinks at Anbessa&#39;s outburst and sighs, &quot;Now isn&#39;t a good time to fight...&quot; he nods to Astara though and chuckles as she spits up cum, shivering a bit as he struggles with his growing rut! He hmms? at Blanche and snerks a bit before blinking as she pads towards... his mind goes a bit blank as his eyes focus on that dripping spade, a slight growl of lust coming from him before he shakes his head to try and clear it, &quot;Huh...?&quot; he looks over to Mira and blinks as his ears perk up, &quot;Iron? Awesome! Hmm...&quot; he looks around for any samples, though not straying from the group<br> <br>Anbessa lets out a huff as he hears Blanche speaking to him, soon simply shaking his head. &quot;We should focus on making sure we are safe in here than focusing on sex. After we are sure, then it can be fixed.&quot; The human points out the fox. Though as she points out the glittering, the man tilts his head in curiosity. &quot;Hm? Are those important?&quot; He asks, though Mira&#39;s explaination immediately after does make him blink and let out a short &quot;Oh...&quot; Before he sighs lightly and continues. &quot;Didn&#39;t think they were that important... But at least that means if we can get this place secure, someone could come by later and gather some real, fresh ore.&quot; He says with his rifle lowered as he calms down a bit. Though instead of focusing on the walls, he pays more attention to the paths, as if trying to peer at the darkness to keep an eye out for the time being.<br> <br>&quot;I&#39;ll have some fun with you, Blanche!&quot; Astara blurts out, looking quite excited, even while there&#39;s a small trickle of cum steadily dripping from her mouth. She pauses to let Miranai speak, riding out another one of her own orgasms while sie does so... so desensitized to cumming by now, she&#39;s still paying enough attention to keep up with what the productive members of the group are up to. &quot;Ahhh, good... I&#39;m sure there&#39;s something worthwhile for us in the mine. Just because it wasn&#39;t comercially viable doesn&#39;t mean it&#39;s empty...&quot; She trails off, her face flushing deep, letting out a throaty moan that echoes throughout the old mine. Within, the taur cums right again, and again! She&#39;s as hard as ever - to the point where it&#39;s almost painful - and her cunny is milking Mira as much as it can.<br> <br>Jaqui looks skeptically at Blanche as she draws their attention to the quartz in the wall, the hyena going over to look. Listening to Mira&#39;s explanation, her tail wags a bit, and she smiles. Seemingly sharing Mira&#39;s enthusiasm, she thrusts her fist upwards. &quot;Iron! I can&#39;t believe our luck, this is great!&quot; she says happily, chuckling in her excitement.<br> <br>As everyone looks around, there is evidence not only of quartz and iron, but of coal as well! The mine must have been in high production before P-day but after... abandoned. Miranai dances a bit more before stopping again, &quot;Oh... oh my... but... if we can&#39;t find another way in or out, this is useless... Anbessa&#39;s right. We should follow that other path.&quot; Shi mentions.<br> <br>Blanche looks around and rubs her chin, but shrugs again. &quot;All this stuff is useful?&quot; She half-heartedly ignores Anbessa, clearly not interested in her in the slightest. &quot;Well, then leave it up to me...&quot; Looking back to Alkain, she gives him a quick lick to the neck before taking a step towards the direction that wind is coming from. With an intentional step downwind she fans out her scent to those behind her. &quot;If it&#39;s a way out that you all want.... just follow the tunnel!&quot; She gives a smile and a wink to Astara as she starts to make her way down the shaft, though is sure to keep a close eye on her surroundings for the moment, even as she tries to tease everyone.<br> <br>Alkain mmfs as his rut goes up another gear, &quot;I... agree with Anbessa. We should... make sure we are safe before sex...&quot; he sounds more like he&#39;s trying to convince himself of that though... he looks to Anbessa as he tries to focus, &quot;Erm... Iron would be very... very useful. With it, we could... reinforce anything we build...&quot; he nods to Astara though, &quot;True...&quot; he grins at Jaqui though and nods, &quot;I know, right?&quot; he murrs at the lick and noses back into it before panting at the scent from Blanche, his cock starting to unsheathe as he tries to focus on getting out rather than off<br> <br>Astara beams at Blanche&#39;s acknowledgement at her, giggling and leaking more of her mother&#39;s cum out her mouth. &quot;Mom, can I do things with Blanche when we get home?&quot; She asks, looking up to her mother as best she can given where she is (and what&#39;s likely in the way of her view). She&#39;s thoroughly teased by Blanche, and that&#39;s taking up most of her attention right now.<br> <br>Anbessa at least seems satisfied with some people agreeing with his note, nodding and chuckling as he follows after Blanche as she walks off in an attempt to take the lead instead. &quot;After we are sure it is safe, we can see about you all fixing those ruts and heats.&quot; The human sniggers in amusement as he rests his rifle against his shoulder casually. &quot;Whoever comes to mine this place can clean the mess!&quot; He laughs in amusement at the thought, soon shaking his head before refocusing on following that breeze, hoping that it does indeed lead to an exit to this mine.<br> <br>The way back to the main split is easy enough, and the cool breeze though the other path eventually gives way to a vertical shaft permiting climbing back out for those able. Others might need a bit more help than some... though the path back up isn&#39;t TOO rough or steep for those diligiant. After a few attempts anyone could climb out. While it was late, getting home wouldn&#39;t be too hard... if one kept an eye out for wolves...
<div></div><br> <br>With Blanche&#39;s navigation capabilities, finding the mine shaft wasn&#39;t that hard to do, even in the night. Miranai wasn&#39;t about to let them go without light though, torches very easy to make. A little booze, on some cloth, wrapped up around a large stick provided enough to be able to see alright with the expert use of tracking and geography that Blanche provided. It was WAY out of bubble, Miranai&#39;s nanomagic giving them a mini-bubble to help out though. Astara, currently inside Miranai, and having spent the last few days getting enough cum pumped into her daily to fill a lake... currently poking her head out of the clockwork foxtaur&#39;s pouch. &quot;Great work dear, now, we just need to go in and survey it...&quot; Shi says, quivering a bit as shi unloads once more within hirself and within Astara!<br> <br>With her map and a rough memory of where everything is, Blanche keeps a close eye on her surroundings and the area ahead. &quot;Here, just ahead.&quot; Another glance at her map, then ahead. Hesiating at the mine entrance she looks to the others. &quot;Ready? If theres any trouble there won&#39;t be a lot of directions to run away. Lets hope things are still mostly intact, yes?&quot; Her how flat bellies hinder her no longer as trots along and tries to keep everyone together. &quot;Don&#39;t split up. It&#39;s easy to get lost.&quot; She rolls up her maps and stows it in a small pack to her side. &quot;Anyone taking a lead?&quot;<br> <br>Alkain hums as he fingers his glaive while peering around catiously, &quot;Well, who first then?&quot; he chuckles as he eyes Mira, Astara and Blache in confusion, &quot;That&#39;s new...&quot; he doesn&#39;t smell of rut for once, &quot;Let&#39;s see...&quot; he ponders and nods in agreement with Blanche, &quot;Good advice.&quot; he chuckles<br> <br>Astara was managing to at least keep alert and aware of her surroundings, despite getting pounded and filled and sucked dry around the clock for the last couple of days... at least until she got her latest dose. She was reasonably well out of Mira&#39;s pouch, just below her armpits and just out enough that her first pair of breasts are out, swinging with her mother&#39;s movements and rubbing at hir fur; spraying milk, too, when she&#39;s wracked with an orgasm in-sync with Miranai&#39;s, fists clenching, but she&#39;s back to &#39;normal&#39; almost instantly, letting out a happy, lust-dripping sigh, even as she continues cumming. She giggles, and comments &quot;Don&#39;t worry, Sis, I don&#39;t intend on leaving Mom yet!&quot; <br> <br>Looking to Alkain, listening to Astara, Miranai nods a bit, pondering, &quot;I think... Alkain, Anbessa&#39;s a bit behind, still scouting I think. Getting snuck up on by Wolves would be really b... aaaahh...bad...&quot; Shi manages, still unloading into Astara! After a bit though shi relaxes back down, &quot;O... oh.. ok. I think Alkain, you might be a good choice? You are really strong right? Just... keep an eye out.&quot; Shi says, smiling a bit, &quot;You are being a very good girl Astara, you keep an eye out too, I think you have the most experience with this kind of place.&quot; Shi mentions.<br> <br>Anbessa steps up alongside Blanche and Alkain, scratching through his unkept black hair with a hand as he listens to Alkain and Blanche. &quot;So... What kinda stuff do you all think is in here? I didn&#39;t really bring a pickaxe, so might be hard to find gold tonight.&quot; Anbessa says with a chuckle, smiling and leaning over to give Blanche a short nuzzle before he looks back up to Alkain. He raises an eyebrow with an amused look on his face. &quot;You don&#39;t wanna lead?&quot; He asks with a playful, mocking tone. &quot;Big guy like you would be quite a scary sight to see if something was in there...&quot; He then simply shrugs his shoulders and steps forward. &quot;I can lead if you all want, but I don&#39;t got a flashlight on me.&quot; He explains, his tail wiggling behind him as he looks between everyone else to see if anyone else&#39;s opinion.<br> <br>Alkain peers at Astara in confusion but shrugs, &quot;I&#39;m strong...&quot; he trails off as Anbessa arrives and snerks, &quot;But not all that tough.&quot; he finishes. &quot;I&#39;ll take the lead if no one else will though.&quot; as he pads into the cave to peek around<br> <br>Astara giggles at Miranai&#39;s praise, that enough just about setting her into another orgasm! She nods, and then nuzzles against hir mother&#39;s belly. &quot;Sure thing, Mom! I&#39;ll, uhhhhnnn...&quot; *There&#39;s* the orgasm! Doesn&#39;t make her pause more than about 10 seconds, though. &quot;...I&#39;ll try to be actually helpful!&quot; She&#39;s certainly doing a good job at leaving a milky trail on the ground. Astara looks back at Alkain, grinning and giving him a casual wave, even as she&#39;s still in a drawn out orgasm, her little shudders and twitches evident. &quot;What&#39;s wrong, uhhhh...&quot; She taps a finger on her cheek as she ponders something. &quot;I don&#39;t think I know you, actually. I&#39;m Astara!&quot; <br> <br>Blanche shrugs to Alkain, but gives him a playful slap on the rump as he heads in. Her attention turns to Astara for a moment, a little jealous. &quot;Come on mom, lets go see if theres anything useful in here...&quot; She heads in after Alkain next to Anbessa as he nuzzles her and gives him a lick in return. With her backside aimed to Mira and astara, she lifts her tail to show off her oversized, plush, and drooling spade accompanied by her puffy donut. Her balls swey gently under her flanks as she walks down the tunnel with the other guys.<br> <br>Walking into the mine with Miranai&#39;s torch held high above hir, everyone walks right past the weak struts. With all the weight suddenly added on, a section of the entrance gives way! The floor cracking and crumbling, sending the ceiling down upon Anbessa! Part of the rubble batters over him, Miranai screaming out from it all and looking around frantically! Fortunately, hir torch remains lit... allow everyone to still see...<br> <br>Anbessa gains 50 wounds for RP reasons.<br> <br>Anbessa shrugs as he smiles up to Alkain. &quot;Fine fine, feel free then.&quot; Though the human does follow after Alkain closely... Which costs the man quite a bit as, seemingly in response to the intrusion, the tunnel begins to rumble! His eyes open wide, and he only notices it just in time before a rock cracks him over the head, a loud yell of pain escaping him as he covers his head with his arms! His body is battered with stone, drawing blood and knocking the wind out of him as, after it passes, he grumbles with blood now dripping down his hair and face. &quot;Maybe we should have brought less heavy people into a tunnel...&quot; Anbessa grits his teeth as he steps back a bit from the tunnel, his arms leaving his head only after he steps back to the center of the group. Why the hell did only rocks fall on him?<br> <br>Alkain hmms? at Astara and blinks before chuckling, &quot;True... sorry. I am Alkain. Pleasure to meet you Astara.&quot; he grins a bit at the smack to his rump, tails swishing playfully as he peers around, &quot;Hmm...&quot; his own nuts sway with each step though he stops at the rumbling and looks back at the scream, &quot;Ack!&quot; he looks about to rush over, but thinks better of it, &quot;Damn... that may have been partially my fault...&quot; as he shrinks down before inspecting the struts and... staring blankly at them...<br> <br>Astara makes a startled eep, cowering down a little. Even as she&#39;s in another orgasm... with her situation, she&#39;s in a continual, sustained orgasm, really. Just has peaks of intensity. &quot;...Damn it. I should&#39;ve... should&#39;ve known that something like this&#39;d happen.&quot; Inside the dim mine, her eyes&#39; glow is quite apparent, but that doesn&#39;t particularly help her or anyone else see! &quot;Anyoonnne, anyone bring any mining tools? Helmet? Pickaxe, temporary struts?&quot; Her speach slurs towards the beginning of that sentence, eyes fluttering for a moment, milk spraying out harder than normal.<br> <br>Blanche lets out a yelp of surprise as the tunnel behind her collapses, then another yipe as Anbessa takes a large rock to the face. &quot;Anbessa!&quot; With a hop of her front section, she tries to quickly jump over to assist Anbessa. She&#39;s never really had to fix herself up too much, but she tries to help Anbessa with his wounds.... with not much success. Letting out a frustrated huff, she looks to the others. &quot;Someone want to help Anbessa out? I&#39;m used to having to nurse my own wounds in the field....&quot; Looking at the supports for a moment, she blinks and draws a blank. &quot;Well.. lets just try and find somewhere else that&#39;s less prone to collapsing, we can worry about tools later. I&#39;m sure theres some laying around somewhere.&quot;<br> <br>After hir fright, Miranai shakes hirself a bit and looks around. Shi pants a lot as shi does, trying to assertane the situation. Blanche&#39;s suggestion seems the most logical, Anbessa not stuck simply injured. &quot;Y.. yeah... help... Anbessa up on my back if he needs it. Let&#39;s... let&#39;s see if we can find somewhere else to be...&quot; Shi says, watching Alkain, with Tanuki&#39;s blessing, shrink himself quite a bit!<br> <br>Alkain frowns at Astara, &quot;Well, I could probably lift the boulders out of the way... but then I&#39;d risk collapsing the mine even more...&quot; he frowns and looks to the others, &quot;Maybe there is a med kit around here somewhere?&quot; he ponders a bit, &quot;We will have to be careful though...&quot; he looks to Mira and ponders as he goes to pet her a little, trying to calm her further, &quot;We&#39;ll get out of this, I&#39;m sure.&quot;<br> <br>Anbessa grits his teeth in pain as he stands a little woozily, having probably gotten the sense knocked out of him somewhat by the stone he took to the skull. Hope he doesn&#39;t have a concussion from all of this. He looks over towards Blanche as she comes over to help him, though the human soon enough just rests a hand on her shoulder to keep himself somewhat steady as he regains his senses. Blood dripping down his head and arms, he soon enough does regain some semblence of sense as he sighs. &quot;Good sign of things to come, I&#39;m sure...&quot; He had to at least be thankful that didn&#39;t cave in his head instead of bonking him. Looking back to Mira, he shakes his head as he stands after his short breather. &quot;I should be good... I might have remorted, but I ain&#39;t useless...&quot; He afterwords resumes gritting his teeth as he glances about the tunnel. He begins to fish through his pockets, trying to find one of his assault rifle&#39;s attachments. At least his rifle and sword are still strapped to him fine.<br> <br>As he sifts about his pockets a tad unsuccessfully, the human&#39;s eyes glance about to notice Mira&#39;s flickering torch. Seeing this, he stops his sifting through his pockets as he watches it as if entranced for a short bit before he speaks. &quot;Wind... So, there is another way.&quot; While he might have a concussion, he can at least still notice that much as he points towards the direction the flame is flickering. &quot;Lets get going, I&#39;m already sick of being in this place.&quot; If no one takes lead immediately, the wounded human takes his rifle off of his back and readies it as he takes point, each movement accented with a footstep as he impatiently starts to walk.<br> <br>&quot;Yes, being here longer than normal can only end poorly... we need to find, ffffffind...&quot; Astara begins to say, shuddering again, interrupting her train of thought. &quot;...Find some sorta evidence that this is a place worth coming back to. And a way out.&quot;<br> <br>While tries to get everything together, or at least clean up Anbessa a bit. She waits for everyone to get back on task. As someone inspects a torch, at the mention of wind, she rolls her eyes a bit. &quot;Of course theres a way out! You think they build mine shafts with one entrance so they can cave in and screw everyone over? Come on.... Theres probably even helpful signs in here to point the way. People used to work here, you know.&quot; Looking at Anbessa she shakes her head gently with a frown. &quot;I&#39;ll find you a first aid kit. People tend to get hurt in places like this so I&#39;m sure theres a somewhat stocked kit somewhere, lets look for an office or something.&quot; With a brief thought, her brows furrow, how does she know this?<br> <br>With the tunnel caving in slightly, it sends dust and debris around the whole area, blocking off that tunnel. Not too far off from the group, the sound of someone coughing might be audible, the sound familiar to at least one person who&#39;s there. Cupping a paw over her muzzle however, she attempts to remain hidden as she was before, hoping no one heard her.<br> <br>Anbessa gains 50 wounds for RP reasons.<br> <br>With the entry tunnel caving in, it sends dust and debris scatering around the whole area, blocking off the way they came. Out from the incident a small hyena scrambles, coughing and sputtering, before looking back at what just transpired, ears ringing. &quot;D-dios mio...&quot; she pants out, a paw going to her chest. Just then however, she looks around to everyone else, stopping on Mira, looking up at hir with a guilty frown.<br> <br>A way out, or at least a hopeful one, discovered down the tunnel ways, Miranai&#39;s tails wag a bit, looking down that way. Looking over to Blanche, then to Anbessa, &quot;Sweetie, Blanche dear, Anbessa will live, he&#39;ll be fine, we can get him patched up when we...&quot; then another smaller figure coming out of the debris! &quot;Jackie!! I... I could have sworn I... I... you shouldn&#39;t be here! It&#39;s dangerous and...&quot; Shi looks over the small hyena, but then shakes hir head... &quot;Alright... alright... let&#39;s... let&#39;s just try and find a way out.&quot; Shi says, looking around for who would start to lead them next...<br> <br>Alkain hmms? at Anbessa and nods, &quot;I sure hope so...&quot; he ponders the torch a bit and grins, &quot;That&#39;s good at least.&quot; He nods to Astara in agreement before shrugging at Blanche, &quot;I don&#39;t claim to know all THAT much about mines... but it stands to reason there would be more than one entrance.&quot; he hmms? at the coughing and looks around in confusion before spotting Jaqui, &quot;Oh err... hey...&quot; he nods to Mira in agreement, &quot;We may have found a way out though...&quot; as he tries to follow the wind, rrfing a little as his rut starts up<br> <br>Astara was a little shaken by the the cave-in (or perhaps just her most recent orgasm), but she certainly reacted when Jaqui showed up. &quot;Who&#39;s she, Mom? One of my sisters?&quot; She very thoroughly inspects Jaqui, unknowingly licking her lips... and unfortunately licking up some of the stone dust permeating the air. She shakes her head and makes a sour face to this untasty development, with a &quot;Blech!&quot; thrown in there. Her nose twitches a little as she smells Alkain&#39;s rut, and she gazes off in the direction of his groin. (Not making the mistake of licking her lips again!)<br> <br>Anbessa huffs as he hears Miranai and everyone else behind him about his note previously, the human lowering his rifle in his arms as he looks back to them. &quot;I&#39;m just saying, since I&#39;ve never BEEN in a mine before.&quot; He points out this, though as he hears coughing and hacking, the human&#39;s attention quickly drifts over towards the nearby hyena that is now looking at Mira with puppy dog eyes... Or, I guess hyena eyes? &quot;Well, I guess we have an adorable follower, so that is an upside.&quot; With his hair now a tad matted with his fresh blood and his white long sleeve shirt&#39;s arms also stained with his blood, Anbessa soon enough simply sighs, then once more turns to try to lead once more, despite being wounded still. At least the human is still well armed.<br> <br>Jaqui frowns more deeply when Mira seems clearly disapproving of her following them, ears pinning down. &quot;I can&#39;t just sit in that workshop every day... I wanted to do something interesting for once.&quot; she argues, glancing towards Anbessa. &quot;You gonna be okay?&quot; she asks him, though she notices Astara staring at her for a moment, starting to feel uneasy. Also she seems to be sporting a mid term belly. Good thing she managed to avoid being harmed by the cave-in.<br> <br>Alkain sighs as he mutters to himself while following Anbessa, completely ignorant of Astara&#39;s staring. Though the only thing that would really be visable from his back would be his heavy nuts. &quot;Damn rut...&quot; he grumbles more and shakes ghis head, &quot;Gotta focus.&quot; he sighs and looks over to Anbessa, pondering if the human should be leading right now<br> <br>Blanche looks back to her mother, then back to Anbessa, but is rather startled by the sight of the newly revealed Jaqui. &quot;Jacqui?!&quot; She pauses a moment to consider the last time they talked, but shrugs. &quot;Be careful! You know how these things work, right?&quot; She points to a nearby support beam with her thumb. &quot;We could use you in evaluating the tunnels anyway. Just..... don&#39;t be like Anbessa and get yourself hurt.&quot; She sticks out her tongue at Anbessa and walks over to Alkain to give him a quick pet on the back. &quot;I&#39;ll be keeping a close eye on you... been too long.&quot;<br> <br>Miranai follows along with Anbessa, Alkain, and Blanche, keeping Astara within, but also making sure Jackie is staying behind hir! Shi stops a moment, shuttering and groaning softly before resuming. Along the way though, Blanche and Anbessa can easily catch a few glints from the stone walls down the other two paths as they pass by them toward where the wind was coming from! The closer to the path that has a breeze, the cooler things get...<br> <br>Jaqui follows along closely behind Mira, cradling her mid-sized belly. Glancing back at Astara, she chuckles. &quot;Oh, sorry... I&#39;m Jaqui. If Mira&#39;s your mama, I&#39;m not your sister. I&#39;m... Well, probably your aunt? Or something? I dunno, I&#39;m one of Mira&#39;s many mates, the littlest one.&quot; she explains, petting her belly through her light-colored tanktop, thoroughly covered in dust and tirt now.<br> <br>Alkain nods in agreement with Blanche, &quot;Yeah, I tried earlier but... I guess rut is fogging my mind...&quot; he frowns a bit before chuckling at Blanche, shivering a bit before he takes a deep breath through his mouth and lets it out, &quot;Indeed.&quot; he chuckles though frowns at the increasing cooling of the mine, &quot;Erm... are we going deeper or something?&quot; he looks a little out of it as his rut kicks up a notch<br> <br>Anbessa tenses up as he hears Blanche, turning about with an annoyed look on his face. &quot;What do you MEAN getting myself hurt? Fucking rocks fell on me out of nowhere!&quot; He seems actually quite annoyed that he was being blamed for something he had no control over. Though with Jaqui speaking to him, he sighs and nods his head. &quot;Probably will be. Not like I haven&#39;t had worse stuff happen to me.&quot; Though the human does send a glare at Blanche for a second or two further for the percieved insult, he huffs and continues on. Seems he is not in the best of moods, though probably understandably. Though as they come across the paths, the human steps forward a bit and stops as he feels the cooler breeze brushing over him. He hums as he glances about the paths. &quot;Hm... Well, I certainly hope we can find another way out. It&#39;d be a pain in the ass having to dig our way out of the way we came in, after all...&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Aunt it is, then!&quot; Astara replies to Jaqui, upbeat as ever. She is as attentive as can be expected; she does try to survey the mines from her limited vantage point, but she&#39;s just as frequently being distracted by her own or her mother&#39;s body. She shivers with the cooler breeze, and tucks herself a little more into Miranai&#39;s pouch... at least tucking her breasts back in, still leaving her arms out. Then, she burps, cheeks puffing out soon after... and large amount of cum comes gushing out of her mouth! When it drains, she burps again... and giggles. &quot;Sorry! Lets try and go towards that breeze... and don&#39;t, uh. Slip.&quot;<br> <br>Blanche walks alongside Alkain and pets him behind the ears, the smell of rut arousing her intrests, so to speak. Lifting her head and looking back she says to Anbessa, &quot;Lighten up, I wasn&#39;t being serious. We&#39;re stuck in a cave with a big rutting fox, a larger fox that&#39;s cumming every few minutes, and a third fox inside that one that&#39;s more cum that fox, we&#39;re stuck in a dank dark cave in the middle of nowhere, and I need sex. Have some fun with it!&quot; Looking back ahead she spots something shiny as light glitters off of something stuck in a rock. She stops for a moment to stare, then gestures to the other with a wave of her hand. &quot;Oh, what&#39;s this?&quot; Slowly trotting over she leans in to sniff at one of the shinies, giving Alkain and whoever else behind her a good look at her dripping spade.<br> <br>Miranai was continuing on along with everyone else until Blanche diverts down another path and starts sniffing at the more sparkly rocks. Shi looks closely at them... &quot;Quartz... this is quartz. But it would only shine like this if it had iron impurities...&quot; Shi says then goes wide eyed! &quot;There&#39;s iron ore somewhere in this mine!&quot; Shi says excitedly, jumping around, partly in a puddle of hir own seed! Another rush through hir and shi leans over to pet on Blanche! &quot;Good girl! Such a good girl! Now... umm... we just need to find a way out? Maybe... there are other things we could find too?&quot; Shi asks. Though perhaps more could be descovered here with effort...<br> <br>Alkain blinks at Anbessa&#39;s outburst and sighs, &quot;Now isn&#39;t a good time to fight...&quot; he nods to Astara though and chuckles as she spits up cum, shivering a bit as he struggles with his growing rut! He hmms? at Blanche and snerks a bit before blinking as she pads towards... his mind goes a bit blank as his eyes focus on that dripping spade, a slight growl of lust coming from him before he shakes his head to try and clear it, &quot;Huh...?&quot; he looks over to Mira and blinks as his ears perk up, &quot;Iron? Awesome! Hmm...&quot; he looks around for any samples, though not straying from the group<br> <br>Anbessa lets out a huff as he hears Blanche speaking to him, soon simply shaking his head. &quot;We should focus on making sure we are safe in here than focusing on sex. After we are sure, then it can be fixed.&quot; The human points out the fox. Though as she points out the glittering, the man tilts his head in curiosity. &quot;Hm? Are those important?&quot; He asks, though Mira&#39;s explaination immediately after does make him blink and let out a short &quot;Oh...&quot; Before he sighs lightly and continues. &quot;Didn&#39;t think they were that important... But at least that means if we can get this place secure, someone could come by later and gather some real, fresh ore.&quot; He says with his rifle lowered as he calms down a bit. Though instead of focusing on the walls, he pays more attention to the paths, as if trying to peer at the darkness to keep an eye out for the time being.<br> <br>&quot;I&#39;ll have some fun with you, Blanche!&quot; Astara blurts out, looking quite excited, even while there&#39;s a small trickle of cum steadily dripping from her mouth. She pauses to let Miranai speak, riding out another one of her own orgasms while sie does so... so desensitized to cumming by now, she&#39;s still paying enough attention to keep up with what the productive members of the group are up to. &quot;Ahhh, good... I&#39;m sure there&#39;s something worthwhile for us in the mine. Just because it wasn&#39;t comercially viable doesn&#39;t mean it&#39;s empty...&quot; She trails off, her face flushing deep, letting out a throaty moan that echoes throughout the old mine. Within, the taur cums right again, and again! She&#39;s as hard as ever - to the point where it&#39;s almost painful - and her cunny is milking Mira as much as it can.<br> <br>Jaqui looks skeptically at Blanche as she draws their attention to the quartz in the wall, the hyena going over to look. Listening to Mira&#39;s explanation, her tail wags a bit, and she smiles. Seemingly sharing Mira&#39;s enthusiasm, she thrusts her fist upwards. &quot;Iron! I can&#39;t believe our luck, this is great!&quot; she says happily, chuckling in her excitement.<br> <br>As everyone looks around, there is evidence not only of quartz and iron, but of coal as well! The mine must have been in high production before P-day but after... abandoned. Miranai dances a bit more before stopping again, &quot;Oh... oh my... but... if we can&#39;t find another way in or out, this is useless... Anbessa&#39;s right. We should follow that other path.&quot; Shi mentions.<br> <br>Blanche looks around and rubs her chin, but shrugs again. &quot;All this stuff is useful?&quot; She half-heartedly ignores Anbessa, clearly not interested in her in the slightest. &quot;Well, then leave it up to me...&quot; Looking back to Alkain, she gives him a quick lick to the neck before taking a step towards the direction that wind is coming from. With an intentional step downwind she fans out her scent to those behind her. &quot;If it&#39;s a way out that you all want.... just follow the tunnel!&quot; She gives a smile and a wink to Astara as she starts to make her way down the shaft, though is sure to keep a close eye on her surroundings for the moment, even as she tries to tease everyone.<br> <br>Alkain mmfs as his rut goes up another gear, &quot;I... agree with Anbessa. We should... make sure we are safe before sex...&quot; he sounds more like he&#39;s trying to convince himself of that though... he looks to Anbessa as he tries to focus, &quot;Erm... Iron would be very... very useful. With it, we could... reinforce anything we build...&quot; he nods to Astara though, &quot;True...&quot; he grins at Jaqui though and nods, &quot;I know, right?&quot; he murrs at the lick and noses back into it before panting at the scent from Blanche, his cock starting to unsheathe as he tries to focus on getting out rather than off<br> <br>Astara beams at Blanche&#39;s acknowledgement at her, giggling and leaking more of her mother&#39;s cum out her mouth. &quot;Mom, can I do things with Blanche when we get home?&quot; She asks, looking up to her mother as best she can given where she is (and what&#39;s likely in the way of her view). She&#39;s thoroughly teased by Blanche, and that&#39;s taking up most of her attention right now.<br> <br>Anbessa at least seems satisfied with some people agreeing with his note, nodding and chuckling as he follows after Blanche as she walks off in an attempt to take the lead instead. &quot;After we are sure it is safe, we can see about you all fixing those ruts and heats.&quot; The human sniggers in amusement as he rests his rifle against his shoulder casually. &quot;Whoever comes to mine this place can clean the mess!&quot; He laughs in amusement at the thought, soon shaking his head before refocusing on following that breeze, hoping that it does indeed lead to an exit to this mine.<br> <br>The way back to the main split is easy enough, and the cool breeze though the other path eventually gives way to a vertical shaft permiting climbing back out for those able. Others might need a bit more help than some... though the path back up isn&#39;t TOO rough or steep for those diligiant. After a few attempts anyone could climb out. While it was late, getting home wouldn&#39;t be too hard... if one kept an eye out for wolves...[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 17:34, 26 February 2017





With Blanche's navigation capabilities, finding the mine shaft wasn't that hard to do, even in the night. Miranai wasn't about to let them go without light though, torches very easy to make. A little booze, on some cloth, wrapped up around a large stick provided enough to be able to see alright with the expert use of tracking and geography that Blanche provided. It was WAY out of bubble, Miranai's nanomagic giving them a mini-bubble to help out though. Astara, currently inside Miranai, and having spent the last few days getting enough cum pumped into her daily to fill a lake... currently poking her head out of the clockwork foxtaur's pouch. "Great work dear, now, we just need to go in and survey it..." Shi says, quivering a bit as shi unloads once more within hirself and within Astara!

With her map and a rough memory of where everything is, Blanche keeps a close eye on her surroundings and the area ahead. "Here, just ahead." Another glance at her map, then ahead. Hesiating at the mine entrance she looks to the others. "Ready? If theres any trouble there won't be a lot of directions to run away. Lets hope things are still mostly intact, yes?" Her how flat bellies hinder her no longer as trots along and tries to keep everyone together. "Don't split up. It's easy to get lost." She rolls up her maps and stows it in a small pack to her side. "Anyone taking a lead?"

Alkain hums as he fingers his glaive while peering around catiously, "Well, who first then?" he chuckles as he eyes Mira, Astara and Blache in confusion, "That's new..." he doesn't smell of rut for once, "Let's see..." he ponders and nods in agreement with Blanche, "Good advice." he chuckles

Astara was managing to at least keep alert and aware of her surroundings, despite getting pounded and filled and sucked dry around the clock for the last couple of days... at least until she got her latest dose. She was reasonably well out of Mira's pouch, just below her armpits and just out enough that her first pair of breasts are out, swinging with her mother's movements and rubbing at hir fur; spraying milk, too, when she's wracked with an orgasm in-sync with Miranai's, fists clenching, but she's back to 'normal' almost instantly, letting out a happy, lust-dripping sigh, even as she continues cumming. She giggles, and comments "Don't worry, Sis, I don't intend on leaving Mom yet!"

Looking to Alkain, listening to Astara, Miranai nods a bit, pondering, "I think... Alkain, Anbessa's a bit behind, still scouting I think. Getting snuck up on by Wolves would be really b... aaaahh...bad..." Shi manages, still unloading into Astara! After a bit though shi relaxes back down, "O... oh.. ok. I think Alkain, you might be a good choice? You are really strong right? Just... keep an eye out." Shi says, smiling a bit, "You are being a very good girl Astara, you keep an eye out too, I think you have the most experience with this kind of place." Shi mentions.

Anbessa steps up alongside Blanche and Alkain, scratching through his unkept black hair with a hand as he listens to Alkain and Blanche. "So... What kinda stuff do you all think is in here? I didn't really bring a pickaxe, so might be hard to find gold tonight." Anbessa says with a chuckle, smiling and leaning over to give Blanche a short nuzzle before he looks back up to Alkain. He raises an eyebrow with an amused look on his face. "You don't wanna lead?" He asks with a playful, mocking tone. "Big guy like you would be quite a scary sight to see if something was in there..." He then simply shrugs his shoulders and steps forward. "I can lead if you all want, but I don't got a flashlight on me." He explains, his tail wiggling behind him as he looks between everyone else to see if anyone else's opinion.

Alkain peers at Astara in confusion but shrugs, "I'm strong..." he trails off as Anbessa arrives and snerks, "But not all that tough." he finishes. "I'll take the lead if no one else will though." as he pads into the cave to peek around

Astara giggles at Miranai's praise, that enough just about setting her into another orgasm! She nods, and then nuzzles against hir mother's belly. "Sure thing, Mom! I'll, uhhhhnnn..." *There's* the orgasm! Doesn't make her pause more than about 10 seconds, though. "...I'll try to be actually helpful!" She's certainly doing a good job at leaving a milky trail on the ground. Astara looks back at Alkain, grinning and giving him a casual wave, even as she's still in a drawn out orgasm, her little shudders and twitches evident. "What's wrong, uhhhh..." She taps a finger on her cheek as she ponders something. "I don't think I know you, actually. I'm Astara!"

Blanche shrugs to Alkain, but gives him a playful slap on the rump as he heads in. Her attention turns to Astara for a moment, a little jealous. "Come on mom, lets go see if theres anything useful in here..." She heads in after Alkain next to Anbessa as he nuzzles her and gives him a lick in return. With her backside aimed to Mira and astara, she lifts her tail to show off her oversized, plush, and drooling spade accompanied by her puffy donut. Her balls swey gently under her flanks as she walks down the tunnel with the other guys.

Walking into the mine with Miranai's torch held high above hir, everyone walks right past the weak struts. With all the weight suddenly added on, a section of the entrance gives way! The floor cracking and crumbling, sending the ceiling down upon Anbessa! Part of the rubble batters over him, Miranai screaming out from it all and looking around frantically! Fortunately, hir torch remains lit... allow everyone to still see...

Anbessa gains 50 wounds for RP reasons.

Anbessa shrugs as he smiles up to Alkain. "Fine fine, feel free then." Though the human does follow after Alkain closely... Which costs the man quite a bit as, seemingly in response to the intrusion, the tunnel begins to rumble! His eyes open wide, and he only notices it just in time before a rock cracks him over the head, a loud yell of pain escaping him as he covers his head with his arms! His body is battered with stone, drawing blood and knocking the wind out of him as, after it passes, he grumbles with blood now dripping down his hair and face. "Maybe we should have brought less heavy people into a tunnel..." Anbessa grits his teeth as he steps back a bit from the tunnel, his arms leaving his head only after he steps back to the center of the group. Why the hell did only rocks fall on him?

Alkain hmms? at Astara and blinks before chuckling, "True... sorry. I am Alkain. Pleasure to meet you Astara." he grins a bit at the smack to his rump, tails swishing playfully as he peers around, "Hmm..." his own nuts sway with each step though he stops at the rumbling and looks back at the scream, "Ack!" he looks about to rush over, but thinks better of it, "Damn... that may have been partially my fault..." as he shrinks down before inspecting the struts and... staring blankly at them...

Astara makes a startled eep, cowering down a little. Even as she's in another orgasm... with her situation, she's in a continual, sustained orgasm, really. Just has peaks of intensity. "...Damn it. I should've... should've known that something like this'd happen." Inside the dim mine, her eyes' glow is quite apparent, but that doesn't particularly help her or anyone else see! "Anyoonnne, anyone bring any mining tools? Helmet? Pickaxe, temporary struts?" Her speach slurs towards the beginning of that sentence, eyes fluttering for a moment, milk spraying out harder than normal.

Blanche lets out a yelp of surprise as the tunnel behind her collapses, then another yipe as Anbessa takes a large rock to the face. "Anbessa!" With a hop of her front section, she tries to quickly jump over to assist Anbessa. She's never really had to fix herself up too much, but she tries to help Anbessa with his wounds.... with not much success. Letting out a frustrated huff, she looks to the others. "Someone want to help Anbessa out? I'm used to having to nurse my own wounds in the field...." Looking at the supports for a moment, she blinks and draws a blank. "Well.. lets just try and find somewhere else that's less prone to collapsing, we can worry about tools later. I'm sure theres some laying around somewhere."

After hir fright, Miranai shakes hirself a bit and looks around. Shi pants a lot as shi does, trying to assertane the situation. Blanche's suggestion seems the most logical, Anbessa not stuck simply injured. "Y.. yeah... help... Anbessa up on my back if he needs it. Let's... let's see if we can find somewhere else to be..." Shi says, watching Alkain, with Tanuki's blessing, shrink himself quite a bit!

Alkain frowns at Astara, "Well, I could probably lift the boulders out of the way... but then I'd risk collapsing the mine even more..." he frowns and looks to the others, "Maybe there is a med kit around here somewhere?" he ponders a bit, "We will have to be careful though..." he looks to Mira and ponders as he goes to pet her a little, trying to calm her further, "We'll get out of this, I'm sure."

Anbessa grits his teeth in pain as he stands a little woozily, having probably gotten the sense knocked out of him somewhat by the stone he took to the skull. Hope he doesn't have a concussion from all of this. He looks over towards Blanche as she comes over to help him, though the human soon enough just rests a hand on her shoulder to keep himself somewhat steady as he regains his senses. Blood dripping down his head and arms, he soon enough does regain some semblence of sense as he sighs. "Good sign of things to come, I'm sure..." He had to at least be thankful that didn't cave in his head instead of bonking him. Looking back to Mira, he shakes his head as he stands after his short breather. "I should be good... I might have remorted, but I ain't useless..." He afterwords resumes gritting his teeth as he glances about the tunnel. He begins to fish through his pockets, trying to find one of his assault rifle's attachments. At least his rifle and sword are still strapped to him fine.

As he sifts about his pockets a tad unsuccessfully, the human's eyes glance about to notice Mira's flickering torch. Seeing this, he stops his sifting through his pockets as he watches it as if entranced for a short bit before he speaks. "Wind... So, there is another way." While he might have a concussion, he can at least still notice that much as he points towards the direction the flame is flickering. "Lets get going, I'm already sick of being in this place." If no one takes lead immediately, the wounded human takes his rifle off of his back and readies it as he takes point, each movement accented with a footstep as he impatiently starts to walk.

"Yes, being here longer than normal can only end poorly... we need to find, ffffffind..." Astara begins to say, shuddering again, interrupting her train of thought. "...Find some sorta evidence that this is a place worth coming back to. And a way out."

While tries to get everything together, or at least clean up Anbessa a bit. She waits for everyone to get back on task. As someone inspects a torch, at the mention of wind, she rolls her eyes a bit. "Of course theres a way out! You think they build mine shafts with one entrance so they can cave in and screw everyone over? Come on.... Theres probably even helpful signs in here to point the way. People used to work here, you know." Looking at Anbessa she shakes her head gently with a frown. "I'll find you a first aid kit. People tend to get hurt in places like this so I'm sure theres a somewhat stocked kit somewhere, lets look for an office or something." With a brief thought, her brows furrow, how does she know this?

With the tunnel caving in slightly, it sends dust and debris around the whole area, blocking off that tunnel. Not too far off from the group, the sound of someone coughing might be audible, the sound familiar to at least one person who's there. Cupping a paw over her muzzle however, she attempts to remain hidden as she was before, hoping no one heard her.

Anbessa gains 50 wounds for RP reasons.

With the entry tunnel caving in, it sends dust and debris scatering around the whole area, blocking off the way they came. Out from the incident a small hyena scrambles, coughing and sputtering, before looking back at what just transpired, ears ringing. "D-dios mio..." she pants out, a paw going to her chest. Just then however, she looks around to everyone else, stopping on Mira, looking up at hir with a guilty frown.

A way out, or at least a hopeful one, discovered down the tunnel ways, Miranai's tails wag a bit, looking down that way. Looking over to Blanche, then to Anbessa, "Sweetie, Blanche dear, Anbessa will live, he'll be fine, we can get him patched up when we..." then another smaller figure coming out of the debris! "Jackie!! I... I could have sworn I... I... you shouldn't be here! It's dangerous and..." Shi looks over the small hyena, but then shakes hir head... "Alright... alright... let's... let's just try and find a way out." Shi says, looking around for who would start to lead them next...

Alkain hmms? at Anbessa and nods, "I sure hope so..." he ponders the torch a bit and grins, "That's good at least." He nods to Astara in agreement before shrugging at Blanche, "I don't claim to know all THAT much about mines... but it stands to reason there would be more than one entrance." he hmms? at the coughing and looks around in confusion before spotting Jaqui, "Oh err... hey..." he nods to Mira in agreement, "We may have found a way out though..." as he tries to follow the wind, rrfing a little as his rut starts up

Astara was a little shaken by the the cave-in (or perhaps just her most recent orgasm), but she certainly reacted when Jaqui showed up. "Who's she, Mom? One of my sisters?" She very thoroughly inspects Jaqui, unknowingly licking her lips... and unfortunately licking up some of the stone dust permeating the air. She shakes her head and makes a sour face to this untasty development, with a "Blech!" thrown in there. Her nose twitches a little as she smells Alkain's rut, and she gazes off in the direction of his groin. (Not making the mistake of licking her lips again!)

Anbessa huffs as he hears Miranai and everyone else behind him about his note previously, the human lowering his rifle in his arms as he looks back to them. "I'm just saying, since I've never BEEN in a mine before." He points out this, though as he hears coughing and hacking, the human's attention quickly drifts over towards the nearby hyena that is now looking at Mira with puppy dog eyes... Or, I guess hyena eyes? "Well, I guess we have an adorable follower, so that is an upside." With his hair now a tad matted with his fresh blood and his white long sleeve shirt's arms also stained with his blood, Anbessa soon enough simply sighs, then once more turns to try to lead once more, despite being wounded still. At least the human is still well armed.

Jaqui frowns more deeply when Mira seems clearly disapproving of her following them, ears pinning down. "I can't just sit in that workshop every day... I wanted to do something interesting for once." she argues, glancing towards Anbessa. "You gonna be okay?" she asks him, though she notices Astara staring at her for a moment, starting to feel uneasy. Also she seems to be sporting a mid term belly. Good thing she managed to avoid being harmed by the cave-in.

Alkain sighs as he mutters to himself while following Anbessa, completely ignorant of Astara's staring. Though the only thing that would really be visable from his back would be his heavy nuts. "Damn rut..." he grumbles more and shakes ghis head, "Gotta focus." he sighs and looks over to Anbessa, pondering if the human should be leading right now

Blanche looks back to her mother, then back to Anbessa, but is rather startled by the sight of the newly revealed Jaqui. "Jacqui?!" She pauses a moment to consider the last time they talked, but shrugs. "Be careful! You know how these things work, right?" She points to a nearby support beam with her thumb. "We could use you in evaluating the tunnels anyway. Just..... don't be like Anbessa and get yourself hurt." She sticks out her tongue at Anbessa and walks over to Alkain to give him a quick pet on the back. "I'll be keeping a close eye on you... been too long."

Miranai follows along with Anbessa, Alkain, and Blanche, keeping Astara within, but also making sure Jackie is staying behind hir! Shi stops a moment, shuttering and groaning softly before resuming. Along the way though, Blanche and Anbessa can easily catch a few glints from the stone walls down the other two paths as they pass by them toward where the wind was coming from! The closer to the path that has a breeze, the cooler things get...

Jaqui follows along closely behind Mira, cradling her mid-sized belly. Glancing back at Astara, she chuckles. "Oh, sorry... I'm Jaqui. If Mira's your mama, I'm not your sister. I'm... Well, probably your aunt? Or something? I dunno, I'm one of Mira's many mates, the littlest one." she explains, petting her belly through her light-colored tanktop, thoroughly covered in dust and tirt now.

Alkain nods in agreement with Blanche, "Yeah, I tried earlier but... I guess rut is fogging my mind..." he frowns a bit before chuckling at Blanche, shivering a bit before he takes a deep breath through his mouth and lets it out, "Indeed." he chuckles though frowns at the increasing cooling of the mine, "Erm... are we going deeper or something?" he looks a little out of it as his rut kicks up a notch

Anbessa tenses up as he hears Blanche, turning about with an annoyed look on his face. "What do you MEAN getting myself hurt? Fucking rocks fell on me out of nowhere!" He seems actually quite annoyed that he was being blamed for something he had no control over. Though with Jaqui speaking to him, he sighs and nods his head. "Probably will be. Not like I haven't had worse stuff happen to me." Though the human does send a glare at Blanche for a second or two further for the percieved insult, he huffs and continues on. Seems he is not in the best of moods, though probably understandably. Though as they come across the paths, the human steps forward a bit and stops as he feels the cooler breeze brushing over him. He hums as he glances about the paths. "Hm... Well, I certainly hope we can find another way out. It'd be a pain in the ass having to dig our way out of the way we came in, after all..."

"Aunt it is, then!" Astara replies to Jaqui, upbeat as ever. She is as attentive as can be expected; she does try to survey the mines from her limited vantage point, but she's just as frequently being distracted by her own or her mother's body. She shivers with the cooler breeze, and tucks herself a little more into Miranai's pouch... at least tucking her breasts back in, still leaving her arms out. Then, she burps, cheeks puffing out soon after... and large amount of cum comes gushing out of her mouth! When it drains, she burps again... and giggles. "Sorry! Lets try and go towards that breeze... and don't, uh. Slip."

Blanche walks alongside Alkain and pets him behind the ears, the smell of rut arousing her intrests, so to speak. Lifting her head and looking back she says to Anbessa, "Lighten up, I wasn't being serious. We're stuck in a cave with a big rutting fox, a larger fox that's cumming every few minutes, and a third fox inside that one that's more cum that fox, we're stuck in a dank dark cave in the middle of nowhere, and I need sex. Have some fun with it!" Looking back ahead she spots something shiny as light glitters off of something stuck in a rock. She stops for a moment to stare, then gestures to the other with a wave of her hand. "Oh, what's this?" Slowly trotting over she leans in to sniff at one of the shinies, giving Alkain and whoever else behind her a good look at her dripping spade.

Miranai was continuing on along with everyone else until Blanche diverts down another path and starts sniffing at the more sparkly rocks. Shi looks closely at them... "Quartz... this is quartz. But it would only shine like this if it had iron impurities..." Shi says then goes wide eyed! "There's iron ore somewhere in this mine!" Shi says excitedly, jumping around, partly in a puddle of hir own seed! Another rush through hir and shi leans over to pet on Blanche! "Good girl! Such a good girl! Now... umm... we just need to find a way out? Maybe... there are other things we could find too?" Shi asks. Though perhaps more could be descovered here with effort...

Alkain blinks at Anbessa's outburst and sighs, "Now isn't a good time to fight..." he nods to Astara though and chuckles as she spits up cum, shivering a bit as he struggles with his growing rut! He hmms? at Blanche and snerks a bit before blinking as she pads towards... his mind goes a bit blank as his eyes focus on that dripping spade, a slight growl of lust coming from him before he shakes his head to try and clear it, "Huh...?" he looks over to Mira and blinks as his ears perk up, "Iron? Awesome! Hmm..." he looks around for any samples, though not straying from the group

Anbessa lets out a huff as he hears Blanche speaking to him, soon simply shaking his head. "We should focus on making sure we are safe in here than focusing on sex. After we are sure, then it can be fixed." The human points out the fox. Though as she points out the glittering, the man tilts his head in curiosity. "Hm? Are those important?" He asks, though Mira's explaination immediately after does make him blink and let out a short "Oh..." Before he sighs lightly and continues. "Didn't think they were that important... But at least that means if we can get this place secure, someone could come by later and gather some real, fresh ore." He says with his rifle lowered as he calms down a bit. Though instead of focusing on the walls, he pays more attention to the paths, as if trying to peer at the darkness to keep an eye out for the time being.

"I'll have some fun with you, Blanche!" Astara blurts out, looking quite excited, even while there's a small trickle of cum steadily dripping from her mouth. She pauses to let Miranai speak, riding out another one of her own orgasms while sie does so... so desensitized to cumming by now, she's still paying enough attention to keep up with what the productive members of the group are up to. "Ahhh, good... I'm sure there's something worthwhile for us in the mine. Just because it wasn't comercially viable doesn't mean it's empty..." She trails off, her face flushing deep, letting out a throaty moan that echoes throughout the old mine. Within, the taur cums right again, and again! She's as hard as ever - to the point where it's almost painful - and her cunny is milking Mira as much as it can.

Jaqui looks skeptically at Blanche as she draws their attention to the quartz in the wall, the hyena going over to look. Listening to Mira's explanation, her tail wags a bit, and she smiles. Seemingly sharing Mira's enthusiasm, she thrusts her fist upwards. "Iron! I can't believe our luck, this is great!" she says happily, chuckling in her excitement.

As everyone looks around, there is evidence not only of quartz and iron, but of coal as well! The mine must have been in high production before P-day but after... abandoned. Miranai dances a bit more before stopping again, "Oh... oh my... but... if we can't find another way in or out, this is useless... Anbessa's right. We should follow that other path." Shi mentions.

Blanche looks around and rubs her chin, but shrugs again. "All this stuff is useful?" She half-heartedly ignores Anbessa, clearly not interested in her in the slightest. "Well, then leave it up to me..." Looking back to Alkain, she gives him a quick lick to the neck before taking a step towards the direction that wind is coming from. With an intentional step downwind she fans out her scent to those behind her. "If it's a way out that you all want.... just follow the tunnel!" She gives a smile and a wink to Astara as she starts to make her way down the shaft, though is sure to keep a close eye on her surroundings for the moment, even as she tries to tease everyone.

Alkain mmfs as his rut goes up another gear, "I... agree with Anbessa. We should... make sure we are safe before sex..." he sounds more like he's trying to convince himself of that though... he looks to Anbessa as he tries to focus, "Erm... Iron would be very... very useful. With it, we could... reinforce anything we build..." he nods to Astara though, "True..." he grins at Jaqui though and nods, "I know, right?" he murrs at the lick and noses back into it before panting at the scent from Blanche, his cock starting to unsheathe as he tries to focus on getting out rather than off

Astara beams at Blanche's acknowledgement at her, giggling and leaking more of her mother's cum out her mouth. "Mom, can I do things with Blanche when we get home?" She asks, looking up to her mother as best she can given where she is (and what's likely in the way of her view). She's thoroughly teased by Blanche, and that's taking up most of her attention right now.

Anbessa at least seems satisfied with some people agreeing with his note, nodding and chuckling as he follows after Blanche as she walks off in an attempt to take the lead instead. "After we are sure it is safe, we can see about you all fixing those ruts and heats." The human sniggers in amusement as he rests his rifle against his shoulder casually. "Whoever comes to mine this place can clean the mess!" He laughs in amusement at the thought, soon shaking his head before refocusing on following that breeze, hoping that it does indeed lead to an exit to this mine.

The way back to the main split is easy enough, and the cool breeze though the other path eventually gives way to a vertical shaft permiting climbing back out for those able. Others might need a bit more help than some... though the path back up isn't TOO rough or steep for those diligiant. After a few attempts anyone could climb out. While it was late, getting home wouldn't be too hard... if one kept an eye out for wolves...