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<div></div><br> <br>A small group of foxes, clearly from Miranai&#39;s lineage mulls about, papers in their hands and moving various materials around, even a whiteboard. &quot;Everything set?&quot; A hermaphrodite vixen asks the group. &quot;Yes yes, my papers are all here...&quot; The mustached, masculine fox says in response as he sorts through his papers. &quot;As good as I&#39;ll ever get.&quot; A markedly more chubbier marbled fox says in response as he relaxes in a nearby chair, having just set up the board. &quot;Good, now to wait for any volunteers.&quot; She takes a seat next to the chubby fox, the other fox still sorting and organizing his papers.<br> <br>Hearing the noises of things being moved about and voices speaking in the dining room, a grey furred figure peeks in through the door and into the room before stepping inside. With furrowed eyebrows as he watches the group of foxes, Anbessa cocks his head as his ears atop of his head droop to the side. &quot;Uh... Hi?&quot; The bun squeaks in curiosity, clearly not knowing what this group of foxes is up to in the dining room of all places. &quot;Somethin&#39; going on?&quot; The bun asks, ears raising after a second or two of looking over the bushy tailed group.<br> <br>Tall, broad and quite drippy, Ava walks up to the foxes, the gooey avian striding proudly, smiling through hir beak as shi sees a familiar face. &quot;Hello papa! Been a while since I&#39;ve seen you around, looking good though,&quot; shi says to him, then rests hir hands on hir hips. &quot;I understand you lot need volunteers again? What&#39;s the job this time? Didn&#39;t go so well last time, but I&#39;m still willing to put in a little elbow grease to help glenstock out.&quot;<br> <br>Astara wasn&#39;t coming to the dining room with knowledge of the events transpiring in the lobby, nor did she initially care all that much about it... she cared about her grumbling tummy! The only thing that gave her pause was the familiar-sounding voice of one of her sisters, in all her cummy glory, even if Ava was different than what she recognized. &quot;Ava? That you?&quot; She approaches the ensemble, rubbing her belly, which growls again. &quot;What&#39;s going on here?&quot;<br> <br>The herm fox looks towards the group, a hint a dissapointment shows on her face before she says something and gets to business. &quot;Right. I suppose nobody got the message...&quot; She casts a look at the lounging tubby fox next to her. &quot;Alex!&quot; The chubby one sits up strait. &quot;What? Was I supposed to send out the flyers?&quot; The herm fox slaps the side of her face and sighs. &quot;Well... we have volunteers.... I hope.&quot; Relaxing visibly she leans back and starts to explain. &quot;Okay, so the egghead with the mustache says he has a plan to get a sewer system going with the added bonus of having a utility tunnel of some kind. It&#39;s up to us three to organize what we need to get this show on the road. First, we need to gather up the necessary materials. We have a plan, just nothing to do with it. Literally. We have nothing, we&#39;ll even have to make our own tools.&quot; Alex frowns. &quot;By we, she means ME, of course.&quot; The herm furrows her brows, but continues. &quot;The fox will give you a rundown.&quot; Gesturing over to him he looks stunned for a moment as he peeks over his papers. &quot;Oh... yes. I&#39;m Bob, hi!&quot; After clearing his throat, he pulls on his stash a bit and stands up. &quot;Ummm... okay. so the plan.....&quot;<br> <br>Anbessa raises an eyebrow to the herm fox at the look sent his way, though hearing a familar voice the bun turns around... And quickly pauses as his eyes look up at the drippy beaked being with a quite confused look on his face. &quot;Uh... Hi, Ava.&quot; The bun seems quite off guard by her new look. &quot;You look a lot... Different. Like, very different!&quot; Last time he saw her was when she was a fox a little under his size after all! Though with another person entering the room he looks towards Astara with his ears drooping and him cocking his head. &quot;So, new faces aside...&quot; Turning back towards the foxes, the bun rests his paws on his hips as he listens to their explaination. Though something about what they were talking about made his ears raise up in interest, soon letting out a light hum as he nods. &quot;Would certainly help the place to have something like that...&quot; The bunn trails off, glancing back and forth between the many foxes and the... Err, gooey bird thing?<br> <br>&quot;Sewer, eh?&quot; Astara remarks, rubbing her chin. &quot;Waaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day I spent about a year in a position designing and maintaining a system out East, and I&#39;d be lying if I haven&#39;t done some looking into what it&#39;d take to get some running water in this place... having better drains set to handle Mom&#39;s new productivity is a good thing, too. So sign me up!&quot;<br> <br>Ava looks at the group and furrows hir brow by the basic out line of the plan. Shi looks down at hir father and smiles, then nods. &quot;Yeah, been going through some changes, probably won&#39;t be like this long as it is, but it&#39;s fun.&quot; Shi looks down at hirself then out into the distance. The smell emanating from hir still heavy in the air, but the nature of the fluid dripping off of hir body changing in composition, the smell of fresh milk filling the air. Shi smiled again and wiggled her hips. &quot;That&#39;s a little better, don&#39;t you think?&quot; Shi looks at Astara and nods. &quot;Yep, nice to see you again Astara, trying something new.&quot; Hir arms cross over hir chest and shi spread hir legs. &quot;Well, not terribly experienced with building, but got plenty of strength to lift and move things to offer you lot. Just tell me what you need and I&#39;ll try my best to help.&quot;<br> <br>Bob continues his rambling, though the leader of the group is stareing at Ava with both shock and awe at the cummy creature, a kind of which she has never seen before. &quot;...We&#39;re going to build a large scale underground tunnel network. As you may know, the nanites seem to work off magic that can&#39;t penetrate a few feet past the ground-&quot; &quot;It&#39;s not magic!&quot; The herm fox interjects. &quot;... so this MAGIC, would have a hard time eating away at any pipes and such that we have if under this threshold.... Even then, the magic.&quot; The herm gives Bob a look. Bob sighs and corrects himself: &quot;The nanites, still pose a threat to materials being stored.... So I-&quot; &quot;Ehem&quot; &quot;We... came up wit ha solution that allows utility lines as well as more sensitive materials to be stored....&quot; Alex perks up. &quot;A plan is all we have though.&quot; The herm hangs her head for a moment, her muzzle almost sinking between her sizable tits and behind her shirt. Lifting her head up she explains further. &quot;This is where you lot come in. We need people to get things done!&quot; Handing out a list of materials to Astara, she resumes talking. &quot;I&#39;ll give this to you, since you seem to know more about this sort of thing.&quot; Sitting back in her chair, she looks to Bob. Bob glances to the herm, then back to the group proper. &quot;Oh!&quot; he then gets up and starts to draw on the whiteboard, making a map of the city, but with paths carved out through particular spots, especially the Surrogate Brotherhood grounds. &quot;First is the obvious problem. We need to dig out the tunnel. Shovels, picks, nanomagic if you have it, something. We also need a way to move all this earth away while reinforcing the tunnel proper. Rebar...steel... monumental amounts of concrete to construct all the tunnels! This will be no easy task, especially when we are building pumps into this system. Of especiall concern is the need for air filtration. We&#39;ll need filters in key locations....&quot; He points to a few spots. &quot;These will be problematic points as they will expose parts of the tunnel to the nanites, great care and speed must be employed. It would help if we had a way to block the signals... but...&quot; He shrugs. &quot;Faraday cages don&#39;t last so long.&quot; He looks to the others. &quot;Getting THOSE will be their... and by extension, your, jobs!&quot; He starts drawing an example vent that is planned, it snakes through the dirt vertically, the filter installed well underground. The herm continues: &quot;Now, we&#39;ll need tools, people, materials, and some filters that can filter air on a microscopic level. Question?&quot;<br> <br>Ava draws up near Astara, leaning over to look at the list, trying not to get too close so as to get hir... drippings on it, then looks up at the group and stands up straight. &quot;Well shit, this looks like a hell of a lot of work you&#39;ve got here, though I admit, plumbing would be nice...&quot; Shi turns her head then scratches it. &quot;I think? I dunno, never had &#39;running water&#39; but I&#39;ve heard great things.&quot; Shi crosses hir arms and looks up. &quot;I might be able to get people. I mean, not like we don&#39;t have plenty around here, but got plenty of brothers and sisters who could help, and I know more than a few people I could organize to get some of this shit done. Maybe Miranai could help with some of the tools and materials... though shi might be a bit sore with me after what happened the last time I tried helping.&quot; <br> <br>Astara giggles. &quot;I used to experiment a lot with my form back in the day... actually, I&#39;ve been finding some changes happening in me since the last time in Mom. But-&quot; She stops replying to Ava when Bob begins his rambling once more, and particularly when a list of materials is put in her face! &quot;...Huh. Well, I *can* use nanomagic to move earth around... but making concrete is an entire task unto itself.&quot;<br> <br>The herm nods. &quot;You&#39;re right.... uhhh... I just realized that I never told you my name... I&#39;m Cathrine. The fat lazy one is Alex and the one with the fake mustache is Bob.&quot; &quot;Hey!&quot; &quot;It&#39;s obvious, Bob.&quot; Bob hrumphs. Cathrine continues, &quot;Thousands of cubic feet of dirt needs to be moved, the tunnels reinforced with concrete.&quot; Alex jumps to attention. &quot;Waaait, were you part of the team that buggered out and left all that wire behind? that was going to be our lifeline to power the fans to pull the air through the filter! Way to drop the ball there.&quot; Cathrine elbows him firmly. &quot;Ow!&quot; Bob adds, &quot;He&#39;s right though, in order to keep things on as low a maintenance as possible, we need to filter out the nanites as much as we can.... and find replacements. But... one issue at a time? The main entrance will be just outside the bubble and will double as an exaust...&quot; &quot;It&#39;s up to you all how you&#39;ll go about it, but nothing gets done without all the pieces in place. So... since you&#39;ll be doing the legwork.... with Alex.&quot; Alex gets a look on his face to Cathrines suggestion. &quot;You mean, I gotta....&quot; &quot;Yep, you get to annoy THEM for a change.&quot; &quot;Awww...&quot; &quot;So what&#39;ll it be, gang. Working plumbing in the city would be great, but it&#39;s up to you what to do first.&quot;<br> <br>Ava huffs and stomps hir foot. &quot;It was life or death, you want to be the one fending off all of those ferals as they attack Mama Mira&#39;s kit bloated body? Hmm?&quot; shi said indignantly, then lifts a finger and flicks it, sending milk flying in retaliation. Shi looks at Alex and furrows hir brow, beak lowering. &quot;Watch your tongue, or I might put a plug in your mouth, and it&#39;ll be used,&quot; shi warns. Shi looks to Astara and shrugs. &quot;What do you think? I&#39;m thinking we need supplies first.&quot;<br> <br>Astara shrugs in return. &quot;Concrete is gonna be a pain in the ass, we&#39;ve got several scouting and recon missions ahead of us to find a suitable agregate source to mine or quarry out... and we needa also find a plant in the city to salvage and refit to make some cement.&quot; She leans over to give Ava a hug, in attempt to console her, not caring if she gets messy in the process! &quot;Sounds like we needa get that wire back, too.&quot;<br> <br>Alex flenches at the flecks of cum that land on him. &quot;Hey now! You know how hard this fur is to keep clean!&quot; Cathrine leans back and nods. &quot;Supplies and materials it is. It&#39;s a big job too.&quot; She thinks for a moment. &quot;Hmmm.... Concrete, huh? Sure, we can get a plant going for that. Okay then, looks like we&#39;ll meet after I get the old city maps and look for a suitable spot. Should be easy enough.... Kick out a few ferals... retool the factory... look for a whole quarry for limestone... Plenty to get done! See Alex for  some limestone, I&#39;m the gal you need for factory work.&quot; Alex huffs. &quot;Pick her, I don&#39;t want to go out into the wilderness. I like my beds soft and cozy, thank you very much!&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Soft beds huh? Delicate little flower,&quot; Ava remarks, then looks down at Astara and hugs her close, with some mild squishing involved. &quot;I can certainly help with the kicking out of ferals. Kicked more than my share of feral asses. Point me at the place and I&#39;ll make sure it&#39;s cleared out, though I can&#39;t make any promises on them not being pregnant afterward. Rut gets away from me sometimes.&quot; Shi looks down at Astara and nods. &quot;Yeah, I intend to do it soon. Don&#39;t want all of that wire to waste away because of &#39;magic&#39;,&quot; shi said, mimicking Bob as best shi could.<br> <br>Astara laughs. &quot;I could give ya a real soft and cozy place to sleep, Alex, all while taking you out into the wilds!&quot; She wiggles her rear as she speaks, and from the dripping of pussyjuice on the ground, it&#39;s not hard to figure out what she&#39;s insinuating. &quot;Better bring a big crew with you, Ava, maybe I&#39;ll tag along to be safe... been getting a little rusty on my combat, so maybe going out of bubble isn&#39;t the best, but... we&#39;ll see.&quot;<br> <br>Bob chuckles. &quot;See? They like magic. May as well be. I&#39;ll never be able to see the things, as much as I would want to.&quot; He shrugs and adjusts his mustache. Cathrine nods, then turns to Alex with a smirk. &quot;Better get on it, looks like You&#39;ll need to find us some concrete stuff!&quot; Alex grumbles, &quot;I&#39;ll.... think about that.&quot; He says to Astara as he makes his way out, not exactly enthused about sleeping inside someone, and gets to leave. Looking back to the group cathrine says, &quot;I&#39;ll investigate some good sites to set up on, may get lucky and find a cement plant just waiting to be fixed up! Of course, as soon as we turn our heads, the place will go to pot again...&quot; She sighs. Bob perks, &quot;But.... if we do this right... we can accomplish small-scale stable manufacture of things for the long term!&quot; He points to a few chambers. &quot;With the reduced nanite density, it&#39;s much more likely to run machines reliably here. Theres even a sub-sewer to catch some... unplanned maintenance as it were. We all know how much mom can make.. Theres some serious infrastructure here. It&#39;ll take some serious effort.&quot;<br> <br>Ava lifts an arm and rolls up hir sleeve, flexing to show off hir muscle. &quot;Don&#39;t worry, you come with me, I&#39;ll make sure you&#39;re safe Astara,&quot; shi said and winked.&quot; Shi looks at the group&#39;s discussion and rubs at hir own head. &quot;Well, like I said, you need muscle or manpower, I can help with that best I can. Got plenty of that, minutia, planning, not much my thing. Could set up some guards around the place though, wherever we set up shop.&quot;<br> <br>Astara grins wide, and makes an swoons exagerratedly towards Ava. &quot;I&#39;ll be safe in your hands, sis~&quot; She giggles, and goes back to a more normal composure. &quot;Anyways... we should definately talk to Mom about all of this, I think sie&#39;ll be able to help, and probably also corral some of our siblings for manpower!&quot;<br> <br>Cathrine gets up, the effort to lift not only herself, but her rather well endowed genitals take a bit. &quot;Good, because I&#39;m not much of a fighter and we still have a housing issue to deal with so expect squatters. I don&#39;t think you&#39;ll need to physically kick them out... but we&#39;ll need to clean it up and reinforce the place to stall the nanites any way we can. Now, if nobody has any questions, I think we&#39;ll go ahead and call it a night and I&#39;ll start planning in the morning.&quot; Bob waves to everyone. &quot;Call me if you need me, I&#39;ll look up some optimal mixes.... Theres some good recipes, I know a few foxes.&quot; He walks out, leaving Cathrine alone for now.<br> <br>Ava nods in agreeance with Astara. &quot;Aye, I&#39;ll get some from the saloon too. Won&#39;t have nearly as many in number like Miranai, but couldn&#39;t hurt.&quot; Shi shrugs and stretches hir arms up. &quot;Sounds like a plan. I&#39;ll get on my comm and start getting in contact with some people, have my people call other people and so forth.&quot;<br> <br>Astara&#39;s tummy grumbles again, and she leans forward slightly as she rubs it. &quot;Urgh, hungry...&quot; she mumbles, before she realizes Ava spoke to her! &quot;Oh! Yes, I&#39;ll see who I can muster, as well. Now, if you excuse me, I&#39;m going to go muster up something to eat!&quot;<br> <br>Cathrine nods and waves everyone off. &quot;Have a good night. Busy day for me at least.&quot; The endowed vixen makes her way out the door, her balls rolling off of each thigh as she walks with tits scraping the side of the doorway. &quot;Don&#39;t mind Alex, he may seem lazy but he&#39;s skilled.&quot; She shrugs. &quot;Why do you think I keep him around? Just don&#39;t kill him....&quot; She gives Ava a knowing look, then makes her way out the door and out of sight with a swish of her tail.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 06:08, 28 February 2017





A small group of foxes, clearly from Miranai's lineage mulls about, papers in their hands and moving various materials around, even a whiteboard. "Everything set?" A hermaphrodite vixen asks the group. "Yes yes, my papers are all here..." The mustached, masculine fox says in response as he sorts through his papers. "As good as I'll ever get." A markedly more chubbier marbled fox says in response as he relaxes in a nearby chair, having just set up the board. "Good, now to wait for any volunteers." She takes a seat next to the chubby fox, the other fox still sorting and organizing his papers.

Hearing the noises of things being moved about and voices speaking in the dining room, a grey furred figure peeks in through the door and into the room before stepping inside. With furrowed eyebrows as he watches the group of foxes, Anbessa cocks his head as his ears atop of his head droop to the side. "Uh... Hi?" The bun squeaks in curiosity, clearly not knowing what this group of foxes is up to in the dining room of all places. "Somethin' going on?" The bun asks, ears raising after a second or two of looking over the bushy tailed group.

Tall, broad and quite drippy, Ava walks up to the foxes, the gooey avian striding proudly, smiling through hir beak as shi sees a familiar face. "Hello papa! Been a while since I've seen you around, looking good though," shi says to him, then rests hir hands on hir hips. "I understand you lot need volunteers again? What's the job this time? Didn't go so well last time, but I'm still willing to put in a little elbow grease to help glenstock out."

Astara wasn't coming to the dining room with knowledge of the events transpiring in the lobby, nor did she initially care all that much about it... she cared about her grumbling tummy! The only thing that gave her pause was the familiar-sounding voice of one of her sisters, in all her cummy glory, even if Ava was different than what she recognized. "Ava? That you?" She approaches the ensemble, rubbing her belly, which growls again. "What's going on here?"

The herm fox looks towards the group, a hint a dissapointment shows on her face before she says something and gets to business. "Right. I suppose nobody got the message..." She casts a look at the lounging tubby fox next to her. "Alex!" The chubby one sits up strait. "What? Was I supposed to send out the flyers?" The herm fox slaps the side of her face and sighs. "Well... we have volunteers.... I hope." Relaxing visibly she leans back and starts to explain. "Okay, so the egghead with the mustache says he has a plan to get a sewer system going with the added bonus of having a utility tunnel of some kind. It's up to us three to organize what we need to get this show on the road. First, we need to gather up the necessary materials. We have a plan, just nothing to do with it. Literally. We have nothing, we'll even have to make our own tools." Alex frowns. "By we, she means ME, of course." The herm furrows her brows, but continues. "The fox will give you a rundown." Gesturing over to him he looks stunned for a moment as he peeks over his papers. "Oh... yes. I'm Bob, hi!" After clearing his throat, he pulls on his stash a bit and stands up. "Ummm... okay. so the plan....."

Anbessa raises an eyebrow to the herm fox at the look sent his way, though hearing a familar voice the bun turns around... And quickly pauses as his eyes look up at the drippy beaked being with a quite confused look on his face. "Uh... Hi, Ava." The bun seems quite off guard by her new look. "You look a lot... Different. Like, very different!" Last time he saw her was when she was a fox a little under his size after all! Though with another person entering the room he looks towards Astara with his ears drooping and him cocking his head. "So, new faces aside..." Turning back towards the foxes, the bun rests his paws on his hips as he listens to their explaination. Though something about what they were talking about made his ears raise up in interest, soon letting out a light hum as he nods. "Would certainly help the place to have something like that..." The bunn trails off, glancing back and forth between the many foxes and the... Err, gooey bird thing?

"Sewer, eh?" Astara remarks, rubbing her chin. "Waaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day I spent about a year in a position designing and maintaining a system out East, and I'd be lying if I haven't done some looking into what it'd take to get some running water in this place... having better drains set to handle Mom's new productivity is a good thing, too. So sign me up!"

Ava looks at the group and furrows hir brow by the basic out line of the plan. Shi looks down at hir father and smiles, then nods. "Yeah, been going through some changes, probably won't be like this long as it is, but it's fun." Shi looks down at hirself then out into the distance. The smell emanating from hir still heavy in the air, but the nature of the fluid dripping off of hir body changing in composition, the smell of fresh milk filling the air. Shi smiled again and wiggled her hips. "That's a little better, don't you think?" Shi looks at Astara and nods. "Yep, nice to see you again Astara, trying something new." Hir arms cross over hir chest and shi spread hir legs. "Well, not terribly experienced with building, but got plenty of strength to lift and move things to offer you lot. Just tell me what you need and I'll try my best to help."

Bob continues his rambling, though the leader of the group is stareing at Ava with both shock and awe at the cummy creature, a kind of which she has never seen before. "...We're going to build a large scale underground tunnel network. As you may know, the nanites seem to work off magic that can't penetrate a few feet past the ground-" "It's not magic!" The herm fox interjects. "... so this MAGIC, would have a hard time eating away at any pipes and such that we have if under this threshold.... Even then, the magic." The herm gives Bob a look. Bob sighs and corrects himself: "The nanites, still pose a threat to materials being stored.... So I-" "Ehem" "We... came up wit ha solution that allows utility lines as well as more sensitive materials to be stored...." Alex perks up. "A plan is all we have though." The herm hangs her head for a moment, her muzzle almost sinking between her sizable tits and behind her shirt. Lifting her head up she explains further. "This is where you lot come in. We need people to get things done!" Handing out a list of materials to Astara, she resumes talking. "I'll give this to you, since you seem to know more about this sort of thing." Sitting back in her chair, she looks to Bob. Bob glances to the herm, then back to the group proper. "Oh!" he then gets up and starts to draw on the whiteboard, making a map of the city, but with paths carved out through particular spots, especially the Surrogate Brotherhood grounds. "First is the obvious problem. We need to dig out the tunnel. Shovels, picks, nanomagic if you have it, something. We also need a way to move all this earth away while reinforcing the tunnel proper. Rebar...steel... monumental amounts of concrete to construct all the tunnels! This will be no easy task, especially when we are building pumps into this system. Of especiall concern is the need for air filtration. We'll need filters in key locations...." He points to a few spots. "These will be problematic points as they will expose parts of the tunnel to the nanites, great care and speed must be employed. It would help if we had a way to block the signals... but..." He shrugs. "Faraday cages don't last so long." He looks to the others. "Getting THOSE will be their... and by extension, your, jobs!" He starts drawing an example vent that is planned, it snakes through the dirt vertically, the filter installed well underground. The herm continues: "Now, we'll need tools, people, materials, and some filters that can filter air on a microscopic level. Question?"

Ava draws up near Astara, leaning over to look at the list, trying not to get too close so as to get hir... drippings on it, then looks up at the group and stands up straight. "Well shit, this looks like a hell of a lot of work you've got here, though I admit, plumbing would be nice..." Shi turns her head then scratches it. "I think? I dunno, never had 'running water' but I've heard great things." Shi crosses hir arms and looks up. "I might be able to get people. I mean, not like we don't have plenty around here, but got plenty of brothers and sisters who could help, and I know more than a few people I could organize to get some of this shit done. Maybe Miranai could help with some of the tools and materials... though shi might be a bit sore with me after what happened the last time I tried helping."

Astara giggles. "I used to experiment a lot with my form back in the day... actually, I've been finding some changes happening in me since the last time in Mom. But-" She stops replying to Ava when Bob begins his rambling once more, and particularly when a list of materials is put in her face! "...Huh. Well, I *can* use nanomagic to move earth around... but making concrete is an entire task unto itself."

The herm nods. "You're right.... uhhh... I just realized that I never told you my name... I'm Cathrine. The fat lazy one is Alex and the one with the fake mustache is Bob." "Hey!" "It's obvious, Bob." Bob hrumphs. Cathrine continues, "Thousands of cubic feet of dirt needs to be moved, the tunnels reinforced with concrete." Alex jumps to attention. "Waaait, were you part of the team that buggered out and left all that wire behind? that was going to be our lifeline to power the fans to pull the air through the filter! Way to drop the ball there." Cathrine elbows him firmly. "Ow!" Bob adds, "He's right though, in order to keep things on as low a maintenance as possible, we need to filter out the nanites as much as we can.... and find replacements. But... one issue at a time? The main entrance will be just outside the bubble and will double as an exaust..." "It's up to you all how you'll go about it, but nothing gets done without all the pieces in place. So... since you'll be doing the legwork.... with Alex." Alex gets a look on his face to Cathrines suggestion. "You mean, I gotta...." "Yep, you get to annoy THEM for a change." "Awww..." "So what'll it be, gang. Working plumbing in the city would be great, but it's up to you what to do first."

Ava huffs and stomps hir foot. "It was life or death, you want to be the one fending off all of those ferals as they attack Mama Mira's kit bloated body? Hmm?" shi said indignantly, then lifts a finger and flicks it, sending milk flying in retaliation. Shi looks at Alex and furrows hir brow, beak lowering. "Watch your tongue, or I might put a plug in your mouth, and it'll be used," shi warns. Shi looks to Astara and shrugs. "What do you think? I'm thinking we need supplies first."

Astara shrugs in return. "Concrete is gonna be a pain in the ass, we've got several scouting and recon missions ahead of us to find a suitable agregate source to mine or quarry out... and we needa also find a plant in the city to salvage and refit to make some cement." She leans over to give Ava a hug, in attempt to console her, not caring if she gets messy in the process! "Sounds like we needa get that wire back, too."

Alex flenches at the flecks of cum that land on him. "Hey now! You know how hard this fur is to keep clean!" Cathrine leans back and nods. "Supplies and materials it is. It's a big job too." She thinks for a moment. "Hmmm.... Concrete, huh? Sure, we can get a plant going for that. Okay then, looks like we'll meet after I get the old city maps and look for a suitable spot. Should be easy enough.... Kick out a few ferals... retool the factory... look for a whole quarry for limestone... Plenty to get done! See Alex for some limestone, I'm the gal you need for factory work." Alex huffs. "Pick her, I don't want to go out into the wilderness. I like my beds soft and cozy, thank you very much!"

"Soft beds huh? Delicate little flower," Ava remarks, then looks down at Astara and hugs her close, with some mild squishing involved. "I can certainly help with the kicking out of ferals. Kicked more than my share of feral asses. Point me at the place and I'll make sure it's cleared out, though I can't make any promises on them not being pregnant afterward. Rut gets away from me sometimes." Shi looks down at Astara and nods. "Yeah, I intend to do it soon. Don't want all of that wire to waste away because of 'magic'," shi said, mimicking Bob as best shi could.

Astara laughs. "I could give ya a real soft and cozy place to sleep, Alex, all while taking you out into the wilds!" She wiggles her rear as she speaks, and from the dripping of pussyjuice on the ground, it's not hard to figure out what she's insinuating. "Better bring a big crew with you, Ava, maybe I'll tag along to be safe... been getting a little rusty on my combat, so maybe going out of bubble isn't the best, but... we'll see."

Bob chuckles. "See? They like magic. May as well be. I'll never be able to see the things, as much as I would want to." He shrugs and adjusts his mustache. Cathrine nods, then turns to Alex with a smirk. "Better get on it, looks like You'll need to find us some concrete stuff!" Alex grumbles, "I'll.... think about that." He says to Astara as he makes his way out, not exactly enthused about sleeping inside someone, and gets to leave. Looking back to the group cathrine says, "I'll investigate some good sites to set up on, may get lucky and find a cement plant just waiting to be fixed up! Of course, as soon as we turn our heads, the place will go to pot again..." She sighs. Bob perks, "But.... if we do this right... we can accomplish small-scale stable manufacture of things for the long term!" He points to a few chambers. "With the reduced nanite density, it's much more likely to run machines reliably here. Theres even a sub-sewer to catch some... unplanned maintenance as it were. We all know how much mom can make.. Theres some serious infrastructure here. It'll take some serious effort."

Ava lifts an arm and rolls up hir sleeve, flexing to show off hir muscle. "Don't worry, you come with me, I'll make sure you're safe Astara," shi said and winked." Shi looks at the group's discussion and rubs at hir own head. "Well, like I said, you need muscle or manpower, I can help with that best I can. Got plenty of that, minutia, planning, not much my thing. Could set up some guards around the place though, wherever we set up shop."

Astara grins wide, and makes an swoons exagerratedly towards Ava. "I'll be safe in your hands, sis~" She giggles, and goes back to a more normal composure. "Anyways... we should definately talk to Mom about all of this, I think sie'll be able to help, and probably also corral some of our siblings for manpower!"

Cathrine gets up, the effort to lift not only herself, but her rather well endowed genitals take a bit. "Good, because I'm not much of a fighter and we still have a housing issue to deal with so expect squatters. I don't think you'll need to physically kick them out... but we'll need to clean it up and reinforce the place to stall the nanites any way we can. Now, if nobody has any questions, I think we'll go ahead and call it a night and I'll start planning in the morning." Bob waves to everyone. "Call me if you need me, I'll look up some optimal mixes.... Theres some good recipes, I know a few foxes." He walks out, leaving Cathrine alone for now.

Ava nods in agreeance with Astara. "Aye, I'll get some from the saloon too. Won't have nearly as many in number like Miranai, but couldn't hurt." Shi shrugs and stretches hir arms up. "Sounds like a plan. I'll get on my comm and start getting in contact with some people, have my people call other people and so forth."

Astara's tummy grumbles again, and she leans forward slightly as she rubs it. "Urgh, hungry..." she mumbles, before she realizes Ava spoke to her! "Oh! Yes, I'll see who I can muster, as well. Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to go muster up something to eat!"

Cathrine nods and waves everyone off. "Have a good night. Busy day for me at least." The endowed vixen makes her way out the door, her balls rolling off of each thigh as she walks with tits scraping the side of the doorway. "Don't mind Alex, he may seem lazy but he's skilled." She shrugs. "Why do you think I keep him around? Just don't kill him...." She gives Ava a knowing look, then makes her way out the door and out of sight with a swish of her tail.