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The following is a list of updates made to the game since it entered open beta in 2011.
For planned future updates, see Nuku's six month plan at http://checkvist.com/checklists/97925-six-month-plan.
=Full archive of updates can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=
Need up-to-the-minute updates? They're over [http://flexiblesurvival.com/index?webupdate here]!
* Minor exit tweaks.
** Unnecessary [O] Out exits changes to the appropriate cardinal directions.
** Most uses of [O]ut changed to [O] Out to be more in line with other directions.
* Fixed an exploit in the Bottle Quest that allowed infinite freecred generation.
* Fixed a bug that could cause web battles to run out of control if the battle ended but the player never refreshes/moves to a different page.
* Web battles will now notify you if your battle times out before you finish making your move and will cease all further execution until you start the next battle.
* Fixed legacy look traps at the Red Court.
** They now support basic partial matching and are highlighted in yellow.
* Using the vial machine will now set the level of the vial produced to be the minimum level for the lowest area it spawns in.
** If no area is found it will be set to max level.
* A new mob is on the grid: [[Clockwork Cat]]. You'll find it in the [[Toy Factory]].
* Clockwork Cat defeat now shows up.
* Removed cases of partially highlighted commands in Zephyr, RSX, and New Dawn.
** Instead of seeing 'trained' you will see 'train', for example.
* New Dawn perk room now matches the compact, neater visual style of those in Zephyr and RSX.
* Perk rooms further updated.
** The 'Commands' section has been made more clear, concise, and helpful.
* [[Emotional Aura Nanomagic]] updated to reflect what it considers an emotion that is projectable.
* Shield drones now get a modified rest ability.
* Leaking Craftmod available in the Elite Shop.
* When using the shift or associated commands, the form you try to shift to will now accept partial matching based off forms you have mastered.
** If you have not mastered any forms, partial matching will not work.
* Bastet Disciple's dedication immunity to horny/heat messages has been fixed.
+pj #pvp Option added to allow judges to use PVP modes within private (temporary) rooms.
** You must be Judge Level 4 or higher to use this new option.
* Shifting to a form will now attempt to match a specific form first, rather than the biggest partial match.
** Further, it will also try and then match things from the start of an infection, before resorting to full partial matching.
* Say-color option in editplayer should now function correctly.
* When using the talk script editor on the web, Goto and Mprompt(?) will no longer filter out string parsing.
* Rudimentary PVP combat should now work.
** Messages tell you what kind of PVP is in an area now pop up when you enter.
** Being defeated in a PVP area will not give you wounds (but respawning still will)
* Fixed broken string parsing on the path from New Dawn to Fairhaven.
* Broken string parsing fixed in the Latex Toy Factory room descriptions.
** Several broken exits removed/repaired, as well.
* Fixed broken string parsing on the path from New Dawn to Fairhaven.
* Added the ability to set a 'forced mentor' on a room that will make sure people are of a similar level (mentored up or down)
* Being the same faction as someone confused no longer stops their confused attacks from hitting you.
* Fixed lots of broken string parsing at the Daughter Dealership.
* Fixed a bug where a player could enter an infinite loop when talking to Nephthys at the Daughter Dealership without enough freecreds.
* Pets can no longer infect or be infected by dots.
* [[Modification]] recipe removed from the game.
** It made players with the [[Modified]] flaw capable of giving out buffs and debuffs that were massively stronger than a support character that used [[Roles|roles]].
*** In other words it made role-based buff/debuff characters useless.
* The Modest perks (Cock, Vagina and Appearance) have been updated to properly reflect the fact that reality has clearly always referred to relative sizes.
* Using the [[sexual stabilizer]] now sets a permanent stat, rather than a status, which remains until toggled back off.
* Tail Divider support has been added to the Fox Taur form.
* Animated Latex Skin Dedication finally grounded on the grid.
* For balance reasons, AoEmod buff has been removed from [[Gradual Latexification]].
* Fixed bug in acct_any2aid function that caused a crash when ambiguous player name strings are entered.
* New flag added: [[Flared]]. For all your equine needs!
* Small fixes to South Fairhaven.
** First, fixed several ancient roomdesc stat checks with broken string parsing.
** Second, fixed over 8 misspelled exits.
** And finally, cleared up some misleading directions.
* Many Equine forms now have the new 'Flared' flag implemented for use in string parsing.
* Minor bug in womb room exiting fixed.
** Another bug with +womb rooms fixed (not certain if related to the above).
* New Monster placed in the Sweaty Jungle area! [[Roseander]].
** Plant-fond form-hunters, get ready and go get it!
* Fixed major bug in how regen (status) gains aggro.
* Added "TINTIN++" to list of supported clients for which 256-color mode will be automatically enabled.
* Say-color option in editplayer should now function correctly.
* The way energy interacts with RP gained money has been made less coarse.
* Rolling out new gear mutex code.
** If you get any errors or such pertaining to using items or that have 'lib mutex' in them, please make a request
* Anubis Servant boss vial added to elite store.
* Yesterday's "Cred Earned" statistic will now be displayed by +account/+register.
** Only if the value is above zero. May take a day or two to update in the database.
* Offline players in your womb will now affect your haste/pregnant statuses.
* InGame web fights should now, once again, work.
** AND they will now tell you, properly, when a fight has ended!
* Game-mail to email is working again.
** If you have not disabled the feature, any +mail you receive while offline will be sent to your active email address.
* Email system should now honor all opt-out requests.
* Lots of broken or unfinished look traps removed from Zephyr.
** All of the ones shown should be finished products.
* Horny messages should disable if your fertile status is negative.
* Updated how web combat is cleaned up.
** Players should be given much more chance to revive and should see less 'battle ended unexpectedly' from in-game web combats.
* Stat checks in Fairhaven made more 'contextual' and less 'gamey'.
** While still obvious when reading through a room description, they should no longer fire History 2/1: or the like.
** Several small knowledge stat checks added in the process.
* Searching in areas where there are offline players should be a little more reliable.
* Modification to the inventory mutex system should result in less hiccups.
* The way energy interacts with RP gained money has been made less coarse.
* Rod's Old Truck Quest should now correctly mention to mentor to level 17 if you are too high level for the final fight.
* Feral mode training, [[Rod Trained]], added to the wiki! More additions to follow.
* [[Alpha Feral Training]] added to the wiki.
* [[Feral Training Nurturer]] added to the Wiki.
* Help Mentor has received a touch-up.
* [[Sweaty Jungle]] tweaked for improved grammar.
* [[The Highway]] has been updated for ease of navigation.
** Room titles are now distinct and reflect their respective areas.
* [[Ember Matriarch]] works properly now.
** Now you can go back for more fun with hir after you complete the quest.
* [[Death Valley]] and all related NPCs have been rewritten. This is part of ongoing work to improve older zones.
* [[The Circus]] in Fairhaven has been rewritten.
** This is part of ongoing work to improve older zones.
* [[Latex Factory Showroom]] NPCs updated with fixed string parsing, spacing, and format.
* [[Sexually Stable]] merit updated to avoid future confusion.
* [[Wet Bitch]] now also connected to the grid via normal travel.
* [[Bozeman University]] available on web.
* @viewparse and connected functions now support time-statements. Also [area].
* Remaining use cases of Zephyr Inc. and Zephyr Incorporated standardized to Zephyr Inc, to minimize confusion.
* New Staff Monster added to [[Shady Keep]] area: [[Kage Fiend]].
* New Research Available.
* RP items added to nanite shielding requirements.
* Bonuses given to a pet as a result of adding modifiers to it when crafting, will now be adjusted by the rank of the pet.
* New Monster added to The King Stables! [[Ahkal Teke]] is now available there.
* New Player Monster added to Shady Keep area: [[Wild Cannibal]]
* New Area: [[Sweaty Jungle]] now exists in Fairhaven (North of the River).
** New monsters added: [[Ribbed Frog]], [[Swamp Stalker]], [[Anery Stripe Cornsnake]], and Staff-made [[African Rock Python]]. Woo, leezards!
* Staff may now use the hunting territory item to destroy it and gain 10 mako.
** Staffers now get 50 for a hunting territory.
* [[Medusa]] Dedication is now available on-grid.
* [[Petrifying Gaze]] inflicts RechargeDebuff instead of ChargeDebuff, since ChargeDebuff is no longer in use and replaced by HasteDebuff.
* [[Shady Keep]] area now added in Woodfield. Level 57-63. Current mobs include the staff-made [[Bogart Knight]] and the player-made [[Fire Sprite]].
* [[Solar Dragon]] now has an avatar all its own.
* [[Corporate Cougar]] now has flags.
* Area in and around Zephyr polished again.
** Non-existing look traps are no longer mentioned, or have the proper placeholder.
** Stat-checks are better integrated with a character's perception of the environment.
** Numerous cases of past-tense phrasing changed to present-tense.
** And, of course, the area has been spell-checked.
* Fixed display error in energy amount in sa list.
* Players will be less likely to be set idle if they are partaking in combat.
* Updated Unrelenting Suckle.
* New area added to the [[Woodfield Sewers]].
* Woodfield City Sewers and the Underground Tunnel polished. Better grammar, looktraps, and more.
* Friend-locks and enemy-locks have been tweaked to more reliably inform those with editing-permissions about the +lock command.
* New premium accessory, an assault rifle, available for 1 mako for all characters forever.
* New, free, avatar accessory, a baseball cap!
* The RSX Square in Woodfield has been rewritten for legibility. Navigation should now be easier.
* All dangerous areas in Woodfield are now clearly marked as such at their respective entrances.
* New section of Woodfield Sewer is now actually accessible.
* New Form added to Rolling Hills: Mootaur.
* Fairhaven Zoo rewritten. More to come in the near future.
* Result for Packmind Research added, new item for sale in [RSX Solutions]: Operative Floor, Basement.
** The new item is called the [[Radio Static Device]]. Functions as a low powered Static Broadcaster (See and compare to Anti Nanomagic)"
* New Modifier: Windup.
** Makes an item take an exact amount of time longer to use. The trade-off is that the item uses significantly less energy.
** Available in the Token Store.
* Modifiers that reduce something by a percentage now have two soft caps and a hard cap(-80%).
* Negative recipe modifiers are now, after some debugging, capping at 75%, then again at 40%, with a final, hard, cap at 20%.
* Long-term idle player purge performed.
* If/when a status ends up with 0 mag or duration due to upgrades, it will not abort all other statuses from being applied after that one.
* Charm and "insta-kill" type powers can now work in web combat.
** However they will give no charmed pet and no talk script associated with them will run.
* Charm and "instant kill" type powers now can generate battle clear messages.
* Fixed broken string parsing at the NeoGAMES Lab in Woodfield.
* New NPC added to RSX Promethean Studies lab: Albert Stross.
** He has a hidden quest associated with him. Expansion pending.
* Woodfield General Hospital updated with better grammar, fixed string parsing, and more details to look at. Big ups to Osiris for helping out.
* Refunded mako for Ejaculating Limbs mpool. The same functionality will work with the [[Rainmaker]] item.
* @viewparse and related commands revamped behind the scenes. Also more error-checking added.
* Rainmaker item added to token store.
* When two females have sex, if both have rainmakers (without being renamed) they will both get filled!
* Fixed bugs in talk script editor (and a few other web apps).
* Level 2 and 3 actions for Librarian added.
* All the references of a removed critter removed from the mission Road to a Cure.
* Vibrator recipe's cost and ingredient adjusted a bit.
* +request/rename option added.
* Toys in latex factory updated to use new filled code.
* Feral Dragon now has its own avatar!
* +census amounts for money should be more accurate in theory.
* +census values for cash well and truly fixed.
* Lustful Pheromones upgraded to be a real power.
* Fixed a couple interactions with Zephyr Coffee Lounge NPCs. WIP
* Rod Trained feral mode mutants now reduce the upkeep of their overall equipment by 1 per level!
** If you're level 20, and have 30 upkeep worth of stuff, it becomes 10 upkeep worth of stuff.
* Extra Filling and Well Filled perks are now available
* When using the fuck command, a confirmation asking if you want to proceed is now always given.
* Warning! Many mutant powers will now cover you in goop/fill you, as per their descriptions!
* Were Arachnid added.
* @viewparse updated to account for extra parsing, both new and old.
* High freecred social actions given two soft caps in terms of freecred reward.
* Social action freecred cap is now influenced by the energy required.
** An action that takes 5 patrol points softcaps 5 times higher than an action that only requires 1.
* Misplaced upgrade for energydamage on Costume Slip removed.
* Bug in party mentoring code fixed.
* When the judge who turns off OOC chat in a room leaves, the chat is automagically enabled again.
* Coyote who are not currently coyote will now show <Coyote> when TFing people.
* Typing +mako will now list your mako to two decimal places.
* Hero points should no longer refresh randomly.
* XP rewards while fighting should no longer be a bajillion digits precise.
* Recipes available in the premium store now shown if known or not when viewed via web.
* A lot of fresh answers posted to the ask page, http://ask.flexiblesurvival.com.
* Help supporter updated.
* Fixed a progression error in the Ember Matriarch questline. Playtesting encouraged!
* Help Botting updated to show exactly what is meant by 'play the game when you're not there.'
* Sci is now usable as a command for the science channel.
* Auc now works for Auction channel.
* All future combat engergizers purchased are non-tradeable.
* Pets can now accept the new fuck commands.
* When leaving a party as the leader, reassigning the leader of a party, kicking yourself from a party as leader OR when the leader drops offline, combat should no longer go haywire in that room.
* Demon Lunar Touched added.
* Badger avatar created and applied, if you can think of related species that would benefit from using that avatar, pop up a request.
* Oral, anal and breast sex request messages now a little more ambiguous, in case a female is asking a male for such.
* The next winner of +lotto gets a dedication.
** The dedication will be publicly available, but you get to design it!
** So run, do not walk, to +lotto and grab up some tickets!
* People with a Color Chooser can now set their colors with editplayer.
* Lotto 'splosion fixed.
=Previous months can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=

Latest revision as of 22:00, 1 March 2025

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Slight tweak to +coyote to fix an error that popped up dealing with the stabilized size message display."

Full archive of updates can be found in the Multiplayer Updates Archive