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{{Basepower|name=Eye of Ra|desc=The sun's judgment bears down on enemies of the goddess and burns them from the inside out. The most harshly judged suffers even more.|powertype=AoE, Debuff, Dedication, Linked Cooldown|target=Large Enemy AoE|energy=25|charge=2250|cooldown=10000|accuracy=65%|damageamount=1|damagetype=Positive|Status=100% chance of KnockDown at magnitude 3 for 1 rounds.<br>100% chance of DefenseDebuff at magnitude 15 for 8 rounds.<br>100% chance of PositiveDamage at magnitude 6 for 8 rounds.<br>100% chance of EnergyDamageResistDebuff at magnitude 6 for 8 rounds.<br>|Upgrades=Accuracy by 5<br>Charge by -550<br>Cooldown by -1675<br>DefenseDebuff by 10<br>Energy by -7<br>PositiveDamageMag by 5<br>PositiveDamageResistDebuffMag by 4|secondpowertype=Debuff, Single Enemy|seconddamageamount=1|seconddamagetype=Positive|secondtarget=Single Enemy Random|secondStatus=100% chance of Knockdown at magnitude 6 for 1 rounds.<br>100% chance of DefenseDebuff at magnitude 25 for 8 rounds.<br>100% chance of PositiveDamage at magnitude 10 for 8 rounds.<br>100% chance of EnergyDamageResistDebuff at magnitude 10 for 8 rounds.<br>}}[[Category:Base powers with secondary effects]][[Category:Positive base powers]][[Category:Defensedebuff inflicting base powers]][[Category:Energydamageresistdebuff inflicting base powers]][[Category:Knockdown inflicting base powers]][[Category:Positivedamage inflicting base powers]][[Category:Dedication power]][[Category:AoE base power]][[Category:Hostile base powers]]
| Item [Eye of Ra                     ]  Type [                  special]|
|______________________[        Description      ]______________________|
| The sun's judgement bears down on enemies of the goddess and burns     |
| them from the inside out. The most harshly judged suffers even more. |
|______________________[  Additional Information  ]______________________|
| Cost    [100                                                        ] |
| Type    [Debuff, Large Enemy AoE                                    ] |
| Target  [Large Enemy AoE                                             ] |
| Energy  [25                                                         ] |
| Charge  [2250                                                       ] |
| Cooldown[10000                                                       ] |
| Accuracy[65%                                                         ] |
| S. Type [Debuff, Single Enemy                                        ] |
| S.Target[Single Enemy Random                                        ] |
| S. Damag[1                                                           ] |
| S. DType[Energy                                                      ] |
| Damage  [1(12 damage at level 36)                                    ] |
| Damage  [Energy Damage                                              ] |
| Statuses                                                              |
| \_KnockDown                  [100% chance at 3 power for 1 rounds. ] |
| \_DefenseDebuff              [100% chance at 15 power for 8 rounds. ] |
| \_EnergyDamage                [100% chance at 8 power for 8 rounds. ] |
| \_EnergyDamageResistDebuff    [100% chance at 6 power for 8 rounds. ] |
| Secondary Statuses                                                    |
| \_KnockDown                  [100% chance at 6 power for 1 rounds. ] |
| \_DefenseDebuff              [100% chance at 25 power for 8 rounds. ] |
| \_EnergyDamage                [100% chance at 12 power for 8 rounds. ] |
| \_EnergyDamageResistDebuff    [100% chance at 10 power for 8 rounds. ] |
| Upgrades                                                              |
| \_Accuracy                    [5                                    ] |
| \_Charge                      [-550                                  ] |
| \_Cooldown                    [-1675                                ] |
| \_DefenseDebuff              [10                                    ] |
| \_Energy                      [-7                                    ] |
| \_EnergyDamageMag            [5                                    ] |
| \_EnergyDamageResistDebuffMag [4                                    ] |
Innate powers of the [[Bastet Disciple]]
[[category:Inherent Powers]]

Latest revision as of 00:02, 27 September 2024

Eye of Ra stats
Type AoE, Debuff, Dedication, Linked Cooldown Target Large Enemy AoE
Description The sun's judgment bears down on enemies of the goddess and burns them from the inside out. The most harshly judged suffers even more.
Cooldown 10000 Charge time 2250
Energy 25 Accuracy 65%
Damage 1 Positive at level 0
100% chance of KnockDown at magnitude 3 for 1 rounds.
100% chance of DefenseDebuff at magnitude 15 for 8 rounds.
100% chance of PositiveDamage at magnitude 6 for 8 rounds.
100% chance of EnergyDamageResistDebuff at magnitude 6 for 8 rounds.
Training Upgrades
Accuracy by 5
Charge by -550
Cooldown by -1675
DefenseDebuff by 10
Energy by -7
PositiveDamageMag by 5
PositiveDamageResistDebuffMag by 4
Secondary Effects
Secondary Damage 1 Positive at level 0
Secondary Type Debuff, Single Enemy Secondary Target Single Enemy Random
Secondary Statuses
100% chance of Knockdown at magnitude 6 for 1 rounds.
100% chance of DefenseDebuff at magnitude 25 for 8 rounds.
100% chance of PositiveDamage at magnitude 10 for 8 rounds.
100% chance of EnergyDamageResistDebuff at magnitude 10 for 8 rounds.

Eye of Ra/Extra Notes Edit notes

Mutant powers Based on this power: