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Here at teh border between Fairhaven and the wider world is intangible, invisible, and most importantly, real. There's no makers, no warnings, no security, just, the ruins of Fairhaven ravaged by the nanites on one side, clear to see, and then buildings that simply have not been worked on or maintained in nearly a decade. The difference is stark and in some ways, a clear reminder of just how much of an effect the nanites actually HAVE within the bubble. Of course, this one time, there is a truck sitting outside the bubble, a large two and a half ton beast in plain tan, the back exposed to the elements, while a pair of Marines from teh San Diego force wait to transport those who would be dealing with the ongoing raider attacks. Both are hellhound in form, and watching the border carefully. One sitting in the ring mount for a machine gun, and was manning it, though his aim was pointed out into the wilderness beyond.

T'was a gloomy evening at the edge of the Fairhaven bubble, but one jackal with a golden coat of fur and a lot of armaments was happily striding towards his mission's starting point. He knew the risks, he'd done this countless times before, and to him it all meant several things -- adventure, danger, excitement! His blood was boiling at the prospect of a good challenge and with all his gear cleaned and primed for use, he was ready to rumble, ready to headbutt the challenge and take his wounds with pride!

Stomping his way to his target destination, the metalic shine of his heavy armor reflecting the last rays of the setting sun, the jackal stops once he spots the gathered escort that'd been arranged for them. He whistles sharply and grins at the sight of the mutants gathered, then greets the soldiers with a salute and asks, "Evening fellas! Did I get here too soon or something?"

Trying to ignore the weather and intellectualize away any nerves Ebreus aproaches the hellhound soldiers holding his shield in one hand, and flamethrower with two others he was as ready as he would ever be for the first mission where there was a chance of death higher than 'unlikely'. He takes a breath and calms down as he spots Otto.

Aproaching him with only his wings and tails exposed, "Hello Otto." he says and turning his attention to the Marines he says, "Greetings." Pelle flutters throw the air to the meeting place for her first mission outside of the bubble. She flutters down when she gets close and spots Ebreus and Otto and flutters down to them "Hello Ebreus and hello Otto" she looks to the two marines "And hello to the two of you!"

Early summer evening. Still far more light than Cerl was entirely comfortable with while sneaking around, but that's what she had her invisibility tricks for. Silently padding through the city to where her mate had asked her to meet up, she reviewed the mission statement that had come across her comms recently. Ghosting up behind her mate, she lets her invisibility drop and taps Otto on his shoulder. "Hey love, I'm here." She looks around then at the gathering agents, giving each a nod of recognition and a quick 'Hello, Ebreus, Pelle." before giving her gear one last check.

Thelergramor was wandering around, making life hell for ferals before he remembered: He's supposed to do shit today. Currently a Crimson Wyrm, the Fox dedicated, former Zephyr securityman just wanders on up to the marines, walking despite his ability to fly. Which probably won't work outside the bubble... Glide, maybe... He's never tried. Armed, armor wearing and goggled, the wyrm fidgets with his rifle, counting ammo, coming out to 20 rounds (two mags of 10) while he approaches, scarf pulled up over his reptilian snout. Has a few other weapons, noting he's not the only one with a flamethrower. He approves of this, silently, despite not knowing any of these people... As far as he remembers.

The pair of Marines, one standing by the driver's door of the truck, the other in the cupola, give the approaching agents a small huff of recognition. Not actual recognition, just acknowledging they exist. Once the five arrive, the driver lifts her left hand off her M4 and points to the back of the truck. "Mount up. It's about 3 hours of driving, and we're expecting this God-Damned 'Cult of the Clean' to cause trouble on the way there." She growls, before opening the driver door and climbing in herself. As each of you exit the bubble proper, unless you'd done a lot of out of bubble work before, the wave of nauseaus as you step out is almost dehabilitating. Explaining the truck.

One would wonder what crawled up their asses. Otto was just being civil, as were the others... He gives his mate a nudge and a wink, barely able to spill a word before they're crammed into the vehicle and brought outside the bubble. He does get a chance to greet the others proper, and once the bubble is left behind, the jackal feels that familiar sense of nausea. He'd gotten so used to it now, that it just spelled excitement for him. He was ready for what was to come. Thankfully, no one spills their lunch along the way, avoiding any unwanted messes... The jackal remains quiet during their trip, preferring instead to humm a tune he was playing back in his head.

Ebreus nods, not knowing or really caring that they're not sociable so long as they'ree good at their jobs. Ebreus makes sure to board the truck imediently after Otto and score a suitable seat for the ride by his friends or at least work-buddies. "Cult of the Clean... I am unfamiliar with them. I get the armed and hostile part. Do we know their motives?" As they pass the edge of the bubble knowing presicely why he was nauseaus aids him in intellectualizing and ignoring the familiar nausia. "Anybody else have Regulation? If not I'm putting up a bubble." he says and true to his word if noone puts up a bubble he does.

Pelle follows after ebreus and sits down beside him not really sure wat to do since it's her first time outside of the bubble and as she feels this sudden nausea hit her she almost throws up but manages to swallow it back down and raises her hand when she hears wat Ebreus is asking "i have it, and wat was this feeling that just hit me?" she looks a bit sick but other than that she seems to be fine she shakes her head a bit and sits up and looks to Ebreus "i can run the nanomagic since I'm not too sure of the things that will happen here"

Cerl takes a deep breath, and then strides through the bubble edge, swallowing down any nausea she feels after having traveled outside of the bubble so often. Settling herself down in the back of the truck, near the tail so she can jump out and vanish or at least hide at a moment's notice in order to strike from the shadows as is her usual preferred method of combat, Cerl glances over at the marines. "Any information on what we can expect from this Cult? Their known weapons, numbers, what have you?" She sighs in relief as the regulation bubble goes up. "Ahh, that feels better, thanks whoever just put the bubble up. Woe be to any ambushers now" she snickers softly to herself as she once again fades to near total invisibility. "I'll be right over here unless we get jumped."

"Cultists? Sounds like fun..." Thel says, quietly looking over the group again. He steps across the threshold, and the naniteless bubble hits him. He sniffs, feels sick for a moment, his body temperature going back to normal. No longer icy... The feeling passes. As does his silence. "Never get used to that. So, 3 hours. Ten to One we get ambushed somewhere around hour 2. And no, no nanomagic on my end." Unless you do get used to leaving the bubble... And he hasn't. Still, the wyrm mounts up, hoping it will rain while he takes a seat, tapping a claw idly on his rifle... Sniffs again, when Cerl mostly disappears. No comment.

The Marine up in the gun turret growls. "Survivors who were caught outside the bubbles when the Bio-Weapon dropped. They view anyone, or anything that cames out of the afflicted areas as unclean. Known weapons are assorted small arms. AK's, AR-15's, even some US issue gear they likely scavanged. Thank God they haven't brought out anything to kill vehicles." He says, his gaze pointed out to the fields. "Been raiding our convoy's moving equipment to establish the FOB's for protecting the proposed trade line." He finished.

The Agents have plenty of time to ponder things, the vehicle lacking any real 'shocks' for the various pot holes and bumps in the unmaintained road of State Highway 101, driving south. The Marines seem more upset at this Cult than the Agents themselves, more than happy to chatter with them. "So, just wanting to clear up something... the Weapon turned Fairhaven into a Furry's paradise, and Woodfield into a fantasy nerd's wet dream? Seems a little specific, then again... We had two Godzilla's tearing up the entire San Diego coast."

Otto listens closely and nods as he picks up on the information. He doesn't much care that the regulation bubble comes up, it made no difference to him. He does however have a few things to say. *CLAP* he clasps his paws "OKAY!" he exclaims loudly and makes use of his illusion nanomagic for the first real time.

Before everyone materializes a series of visual aids that everyone could see. "It's clear we'll be dealing with a lot of hostility, so I'd like to first of all remind everyone about the basics of warfare. Number one, keep your fucking eyes and ears open at all times. Whoever gets the jump wins half the fight." he exclaims loudly, an illusionary overview of an ambush situation manifesting before everyone in which the ones being ambushed are easily picked off by a barrage of gunfire.

"Number two, use the terrain. If you're being shot at, dive for cover if you don't have your own, circle around and flank rather than engaging head-on, if you can. You're useless if you just sit under cover all the time, this is true, but you know what makes you more useless?" an image of a corpse riddled with bullet wounds manifests before them "Looking like this poor bastard here. It is not a fun experience, take it from me, I've been there once."

"Number three!" the jackal exclaims loudly and snaps his fingers, manifesting the image of a typical soldier for them, garbed in commonly seen combat armor. "We know these schmucks have military equipment. Expect them to wear bulletproof vests and helmets. I'm not seeing a lot of long-range firearms in this team, so point number two goes double. Be smart, try to flank. If we had someone with a rifle, these are the key weaknesses you should aim to exploit." he explains as the exposed and unprotected areas around the joints and groin, added to the neck and face light up in red to point out what the jackal was talking about.

"LASTLY!" he exclaims once more "Know your opponent's arsenal." he goes on to show off a variety of different firearms by class and type, explaining their accuracies and how deadly they are at different ranges, how accurate they are and a few tid-bits regarding how tough one's armor needs to be to withstand a round from each of them."

The illusion vanishes, and Otto finishes off by saying "But relax... we're from Fairhaven, folks. We deal with kaiju-sized monsters and rabid atrocities. What's a few soldiers? Keep your wits, fight smart, not strong, and most importantly, stay the fuck alive because if I have to come back and give death reports into Zephyr, that's going to ruin my entire fucking week!" he jokes, then leans back.

Ebreus smiles, even though it isn't likely to be seen or significant covered by the front of his helmet, as Pelle puts up a Regulation Bubble. "It's the nanites going to battery mode, Pelle, happens whenever you leave the bubble." he explains. He takes mental note of each weapon listed by the marine. He rides quietly as they make for the destination and then when the marine speaks up he thinks for a moment before replying, "That's kind of accurate. There's more fur than fantasy in Fairhaven and the other way 'round in Woodfield but there's still pleanty of WTF in both." Seeing the illusion appear in front of his eyes Ebreus watches and listens as Otto explains how to stay alive. He takes careful not of Ottos four tips for staying alive and once Otto finishes his speach he nods, "Alright, no deaths." he comments.

Pelle nods as she lisenas to ebreus explain wat happen to her "huh so that is wat happen, well it's an interesting feeling" she looks to the illusions and nods "ok i hope my small size will make it hard for them to hit me, and i do the best i can" she thinks for a moment before asking "and how will firearms work outside of the bubble?" she asks to nobody in specific

Cerl looks up, though noone can see the movement as anything other than a slight shimmer in the air. "Bio weapon? I take it, since you mentioned the bubbles, that you're not talking about pday? What is this bio weapon then, and do we need to take other precautions against infection or contamination from it?" She keeps a ear cocked towards Otto as he goes over standard battle tactics...tactics she was already intimately familiar with. Turning to Pelle, Cerl snickers. "Firearms work just fine, but are limited to however much ammo is in your clip, or like my crossbow, how much you can carry. That's why I bring 100 bolts on an out of bubble mission, along with my dagger."

Thelergramor snerks a bit. "Well they're not wrong about the cleanliness bit! Place is -covered- in semen." Is amused, up until he realizes that the marine just tempted fate with that 'kill vehicles' comment. Then he is even more amused! He leans back in his seat, hand rubbing along his sniper rifle's barrel, a bit... eager... "...Anyone have any cigarettes? Ran out last week." Not... not very concerned or professional right now... But he follows along with Otto and his imaging. That said, he's familiar with where to shoot people who have armor. Been doing the murder for a few years now. Really, he's just waiting for the truck to explode at this point... Though he does correct Ebreus. "No deaths on our side, you mean..." Should've brought a gas mask...

The Marine in the cupola shrugs. "Sorry, forgot you all have a different name for it. Us and the Navy boy's call it the Bio-weapon, ya'll call it nanites. IT was hte only explianation we could come up with for why... We didn't look human, and it'd been nearly a year before we had our wits about us again. San Diego is still a bit of a war zone with rioters attacking convoys as well, but we can handle them well enough. It's this cultists who've been giving us trouble." He replies. "Jsut figured I'd ask. Only experience we've had with folks outside San Diego was those teams your trio of factions sent our way twice." So far, 2 hours in, still no ambush, but that doesn't mean the Marine is being lax in his duty.

The road was still in horrible shape with 9 years of neglect to the, but it seemed they'd reach the point where even the truck was having to slow down to navigate the debris from nature doing it's thing undisturbed. "As for these raiders... We think they started as a group with a crazy religious bent prior to the Attack, uhh, P-day as you call it... Then with the chaos got big. Also, kiddo, firearms work just fine out here. Just make sure to count your bullets. You only got so many of 'em." Otto strikes his chest, where his bandoleer was located. There, he had magazines a-plenty for his own firearms, including several grenades, some rapid deployment adrenaline and painkiller shots, and a combat knife. He had plenty of ammunition, but it definitely was not infinite. It was at this point that the jackal wanted to scream out "ARE WE THERE YET?" like a little child, that would have been a funny thing to do, and rather stupid as well. Were the otter nanites still skewing his judgement, he'd have repeated it several times over by now, but clearheaded as he was, he keeps his antics under control.

"Run in, ice the opposition, get the hell out. Basic shit." he shrugs and stares out the window "I wish we had a better lay of the land, but I suppose we'll improvise. Cerl and I can't really stealth around too well without the mini bubble. Well, she can. I can't." turning to her, or rather the spot that now contained some barely visible blurry lines, he shoots her a wink and says "You'll have an advantage when we get there. We'll want to know what we're really dealing with."

Ebreus chuckles as he is corrected about the 'on our side' part. He calms himself after a few moments. While a bright mood might be useful laughter was likely a distraction, at least so thought Ebreus. "Our bubbles are in a mostly peaceful semi-anarchistic state... no major rioters but the only offenses great enough to warrent really any serious punishment is murder... which is very hard to do in a bubble that'll keep you from dieing to anything but total brain destruction." he explains happy to talk to the Marine as they ride to their destination. "So if you've got a few guns and don't mind heart shots instead of headshots life is nice." he adds.

Pelle nods "ah well ok if i know that i who'd have made a few battery's for my laser rifle and a few rockets for my rocket Launcher" she things for a bit more "and the bubble i have will cheap the powers i have active?" she thinks for a bit more and seems to be holding her breach for a long time

Cerl nods, though she knows the movement can't be seen. "Well enough then, no special gear needed. Just get in, kick some ass, get out like Otto said."

Thelergramor finally does take a minute to ogle the marines... Not that they can tell through his goggles. Shrugs to himself, goes back to being good. "Yeah, go in, kill them, all that, but, no smokes then?" Ponders. "Yeah, killing people is -really- hard in the bubble." Remains tobacco free... goes back to idly fidgeting with his rifle.

"Bravo Company, this is Fireteam Echo. Approaching FOB Redway. ETA, 30 minutes. Bringing 5 Agents from Fairhaven." The Marine in the Passenger seat said, suddenly revealing that there were in fact three Marines on this truck. Considering the canvas cover is not on, and hte back of hte truck is open to hte world, there was a lot of open sky and easily viewed surroundings.

Sadly, all that open ground just happened to also be a disadvantage to seeing what happens next. "Yeah well, we'll see if we're lucky or not today. If not, you'l-" The Marine in teh cupola was saying, before his head suddenly snapped to the side, the right side of his helmet erupting in a small spray of blood, as the crack of a rifle echos though the area. Inside the cabin of hte truck, the two Marines curse. "AMBUSH!" The driver calls out. "Bravo, Bravo, taking sniper fire! I say again, taking sniper fire!" THe one on the radio reports. There was soon the rumble of an engine being gunned through the woods and a dune buggy bursts out of hte forest behind the truck, bouncing a moment on the road as it hit. Sitting in teh passenger seat of that vehicle was someone armed with what looked like a machine gun. Which once the buggy stopped serving on the road, opened fire on the group in teh back.

The moment the chaos was unleashed, Otto didn't think twice. *click, snap* he primes his Semi-Automatic rifle and turns around to take aim at the attacking vehicle. He unleashes a barrage of bullets at the passenger side attacker, aiming for his torso to maximize his chances of hitting him. They were exposed, but he was confident in his armor. Bullet wounds were nothing new to him.

Ebreus moves to put his shield between himself and the attackers as quickly as possible. He stabilizes his position as best he can in the moving truck and prepares to subject the drivet to a ranged equivalent to the electric chair should they pass within range.

Pelle gets up from her seat and wakes to the end where she climes up a bit and takes out a grenade with she pulls the pin out of and throwers at the buggy when she has thrown it she goes back in and hides behind ebreus shield

Cerl's head whips around as the dune buggy comes crashing out of the forest. Raising her crossbow, she takes aim at the driver of the vehicle and snaps off her shot. "Someone get on that machine gun, take them out!" she yells as she ducks down to try and take cover behind the tailgate of the transport truck while she reloads.

Thelergramor snaps his head towards the car coming up behind them, ignoring the deadass marine. He hefts his rifle up to his shoulder, though firing from a moving vehicle at another moving vehicle on a shitty road is not ideal... But one more bullet won't hurt. He shifts in his seated position, braces his rifle, aims down the sight and fires one shot at the machine gun wielding passenger. Driverguy isn't an issue yet... Then starts looking for the sniper, head down, not about to trust his helmet. "Hey! You're invisible, you get up there! Won't hit you!" In response to Cerl...

The crossbow bolt did it's work, hitting the driver, but not killing them, having grazed his arm. IT did however throw the machine gunner's aim off enough that the bullets went high and missed those in the back of the 2 and a half ton military truck. Of course, the pair shooting at the gunner both succeeded in hitting him, though they were not immediately fatal shots, the cry of pain from the gunner enough to distract the driver, who was in teh middle of a swerve, which put it right in teh path of hte grenade. Though it detonated undernear teh buggy, it evidently caused enough damage that the vehicle was slowing down. The truck however, is soon skidding to a stop suddenly. "SHIT!" The Driver growls out, before the sound of a heavy machine gun begins to chatter. Ahead of hte truck. The rounds punch through not only the bullet-resistant glass, but also through the back of the cabin, flying high above the agents in the bed of the truck's back. There's no more response from the pair of Marines in the front.

"Monsters of the unclean! This is your ONLY warning. These monsters claiming to be Marines have been warned time and again to leave, go back to their foul lands! If you attempt to stop the Cult of hte Clean, we will kill any you send out of your foul land!" The voice calling this out is deep, almost manicial.

Well, shit... Otto curses under his breath once the truck halted in its tracks, though looking at the way those last few rounds chewed through their bullet-resistant glass, it was clear that they were faced with something far more significant. "Is everyone alright?" he asks loudly, then tries his best to spot their new attackers. Activating his Vanishing nanomagic, the jackal disappears from direct sight, climbs out of the truck and lands with a heavy *thud*, his armor making his footfalls quite audible indeed. "We can't stay here! Head for the trees! Eb, use the shield to cover us!" Otto instructs, thinking frantically about what to do.

Ebreus lays against the truckbed with the shield atop him angled so that bullets /should/ bounce rather than penetrate. Hearing Otto jump out he takes a deep breath and climbs out of the back of the truck. He makes use of his telepathic Nanomagic to say to everyone in range, "Alright, if you want shielded get behind me." He then backs into the closer forrest keeping his shield between him and the machine gun and sniper to the best of his ability.

Pelle climes out of the now stopped car and tries her best to stay hidden and when she gets to the forest she climes up the nearest tree and disappears into the greenery

Cerl leaps out of the truck, dashing into the treeline while trying to determine where the sniper was hiding, and moving in that direction with the intention to ambush the punk right back. Once she leaves the range of the bubble and can see herself again, she employs every stealth skill she knows to remain undetected as she slinks through the forest towards her goal. Realizing the sniper is in the forest on the far side of the river, she watches for a narrower area she can cross quickly and easily...and most importantly, undetected. She keeps her senses peeled for any hint of any other enemies as she moves, ready to take them out if need be.

Thelergramor eyes the rest of his team, minus Cerl, can't see Cerl... Then scans about over the side of the truck for the sniper. He draws back the bolt on his rifle, ejects the casing, loads the new round. "HEY, CUNTISTS!" Good one, he whispers to himself. If they want maniacal, he'll give them maniacal... "I'M GOING TO EAT YOUR FUCKING LIVER AND SHOW YOU WHAT HELL IS LIKE! IN NOMINE PATR-! Huh-?" Aaaand then the rest of his team is leaving, his confidence deflates significantly. Proceeds to dive out of the truck, hopefully roll, and use Ebreus's sheild as cover. Hopefully gets a bit deep into the woods where vehicles with machine guns can't chase him before taking cover behind something thick. Or solid.

"Make this easy on yourselves! We can end your misery quickly with our 50 calibers!" The voice says. Those looking to the west seeing the reason for the Truck stopping. There were two green, brown and black trucks like the one the Agents arrived in blocking the road. Every single person present were human in form, and they were in whatever random peices of clothing they could find that was still servicable, under Army vests (due to the ACU pattern they bore), but one man, standing on the back of the southern truck was not wearing any armor. Just a long duster over a leather shirt and pants. "Once we grow strong enough, we'll end your foul hives and return humanity to it's rightful place as the clean beings we were meant to be!" He calls out. If anyone had to guess, this guy was likely the cult leader. Of course, there wasn't any sign of the sniper, but chances were that they were already gone by the time the truck stopped. The gunners track to fire on the shielded being, the look of hate and venom in their expression impossible to miss even over the muzzle flashes of the M2 Brownings that were mounted on the trucks.

Otto growls quietly at the taunts, now under the cover of the foliage. He was perceptive enough to spot the unarmored one, and that weakness was just the opening he needed. He'd trained under multiple marksmen to become a deadeye shot himself, and this was the opportunity to send those fucking cultists reeling.

The jackal went off on his own, keeping under the cover of the trees, at least as far as he could reach and stay within the bubble provided by their friend. He draws his Semi-Automatic rifle and kneels down, takes careful aim.

"Steady, steady..." he murmurs to himself, his crosshairs dancing ever so slightly over their target. He had one, maybe two shots at this guy before he ducks for cover, and once he's seen, they'll open fire on him. He had to make this count. His breathing ceased, and he even felt his heartbeat waver as he struggles so hard to line the perfect shot, and once he thinks he does, at that crucial moment... *BANG BANG BANG* he lets three bullets fly, aimed at the leader's head.

Ebreus moves around the arena staying behind the cover of trees as best he can positioning himself in so that one of the trucks is between him and the turrent as he telepathically says, "Kill the north gunner, I have the south. Somebody lob a bunch of explosives I need a distraction." and with that he readies himself to surprize the west MG once the east comes under attack.

Pelle climes higher up into the tree till she is at the top and aims her Rocket Launcher at the north gunner aiming more for his feet and when she has shot she crewels back down the tree

Realizing she has no idea where the sniper went as she can't detect any movement anywhere in the direction the shot came from, Cerl turns her attention to the dune buggy and it's occupants. Seeing them trying to unmount the squad automatic weapon from the front of the buggy, she takes careful aim at the driver, figuring that the seriously wounded passenger is much less of a threat. Quickly changing her mind, she opts to lob a grenade at the vehicle occupants.

Thelergramor looks back, leaning around the tree he took cover behind... There's a prick in a trenchcoat yelling at him. well. He's got too much backup to -eat- his liver... But Otto seems to have him. And he's asked to kill the north gunner. Which fucking way is north!? Bah. He aims at one of the other guys on the south truck; there's a rocket launcher aimed at the north one now... Cover Ebreus a bit, take one of them out. The wyrm offers up a quick prayer, half in spite, half from actual faith before looking down the sight of his rifle. Crouches, aims for the face, pulls the trigger with a murderous grin hidden behind his scarf. And Otto probably has him. Still. "I WILL SEND YOU VILE HEATHENS TO HELL!" He's in cover, the ham has returned.

Otto's trio of shots are perfectly aimed, resutling in the cult leader's head to snap back as they stitch their way up his face. Even as he collapses, teh gunner, who HAD been pointing at Otto, is ripped out of hte cupola and violently ripped apart. Though, despite this, peoples focus isn't on the beast that just ripped a man in half, or the beast that killed their leader. It's on the treeline as the rocket detonates teh truck and kills the trio on it's bed, including the gunner. As for Cerl's grenade, it lands perfectly between the two men, who barely get a chance to realize what's happened when it detonates at point blank range, killing them instantly. Thel's shot was basically redundent. The remaining 3 cultists are quickly throwing their weapons down, and raising their hands. They didn't want to die, no matter how good a rheotric their leader spat. The Marines they'd faced were never this few, and the skills the Agents showed were things they'd never thought being possible. This was far more than they asked for.

Otto blinks and tilts his head at what had just happened. Seriously? It was that easy? He thought they were in deep shit there for a moment. He doesn't put his rifle away, rather he leaves the woods and approaches the three that had surrendered. He'd already given away his location by opening fire anyway. "Down on the ground." he orders the men "Hands behind your heads, you move, I shoot." the jackal instructs, then waits for the rest of his team to gather back around. This all seemed too easy somehow... He presses the barrel of his weapon against one of the men's heads and asks "Are there others, where and how many? Talk!"

Ebreus growls as he dismembers his target shouting about how nothing could save them from him. Once the cultist he had grabbed is obviously dead he climbs into the back of the truck and glares down at them, the blood splatter of his last victum covering his hands, coat, and armor. He growls at them and he swivels the 50. cal over to aim at them and commands, "Obey."

Pelle shakes her a little an yells "otto, ebreus theirs still a sniper around and we don't know if he or she ran so get back into the forest and bring the three that surrendered with you they may have info we want to have" she climes down a bit to the lower branches where she runs over cheerful not to fall and jumps and using her wings to help glide to the tree to the left of the tree she was in

Cerl approaches the dune buggy, crossbow ready should either of her victims move. Checking them quickly to make sure they're dead....giving them a couple quick stabs with her dagger to make double sure they are, she then turns to inspect the SAW and it's mount. Seeing the gun looks mangled pretty bad by the grenade she threw, she shrugs and moves back towards the truck she arrived in. Stepping around it as she hears Otto ordering the remaining soldiers down, she first moves towards the forest enough to feel the mini bubble again, reactivating her invisibility, then settles down to watch for any movement on the other side of the river that might indicate the sniper has returned.

Thelergramor practically starts to drool at the thought of prisoners... (Not for that reason.) Completely fine with redundancy. He chambers another round, stays in cover and keeps his rifle on one of the surrendering cultists... "...I could make a crucifixion joke... I won't. 18 left." He reminds himself, watching the others... Then heads up, still in cover because there -was- a sniper. Another sniper. Not him. Moves up cautiously, stays in the trees, watches the dudes... "Make him bleed, man, he won't talk if there's no blood... I mean there's already gallons of the shit around... But still." Wyrm is hungry...

"FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING MONSTER!" The man Otto was pinning replied, spitting at Otto's feet with a glare. There's the sound of more engines coming from teh east, as soon a convoy of tan military vehicles rolls up, 1 HMMWV in the front, and a Bradley with it's gun mount rotating. Behind that is another M35 2 and a half ton. Out of the three vehicles come several marines, weapons up and ready. They see the Agents in the area, and the number of dead cultists. One climbs onto the south truck, and checks the unarmored man.

"Ma'am, this is the cultist leader." the Marine reports, looking over at a Hellhound who was in fact lacking a rifle unlike hte rest of hte Marines present. "Right. Who's in charge of the Agents here?" The Marine asked, looking over the 5. "I'm Lieutenant Ramirez, commander of Bravo Company." She said, climbing onto the truck and looking down, while croched.

  • click* Otto pulls the trigger, the bullets in his first clip all spent. "Oh, would you look at that. It's your lucky day." the jackal growls, then swings his weapon and *SMACK* knocks the defiant man out cold. With a stern look on his face, the jackal turns around as the vehicles arrive, his golden gaze wandering between the various men that'd emerged. He approaches the general and speaks firmly "We didn't settle on a pre-determined leader, most of us acted on our own accord. Unfortunately, the men who brought us here and gave us our mission briefing were gunned down during an ambush. After that, we handled things to the best of our abilities. No one really called thee shots, but I instructed these agents on how to handle combat situations, such as this one. This your guy?" he waves his rifle at the deceased cult leader.

Ebreus taps his claws against the 50. cal as the cultist yells at Otto. He was just forming the right death threat for this specific occasion when the trucks arive. He rotates the 50. cal around away from the cultist but doesn't focus it on the trucks while it is pointed in their general direction. When marines step out of the truck he smiles... still not like that matters as his helmet is covering the smile. He brushes some of the loose blood off of his amor. "He's about accurate. No determined leader, we just work together well enough." he says as he hops down from the MG turrent. "Anyone have something that could reconstitute our escourts?" he asks. Then a moment later he says, "And anybody get the sniper?"

Pelle jumps out of the tree she is in wand wakes to the car they came in taking cover behind the tire and looks to the marines and shakes her head "no leader but if i where to point my finger at somebody i who'd point it to otto, that's is my opinion" she looks to Ebreus "no the sniper is still alive and a danger unless the marines got to him or her" she looks to the leader of the marines "found a sniper on your way here? and sorry for wat happen to your men who was with oss"

Cerl moves enough to call out, "Ma'am, there's a sniper across the river somewhere. I suggest you and your troops keep their heads down. The sniper already killed our machine gunner while we were in a moving vehicle." She does not drop her invisibility while saying this, letting the marines come to whatever conclusion they wish about the disembodied voice.

Thelergramor is definitely not in charge... Could lie and say he is, but... everyone kind of said he's not already. He slings his rifle over his shoulder, looks over the marines... Shrugs again. Heads over to one of the prisoners, the one who spat, moving quick to catch up. He pulls the scarf off his face, goggles atop his helmet now. Grins. "Oh you have no idea what a monster is..." That said... There's a team of marines around, And Otto probably already knocked him out; can't scare him anymore. He moves onto the next prisoner, looks over him/her. Ponders. "So, then, heathen." He's really enjoying fighting a cult for once, basically ignoring the marines now, picking up one of the cultist's guns. "...You know, I'm not good at this taunting shit. You have any cigs?" He waves off Ebreus. "I can pick one back up, gimme a minute. They're not going anywhere."

The prisoner glares at Thel, while the other one can, well, visible piss himself as judged by the growing damp spot in his jeans. Ramriez sighs. "Fuck. Alright, let's get the dead gathered, and get back to the FOB. Speed is of the essence people!" She barks out, actually barks to start it. The Marines quickly move, gaterhing the dead and the three prisoners, before checking the dead Marines. "Corporal Hart, Private Victer, and Private Crasmire are all KIA ma'am. Victer took a round through teh brain..." One reported, pulling the dead Marine out of hte cupola. The other two's torso's were torn up, but otherwise they were definitely dead. Put onto stretchers brought off the new truck the Marines keep an eye out for hte forest across the river. "Let's get moving. I'll order a helo to get you back. Without their leader, I don't see this Cult enduring much longer. Force of personality indeed." Ramirez says, getting back into the HMMWV.

Otto nods and puts his weapon away. Another venture outside the bubble under his belt, another scar in his mind, another reason to wonder if everyone have lost their damn minds out here. Ye stretches out and yawns widely, then scratches himself under his chin and asks himself one question, the elephant in the room, if you will. "Why the fuck was this leader guy even all the way out here anyway? Dumbass..." the jackal rolls his eyes, then joins the others towards the road leading back to their chaotic lifestyle in the den of nimphomanic ferals.

Ebreus watches and listends carefully to the Lieutenant. Then when she calls for the dead marines to be moved he speaks up, "Hold on! Out sniper, Thel, can fix one of them at least." He then looks over to Thel and says, "You've got plenty of time to taunt the prisoners and limited time to restore them." trying to prod him into fixing one of them before it's too late. He turns his attention back to the Lieutenant, "So which one gets a new lease on life?" he asks her.

Pelle wakes over to ebreus and flutters up to his shoulder and sits down there "well I'm glad i managed to help a bit, and i want back into our bubble i want my rocket back" she looks to the corpse of the cult leader when she hears wat otto seas "yea, perhaps the place the called home was destroyed or something like that?"

Cerl scans the far treeline one more time before moving towards the military Hummer. Dropping her invisibility as she goes, she looks at the space remaining in the vehicle and then tries to find the best spot to fit her tauric body. "So, can I take it that killing the cult leader means mission accomplished? Seemed too easy, you sure it was him?" Shrugging regardless of the response, she mutters something about not being able to grab one of the working heavy weapons as a souvenir. Looking up suddenly, she asks, "On the way here, one of them...Private Victer, I think you called him? Said something about a pair of Godzillas rampaging up and down the cost in San Diego. What's a Godzilla?" She then growls at any laughter her question engenders. "Whatever. Must be a pre-pday thing. Never mind."

Thelergramor rubs at his snout, sniffs, snake tongue flicks out once, tail curling around his leg. "..." He opened his mouth to speak but doesn't say anything, but then remembers he's a terrible person and shoots the cultist. In the face. With his own gun. Tosses that away, and idly wanders over to the stretcher, and touches one of the dead marines to revive him/her... Preferably the one that was on the gun in the back. He liked that one...

Of course while waiting for the helicopter and hopefully not being restrained by marines for murdering that other guy, he can search literally every body for cigarettes. Oh and take trenchcoat man's liver out.

And -then- probably be arrested.