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The following is a list of updates made to the game since it entered open beta in 2011.
=Full archive of updates can be found in the [[Multiplayer Updates Archive]]=
Too spread out across dates. See above link.
* Thread starts on March 12th.
Too many pages to sort through. See above link for full account.
* Thread starts on April 28th.
*Boss Vials are now FREE FOR ALL! At least mako wise.
*Team battles now give better rewards!
*Monster previewer now displays balls properly.
*Fixed doubleposting
*Optimzed setting statuses, code side.
*Pets get damage resistance from upgrades properly now.
*Confirmed that EMP gear does block nanite adept shifting.
*Some big bugs bit the dust today.
*Items with floating point AoE will now work way better.
*People in a room while a fight is going on will no longer impact XP or cause the enemy to waste rounds.
*ws/+glance/smell now omits the 'gender' part of a species, making for much better messages.(You smell like a female Husky vs You smell like a female female husky, also allows you smell like a MALE husky.)
*The combat stall bug is, at last, dead dead dead.
*You can now leave +groups on your own(+group #control, 12).
*Monster editor edited for extra awesome, especially staff side.
*Started work on a new area(mysterious).
*Ocean is coming along, Kazard needs your water critters.
*Human monsters are being submitted, thanks guys! We do need more though, +5 mako bounty!
*Resource purchasing is now BLAZING FAST.
*'Bred' status removed, it's handled more discretely by a timestamp instead of a confusing and gameable status.
*Males no longer can smell 'virile'.
*Ok, Resources no longer BUYS anything.
*You can now buy global items at any level right up to level 50!
**Type list items
**Type list items (a level)
**buy item=(level you want)
*Upgrading prices for levels adjusted to be competitive(a little cheaper, 25% cheaper) than just buying an upgraded item, meaning upgrading is cheaper, meaning crafters have a job still.
**[[Efficient Tinkering]] helps of course.
*[[Connected]] now gives 10% discount in NPC stores.
*[[Fell Off The Truck]] now gives 10% discount in the global store.
*Newbies now get starting gear.
*Stepping out of water instantly 'dries' you and removes the water penalties or bonuses related to water.
*The dying status removes itself properly.
*Inventory is now limited to 60, in part to combat lag. If you are at/over 60, you will find yourself unable to gain new items. Your collector will not collect, and you won't be able to buy from shops.
*Drop & /+gear/trash now offers full stack deleting.
*Wow, repeatattacks was a holy mess. I fixed several HUGE errors. Your repeatattack powers should now work way better. Try it out.
*Aura attacks (such as Slime Toss) no longer announce when they miss.
Happy Mother's Day!
*As a gift to the game for the holiday, in game mothers can now look forward to a chance of twins or triplets. Most births will be single still, but there is a small chance of twins, and a small chance of triplets.
*Go to your favorite training spot, type train, see those awesome new skills?! Those are crafting skills! Currently mechanical and electronics work(1 recipe each).
*You can modify what you make with awesome modifier recipes!
*We have two modifiers currently, poisoned, and basic spread.
*Combine with the weapon we have and you have options!
*But what do you use to make these? Not just creds! While you're fighting, you will gain salvage to assemble new things out of. Scavenging battle skill helps, as does crafting skill.
*Want your two free recipes? Go talk to the friendly gent in the zephyr nanite workshop.
*Crafting is in at early alpha level. Talk to workshop guy at zephyr craft area.
**Command is make.
*More recipes at the mall!
*Two new recipes.
*You can now exchange salvage, give 3 level 2 common mechanic salvage to joe
*Expendable craft items work great!
*Made it possible for base recipes and modifiers to adjust status strength/duration/chance AND expendable stat adjustmens.
*If you make a Heavy Energy Snack, it will restore more energy!
*If you make a Poisoned Light Melee, its poison won't last that long, since the light weapon is made to be fast.
*If you make a Poisoned Aerosol, it will be a heavy poison that lasts longer!
*Oh yea, fixed Lamie poison bite to not be negative.
*Oops, one more thing. Out of combat speed/regen is now 50% faster.
*Damage improvements now scale items that have regen or damage over time(+dam on a poisoned aerosol, yes please)
*More recipes!
*Children appear without strange sex change messages, and without machinegunners being mentioned.
*AI now understands custom made items and can use them properly.
*Custom made items appear in your active power list.
*Custom power modifiers now have seperate ally and enemy statuses. Poisoned is useful on stuff that affects allies!
*Expendable Custom items now obey targetting and can only affect enemies/allies properly.
*Expendable Custom items now have AoE code.
*Custom items properly take up Upkeep and Loadout.
*Phew, ok, ATB given a serious optimization and now uses a lot less CPU time getting the same job done, yay!
*Fixed severe underlying bugs with repeatattacks.
*Uncommon loot is now possible at the end of instances.
*Added support for global procs that affect all your powers.
*Used support for item summons, so if you summon something with a modifier, the modifiers will apply to the powers the summon uses.
*Combat speed improved!
*Increased odds of uncommon loot from instance completion.
*Added awesome colors to instance maps so you know where you've been.
*Subscribed players now have +10 item allowance(70) while subscribed.
*Misc. bugfixes.
*AI should work better for custom items(use the name you picked).
*Also, you forgot to mention +pj #loot implemented!
*Major debug on DoTs. DoTs were ignoring resistance, now they don't. DoTs from dead/wierd things should also stop happening.
*More recipes!
*The survivalists have a recipe for you, for sale.
*You know all those parts you've been bringing to Rod? Well he figured out something to make with them all!
*You can now role (combat skill) to quickly swap out your roles to focus on the named skill.
*Players can be skipped with 'pass' if over 2 minutes idle.
*String parsing now supports time of day.
**<nowiki>[if time is day]</nowiki>Look at that sun!<nowiki>[end if]</nowiki>
**<nowiki>[if time is evening]</nowiki>The sky is becoming soft swirls of red.<nowiki>[end if]</nowiki>
*Supports day, night, evening, morning, and afternoon
*You can also specify a not time:
**<nowiki>[if time is not morning]</nowiki>The cookies don't look freshly baked, darn.<nowiki>[end if]</nowiki>
*Added several new recipes and scattered them over the grid.
*The library is now a recipe source with several for sale.
*Craft items should accept upgrades properly.
*Minor improvements on the battle assistant, more to come on that soon I think.
*Your energy recovery now increases automatically with levels.
*Vitality revised, you can unmaster it for free(and will want to, to retrain it with valid improvements)
*You can now craft items with more than one modifier, make light melee=poisoned,heavy
*While mentored down in level, your lost xp will be turned into freecred.
More recipes!
*If your recharge falls below 0(due to debuffs), it will extend the recharge of fired powers by a percentage equal to the current negative amount at time of use.
*Before, -50 recharge meant double recharge time, -100 would be capped to -80, then cause FIVE TIMES the normal recharge time.
**-50 recharge means 50% more recharge time.
**-100 recharge means 100% more recharge time
**-200 recharge means 200% more recharge time.
*If you idle mid combat, you will eventually go automatic on your own.
*Many optimizations, thank you Hinoserm for helping out!
*Yes, we did get a whole new city, Woodfield, a human centric city with lots of fun humanesque transformations ranging from commando, amazon onwards towards elves and undead.
*We also got a new faction, Rsx Solutions
*We also got a new dedication, Rsx Operative.
*Wait, there's more. You now choose your faction ties at the end of chargen.
*I'm not done, because now you can +rpinfo dedications!
*You know that kid object you have? You can turn those into players with the Youth Liberation Device now available at your local elite store!
*+haz will show you mutant info in your current area, and provide 'audible' warnings when *Changing zones (which can be turned off with +haz mute).
*+mut will show you what mutations you or your pet (or anyone, with Xeno 2) has.
*+who now shows faction.
*Groups now have new perks available to increase the crafting abilities of their members.
*Implemented AreaBlock, which lets tanks reduce the AoE damage taken by team mates.
*Added AreaBlock status to Front Row Role, making it more awesome for tanks.
*Returndamage is now calculated BEFORE resists, making it much more effective.
*There is now a 'target' command. While you have a target, it is used as a target for any power you use that doesn't have a target specified, this includes AI chosen actions. Enjoy!
*You can now customize your avatar on the web page with eyes and mouths!
*Recipes now show more intelligently in +rpinfo, no more cut off salvage.
*Significant changes to Knockdown! It can now delay powers that are already being charged, and only the largest knockdown applies if a target gets hit with it multiple times before its next turn.
*Colored group and faction chat, made to resemble public channels
*Group crafting masteries are now prompted for level to use
*Can't talk or check while dead
*+pj uses cred instead of gil
*Scrubbers to clean up old effects should result in increased game speed
*Spoof #show to see who's spoofing
*Fleeing now uses true level when mentored down
*Sticky modifier uses less loadout
*Nuku now added beautiful colours to Faction and Group chat
*Also he added this nifty new feature: +census request
*Added a background process that will look for and scrub out " plaque builds up in your ATB *directory with tons of old, expired, statuses just lazing around." Which he stated slows things *down, so there should be a noticeable improvement in combat.
*+pj now says freecred instead of gil
*You can no longer talk/check while dead.
*New command, commend. Type commend (critter) to say you really like a critter. It can get the author more rewards!
*New donation options (recurring subscriptions)
*Role Removal for 5 mako
*AOE Change: Each additional splash target of an enemy AOE will receive a cumultive accuracy penalty. It will hit as many targets as possible until accuracy goes negative. The penalty applied is reduced by the rank of AoE on power/item. This does not affect toggles, grenades or Ally AOE
*Can chargen from web now
*Doing Target on a creature now makes your pets also target.
*Crafting: charge reduced on [[Light Melee]] items
*Crafting: [[All Natural]] now gives a bonus to custom crafted items.
*Crafting: Upkeep was incorrectly calculated on some crafted items
*Crafting: [[Poisoned]] modifier was changed to deal "Poisoned Energydamage". Rumor is poisoned pierces some DR, but not clarified.
*Crafting: Aerosol statusmag increased to +100%
*Crafting: Salvage cost miscalculation bugfix
*Bugfix:Glance now recognizes "[[Looks Human]]" perk
*Bugfix: A bug that caused very inconsistent freecred gain in groups
*Bugfix: Big Nasty combat bug fixed (unknown this is what Nuku called it)
*Several new creatures added to map ([[Tarragon]], [[Crested Wyvern]], [[Farm Hen]])
*Monsters have an additional 30% energymod (not a change but something Nuku clarified)
*Nuku fixed a bug with factions being required for judge created NPCs that were locking up combat. Solved simply by setting a different faction for the than default.
*DoTs now obey the 20% maximum reduction rule.
*XP>Freecred conversion rate significantly increased when xp capped
*Crafting: [[Subtle]] recipe added to game
*Science channel added for theorycrafting
*Attack drone upgraded (this is the template used for children)
*Readiness buffed
*Softcaps on resists at 50% and 75% removed
*Mission debugging turned on. Shows kill credit percent at end of mission. Need 33% kill credit to get a roll. Credit is granted if you get xp for a kill. (AFAIK no changes except for debug messages, but lots of new info)
*Work in progress: Patrols for webgrinding interface.
*XP/Freecred group contributions wiped if you switch groups.
*Pets should get proper genital sizes everytime
*Buff stacking changed. Can't have two powers of same name in effects. If I [[Howl|howl]] and you howl yourself, you get the better duration and better magnitude of the two but not both. Item stacking isn't affected since they have different accessory slot numbers.
*[[Nano Fine Tuner]] added to mako shop
*Mutation priority changed, female mutations should prefer to remove male parts and vice versa
*A bug was fixed for [[Kangaroo|kangaroos]], they can now breed despite oversizedness in either direction.
*DoT obeys damagebuff
*NPCs heal more often, use nurse less often (10 rounds)
*[[Controlled Burst]] now has roles (+rpinfo controlled burst)
*Commend now works on infection name or critter name.
*[[Pounce]] defense bug fixed
*[[Ink Cloud]] cooldown upgrade fixed (Also note ink cloud was changed to a buff at some point, not previously documented in change log)
*Children now take 5 upkeep
*Children split reflected buffs, so if you have 2 children out your armor will now be half value for each.
*Returned damage is now capped at your own max hp
*[[Anole]] icon added to web
*Multi-roo pet exploit removed
*Rest now works at 0 energy
*[[Slime Toss]] energy cost raised
*[[Enduring Minions]] reduced in effectiveness
*Death scripts on creatures won't activate if you're over 5 levels under them (no quest credit)
*AI now uses buffs better.
*Web combat has had some pretty major changes. I don't understand them all so hope I get it right:
**Web-combat now follows your location correctly
**Web battle actually obeys your commands, and waits for you to make a move in manual mode
**Gives combat summary at end of combat now (an accuracy bug was also fixed on this)
**Fixes to targetting on the web battler
**If you're in an invalid zone, the page just tells you that you found nothing
*Can perk kill 2 perks for free now.
*Enduring Minions fixed to match the new numbers reliably.
*Looks Human perk now displays breasts/pregnancy. It also sounds human when they talk
*Mission command now lists the instance you will go to.
*Kids now have birthdays. Future births will assign it. Previously born kids will get a birthday the first time they are summoned to the current day.
*Creatures should spawn with full hp
*[[Converter]] no longer works on summons
*+Mako/smell added for custom smells
*<nowiki>[Public]</nowiki> Nuku says, "By demand, there are now benches, and even a fountain, at the new dawn crossroads."
*+Mut now shows groin instead of cock
*Loadout/upkeep now shown in equip listing
*Loadout calculation on crafted items fixed. Before it did integer math that caused large rounding errors.
*Deep healing mutant power added (male version of lactaid) but not placed on any creatures yet.
*[[Kangaroo (dedication)|Roo]] recognizes if you were once a roo and lets you use teat without retesting; Easier rededication.
*[[Cock Slap]] added to two creatures.
*[[Centaurs]] have been relocated
*[[Liberated Youth]] inherit childs birthdate
*Powers rebalanced. Almost all offensive powers have been changed. See normalization thread for details, I won't go into any more detail her.
*Fixative should give a message if they wear off mid fight
*AI updated, it shouldn't keep re-summoning kids/pets that are already there
*Training should now be 'quiet' and not alert the room. (All but epic)
*DoT ticks in combat should now use their customized name, if applicable
*[[Nanite Adept|Adepts]] who shift should now do so quietly for the rest of the room, it will be a single summary line now.
*+help bodypart powers added
*Consuming boss vials now causes a prompt to be sure.
*All Natural now gives +3 loadout every 3 levels
*Pets/children should now appear with all toggles -ON-.
*PET SCALING ADJUSTMENT: If you have 1, just 1, pet, it will not lose a level.
*[[Born Leader]] perk added
*If you @force a pet who is stuck at a prompt, it will now LEAP TO ACTION. A: It tells you what program it's stuck in. B: Gives you the option to terminate the program."
*Builder: It is now possible to give critters custom AI, making them use powers under specific circumstances, talk to the room, pose, and otherwise act organically."
*Builder: Rooms can now be disabled for riding
*Builder: A monster can now be set with a 'spawn time' property. It string parses. If the string parse returns 1, it can spawn otherwise it won't."
*[[Crafting]]: Recipe Shop added to woodfield
*Crafting: Make menu system reordered to be more sensible and provide a summary yes/no prompt
*Crafting: Craft Upgrade has been revamped. Now only items that actually CAN be upgraded will display.
*Mutant power upgrades removed from all players. Mako for innates refunded. (Training is still free temporarily)
*[[Tumble]] is now on [[Rubber Balls]]
*[[Costume Slip]] is now on [[Cat Girl|Gat Girls]]
*New mutant power: [[Scent of Victory]] (added to [[Skunk Girl]]/[[Mutated Brute]])
*Faction command disabled
*[[Grenade Launcher]] improved
*[[Heavy Beam]] improved
*[[Fast]] modifier created
*Spam of 'use power while auto' fixed
*Defense mechanic reworked. See Nuku's post.
*Grenade Launcher buffed (again)
*[[Banner]], Fast and [[Thunderous]] recipes added to Jacks Hardware
*Defensive resistance now applies to DoT magnitudes.
*[[Deep Healing]] placed on [[Clydesdale Stud]]
*Debuffclear powers should be more effective against dots ([[Purr]], [[Cleansing Milk]], and [[Morning Song]] all changed)
*[[Woodfield]] overworld map added
*Consignment Shop added in Prommie lands
*Home renovation kit added to Jack's hardware. Allows you to redesc rooms.
*Can "home" more then once an hour. It will cost 100*levelscale freecred to do it while on cooldown
*Help convert added (helpfile is new, command is old)
*[[Pack Loyalty]], [[Leap]] and [[Quill Wag]] significantly changed
*Effects duration is no longer refreshed by powers/items with weaker mag. (Skins/armor weren't descaling when mentored down)
*Knockdown is now affected by dodgeresist
*[[Flame Bearer]] now gives its salvage bonus to uncommon instance chance and +pj salvage checks
*+request has new categories, and lost some ones that made no sense
*+census faction added
*The pet summon AI bug is laid to rest.
*Nanite presence has appeared in [[Point Zero]]. Scientists are accepting donations to research it.
*New item, [[Nanite Funnel]] causes you to share your infections with the target victim."
*DoTs are now much more reliably removed when the critter dies."
*[[Strategist]] role added
*Folks who are OOC or IDL set will NOT receive +pj rewards
*Infection lab volunteer opportunities fixed
*+haz now reports if there's a PSAS unit in the area.
*+lotto is now functional"
*[[Uber Fox]] dedication added
*Wi flags added: No Combat, Science, Submissive, Dominant
*Smell should now omit the gender part of species
*[[Forgetful Nibble]] added
*New power building options. Target notuser added (hits allies except caster) and secondary target effects added.
*[[Reconstruct]] replaces cure for [[Nanite Adept]].
*"f who" now only shows online people (faction)
*Dying statuses should fall off
*Forest changes: the [[Giant Bat]] will only spawn at night, the [[Fox Boy|foxes]] and [[Bunny Boy|bunnies]] will not spawn at night or evening, and the [[Ebony Raven|raven]] will not spawn at night or in the morning. Female snow leopardtaur and wolfen predator will spawn at all times of the day.
*Penelope added to RSX for quest offering
*New creatures on grid: [[Wolfen Predator]], [[Fox Girl]], [[Kobold Herm]], [[Hair-Bound Woman]], [[Cerberus Herm]], [[White Unicorn Mare]], [[Plump Tigress]].
*New mutant powers: [[Perplex]], [[Terrible Pun]], [[Trivia]] (dunno if placed)
*[[Arena Champion]] role added
*Ian The Shark has higher bets available
*The web page now obeys private areas.
*Funnels no longer give total badges
*AoE Powers that use Breasts as its AoE modifier have had the base AoE increased to 2.
*Powers that use Cocks as its AoE modifier may work the same way. Testing needed.
*Promothean church is partially open (nonbosses).
*AoE on non-AOE powers is now AOE+2 targets.
*[[Health Snack]] recipe created (not placed)
*Disabled quest/xp/creds/rewards for parties over 8. (Pets don't count)
*Freecred rewards from earning badges is now capped at 5000 each.
*Overworld locations can now be jumped to directly by using their respective #.
*Nanopacks are now available in the Mako Store to increase your inventory capacity. They require a small but constant supply of Mako Batteries to maintain functionality.
*There is now an interface for buying and selling mako from other players. +mako/list to see what offers are currently available, and +mako/buy or +mako/sell to set your own. Note that you can only have one (of each?) up at a time.
*Items can no longer be created using more than one of a single modifier.
*Items can be used in web combat.
*Clicking the question mark next to powers in web combat now works.
*+Reward funnels fixed for caps.
*Fast fixed.
*Many new craft modifiers entered, but not yet placed.
*Several new web missions to play!
*Negative Energymod now scales mildly with level to keep it competitive with the scaling recovery rates.
*+Census freecred shows new info.
*Web: Using web combat resets your idle time.
*Web: Web fights should now do turns correctly.
*Web: Using the travel button on the page now costs 2 patrols, instead of draining your patrols to 0.
*[[Parthenogenesis Enabler]], [[Nanite Carnal Equalizer]] and [[Nanopacks]] added to mako shop
*Mako batteries now come in packs of 4, by popular demand
*Wiki now has a new URL, +url is updated.
*[[Breast Pump]] now resists breast size reduction when going human
*Consignment shop listings appearance improved.
*Infection vials should now, again, give badges
* [[Erotic Dance]] power created and added to [[Busty Succubus]], [[Zombie Stripper]] and [[Knockout Mouse]].
* Tutor command now displays who among your students is online.
* [[Nanite Adept (dedication)|Nanite Adept]] shift command now sorts available forms by gender.
* Marketing Kit, 3 mako item, allows you to scrawl a message in a room.  Lasts one week.
* [[Rogue]] role added.
* Terminal now highlights creatures you have the Total badge for.
* [[Nanite Buffer]] recipe added to Jack's Hardware.
* [[Giant Size]] power created, associated with the [[Kaiju (dedication)|Kaiju]] dedication that is allegedly available on Monster Island in the ocean.
* New power type! +HP: Adds 10 HP.
** It will trigger healing, without making AI handle it as a heal.
** It's a type, you either have it or don't
** Rest was modified to be: Energy Recovery, Self, +HP
** Energy Recovery triggers a special AI hook.
*** So did 'Heal'.
*** Heal was making it behave poorly.
* Damaged: Hotel Oblivion is fixed. It will no longer set your danger/pheromone levels too high. Players that had this bug have been fixed too.
* Hinoserm: Fixed an issue in server code that caused the game to crash repeatedly. This was due to running into stack space limits from a recursive MPI program.
** "Cron" inherited a system limit from an unknown proccess after a crash forced the server to restart. As a result it set the stack limit to 4000.
*** > grsec: From xx.xx.xxx.xxx: denied resource overstep by requesting 8790016 for RLIMIT_STACK against limit 8388608 for /home/nuku/fs/game/protomuck<nowiki>[protomuck:1559]</nowiki>

Revision as of 11:27, 2 November 2024

Nuku smoothly says, "* Credits that is, not actual vials."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Issues with Diya's defeat not completing the quest fixed. Those who still have the quest in their quest log can talk to Diya outside of his cottage to get the quest completion checked off. Also, Diya can now take you to the dojo again through dialogue prompts."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "No longer required to have the Weapon Master badge in order to get Diya to take you to the Dojo to get the very same required badge. That was silly."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "+help Skills and Proficiences given a minor update to clarify and remove an erroneous statement at the end."

Nuku smoothly says, "Raising proficiencies past their training level is no longer token free."

eWrecked Glitch throatily barks, "+coyote and +adept codes have been merged in the background. This shouldn't really change anything in the foreground, overall. Also, minor fixes made to the code, changing how messages should display, relying on the same 'infect' code that exists in the shift command and all other commands that deal with shifting. This should fix errors in stringparsing in transformation messages used by these two commands."

Judgment Alceris predicts, "Having your mass manipulated now applies its effects even if you're not currently carrying a Nanite Mass Manipulator. It was pretty useless for Coyotes before."

Nuku smoothly says, "Top Tier merit removed. Your points are already refunded, enjoy!"

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "Rejoice. We've decided to remove the TopTier flag from all recipes. Crafting just got a lil' simpler."

Nuku smoothly says, "Top Tier Crafts returned. If you had it before, you still have it."

eWrecked Glitch throatily barks, "Violence flag re-established into wi as vio."

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "removed a stray power upgrade on mechanical drones for a power they no longer have."

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "Flurry combat skill removed from Slasher Bot, since that got removed from the game ages ago."

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "( Also since none of their attacks are repeats )"

Nuku smoothly says, "Gave birth in the future? This will now fix itself, hirrah!"

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "Slasher Bot has been given some love, since it was lagging behind. Full stats they get now:"

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "/Minions/SlasherDrone#/1:Damage:1"

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "/Minions/SlasherDrone#/2:Sacrificial Fury:2"

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "/Minions/SlasherDrone#/3:Speed:2"

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "Penetration:2, Bleeding:3, Reactive:2, Controlled Burst:3"

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "Auto Cleave with a Damage of 5, Auto Slash with a damage of 5, Robotic Systems giving them 10 damagebuff, 1 attack, and 10 accuracy"

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "This is a test message, please ignore."

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "This is another test message, please ignore."

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "Adept command now *correctly* checks if you're actually, y'know. An adept."

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "Adept bodypart shifting now correctly requires the Carnal Equalizer instead of the Spatial Recalculator"

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Several fixes made to the +coyote command, giving it at least soem functionality. Please report any bugs you notice as it's an ongoing process to fix!"

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "Selective Breeder no longer crashes the impreg function if you don't have every single prop it's looking for set."

Mostly Retired Fauna wantonly purrs, "Something we should've mentioned on the 17th. If you've got a Spatial Recalculator and would like it refunded, just pop up a request. We're not about to force you to keep an item if its functionality changes ( even if the functionality wasn't meant to be there )."

Full archive of updates can be found in the Multiplayer Updates Archive