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Revision as of 04:51, 7 May 2014

Horse-Hung Nerd

Location: College Campus
Level: ?
HP: 45
Damage: 8
Target Gender: Male
Endings?: *

Flag Categories

Flags: Guy, Furry


Heat?: No

Danger Level: ?, Typical Environment: Campus


A tall and pretty slender guy comes into your line of sight on the campus grounds, some distance ahead of you. Dressed in tight jeans and a t-shirt, your first impression of him says human, though as he walks closer to you with swaggering steps, you do notice some qualities that show at least a partial infection with some strain of the nanites. He’s got hooves, for example, as well as pointed and very mobile horse’s ears. The young man’s hair might be called a mane and seems to have been part of the transformation too. And finally, as your eyes wander lower again, you spot something that’s definitively not human - as he’s got a pretty big bulge in his pants and the outline of an enormous schlong of a cock is visible stuffed down one of his pants legs.

 Coming to stand before you with his hands on his hips, the slender guy strikes a boastful 

stance, presenting his chest as if demanding that you read the inscription printed on it - “My brain isn’t the only thing that’s big.” In a haughty voice, he says “Hey there baby. Haven’t seen you around here before. I’m Clyde Kaskell.” He waits a second, then continues with an undertone of annoyance in his voice, “...THE Clyde Kaskell, you know? Winner of the McUldridge Excellency Award last year? Certified genius here?” Having never heard about that before, you give him a nod to acknowledge his achievement, which leaves Clyde well short of whatever reaction he was hoping for.

 “Hmpf - I bet you couldn’t even understand a word of my research project in bioengineering 

that got me the prize.” He mumbles under his breath “All those imbeciles around here,” then looks at you with a piercing glare and starts to rub his crotch. “I’ll show you what I can do! When all this chaos started, I was smart enough to isolate just what I wanted and improve my body - without suffering a creeping degeneration of my intellect like all those sheep stumbling through the city. Here -” With that, he undoes his zipper and pushes his pants down his hips, freeing the enormous horsecock he had packed away and letting it swing before you. Under the equine manhood, a full and heavy pair of balls dangle, showing that he’ll be able to come like a horse too.

 Shouting the words “If you’re too stupid to recognize my genius, you’ll have to worship my 

cock instead!”, Clyde throws himself on you, clearly wanting to force the issue.


Loss/Submission results in Horseman Infection.