Pit Bull

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Pit Bull

Location: Junkyard
Level: 3
HP: 30
Damage: 7
Loot: Dirty Water
Target Gender: Female
Alt Combat?: Yes
Endings?: Yes

Flag Categories

Flags: Girl, Furry


Heat?: No

Author- Ilovecock

Danger Level: 3, Typical Environment: Junkyard

Appearance: Male

You run into what looks to be a fairly muscled canine. The male growls deeply, adorned unkempt and dirty attire, he makes it clear that you've encroached upon his territory. His transparently fiery temperament ill-equipped to abide such a trespass, he lunges forward to attack!

Appearance: Female

You run into what looks to be a fairly muscled canine. The female growls deeply, adorned unkempt and dirty attire, she makes it clear that you've encroached upon her territory. Her transparently fiery temperament ill-equipped to abide such a trespass, she lunges forward to attack!


  • Gender Adaptive: If a player is blocking either the Guy or Girl flags, then that form will be removed. If both are blocked, they will auto-remove themselves from the game after the first sighting. Players warding against one or the other will only encounter that gender only while hunting and only 1/3rd of the time.
  • Drops dirty water.


Author- https://github.com/Nuku/Flexible-Survival/tree/master/Guest%20Writers

Creature- https://github.com/Nuku/Flexible-Survival/blob/master/Guest%20Writers/Pit%20Bull%20For%20FS.i7x