Author- Stripes
The concession stand is run by a human woman called Cindy. Despite all the infected creatures out on the beach and coming up to her little restaurant, she seems completely uninfected. She's wearing what you can tell is a rather skimpy two-piece bikini under a white t-shirt emblazoned with the 'Sunny Snacks' name and sun-logo. She's got curly black hair, brown eyes and a olive skin. She has a Grecian look to her beautiful face and appears to be in her mid-twenties. By no means fat, she does look like she's put on a few pounds, though she carries it well.
1. Sunny Snacks
Head down the stairs of the beach and head northeast to find Sunny Snacks.
2. Getting to Know You
This portion of her content can be either take a long time or a short time depending on the person. You need to talk to her often and witness as many of her minor events as you can. After you have seen these random events leave the beach nav area, any other place will do and then return to the beach.
3. Clash of The Beaches
Coming down the steps to the beach you will see a squad of spartan warriors attacking the beach patrons, with Cindy attempting to fight them off. You are presented with the option to try and help or to run away. Choosing to help her leads to scene where she will transform some of the spartan warriors into sows, and you will learn her true name.
4. Witches Gone Wild
You now have access to her sexually if you so choose, if you decide not to instead she will reward you with a few cans of soda and offers sex later. Also her name and talk menus get an overhaul as she explains things from her "true" perspective.
So far Cindy has no interactions with any other NPCs.
As of yet Cindy is not infectious.
- She also has a menu you may order from:
Soda pop - 75 freecreds Chips - 75 freecreds Hot Dog - 120 freecreds French Fries - 120 freecreds Ice Cream Sundae- 150 freecreds
- There is a random selection on the quality of the items you purchase from her.
- While seemingly uninfected her libido is in overdrive and does appear to be a nymphomaniac, however she can become violent at worst and angered at best by men making the first move.
- She does not own nor did she ever work at sunny snacks before the nanite plague.
Ideas of Potential Growth
To be added later
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