Anime Babe (SP)

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Anime Babe (SP)

Location: College Campus
Level: 9
HP: 63
Damage: 8
Target Gender: Female
Alt Combat?: Yes
Endings?: Yes*

Flag Categories

Flags: Girl


Heat?: No

Author- Stripes

Danger Level: 9, Typical Environment: Campus


You find yourself facing off with a cartoonishly proportioned woman. Her body is covered in shiny, perfectly smooth, tan skin, looking exactly the same in any light. Her head is fairly large in proportion to her body and has long, blue hair. Her face has a small, near invisible nose and gargantuan, shining eyes that are very expressive. Her body is rail thin without any visible body fat or apparent room for most of her vital organs. When at rest, no part of her seems to move at all. Her arms are exceptionally scrawny, almost skeletal. Her elbows are extremely angular, and her hands are quite dainty. Her legs are disproportionately lengthy, making up a full two thirds of her height. Each is extremely slender, tapering down to feet so small it's a wonder she can stand. The girl is dressed in a small shirt and short skirt, much like a Japanese school girl outfit. This [one of]pink[or]white[or]blue[at random] shirt does little to cover her plump breasts. To go with her large bosom, she has a tight little ass, and constantly seem to be bending over to give you a clear view of either those lovely jugs or her pert bottom. She giggles and says something which sounds Japanese, full of "Desu", "Kawaii" and "Keki". She runs towards you, breasts swaying as holds her arms up at her sides.


  • This is an import of the Anime Babe from the multi-player game.
  • Tentacular Attraction: The Anime Babe form is particularly vulnerable to tentacle attack from the Parasitic Plant, Tentacle Horror, Cerberus and Squid. This applies to a player with these cock infections as well when fighting an Anime Babe. Characters with that cock infection will automatically engage in the victory sex scene rather than being given an option, and it will count as another exposure to that infection type with the standard chance for collecting nanites if the character has an equipped Nanite Collector.
  • Endings: The Anime Babe endings are influenced both by player gender and by whether the player is pure (100% infected) or not.
  • Drops the sticky sushi.
  • Alt-Combat: Anime Hammer- a special hammer attack that does double damage.


