User talk:Ketsueki

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Revision as of 00:30, 24 April 2020 by Ketsueki (talk | contribs) (Goals and possible conflicts with hopeful conflict avoidance...)
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I'm still trying to figure out how I fit within the world others have written long before me. I might have even avoided this in the past because the perceived main themes don't quite mesh with my true self.

I'm just me. The idealized form of me is my Fursona, Ketsueki. Ketsueki is what I'd be in any other realm if I were my true self there. Part of coping with the issue of time passing in multiple places while I'm stuck IRL has always been some knowledge that they aren't in the only universe. In less strictly in-character places this has been just knowing that IRL exists and that this is another face of my singular existence. In more in character places I tend to just ignore the past in one way or another. Frequently that includes either not having memories of the past, or knowing that there's something, but it's not of this current world and others just don't like talking about it very much.

Major (mechanical) things I'm trying to figure out on this MUCK:

  • Control (of my form), making my outward self look like the me that is my true form Ketsueki as I am on IRCs, Tapestries and F-chat, etc
    • Having exact control of the size and shape of my body and parts
      • Vixen Nurse (SP) wasn't quite me, but was the closet one to me (so I picked that PREPACKAGE )
      • Roughly 'anthro' height (I assume this to be about 2- meters)
      • Very modest (but still normally-ish sized) sexual parts
    • Having parts that look like the anthro fox I have in mind
      • Canine male parts, more human-like female parts (but not weird cut and paste, more natural)
    • Some uncertainty of parts based on better fitting the needs of a given moment or place
      • How many digits / fingers do I have?
      • Are some of those male parts internal?
      • Am I in a rarer all M or F mode?
  • "Battle", I don't want to use guns or hurt others, not even NPCs.
    • I want to enjoy the flavortext of submitting to them...
    • However I want a more "succubus" like ending, where I acquire a 'sample' in some controlled way and in the process sate their desires. With the lore/story focusing on doing this in the hope that it allows the rampant insanity regressing them to primal urges to recede far enough that they 're awaken'.
      • I'm not sure how this would work with the current game mechanics, is it possible some kind of flirting/tease/sex based "weapon attacks"? Or would that contradict my do no harm self-mandate?
      • I do want to "catch them all", and wouldn't mind using that power to help others express their true selves as part of interacting with users... Just not via unbirth. Given my own fetishes this might take the form of either controlling nanites that completely encase them in Latex bondage, or (if they're more in to this) an egg of Latex?

The following links seem close to, but not quite exactly, what I want. I could use more help/suggestions.

  • Nanite Adept (dedication) seems to have a LOT of self control, and the most Wiki documentation... I'm not sure what the other dedications offer, just that the Wiki is frequently incomplete.
  • Kitsune (dedication) I love foxes, I love being a fox, might be this more than just Fox (dedication) (seems battle focused) or Kangaroo (dedication) (pouches don't sound so nice).
  • Uber Fox (dedication) sounds closer to the succubus at a glance, but uses the powers for evil (like drain touch in KonoSuba is 'intended' to be used as).