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He seemed... serene, almost. Thoughtful in a unique kind of way, even as he sways his head and bobs in time with the beat, those large ears following behind. Soon, the fox's focus was broken, and his attention torn back into reality.  
He seemed... serene, almost. Thoughtful in a unique kind of way, even as he sways his head and bobs in time with the beat, those large ears following behind. Soon, the fox's focus was broken, and his attention torn back into reality.  
&quot;I don&#39;t feel anything.&quot; Otto shrugs &quot;But then again that&#39;s probably just me.&quot; he adds as he surveys the area. A sharp whistle parts his lips. &quot;Something big ripped through there.&quot; the fennec points his index finger straight at the loading dock door... or rather the hole there...</div><br> <br><div title="Narwen">Narwen sniffs at the air as the truck pulls to a stop. &quot;Okay, that&#39;s... interesting. Wonder if it&#39;s a small and weak bubble, or if we&#39;re on the edge of a real one?&quot; He hops down from the truck bed and stretches, working out the kinks. &quot;Also wonder what it did to the locals around here. Oh geez, yeah, speaking of,&quot; he says, following Otto&#39;s gesture. &quot;That does not look like a good time. So, uh, anyone got a better idea than rolling on up to the big hole? Maybe there&#39;s a, uh, non-monster-sized entrance.&quot;</div>
&quot;I don&#39;t feel anything.&quot; Otto shrugs &quot;But then again that&#39;s probably just me.&quot; he adds as he surveys the area. A sharp whistle parts his lips. &quot;Something big ripped through there.&quot; the fennec points his index finger straight at the loading dock door... or rather the hole there...</div><br> <br><div title="Narwen">Narwen sniffs at the air as the truck pulls to a stop. &quot;Okay, that&#39;s... interesting. Wonder if it&#39;s a small and weak bubble, or if we&#39;re on the edge of a real one?&quot; He hops down from the truck bed and stretches, working out the kinks. &quot;Also wonder what it did to the locals around here. Oh geez, yeah, speaking of,&quot; he says, following Otto&#39;s gesture. &quot;That does not look like a good time. So, uh, anyone got a better idea than rolling on up to the big hole? Maybe there&#39;s a, uh, non-monster-sized entrance.&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Pelle">Pelle steps out of the car &quot;well i can se the entrence is colapsed so thers no way in there, but i think i can get into the air and look at the siling or at the back, or just se how well the roof is holding&quot; she looks to where otto is ponting &quot;and im amased i dident se that&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Sensuen">Sensuen is rather paranoid at the prospect of dying so easily, she doesn&#39;t train combative skills too much, but if this place is abandoned there should be nothing to worry about right? Sen brought a few weapons just in case, but when they pull up to the place, there doesn&#39;t seem to be a gas station to go Home Alone on and turn into a sniper&#39;s nest anywhere around the place. Perhaps the building is fortifiable, but also perhaps Sen should learn how to make 2 part epoxy from her boobs already if she wants to make a habit of gluing broken glass to the inside of windowsills as a defensive measure. As the truck finally stops, the sea angel comes out of her line of thought, looking upon the building but seeing it as just a building, not very much special to it at all.</div><br> <br><div title="Ebreus">Ebreus watches the scenery go by as they ride out to the factory, not really doing much while they&#39;re freighted there. As the reach the new buble he perks up a bit. He steps out of the truck as it comes to a stop and looks over the building. When Otto points out the hole he walks around the truck to get a better look at it and hums a note as he examines the hole from a distance, &quot;That wasn&#39;t made by a truck... whatever did that used claws.&quot; he says. Looking to the skunkbeast he says, &quot;We could look for the main enterence... or I could strengthen the bubble and we could try to get to the roof but knowing the place is unstable it&#39;d be pretty dangerous.&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Zophah">Smithson stays back in the truck while everyone spreads out to look at the factory. Pelle&#39;s view of the roof while flying can see that there is a large cave-in at the factory&#39;s west wing, and the roof is dotted with air conditioners and machine vents.</div><br> <br><div title="Otto">&quot;I dunno about you, but I am going in for a scouting run.&quot; Otto declares nonchalantly and gives his gear a quick double-check. &quot;Wonder if I can scurry up the wall and find a way inside from the top. If there&#39;s a beastie in there, I&#39;d like to get the jump on it. I doubt anything that fat can hope to be agile.&quot; The fennec then promptly hops off the vehicle and casts his team a soft smile, zips up his laptop into his backpack and dashes off towards the side of the building.
Once he nears the wall most easily climbed, the nimble fox takes a jump and latches onto its side, those flexible, sturdy hands of his easily permitting him to grip even the tiniest of cracks and scale the side without the need for a ladder or anything of the sort. He huffs softly once he hits a dead end, the only way forward proving to be the second story window. From there, he deploys one of his wrist-hidden blades and jams it into the latch. It takes a few good stabs, but he manages to pry the window open, thankfully without causing too much-&quot;ACK!&quot;
The fox looks down as the window proving weaker than he&#39;d imagined. It slides right out of its frame, the glass falling and shattering on the concrete below. So much for that... but at least he was inside. Crawling up was a piece of cake, and the fox takes a moment to let his arms rest once inside. One could wonder what he beholds there...</div><br> <br><div title="Narwen">Narwen&#39;s nose twitches. &quot;Think I can smell something on the wind. Canine... husky, maybe? Guess that could be worse. Though I&#39;m not sure I want to run into a Kaiju husky even if they&#39;re friendly. Maybe especially if they&#39;re friendly.&quot; He watches Otto dash off into the building at speed, scrambling up the side and go halfway through a window, making enough clatter to wake the living. &quot;Well, they probably heard the truck coming anyway,&quot; he remarks, ambling warily towards the factory, heading roughly towards where Otto scaled the wall and looking for a ground-level entrance. &quot;Roof seems like a bad idea, at least for me. Don&#39;t want to collapse the place before we even get inside. Might be worth Pelle doing a bit of flying recon, if she feels it&#39;s safe.&quot;</div><br> <br><div title="Pelle">Pelle having spotted the big hole in the roof desids to take a closer look at it and flies down to the roof not landing fully on it and looks down into the hole the cave in made to see if she spots something inside</div><br> <br><div title="Sensuen">Sensuen looks to Narwen and says, &quot;Kaiju husky huh? I think I could take that . . . &quot; before she lets out a sigh and contiues, &quot;inside a bubble.&quot; but then the flash of motion caught her attention as Otto fells a window to make his way inside of the building. Sen plugs her ears with a couple of tentacles at the crash but can&#39;t quite figure out what to do, maybe grab her rifle and start loading it to cover people if this place isn&#39;t abandoned after all? Perhaps she could start digging pits to trap kaiju feral feet and/or legs in while she shoots them, though that&#39;s not a very sound plan given the range she&#39;d have to do it from.</div><br> <br><div title="Ebreus">Ebreus raises an eyebrow when Otto suggests climbing the building. He watches as he checks his equipment and then actually rushes off to do it. He scratches the back of his head as he wonders something. He sighs as Narwen makes his way toward the building and suppliments the existing bubble with his nanomagic and double checks his shotguns as he follows the large skunk into the building, keeping watch around them with with infrared vision.</div><br> <br><div title="Zophah">Otto finds themselves in a management office, everyhting covered in dust. the plant in the corner long since died from lack of water. The desk covered in various knicknacks from before P-day. Everyone else entering the building through the loading dock finds everything a mess, as some of the machenery and catwaklks have colapsed, causing the entire working floor to become a maze. Everything is completely silent...</div><br> <br><div title="Otto">&quot;Showtime.&quot; Otto whispers to himself as he primes two throwing blades in his hands, ready to turn the first thing that lunges at him into a bloodied knife holder. He blinks and covers his face, his sensitive nose reacting to the overabundance of dust, a sneeze coming on immediately, halted only thanks to the fox&#39;s paw coming to over that nose to squeeze and hold it back. His other hand moves into his pack to pull out a gas mask, already primed with a pair of standard air filters.
Flipping it onto his face, he takes a deep breath and adjusts the release valves to let just the right amount of air in, ensuring the protective glass covering his eyes won&#39;t get fogged up by his own breath. That done, he has a chance to look around. Even with the device on, his nose picks up the scents of husky, that is of heat and wet fur... well, that&#39;s what it reminded him of, at any rate. Rolling his eyes, Otto already draws a conclusion. This was some alpha husky&#39;s harem house now... whatever.
Blades in his hands once more, he advances carefully, taking his time so as to not fall in all this damnable shed fur... ick. Thank the stars his ears were yet uncovered, so he keeps them up and on alert, in case something horny decides his ass looked tasty, or maybe what lied on the other side. Who knew, who cared, they have a job to do.</div>

Revision as of 22:50, 1 April 2018





Camped at the entrance to the highway is a human male dressed in overalls wearing a Promethian illuminated helmet. He leans against the cab of what looks like a blue pickup truck and trailer. Quite a few panels of it look like they were eaten through by rust and nanites, but it looks very reliable. As everyone gathers he speaks: "For those who haven't seen me before I'm Smithson and I'll be driving you out to an abandoned solar panel manufacturing facility. Scouts say the place may be structurally unstable, so I expect everyone to be careful. Any questions?"

With a kick in his step and a smile on his face does Otto carry himself, twirling a stick he'd found along the way between his fingers as he bounces with glee and humms a tune. It was a good day, cloudy... but good. The full moon was out tonight, and he had plans with a certain lady friend of his... so why not do something to occupy his time, right? Well... the Prometheans weren't the sort to dispatch folks on missions, or such were his observations anyway. Now that something of theirs had finally popped up, Otto was rearing to get going. Hey, he had a faction to stick with, right? Imagine his surprise, though... when he spots Smithson of all people. "Smith?" Otto asks, a brow raised at the human. "Just one question, weren't you with Zephyr?"

"Hey Smithson," Narwen calls, waving a forepaw. "Hey Otto. Hey folks." The skunk beast steps up into the back of the pickup and settles down on the corrugated surface, saddlebags clinking. "Guess it's just us today? Hm, lessee. Any word of anyone or anything out there wanting to ruin our day? An' if, being wildly optimistic here, there do turn out to be a bunch of panels there, do we have anything bigger'n the pickup to haul them back?"

Pelle flies throw the sky over to where she herd the mission will start having made sure to stock up on ammo for most of her weapons. when she lands she gives a wave to all that stands there. "Hello all, and I hope things go well"

Sensuen walks up to the gathering upon the highway and the assembly of people around a blue pickup truck, though rusted and seemingly somewhat nanite eaten, the damage seems mostly cosmetic to her. Sen doesn't really bring too much gear a bow, a rifle, a spade and a canteen. A black newish messanger bag hanging off Sen's shoulder and is secured to her side holds some small things that she'll need for the trip including her stainless steel canteen that she's had since coming here.

Ebreus walks down the road toward the meetingplace and the familiar Promethean and his truck. The large Hellhound smiles to see he'll be working with Smithon again. "Hello Smithson, nice to see you again." he says and as he spies Otto and Narwen his grin grows a bit. He thinks for a moment as he's asked if he has questions, "Well. Anybody here have experience with structural engeneering? And anyone else here have nanomagic?" he asks looking over the group.

Smithson looks to Otto in confusion. "I've always been promethian. I just get hired out for Zephyr missions too because I'm one of the few people with a working truck." He then turns to Narwen, adding: "Other than the building itself there wasn't anything else reported by the scouts. And I have a trailer here to haul back anything we find. Anything else?"

"Well... nice to smell a lot of familiar scents." the fennec shrugs lightly as he hops into their transport, picking one of the back seats this time, though more such that he was able to pull out his laptop and browse his salvaged audio files. Before long, the beats of Daft Punk could be heard, something about being stronger, better, faster or something? It made little sense, but one had to admit, it was a catchy beat.

Giving the newly arrived agents a wave and a nod in greeting, Otto leans back in his seat and yawns widely, stretching out as he minimizes the music player and goes on to fiddle with his various weapons designs. For the most part... it was pretty common stuff, likely just commissions he'd received here or there...

"Yes, to both." he answers quietly and pulls out a flask, gives it a shake, then unscrews the lid. Whatever was in there must have been quite vile, by the looks of Otto's face once he has a sip of it. "Never gonna get used to that..." he mutters before re-pocketing it. "Good on ya, Smith. Think you can hook me up with a radio? I have this old junker rented and I want to install something to play music while we're on the road."

"Sweet." Narwen settles down for the ride, swapping a couple of notes with Ebreus.

Pelle nods to ebrsus as she gets into one of the empty seats of the car "no to the first ebreus and jest to the second"

Sensuen looks to the one leading them all and asks, "About this trailer, what if the things we find are too large or heavy for all of us to lift?" wondering where she might fit in the car, though she sees Pelle fitting in easily enough.

"I don't have a radio, just the comm. And I have tools for taking apart salvage if it gets too large for the trailer." Smithson finishes before getting in and starting the truck. Once everyone is on, and the group sets off on their mission. The trip out takes a few hours, and soon The truck drives into the target town. "You feel that? there's a nanite bubble here. It's weak, but that could account for the factory's structural instability. Speaking of which..." As Smithson said this, The truck pulls into the parking lot of the factory.

Jamming out to the beats all the while the trip lasts, Otto passes the time with his favorite pastime, relaxing. For the most part, he simply stares out the window and watches the terrain pass by, so used to the discomfort of leaving the bubble that it meant nothing to him anymore. With or without it, it made little to no difference, didn't it?

He seemed... serene, almost. Thoughtful in a unique kind of way, even as he sways his head and bobs in time with the beat, those large ears following behind. Soon, the fox's focus was broken, and his attention torn back into reality.

"I don't feel anything." Otto shrugs "But then again that's probably just me." he adds as he surveys the area. A sharp whistle parts his lips. "Something big ripped through there." the fennec points his index finger straight at the loading dock door... or rather the hole there...

Narwen sniffs at the air as the truck pulls to a stop. "Okay, that's... interesting. Wonder if it's a small and weak bubble, or if we're on the edge of a real one?" He hops down from the truck bed and stretches, working out the kinks. "Also wonder what it did to the locals around here. Oh geez, yeah, speaking of," he says, following Otto's gesture. "That does not look like a good time. So, uh, anyone got a better idea than rolling on up to the big hole? Maybe there's a, uh, non-monster-sized entrance."

Pelle steps out of the car "well i can se the entrence is colapsed so thers no way in there, but i think i can get into the air and look at the siling or at the back, or just se how well the roof is holding" she looks to where otto is ponting "and im amased i dident se that"

Sensuen is rather paranoid at the prospect of dying so easily, she doesn't train combative skills too much, but if this place is abandoned there should be nothing to worry about right? Sen brought a few weapons just in case, but when they pull up to the place, there doesn't seem to be a gas station to go Home Alone on and turn into a sniper's nest anywhere around the place. Perhaps the building is fortifiable, but also perhaps Sen should learn how to make 2 part epoxy from her boobs already if she wants to make a habit of gluing broken glass to the inside of windowsills as a defensive measure. As the truck finally stops, the sea angel comes out of her line of thought, looking upon the building but seeing it as just a building, not very much special to it at all.

Ebreus watches the scenery go by as they ride out to the factory, not really doing much while they're freighted there. As the reach the new buble he perks up a bit. He steps out of the truck as it comes to a stop and looks over the building. When Otto points out the hole he walks around the truck to get a better look at it and hums a note as he examines the hole from a distance, "That wasn't made by a truck... whatever did that used claws." he says. Looking to the skunkbeast he says, "We could look for the main enterence... or I could strengthen the bubble and we could try to get to the roof but knowing the place is unstable it'd be pretty dangerous."

Smithson stays back in the truck while everyone spreads out to look at the factory. Pelle's view of the roof while flying can see that there is a large cave-in at the factory's west wing, and the roof is dotted with air conditioners and machine vents.

"I dunno about you, but I am going in for a scouting run." Otto declares nonchalantly and gives his gear a quick double-check. "Wonder if I can scurry up the wall and find a way inside from the top. If there's a beastie in there, I'd like to get the jump on it. I doubt anything that fat can hope to be agile." The fennec then promptly hops off the vehicle and casts his team a soft smile, zips up his laptop into his backpack and dashes off towards the side of the building.

Once he nears the wall most easily climbed, the nimble fox takes a jump and latches onto its side, those flexible, sturdy hands of his easily permitting him to grip even the tiniest of cracks and scale the side without the need for a ladder or anything of the sort. He huffs softly once he hits a dead end, the only way forward proving to be the second story window. From there, he deploys one of his wrist-hidden blades and jams it into the latch. It takes a few good stabs, but he manages to pry the window open, thankfully without causing too much-"ACK!"

The fox looks down as the window proving weaker than he'd imagined. It slides right out of its frame, the glass falling and shattering on the concrete below. So much for that... but at least he was inside. Crawling up was a piece of cake, and the fox takes a moment to let his arms rest once inside. One could wonder what he beholds there...

Narwen's nose twitches. "Think I can smell something on the wind. Canine... husky, maybe? Guess that could be worse. Though I'm not sure I want to run into a Kaiju husky even if they're friendly. Maybe especially if they're friendly." He watches Otto dash off into the building at speed, scrambling up the side and go halfway through a window, making enough clatter to wake the living. "Well, they probably heard the truck coming anyway," he remarks, ambling warily towards the factory, heading roughly towards where Otto scaled the wall and looking for a ground-level entrance. "Roof seems like a bad idea, at least for me. Don't want to collapse the place before we even get inside. Might be worth Pelle doing a bit of flying recon, if she feels it's safe."

Pelle having spotted the big hole in the roof desids to take a closer look at it and flies down to the roof not landing fully on it and looks down into the hole the cave in made to see if she spots something inside

Sensuen looks to Narwen and says, "Kaiju husky huh? I think I could take that . . . " before she lets out a sigh and contiues, "inside a bubble." but then the flash of motion caught her attention as Otto fells a window to make his way inside of the building. Sen plugs her ears with a couple of tentacles at the crash but can't quite figure out what to do, maybe grab her rifle and start loading it to cover people if this place isn't abandoned after all? Perhaps she could start digging pits to trap kaiju feral feet and/or legs in while she shoots them, though that's not a very sound plan given the range she'd have to do it from.

Ebreus raises an eyebrow when Otto suggests climbing the building. He watches as he checks his equipment and then actually rushes off to do it. He scratches the back of his head as he wonders something. He sighs as Narwen makes his way toward the building and suppliments the existing bubble with his nanomagic and double checks his shotguns as he follows the large skunk into the building, keeping watch around them with with infrared vision.

Otto finds themselves in a management office, everyhting covered in dust. the plant in the corner long since died from lack of water. The desk covered in various knicknacks from before P-day. Everyone else entering the building through the loading dock finds everything a mess, as some of the machenery and catwaklks have colapsed, causing the entire working floor to become a maze. Everything is completely silent...

"Showtime." Otto whispers to himself as he primes two throwing blades in his hands, ready to turn the first thing that lunges at him into a bloodied knife holder. He blinks and covers his face, his sensitive nose reacting to the overabundance of dust, a sneeze coming on immediately, halted only thanks to the fox's paw coming to over that nose to squeeze and hold it back. His other hand moves into his pack to pull out a gas mask, already primed with a pair of standard air filters.

Flipping it onto his face, he takes a deep breath and adjusts the release valves to let just the right amount of air in, ensuring the protective glass covering his eyes won't get fogged up by his own breath. That done, he has a chance to look around. Even with the device on, his nose picks up the scents of husky, that is of heat and wet fur... well, that's what it reminded him of, at any rate. Rolling his eyes, Otto already draws a conclusion. This was some alpha husky's harem house now... whatever.

Blades in his hands once more, he advances carefully, taking his time so as to not fall in all this damnable shed fur... ick. Thank the stars his ears were yet uncovered, so he keeps them up and on alert, in case something horny decides his ass looked tasty, or maybe what lied on the other side. Who knew, who cared, they have a job to do.